Repercussions. (Ianthony)

By gracetheninja

7.2K 304 67

{CHAPTER FIC, COMPLETED, ANGST/FLUFF/SLIGHT SMUT} re·per·cus·sion: an unintended consequence occurring some t... More



791 43 16
By gracetheninja

Exactly three years after the night they officially began dating, Anthony knocked on the dressing room door.

It opened a moment later; Ian smiled at him and pretended to close it immediately after.

"You can't see me! Isn't that bad luck or something?" 

Anthony rolled his eyes, setting the large box in the halway and pushing the door open, immediately wrapping his arms around his fiance, closing his eyes and breathing in his scent.

"You look amazing," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.

"So do you," Ian responded, pulling away enough to kiss him, gently.

Anthony returned the kiss before pulling away to examine Ian from head to toe. He shook his head, a grin spread all the way across his face.

"God, I cannot believe I'm gonna be married to the hottest man on the planet in a few hours," he remarked, his eyes sweeping Ian's tux up and down.

"Oh, please, I know at least one person hotter than me," Ian responded, smirking.

"Oh really?"

"Yup. Dave Franco." Ian laughed, shaking his head.

Anthony only rolled his eyes again, slapping him gently on his tux jacket. "You're such an ass."

"But you're not enough of an ass. And that's why you're marrying me. To complete your assiness."

Anthony smiled. "True."

Ian laughed, walking over to the mirror; he stood in front of it and swept a hand through his fringe, breathing out slowly. He was nervous, after all; he kind of wished a wedding was strictly between the two people being wedded. Standing in front of a large crowd made his stomach turn, especially knowing he hadn't even met some of Antony's relatives yet; this would be his first impression. What if he made a fool of himself?

But as soon as Anthony walked over and stood next to him, smiling at him in the mirror, Ian wished everyone on the planet could attend their wedding. He wanted to show Anthony off to the whole world; let every single creature know that Anthony was his. Because he honestly was the most attractive person in the world to Ian, and the funniest, and the sweetest, and his honest to God soulmate. He couldn't have asked for anyone better.

It was as Ian was admiring his soon-to-be-husband in the mirror that he noticed the gift box Anthony had retreived from the hallway and now held in his arms.

"What's that?" Ian questioned, turning to Anthony, who extended his arm, handing the gift to Ian.

Ian examined it, raising his eyebrows. "Who's this for?"

"You, idiot." Anthony chuckled, leading Ian over to sit on the small couch in the middle of the room. "Open it."

Ian tore the paper off and opened the box, a smile immediately showing on his face. He grinned up at Anthony, who bit his lip nervously.

"It's dumb, but I've been working on it for a while, and I thought you deserved a pre-wedding gift." Anthony shrugged shyly. 

Ian flipped through the first few pages of the scrapbook, smiling and laughing at some of the pictures Anthony chose for the book. "This is the gayest thing I've ever seen."

Anthony glared at him; the smile on his face said otherwise. He knew it had made Ian's whole day.

"I hate to break it to you," Anthony started, "but you're about to marry another guy. I think that's pretty damn gay."

Ian laughed, then looked deep into Anthony's eyes. "But seriously, thank you. I love it." He smiled. "I love you."

Anthony hugged him again; Ian set the book on the table in front of him.

"I love you too."

The dressing room door opened suddenly; both of them jumped slightly and turned to look.

Their good friend Ryan stood in the doorway, shaking his head at Anthony.

"I knew I'd find you in here. Come on, both of you are gonna be late to your own wedding."

Anthony laughed, nodding. "Alright, alright, I'm coming."

He leaned over and kissed his soon-to-be husband one last time before following Ryan into the hallway. Ian watched him go, his heart thudding in his ears from excitement.

Once he was alone, Ian turned his attention back to the scrapbook. He flipped through every page slowly, examining every single picture. He laughed at the pictures from when they were younger; pictures their moms took while they played video games on the couch. They progressed into their teenage years; their "anti-prom" party of two and high school graduation. There were photos from when they first started Smosh to when they moved in together. Some pictures were from random times, but Ian distinctly remembered where and when every picture was taken. The book told the story of their friendship and relationship; no words were needed. On the last page was a picture Anthony had taken just last night; he had rushed out to the living room late at night while Ian was half-asleep on the couch and demanded that they took a picture together right then. Ian now understood why.

Next to the last page, on the back cover, was a long note scribbled in black Sharpie:


We've had a hell of a lot of memories together. Great memories, a few bad memories. I know our relationship hasn't exactly been easy, especially at first, but it's been more than worth it. These past three years have honestly been the best of my life, and knowing now that I'll truly be able to spend the rest of my life with you and fill up many more scrapbooks in the future makes me happier than I'd ever imagined. Tomorrow, I'm going to marry my best friend and soulmate, when just a few short years ago, I was certain I'd never even get a chance with him. The world works in mysterious ways, Ian. And even after I messed up so bad and did some things I'll never forgive myself for, the world gave me a chance with you despite me definitely not deserving it. And somehow I got you. And I hope you know I'll never let you go. I'm so sorry it took me so long to realize the obvious. I regret every second we didn't spend together, but that's okay, because after tomorrow, it's certain that we'll have forever to spend with each other.

I love you so much, Ian. Always have, always will.

Love, Anthony      

As Ian closed the book and stood up, preparing to go marry the love of his life, he realized that while everything leading up to their relationship seemed so disasterous at the time, everything happened for a reason. Without every little detail, every repercussion from that one night, they might not have ever ended up together.

Needless to say, he didn't regret a thing.

The End.

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