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when seb and his sister, avani gregg, stay at the sway la for two weeks, sparks automatically fly between her... More



606 30 5

anthony pov

fuck playlist. i don't think it's gonna be worth it either. it's fucking 6am and we are at the airport and I can not be bothered to fly. avani is asleep on my lap and everyone is tired expect griffin who is always overly happy when we go travelling. the hype house still isn't here and we are meant to be on the same fight. we board in like thirty minutes. I knew we could have stopped to get food but olivia has this thing about being early to everything?

fifteen minutes later the hype house appear and they have coffee, I think Bryce must have texted them. I nudge avani and ask her if she wants coffee she nods and sits up. she drinks her coffee in silence and she doesn't drink it all maybe half before she stops and lies back down. charli and griffin are talking because they are the only people that are awake.

we board are flight eventually and i'm sitting next to avani and she is drinking the rest of her coffee and she is still grumpy. i turn on a movie and we begin to watch it. i'm so tired and i fall asleep on avani's shoulder because she was massaging my head and it felt really good. i must have slept the whole trip because i wake up to avani nudging me saying that it was time to get off.

*time skip to in the taxi on the way to the hotel*

this is why i hate travelling because everyone is always in a bad mood because of jet lag and this fan already got annoyed at us. we got on the plane and was heading outside to get our taxi when these two girls saw us and started to ask for autographs me and avani signed it so did charli and addison and few others did too but some refused and they got so annoyed at us. we were all jet lagged and no one felt like taking photos or making tiktoks with them. alex went a complete different way to us because she had to do a photo shoot and her ride wasn't here yet.

we don't think we are celebrities but we are still human and it pisses me off and then they make us out to be egotistic jerks when we are the complete opposite. we pull up at playlist and it's so cool. when we go to check in and the staff already have made a mistake and forgot to book amelie, nick, jack and james' room. so they all have to get different rooms on complete different floor.

no one was in a mood to argue so we just went  to our rooms and everyone went to sleep for a bit and this wasn't the first mistake playlist was gonna make and if we knew we wouldn't even have even stayed there. everyone ordered room service because we were too tired to go out and possibly run into fans.

avani pov
day one

so. It's a first day playlist and I'm super excited.I have two meet and greet and one Q&A. And then I'm free for the rest of the day so it's not that bad. However the bad thing is, me and Ant only have the Q&A together which is only because it's a "couple" Q&A. Me, Anthony, Amelie, Alex Warren, Ryland, Nick, Thomas, Calvin and Dixie all go out for breakfast in a creators only section. I look to meet my fans just not while eating breakfast. Then I kiss Anthony goodbye and me, Amelie and Dixie head off the the female creators meet and greet. We see Charli, Halia Beamer, Nicole Laeno, devyn, Hannah (thexhan), monte twins and a few others. We made small talk for a bit and then we lined up for the meet and greet.

Half way through this little girl with her older sister they looked around 6 and 14, came up to me and I smiled at her and I crouched down and she smiled. "hey avani. i'm your biggest fan." i laughed "and i'm your biggest fan" and I hugged her tightly. Then I stood up and hugged her sister. who said "i'm lily and my question is are you and anthony dating?" I laughed. "can you hold a secret." she nodded, i held out my pinky"pinky promise!" she did it. "i love anthony very much and i hope he asked me out very soon but he hasn't so if you see him today tell him I said "ask me out." she giggled. i took there photo and they went on there way.

another girl gave me a photo of me and anthony but she had drawn it and it was so good i was so shocked so I followed her instagram and reposted her work. she was a little older probably around 16. she told me how i inspired her to be a better person and keep doing the things she loves. i hugged her again.

third person

avani and anthony were missing each other a lot because they could just pick up the photo and text or call each other like usual because they were both busy but when it was time for the meet and greet they met up and they shared a very long hug then Anthony kissed Avani's head. when they were backstage waiting Anthony sat down on a chair and Avani stood in between his legs and he hugged her waist.

