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By trashtethics

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๐ฆ๐ž๐ญ๐š๐ง๐จ๐ข๐š - ๐œ๐จ๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ž๐ญ๐ž๐ โœ”๏ธŽ ๐˜ˆ๐˜ง๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ ๐˜ถ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜น๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ค๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ค๐˜ฆ, ๐˜’๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ด๐˜ถ๐˜ฌ๐˜ช, ๏ฟฝ... More

actor au - metanoia


9.1K 503 463
By trashtethics

An awkward silence filled the air, you nor Katsuki were saying anything, only the sounds of the wind gushing through the leaves.

katsuki was hurt.

You can't look away from his as disbelief befall on you. You were confused and yet you stil don't believe what Katsuki just said — or more like, you refuse to believe what you just heard.

"Ha...haha, Katsuki-san! You're kidding right?" you broke the silence between you and Katsuki, giving him a light punch in the arm while you looked away from him, "y-you almost got me there!"

Katsuki knew it. He knew all along. He just ruined the friendship he made woth you and it was killing him. It was killing him but he never did regret on telling you.

He held your wrist before you could even take them away, making you turn to him and meeting his eyes once again.

"I love you."

His grip around your wrist tightened, making you flinch. You gulped down the lump in your throat as you swallowed your nervousness along. You tried to yank your hands away from him but the difference between yours and Katsuki's strength was the complete opposite.

"Wha-what are you talking about Katsuki-san? You can't b-be serious-" your voice was starting to crack, you don't understand what was happening nor did you have any idea what was Katsuki was talking about.

"(y/n)..." he called again, "I'm dead serious."

Katsuki pulled your wrist towards him, catching you in his arms, settling you in the gap between his legs before looping his arms around your waist. One of his hand scooped the back of your head and stroked his slender fingers on your (h/c) hair.

"I hate it." Katsuki exhaled, his breath was shaky, "I hate it that I love you too much, (y/n). Everytime you smile at me, you laugh and just plainly be around me,  it gets fucking hard to let you go."

But it was the truth. It was hard for him too. He doesn't want to end up losing you but does he have the choice? His only chance to be with you now is when you only say that it is alright for him to be with you.

Is this really okay?

Katsuki felt that it wasn't okay to confess his feelings for you. He is someone who is considered as a danger to society, and yet here he is, falling head over heels for you.

"I fell in love with you not knowing what love really was. I stayed in love with you because no one made me feel the way you did." Katsuki continued as he guided his head on your shoulders, making you stiffen in your position, "I'll still fall in love with you everyday because there is no one I picture my future with other than you."

Katsuki groaned as he felt his heart tightened up. He felt the pang in his chest everytime he expresses his words that're jumbled up inside his mind. He doesn't know where to start or end, and all he knew was he was holding you in his arms, feeling your warmth, and with him saying what is inside your head — hoping that he could properly convey his feelings to you.

Katsuki clung into that small hope in his geart that maybe, just maybe, you would say the same for him. Maybe you'll say you love him even though Katsuki knew that it won't be the case.

"I knew I liked you when the first time you made me nervous, and my heart would beat faster when I see you..." Katsuki's arms around you tighten, as his face has completely sunken on your shoulders, "I fucking knew I loved you when i felt calmer with you than without you."

Silence. That is the only answer you could ever come up with. You don't know how to react, what yo respond, because you never had feelings for someone aside from your boyfriend. Katsuki's confession was overwhelming that it is almost suffocating you. You felt that heavy feeling inside your chest and this wasn't a good sign.

Katsuki was growing restless, it was terrible. He was spilling all the things he's been keeping in his chest yet he receives nothing. No answers. Just silence. He knew that this won't end up well.

He moved his head away from you before he narrowed his eyes on you. That hopeful eyes stared at yours as if he was looking at your soul. That sent shivers in your spine but you kept quiet.

He moved closer, his face were dangerously close to yours, you instinctively turned your head away from him but he placed his hand under your chin as he made you look at his way. His beautiful crimson orbs collided with yours when he narrowed his gaze on you.

