(GxG)Forever in love, the seq...

By Psycopqth

14.4K 766 62

What's happening now after kaliana found her true mate Mabel and her real loving family. Kaliana needs a chan... More

chapter 1
AU- I made a boo boo
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11:

chapter 10

990 47 14
By Psycopqth

*kalianas pov*

A month later

"c'mon you can do better than that" I threw another punch towards mabel and she quickly dodged. I've still been having the pains from the scars and I've been still having the horrible episodes when trying to shift. Mabel sometimes gets me in time before it gets bad but once it gets to a certain point not even she can ease the pain.

I quickly dropped and spun my leg around causing mabel to fall to the ground with a thud and then I quickly jumped on top of her straddling her. One hand around her throat and my fist raised as if I was about to punch. "hows that?" I asked "better" she said with a grin she grabbed my wrist from near her throat and grabbed my fist that was in the air and then switched us around quickly so she was on top while she held my arms above my head. "hows that?" She said grinning.

"please, I know you like it when I'm on top" she leaned down to my ear and whispered "i think its hot, but you prefer it when I'm on top" she kissed my cheek and then stood up walking back towards the house. We've finally moved out of kris's house and into the big pack house, the first place that I lived with part of Kate and johns pack. All decorated, different rooms, the basement was cleared and all the important stuff was moved to the big library on the far end of the house.

I sat up and saw that mabel was already by the house heading in "shit" I got another shooting pain through my chest and clutched onto it.

I still haven't been able to shift and addilyn said the possibility of it being mars is a big fat zero since she's dead. Me and mabel have been coming out everyday and sparring for an hour or so I can try to get my strength up a little.

I walked back to the house and went into the kitchen to get a drink standing at the sink was Alycia she moved into the house with kaytlin cause it is a lot better than her small apartment plus she is part of the pack. I don't exactly remember but I'm pretty sure I changed her because she wanted to fight with us and kill John and Kates pack.

"hey kaliana" she said as she put some dishes at the side that she just cleaned "hey, you know you don't need to do that i'll do it" I said walking up beside her and drying some of the dishes.

"no it's fine, I mean me doing this is the least I can do for you letting me live here" I just smile and nodded.

I think she's a bit nervous around me. I mean before she was my gym teacher in school and to her knowledge I was like everyone else. Then only to find out I'm around half of a millennia old and supposedly the only moon goddesses guardian meant to kill and torture to most vile and evil creature.

"you live here because your part of the pack, just like everyone else. A pack is a family, sometimes even more so than blood" we finished doing the dishes and Alycia was about to leave "hey did mabel say anything when she came in? She seemed to head off in a rush after our workout" I asked as I walked with her down the hall.

"she said that she was heading to her house to get the rest of her things to bring over" I thanked Alycia and told her if anyone asked just to say I would be back in a little bit.

I picked up a set of keys to a car that was parked outside and got in and headed to mabels, her car isn't the biggest so Im bringing the pickup truck we bought for the pack just incase anyone needs it. About twenty minutes later I pulled up to mabels house and saw her car wasn't parked outside, maybe she's not here yet. I pulled up and got out and headed into her house, the door was open anyway so I just walked in. She needs to learn to stop doing that because one day she going to get something stolen.

It was so empty now, mabel had a lot of stuff from over the years but everything was still so neat and tidy.

I mean she was still keeping the house it was just most of the things in it were coming to our new home. As I was sitting on the covered couch I heard the back door open and then close I hopped up heading to the back door. "mabel? Why are you coming through the back?" As I began walking toward her I started to feel another small episode come on "fuck" I grabbed my chest feeling my nails dig in and held onto a cabinet that was in the hall. "kal?" Mabel walked through and straight up to me. "whats wrong?" She asked as she hovered beside me but within a minute the pain slowly went away.

"are you ok now?" She asked as she placed her hand on my face "yeah, better now" I looked at her and saw that she must've gotten changed before she left the house earlier. "i thought you were coming to pick up the rest of your stuff to take to the house?" She just smiled and nodded "yeah I am just had to go check something" one sec she was looking at me with her dreamy green eyes and then the next she looked dazed and was looking at something else.