When it was time, Avani and Anthony walked on stage with Charli, Chase, Madi, Christopher, Sigma, Taylor, Kouvr and Alex. There wasn't enough room so Avani had to sit on Anthony's lap which made the crowd cheer a bit. They make a tiktok with people from the crowd. and then answer questions. It's going well until someone from the crowd has a question for Anthony. He nods and grabs the mic, "what's your name and question?" "my name is lily and avani what's to know when your gonna ask her out." avani laughs and she says "Hi Lily! You remembered my question!" Lily laughs. "i'm planning on asking avani out very soon" the crowd goes ooh and avani looks out anthony was a smile on her face then goes "if he takes too long i'll do it." everyone laughs.

the rest of the day was pretty boring and repetitive to the start before they knew it they were back in their hotel room getting ready to go to bed, avani went and showered and when she got back into the room anthony was already sleeping.

day two
i woke up with a head ache I was going to stay in the apartment all day but people have paid money to see me and other creators and I would hate to be the reason why some one didn't enjoy playlist. It's like 6am and I shake Avani and tell her that she'll have to get up soon and she's nods then I go into the bathroom and shower. Afterwards I get changed and make a tiktok then I have to wake up Avani properly because she doesn't fucking budge after a hour.

I jump on the bed and she pretends to hit me, then she groans and pushes me off her and hesitantly gets out of the bed and yawns. she glares at me and walks into the bathroom. I laugh and stroll through instagram and repost a few edits then I get up and go see what Avani is doing in the bathroom. She's standing there straightening her hair so I wrap my arms around her waist while we discuss our days and we agree to meet for lunch.

There is a knock on our door and it's Amelie and Nick. I lead them into the bathroom where we are and we take some photos on snap and then Amelie, Nick and Avani go to Hype House and I go to meet Kio, Jaden, Quinton and Bryce. We walked to the panel area and we all chill until it starts. We do our panel and we have lots of jokes it's a Sway panel and everyone what's to know about new members and stuff and we answer honestly so I guess that cats out the bag.

We head the lunch area and everyone is waiting for everyone else and it's good vibes until Josh and Nessa pull up. Josh is ranting because nessa nearly got trampled on. Security was meant to protect her but they did a shit job at it and Nessa hurt her ankle. I go to the main area and ask if they have ice pack then take it back to Nessa. Some of hype house are here now but I can't see Avani. I kneel down and place her foot on a nearby chair and place the ice on her ankle. I explain to her that she should leave it on there for ten minutes intervals and not too long because her foot could go numb but if that doesn't bother her and the she hugs me and thanks me. josh also thanks me and then apologizes to nessa for getting mad instead of helping her.

I sit down and then put in my air pods and listen to some Tyler and I speak to Nessa, Mads and Josh. We are laughing and chilling until Nick taps my shoulder and I look up at him and we do that handshake thing (i have no idea what it's called but everyone boy does it so yeah eusishnesnkejdksayie) he whispers "I think avani is trying to get your attention." i go "oh" and I begin to look for her and she's sitting next to Amelie and she looks pissed. "what's wrong with her?" nick shrugs and says "she was fine before we got here". I nod and walk over the her.

"hey voni." she rolls her eyes at me, I take her hand and pull her lightly to the nearby empty table. "what's wrong?" she sighs. "ask nessa.". i sigh. "are you being fucking jealous voni" she looks me in the eye "yeah. i was there for like fifteen minutes and all you were bothered to even acknowledge is nessa." i shake my head no "nessa hurt her ankle i got her ice and then helped her because no one else was. and then i was speaking to her mads AND jo-" she stands up. "leave it ant, it's not like we are dating or anything." i laugh and walk off. don't know why she's being like that today because I'm not dealing with it.

avani pov

i need to get myself sorted out seriously. i don't know why i said that, i'm just so jealous and confused about everything. i sit back down and everyone is clearly worried about why anthony walked off and everyone is asking me questions but when nessa says "why did ant leave?" i roll my eyes then snap "i don't know maybe you should run after your lover boy janessa." then sigh. i stand up and walk off and amelie follows me. we walk in silence to her room.

