
By hellsplate

173K 7.9K 1.3K

"Don't worry, you're not really my type," he says and Win nods slowly. "Right, okay,". More

Starting Now
Sort Of
Save Me
Around You
Turn to Stone
Time Machine
Light Me Up
Are We There Yet?
It Doesn't Have To Make Sense
The Chain
Drink You Gone
In The Sea
Feeling Good
Wonderful Unknown


6.8K 357 73
By hellsplate

"Oh Bright, would you stop leering at Metawin?"

Bright jumps in his seat and shoots a look at Tay as he takes a seat beside him.

It's only been a couple of days since The kids birthday, and he's seen Win at work since then. Nothing seems all that different. Win still teases him about stupid shit and calls him out on everything he does wrong and talks way too much. He thought, maybe, that things were changing. Win kissed him. Well-he kissed his cheek. But still, that's something. And he thought that for Win that it was something big. However, he worked with him yesterday and he was so nonchalant about everything. Win rambled on about an apartment he'd been looking into and then spent a good half hour debating what to make for dinner.

And really, he's not actually complaining. Sure he thought something was changing, but that doesn't mean he needs something to change. He's okay with friendship. Win needs friendship, he knows this. And he truly values Win friendship.

"Not leering," is all Bright says, rolling his eyes. He does, however, look down at the table in front of him instead of Win, who is in the front of the room laughing with Gun and New.

"What's going on between the two of you?" he presses.

Bright doesn't dignify Tay's question with a response. He hopes maybe that'll shut him up, but he knows better than that.

"Because you guys are very friendly with each other. And you aren't exactly subtle with all the looks, you know."

Bright finally turns to look at his friend. "You done?"

"Not particularly," Tay says with a huge grin on his face.

"Nothing's going on there. He's a rookie. He's my partner, that's all."

Tay raises an eyebrow. "Your partner?"

"You know what I mean."

"Do I?"

Bright clears his throat. "Just drop it. It's nothing."

Tay just chuckles in response, clapping a hand on Bright's shoulder in a supportive manner.

"We're working through the new year. How unfair. I'm ringing in the new year at work. Why?"

Bright groaned. "Metawin, I swear to god, if you don't shut up about this shift I'm going to drop you off on the side of the road."

Win sends a glare Bright way but continues on. "You're right. We should definitely make the best of this. I mean, even though I'd rather be at home drinking wine with Gun while Krist and New drunkenly proclaim their resolutions, I still have you."

"Wow, sorry you have to settle."

"Drama queen, that's not what I meant," Win says on a laugh. "What I meant is that while ringing in the new year at work isn't ideal, at least I'm ringing it in with my best friend."

Best friend. That's the first time he's ever called him that. It's not really a big deal, but it makes him smile. He considers Win a best friend, too, so it's nice to know the feeling is mutual.

He decides to go into T.O. mode.

"New Years Eve is always a lot of drunk calls. Busting parties and patrolling for drunk drivers."

"Good times."

"Very," he agrees dryly. Win just giggles from his side of the car.

"I'm hungry," Win says and Bright rolls his eyes but turns down the road that leads to his favorite diner anyways.

Win's staring at Bright from his side of the booth and he presses his phone closer to his ear as Win reaches over and steals one of his fries. He shoots Win a look and he grins.

"So, be safe tonight and try to be positive about ringing in the new years at work," Rachel is saying in the phone. He refocuses his attention on Win.

"I will. Tell the kids I love them."

"Of course," Rachel says. "I'm gonna have to call Win. See if he wants to come over and watch the ball drop with us."

"He's with me. He's working tonight too," Bright says. Win raises a curious eyebrow at him.

"Oh!" Rachel says excitedly. "Okay, awesome! That means you're ringing in the new year with exactly the right person."

Bright only grunts in response, because it's one thing to deal with these speeches when he's at her house but it's another when Win is sitting right across from him.

"Well, have a great night," Rachel says when she realizes she's not going to get anything else from Bright.

"Love you, Pups." He hangs up and meets Win's eyes. "First off, Rachel says hello. Second, don't order a salad if you're just going to steal all of my fries."

"Isn't that the true meaning of partnership? Someone to share your food with?"

Bright laughs at this, shaking his head.

"And you can have some of my salad if you want," Win offers with a knowing smile on his face.

"I'm good," he says, picking the sandwich up and taking a big bite. Win just rolls his eyes and takes a sip of his water.

"So what's Rachel up to tonight?"

Bright shrugs as he swallows his food. "Watching the ball drop with the family. She wanted to call and invite you but I told her you were working too."

Win nods. "Ahh, gotchya."

Win's quiet for a moment and Bright looks up to find Win watching his face intently. "What?" he asks dryly.