"i just need to go check something outside real quick, ill see you in a second princess" she gave me a kiss on the forehead and then rushed out. I stood waiting and saw a box that was packaged up so I picked it up and took it outside and put it in the bed of the truck. A second later I hear tires abasing the dirt, I turn to see mabel driving up in her car. What the hell?

She pulls up and gets out "hey, thought you would have went and had a rest after our workout" she said as she came up and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm so confused" I said taking a step back "how did you just pull up, you were literally in there two seconds ago and now you're pulling up in your car?" I felt an ache start to travel around my body because I could feel myself getting worked up. If my heart rate gets any higher im going to try and shift.

"what are you talking about? I haven't even been here yet, I was out getting coffee" she said pointing back showing where she just came from.

"no, you were in the house I showed up first and you came through the back and asked if I was ok when I was having an episode" I said feeling myself getting more and more anxious. Maybe whatever happening to me is starting to make me do other things, see other things.

I felt the pain get a bit worse and my breathing started to become a little uneven "hey its ok, maybe you just fell asleep for a minute" mabel said as she placed her hands on my shoulders and pull me into her. "no, I even brought out the box. You-you told me that you'd be back and that I should wait but I didn't and brought the box out" I pushed myself off of the and then lifted the box out showing her.

"i didn't fall asleep. You told me to wai- oh my god" I placed the box back in the truck and ran inside towards the back door. I looked at it and saw that the lock was busted "kaliana? I think we should maybe head back home" I turned to her and let out a growl and my vision changed so I could see with my guardian eyes.

Mabel looked different than everyone else when I look at people with my greyish eyes, her aura was warm and it would draw me in. I looked to the door and saw that it was a dark colour, a darker colour than usual for anyone who wasn't so good. I felt my eyes change back and I let out what sounded like a small whimper "it wasn't you" I said looking to her as I felt myself start to feel aching again.

"kaliana?" I leaned against the wall and began taking deep breathes to try and calm myself down "she called me princess" I said looking at mabel who was very confused. "i know it wasn't you because you don't call me princess" I felt my scars begin to have shooting pains again.

"the only person who Called me princess was mars" I said and that when a wave of excruciating pain washed over me and I fell to the ground. "when I thought it was you, I got called me princess".

"kaliana, she's dead. ok, she's gone" mabel said as she knelt down to try and hold me but I pushed her off. "but what if she's not! You and addilyn- you both think its just in my head" I rolled onto my back and felt my arm break. I let out a cry and a whimper, this hasn't happened usually its the pain and that's it.

"please come on let me help!" Mabel said raising her voice over my cry but I pushed her off. She's always been there to stop whatever happens after the pain, but I'm curious as to what will happen.

"get off!" I pushed her back a goof few feet making her fall into a wall at another side of the hall "kaliana!" I looked up and growled at her while she snarled at me with. Her eyes had changed colour and her fangs were out. "stay away from me!" I felt another snap and heard a pop. Mabel tried walking back over to me but I looked up to her and growled again seconds after I felt my teeth begin to grow in causing pains to run up my jaw.

And then it stopped.

I held myself up with my arm while my other one was played across my waist, the floor covered in sweat and tears and my vision slowly beginning to go back to normal. "why did it stop?" I said sitting up even more until my back was flat against the wall. "because your body can't handle it. You were already in so much pain just from one bone breaking and trying to reshape imagine all 206. It would take ages and more energy than you have right now" I looked to her and rolled my eyes.

"i can do it" I said to her as I was still trying to catch my breathe "no, you cant. You need to give it more time" she said giving me a sympathetic look. "i don't have time! The news that the guardian has fallen is probably travelling and soon this pack are going to have a lot more enemies than they can handle" I began to stand up stumbling but managing to get my balance.

"everyone in the pack are going to get weak because they're alpha is barely even an alpha. I've given it time mabel. We don't have anymore time so if that means I need to almost die just to shift so I can eventually get stronger, that's what I'm going to do" I walked out through the back door and headed into the forest.

"kaliana where are you going?" Mabel asked as she stood at the door waiting for me to turn back around. But I didn't I just spoke as I walked forward.

"if you really think its in my head, then that means I can change eventually and it shouldn't kill me" I sighed, stopped, and then popped my arm back into place. "and if not then we have a hellhound to find and kill".