when we close the door, i just cry into her chest and she runs her hands through my hair until i find the words. i explain that my mental health is complete and utter shit and that I know if I'm ready to be in a relationship. amelie says that i was completely in the wrong and that janessa didn't deserve that but she understands. I nod. i text anthony a long apology message and I tell him I'm in amelie's room if he wants to talk and if not I'll stay in here and he can have some space.

amelie pov

i'm super worried about avani, she is so confused right now and she doesn't know what she wants. she says that that's the only reason why she got annoyed at nessa but it's something else. she's not telling me something and it's really annoying me. she is really sad because anthony didn't answer straight away like usual and that he isn't updating on his socials either.

i take her phone away from her and set it to charge. i pull up netflix and she falls asleep almost straight into the episode. i sigh.


i wake up at like midnight and my head hurts. i get a glass of water and then check my phone. fuck anthony responded.

he replies back quickly but it's such a dry text and i throw my phone down in a fit.

i get into amelie's bed and cuddle her. i can't sleep alone anymore. the bed feels so big + i'm a midget. i hate this feeling at least when me and ant weren't together i knew that he would be there but this sense of not knowing is scaring.

i wake up and i look and it's 6am i try to go back to bed but i can't so instead i get ready for the last day of playlist and i'm not excited at all. i have one meet and greet and a private panel for just me and like twenty girls. I get all dressed and then wake up amelie. while she gets ready i go to starbucks and get drinks for me, anthony and amelie.

on the way back i open mine and anthony room and he's sitting on the side of the bed with his head in the hands but he looks up and he smiles slightly at me and i awkwardly walk over and put the drink and breakfast bagel that i brought him on the side. "thank you" he says. i nod and turn to leave when he says "where are you going?" i face him and say "i thought we were on a break and if i say here for a too long i'm going to cry". he stands up and hugs me tightly.

he tells me to look and him and i tilt my head up to see him because he's so fucking tall compared to me. he kisses my forehead and then says "avani gregg you have made me so happy and i understand that you may get jealous sometimes but i only want you. i never said we were going on a break bebe i just wanted some time to think." i sigh in relief. thank god.

we text amelie to come to the room and we all chill out and she has her breakfast. i'm so happy me and anthony worked it out. we hold hands and he drops me and amelie at our stations. the day goes by quickly, playlist did not do a good job at holding this event at all. i saw anthony once and he told me to be ready at 8 and that was all the information i was given.

on the way back to amelies room, i go to mine and ant's and pack my stuff and bring it back to amelies room. then i take a nap because i'm so tired and it's only 3.

amelie pov

avani literally went to sleep ages ago and it's 6 now so i nudge avani and she whines. "fine ill tell anthony you wanna cancel." she looks at me. "what time is it?" i show her my phone and she gets up and runs to the bathroom to sort herself out. i shout to her "make sure you look hot" she sighs. "what else do you want me to do amelie...shave my pussy?" she says sarcastically. i laugh "maybe". she pokes her head out the door and smirks at me.

i clean up the room a bit. there is a knock at the door and I open it and Anthony is standing there in a smart causal fit, I give him a hug and sit him down and I give him the talk.

"if your about to do what i think your about to do i will kill you if you break her heart. please be honest and patient with her she is new to this and she finds it difficult to trust and the fact she trusts you means a lot and d-"

"amelie. it's okay i know what do you." i smile at him and then avani comes out and she looks hot. she looks awkward as hell. "sis you look good don't worry" i say. she smiles at me. "well i'm going to charli's room, bye" "bye amelie" anthony and avani say. "wear protection" i whisper to avani. she pushes me out the room.

i walk up to charli's room and it's open and her and dixie are sitting on her bed wearing face masks and i laugh. they tell me to lock the door behind me and i ask why it was open and they say they were "waiting for me". i roll my eyes and sit next to them. i explain to the avani and anthony situation. then me and dixie bet that's she'll lose her virginity against charli who believes she'll stay innocent.

hey i know that it's been a while but i wanted to take a break due to everything and all the drama lately. i don't support any of the things that anthony said or the way he handled it. i enjoy writing and hopefully i'm back and active on wattpad again but here is a 2800+ chapter and it was a kinda of a mess but i'm happy i'm back.

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