"I know that face. You're thinking too hard. What's up?"

A soft smile graces his features and it catches Bright off guard. "Nothing important."

Bright raises a doubtful eyebrow.

"I'm just thinking about you and your sister. You guys have something really wonderful, you know? I always wanted a sibling."

He nods slowly. "I am very thankful that I have Rachel. I would have never survived without her," he says honestly. With Win, it's somehow a lot easier to talk about these things than it is with anyone else.

"She feels the same way about you. You guys must have really leaned on one another."

"We did, actually. I tried to be there after the… attack. And we were always supporting each other through our family woes."

Win nods. "What happened with your family? I mean, I know your dad was an alcoholic, and I know that Rachel tries to keep in touch with him, but do you?"

Bright shakes his head. "Not really. She goes over to his house every so often but I don't think it's worth it. He's still an awful drunk who's never tried to repent for the abuse he's put us through."

Win's expression is so kind and soft and understanding that he doesn't hesitate to keep talking.

"And my mom, she left early. She left when I was six, maybe. My dad was already drinking at that point. She kept in touch. Told us she wasn't ready to be a mother. Wasn't ready for the pressure. That she still had so many dreams to pursue. I talk to her maybe twice a year. On Christmas and my birthday. That's it. She and Rachel only talk a little as well."

Win takes this all in quietly. "I haven't seen or heard from my mother since she left. I think in the beginning she tried to call a few times, but I was so bitter at the time that I refused to hear her out. I mean, I don't think she cared too much because she hasn't tried to reach me since then," Win pauses, staring at his glass of water as his finger lazily runs along the rim. "It's weird, huh? You think parents are supposed to have it all figured out but…"

Bright nods. "I hear ya," he agrees and Win just lets out a loud breath and changes the subject.

It's quiet in the car, aside from the occasional chatter on the police radio. They are parked in a small parking lot with a clear view of the main road. "We're looking for speeding, swerving, lights off, and so on. Keep your eyes peeled, Metawin."

Win nods and remains quiet. Bright notices the way Win's eyes keep cutting to the clock. It's five minutes till midnight. He's clearly restless and obviously bummed about ringing in the new year in a cop car.

"I know this isn't how you wanted to spend your night, but I'm glad you're here with me," Bright blurts out, and he's glad that his voice sounds calmer than he feels.

He can feel Win looking at him, but he keeps his eyes on the road.

"Me too," Win says quietly. "Bright," he starts anxiously, and something in his voice makes him want to turn to look at him. Bright braves a glance in his direction to find a very serious expression on his face. "I feel like I need to thank you."

"Thank me?" he asks, confused.

"I appreciate everything you've done. Not just as my training officer, but as my friend. This is like… the most normal I've felt in years, and I think it's because I have you to talk to now."

Bright smiles easily, and warmth spreads throughout his entire body. He looks back at the clock, 11:59, and keeps his eyes trained on it for the next minute.

Bright doesn't care about new years eve, not really. People build it up to be a turning point, a time for change, to be better. But no one ever follows through. It's not big deal to him. But it is to Win, so he supposes Bright can be enthusiastic about it for him.

When the clock reads 12:00, he turns to Win with a goofy grin on his face. "Happy New Years," he says quietly. Win eyes are dancing, and his face is glowing. Win leans forward and catches Bright lips with his own. It's short and soft and sweet and warm and it's over within seconds. And then Win settles back into the passenger seat with a grin on his face.

"Happy new years," Win says in return and then he looks at the road. Win winces and points at the swerving honda on the road.

The thing is, Bright's never enjoyed a kiss that much in his entire life, and it was only like five seconds long so he can only imagine what it would be like to really kiss Win Metawin. He want kiss Metawin till he drop.

Bright is leaning against the wall waiting for Win to leave the locker room. They finished their shift easily, Win acting completely normal as if he didn't just break the unspoken rule between them that they are just friends. Win smiles at him when he exits the locker room and Bright falls into step with him as he walks him out of the station. They make it all the way to Win's car, which is parked beside his car, in silence.

"Metawin," he drawls out tiredly. As Win turns to look at him, Win yawns. "Why did you kiss me earlier?"

Bright didn't plan on asking, didn't want to scare him. But it comes out anyways. He's just really confused and the ball is always in his court, Bright's made sure of that.

"Well," Win hums. "It was new years eve, it was midnight, and I wanted to. So I did. Is that too weird?" he asks.

Bright just shakes his head. "No. Happy new years," Bright smiles fondly at him. Win nods and gets into his car. He waves at Bright before pulling out of the parking lot and he lets out a shaky breath as he climbs into his car.

To be continued.

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