I found a small space in between the tree's that was covered from trails so I wasn't visible and enough room so I couldn't hurt myself anymore than I need to.

"ok. Ive got this" I stood, eyes closed and all my focus was on trying to shift. Nothing. I opened one eye seeing if anything actually happened and I just didn't realise, but nothing did happen.

"ok think of, think of mars. The bullying, the lying, the torment, the pain" and then I started to feel it, it began with the scars like always and then ran its way through my body. The more pain that I felt the angrier I made myself, pushing my body through each pain barrier.


It was the same thing over the course of hours. I went through the pain and only a couple of bones would try and reshape and then it would stop and everything healed and I was back to square one.

It was beginning to get dark and I tried again, it was quicker the pain instead going from ache to excruciating, it just went straight to excruciating.

I knelt on the ground out of breathe and hit the ground as hard as I could. I could feel the ground shake after I hit it and saw the dirt surrounding me shake and jump up into the air.

"kaliana?" I turned and saw Gwen standing there. "hey, what are you doing here?" I asked her as I shakily got up from the ground.

"i just got back from England collecting some of my personal things to put into the house. Mabel told me to come tell you that dinner's almost ready and that you should come home" she said as she leaned against one of the surrounding trees.
"yeah I was just finishing up anyway. You want a ride back in the truck?" I asked her as I wiped some of the dirt off of me seeing that there was no use since I was basically covered in it.

"sure, I'm a bit jet lagged and my wolf is pretty tired" so we both walked through the forest and around mabels house and got into the truck.

"so how was going back to England after all this time?" I asked as I drove down joining up onto the main road.

"terrifying. I mean going back to my house it was weird I found another pack that I let take over the land and got all my stuff out of there. It should be here within the next couple of days. But I didn't like it, just to many memories" Im not surprised her family being killed in front of her at such a young age and being left all alone. At least for me I had no memory of it and I was later killed.

"well you don't need to worry anymore. You were gone for a while but I know that Carly got in contact and let you know that we had moved" I saw her nod and smile.

"yeah, that house is really big, bigger than kris's house. When I got there earlier they said I could pick whatever room was still empty" I glanced to her and saw that she was quite excited.

"yeah, that house is actually my old pack house. lukas, Carly, jess and me we all lived there before. But then we moved to kris's and then now were back again" we continued talking the rest of the car ride and said that she'd be going back to school after she gets all of her belongings sorted out.

We pulled up to the house and were met with mabel sitting on the steps staring at the truck "Gwen you head on inside and i'll meet you in there. I just need to talk to mabel" she just nodded and walked past mabel who gave her a small smile.

As I walked towards the steps mabel looked up to me and then stood up "you were away for a while" mabel looked a little annoyed and upset when she said that for some reason. "well it was going to take longer than five minutes" I was about to walk past her but she held onto my arm. "i felt it, not a lot but I could feel it come and go especially in the last few hours". I hurt her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd feel it" she shook her head and hugged me "its ok but I've never felt it before so I'm guessing it was pretty bad" she said still holding onto me. "yeah it really hurt. But I didn't make much progress and I know, I can feel that's it not me just getting in my head. There's something else" I could feel myself relax more and more the longer that she was holding me.

"i don't want it to be mars because if it is then that means that she's a lot harder to kill than we thought. And she isn't just back to watch you live your life with me and your pack" I pulled back and gazed into her eyes. "i have this gut feeling and ever since I told you and addilyn my theory that gut feeling has been getting stronger and stronger. And the only explanation for earlier at your house. It gives me chills and these stupid scars start to ache" after I said that my mouth opened and closed a couple of times because I didn't know what else I could say.

"well like you said earlier. I guess we have a hellhound to find and kill" I just hugged her again and then I felt her just stroke the back of my head. "but I honestly don't know how were gonna find her I mean if she can pretend to be anyone and she left without a trace at my house then I don't know how were gonna track her". I pulled back and shook my head.

"there was a trace, small and not super different but when I look through my guardian eyes I saw a blackish red aura that was left at your house. There wasn't much but it was something". We both went in and joined everyone for dinner, everyone was just relaxing today. Alycia and kaytlin went out shopping for the house food and other essentials that wed run out of. Lukas, kris, jess and Carly went to the arcade which wasn't that far away and spent the day there playing games and eating which I guess isn't that different from usual.