"I'm here. Don't look away." Katsuki said, almost whispering. His voice sounded like he was hurt, "please..."

But as soon as he said that, he leaned closer towards you. Your heart skipped a beat as you watch him get closer to you. Both your palms were placed on his chest to try and push him away.

You don't want this. You always thought of Katsuki as your friend and nothing more beyond that line. And seeing him confess now made it all uncomfortable for you. You liked Katsuki, but not to the point as you could see it romantically.

You already had a boyfriend, and you knew that he trusted you. You weren't supposed to do this.

You clenched your fists as you gathered the strength to finally move him away from you. Leaving him with his eyes wide open and mouth agape, he knew — Katsuki knew that it was already game over for him.

I have a boyfriend. I shouldn't be doing this.

You and Katsuki were interrupted when you heard the chimes rang outside. And while Katsuki was taken back, you grabbed the opportunity to move yourself away from him, "I-I'm sorry I need to check i-it out." you said while stammering.

You quickly got on your feet and dashed out of the garden. Leaving Katsuki behind, with his heart broken after what happened. He clicked his tongue as he pulled the roots of his hair with frustration, "What am I supposed to do woth these fucking feelings now, (y/n)?"

With desperation, you quickly walked away from Katsuki and got yourself inside the flower shop. Your heart was beating wildly inside your ribcage and that was the first time you ever felt that nervous after what happened.

"Hey, (y/n)? Are you alright?" your shoulders slumped after your eyes landed upon the familiar figure inside the flower shop.

You bit your trembling lips as you let your feet run towards him. You quickly got into his arms as he looked at you with confusion, but he responded back and wrapped his arms around you, "What happened? Woah, you're shaking! I got you, okay?"

You weren't shaking because you were afraid of Katsuki. You just can't control yourself from wanting to cry, knowing that you will hurt a friend. You don't want to hurt Katsuki and you'd rather choose to forget all of what happen just to avoid hurting anyone.

You felt Monoma's hand scoop your head with his hands as he hugged you back, you don't know why but you felt relieved that he was there or else you won't be able to know what to do.

Buried on Monoma's chest, you just let him rub your back as he tries to comfort you. His warm hands were soothing and it calms you a bit.

"what are you doing here?" you heard someone asked behind you, and you already knew it was Katsuki. You slowly took your arms away from Monoma and slowly faced Katsuki's direction, but what you didn't expect to see is Katsuki's with a furious expression painted on his face.

His eyebrows were knitted together and he was looking at Monoma with intense rage in his eyes.

"Heh? You're Bakugou, right?" Monoma asked in a mocking voice, "I should be the one asking you that, you know? So say Bakugou-kun~ what are you doing in my girlfriend's shop?" he said as he emphasized every word he said while looking at Katsuki with his malicious stare.

You immediately grabbed Monoma's wrist as you shake your head at him, mentally telling him to stop it. You then took a glance over Katsuki but this time, his face looked like he just heard something unbelievable.

He looked really devastated, heart broken into shatters. More over, he was left dumbfounded. Katsuki had never heard such bullshit in his life before.

he balled his trembling hands, "What do you fucking mean girlfriend? Are you bullshitting me?" Katsuki spat with pure acrimony in his voice. He was mad.

He was mad because how? He saw Monoma a little while ago with a girl and Sero even said that he looked like he was dating someone. And now he is claiming that you were his girlfriend? What kind of bullshit is that?

"W-what you heard was right, Katsuki-san. I'm already dating Neito s-so...." you looked away from him as you held your cold hands, "I'm sorry... I cannot reciprocate your feelings..."

"Oh? Bakugou-kun! I never knew you liked my girlfriend!" Monoma started to burst into gales of laughter, enjoying how defeated Katsuki was in his eyes.

"Neito! Stop it!"

"Fufu~ isn't it funny, Bakugou? To be rejected because the person you liked already liked someone else?" Monoma was stubborn to listen and he continues to mock Katsuki in his face.