The rest of the night went more relaxed than I thought it would I guess now mabel sort of believes me and is going to help me prove that I'm right puts me at ease a little bit.

The morning soon came and I could feel the slight bit of sun creeps its way onto my face through the curtain, the warmth became more and soon I opened my eyes. I stretched out feeling my arms over mabels stomach, I glanced up to see that she was still asleep. I must be up pretty early if she's still asleep. I slowly pulled my arm off of her and turned to my alarm clock. It was a little fuzzy cause my eyes were still adjusting but once I rubbed them I saw that the time read four twenty six.

Well damn that is pretty early. So I gently got out of bed throwing on one of my oversized shirts that went mid thigh - yes very oversized- and then headed downstairs to get a drink.

I walked through the halls and then got to the kitchen seeing Alycia and Gwen sitting at the table as I walked in the both looked up to me and smiled.

"yous guys are up early" I said as I sat beside Gwen and pulled an apple from the fruit bowl "sleepless night, me and my brother are having to find new members for the football and cheer squad which is never fun. So much testosterone and pheromones it's unreal" I turned to Gwen and asked.

"you thinking about trying out for any teams?" She looked to me and laughed "i think I'm already gonna have a hard time fitting in I don't want to step on anyones toes" Alycia just shook her head.

"i think it would be good that's what the schools all about. Showing off your strength and improving your weakness's. Step on toes. You have alpha blood, born a leader. And if anyone gives you bother you have me and kaytlin" alycia said reassuringly.

"well definitely not cheer we don't really have that at our schools in England. And football do you mean football as in rugby? Or football as in soccer?" She shrugged her shoulder and shook her head. "honestly It doesn't matter I just want to pick my classes and finish school" she sighed and then stood up. "i think I'm going to go on a run and then go for a shower before school today" me and alycia sat there as she walked she jogged off into the yard and shifted behind a tree.

"i know she's been here for a while but how did she actually come about to be in the pack? I mean she's so young she's what 13? 14? Yet acts so much older" alycia said as she lay her head in her arms on the table.

"i thought kaytlin would've said. Its quite unusual when I think about it. Uh her pack were all killed back in England which led to her shifting early because her wolf wanted to protect her I guess" I sighed and then leaned on the table the same as her.

"then she made her way here, mabel told her about the school then I talked to her and let her join the pack".

After I talked to alycia a bit we both went out separate ways, her heading back up to kaytlin and me back up to mabel after I finished my apple.

As I walked into the room I saw mabel standing at the window, curtains drawn open and her just looking out over the yard and trees.

"good morning" I said walking up beside her and leaning my head on her shoulder. "good morning, you're up early" she said as I felt her lips kiss the top of my head.

"yeah. So any idea of what were going to do today?" I asked as I lifted my head off of her shoulder and walked to the closet to grab something to wear. A pair of blue jeans and a cropped hoodie.

"well we can either relax, go out and get something to eat or we can go straight to addilyn and try and see if we can find mars" she said as she turned away from the window as I walked out of the closet.

"even though I would really prefer option number one, I think I need to choose the latter" mabel just chuckled and nodded. "i thought you were going to pick that one" she said. So that's what we did after she got ready we headed downstairs and got in her car and went straight to addilyns.

We pulled up to addilyns house and got out of the car "what if she's not in? We show up without a call just hoping that she's in. But what if she isn't?" I said as we walked up to the door.

"she's always in" mabel pushed open the door like last time "addilyn!" Mabel shouted and a second after the we heard a thump and scurrying. "one second!" As me and mabel made our way into the living room addilyn walked in a couple of seconds after.

"yes, hi... uh why are yous here?" She asked confused as she stopped to actually think. "kaliana believes that mars was in my house yesterday, and shape shifted to look like me. And I believe her this time" as mabel said that addilyn looked to her and scoffed.

"but literally yesterday you were here telling me that you didn't and that you thought that its just because that kal was wanting to find an answer to what was wrong with you".

"what!?" I looked to mabel and her eyes went wide "i didn't, I was with you!" Mabel said pointing to me quickly defending herself. 

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