It was humiliating. Katsuki wanted to beat his cheating ass right in front of you and anytime now he could snap. His head was pounding and Monoma's voice were irritating him.

"Oh yeah? Atleast I'm not a fucking bastard who do things behind her back right, asshole?" Katsuki replied, making you stiffen and also made Monoma stood there in silence, "Fucking cat got 'yer tongue?"

"Katsuki-san, what do you mean-"

"DO YOU HAVE ANY PROOF ABOUT THAT? HAH! YOU'RE ONLY JEALOUS BAKUGOU! YOUR STUPID WHINY ASS CAN'T TAKE REJECTION? WHAT A KID!" you were interrupted when Monoma's laughing voice escalated across the room. His face twisted into a scornful and mocking expression as he continues to bellowed Katsuki.

Katsuki had enough. No one dares to mess with him nor dares to even mock him. For him Monoma is a fly that he can easily crush in his palms and he is not afraid to even think of ruining him and tear him into shreds. One might forget about the fact that he is one of the most fear guy in Musutafu, but Katsuki will do the favor of reminding them again.

And in just a blink of an eye, Monoma found himself on the ground with a bleeding nose and Katsuki already standing before him. It just happened too fast and you nor Monoma couldn't even react.

"Say that to my fucking face again, motherfucker."

"N-Neito!" you immediately drop yourself on the ground to help Monoma, taking a handkerchief from your pocket and held it for Monoma.

Katsuki grabbed your arms as he tries to move you away from him, "Get away from him, nerd." he said coldly.

You stood back again as you yanked your arms away from Katsuki, before your hands flew over his cheeks. The impact made Katsuki tilt his head sideward. It took him by surprise and it didn't gave him a chance to react, knowing fully that he could have avoid it.

He didn't avoid it because a part of him says that he deserves it.

"Get out." voice cracking up as tears began to form in your eyes, blurring everything you see. You squeezed your hands as you fought the tears that're attempting to fall.

Katsuki held the part where you just slapped and like it was automatically his wake up call. His cheek burns and it hurts but his heart was hurting even more. It hurts that it almost made him forget how to breathe.

Do you trust him more than me, (y/n)?

"(y/n)..." Katsuki tried to press his hand on your cheeks but you slapped it away, as tears began to fall from your eyes.

Katsuki felt his heart sank. He felt like his chest was being butchered, leaving him nothing but heart break. He never intended to end this way and never did he wanted you to hate him.

More than anything, he wanted to protect you but instead, he ended up hurting you instead.

Katsuki took a step back as he bit his lower lip, too much that he could taste the blood in his mouth.

"Hey, (y/n)..." Katsuki tries to call you again but you never looked back at him. There were no sunny smiles, no laughters, only tears and heartaches, "Look at me."

"I'm sorry." Katsuki flinched as soon as he heard you spoke.

Your voice sounded like the girl who was in his dreams.Your voice was broken while you apologized. In Katsuki's dream,  he had dreamed about a woman whom he can't remember the face or what does she look like, but the tone of her voice seemed like she was sad, she sounded so hurt that it also made Katsuki shatter.

Katsuki now knew why that girl seemed so familiar, but Katsuki couldn't recognize her before because her face and everything around her was blurry, and hazy.

But now he recognized her. Because from his dreams, the image of the girl is starting to get vivid and it was replaced by the image of you, crying.

That girl from his nightmare was you.

You turned to Katsuki and this time, Katsuki saw how your eyes lost its life, it was not the usual eyes he used to look at. It was cold and it was nothing like the ones he used to adore.

You took a deep breath before you wiped your tears with the back of your hand. You then turned to Katsuki with a sad smile on your face. Katsuki on the other hand was defeated. The crease on his eyebrows before was gone and his eyes glistened. He felt like crying. He felt like he lost a battle he didn't even tried to fight yet.

Love is war, and he is the sole soldier who lost the battle. He lost his chance on ever winning.

"Please leave, Katsuki-san. I...I think I don't want to see you for now..."

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