By harrycherrystyles

250K 4.4K 8.3K

One simple nickname was all it took for the two broken souls to start something they didn't know they could f... More

•Twenty One•
•Twenty Two•
•Twenty Three•
•Twenty Four•
•Twenty Five•
•Twenty Six•
•Twenty Seven•
•Twenty Eight•
•Twenty Nine•
•Thirty One•
•Thirty Two•
•Thirty Three•
•Thirty Four•
•Thirty Five•
•Thirty Seven•
•Thirty Eight•
•Thirty Nine•
•Forty One•
•Forty Two•
•Forty Three•
*EXTRA* •Alternate Ending•

•Thirty Six•

2.4K 54 123
By harrycherrystyles

Harry's Pov

I shot up when I heard the door being opened.

"Sorry Chief.. I'm hungry"

I let out a breath of relief as I had accidentally caught Crawford red handed heading out to find the vending machine.

"No, I'm sorry..."

He let go of the door and came up to me, just staring.

"Why don't you go home and get some rest? I'm sure your dog misses you"

Oh my god... I completely forgot about Bruno.

He must be so confused and hungry, not to mention alone.

"You're right. I can't just leave her alone though... and I'm sure all of you must be so exhausted"

"It's okay Chief. It's what we signed up for the moment we joined your station. If it costs me another night from my bed then it's okay"

I smiled lightly at the young lad and brought him in for a hug.

"You can call me Harry you know, Chace"

"Alright Harry. Now go home, I'm sure the boys don't wanna leave her and they seem pretty comfortable"

Crawford pat my back and I just nodded, looking back over at my girl then at the two who were sleeping peacefully then I head out.

I noticed that security was stationed all throughout this hallway and I was actually feeling much better about going home for some much needed sleep in an actual bed.

It was currently 1am and I needed to make sure I was ready to go for my meeting with that bloody traitor Liam.

I needed to be smart about this.

I obviously can't go unarmed but if I do bring any type of weapon then Natalia is in danger of getting hurt.

Or worse.

I caught Dr. Henderson before going into a surgery and thanked her for everything she had done and explained how the boys would still be there and that I would be back.

She nodded her head and smiled before heading into the operating room to prepare.

I walked out of that hospital feeling somewhat better than when I first entered.

I headed over to my car and immediately drove to Natalia's apartment, my new home.

I wonder how Sanders is liking the apartment, I should drop by after everything calms down.

I feel like as soon as Natalia is fit to leave the hospital, we are moving.

There's no way that either of us will feel safe living in that place anymore.

Maybe we can stay with Zayn for a few days while we look for a new home.. Niall is his neighbor so I would be surrounded by my mates.

By the time I parked my car outside of the complex, I felt completely and utterly drained.

I sluggishly made my way up the elevator and over to the door, opening it to a whining Bruno.

"I'm sorry baby.. come here"

He got up from his bed and slowly made his way over to me and I showered him with scratching and kisses to the top of his head.

That seemed to liven him back up a bit.

"Come on, lets get you some food. You must be starving. I'm so sorry"

He licked my clothed thigh enthusiastically and I only smiled down at him.

Maybe I could bring him with me on runs at the station.

We've always wanted our own police dog, it's definitely something to think about I guess.

I filled his bowl with the food Natalia bought especially for him because he's just spoiled and set it down and he immediately attacked it.

I washed out the old water from his water bowl, opening up a water bottle I grabbed from the fridge and poured the cold liquid in.

Only the best for the fur baby.

After I made sure Bruno was taken care of, I took my cellphone out and dialed Zayn.

It's a reach that he'd be awake at this time but I don't think I can be alone right now with my thoughts.

"This is certainly a surprise. What can I do for you Harry?"

"Zayn. Did I wake you mate?"

"Actually no, I'm working on a new painting. You know how I am. Once I start, I have to finish or else the inspiration goes away"

"Well are you almost done? I need you to come over to Natalia's apartment"

"What's happened? Is she alright?"

"Just come down here... I'll explain everything"

"Already on my way"

He hung up on me and I sent him my location since I'm pretty sure he has no idea where Natalia's apartment is.

I looked over at the painting my sweetheart bought from him which was hanging over by the large window that gives a decent view of the city lights.

Remembering how stunning she looked as she looked at the art, so focused on every detail.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I couldn't help but start crying really hard, scaring Bruno who was running back and forth in front of me while whining.

I crashed back onto the couch and curled up into a ball, letting go of everything that I kept bottled up inside since she was first taken.

By the time I heard a knock on the door, I had rinsed my face with cold water and calmed back down.

I needed to get that out since I refused to cry in front of Zayn.

He wouldn't let me live down the fact that I actually am capable of crying and would probably ask to paint my expression or some shît.

I opened the door and invited him in.

He only took one look at me and immediately brought me in for a hug; as surprised as I was, I didn't hesitate to hug him back harder.

"I can tell you've been crying Styles. I'm a little hurt you felt that you couldn't in front of me but it's okay"

I gripped onto him harder and couldn't help but start to cry again.

I was wrong, Zayn just kept holding me tight as I sobbed into whatever expensive shirt he decided to come over here in.

"I've never seen you like this Harry. She must really mean so much to you"

"Oh god Zayn, she does! I couldn't stand it if she were taken from me. I wouldn't have anything left... not after the harsh blow Nina did. I'm damaged goods to everyone else but Natalia... she's just as damaged as me. That's why we're perfect. She's perfect. I love her so much"

Zayn pulled back to look me in the eyes and I was surprised to see a hint of rage behind his honey brown orbs.

"That bîtch Nina deserves everything that comes her way, I'm a strong believer when it comes to Karma. She's going down"

"I'd like to be the one who takes her down but I have a feeling Natalia wants to give Nina a large piece of her mind so I'll leave her to it. I want to destroy Thomas and that woman who doesn't deserve the title of being Natalia's mother"

Zayn's eyebrows furrowed with concern as I started to think of ways I could destroy those two fûcks.

"That's vengeful Harry. It's not a good look on you"

"If you had seen the way Natalia was left in that hospital, you'd understand just how I was feeling"

Zayn shook his head and started rubbing my shoulders.

"That's not a healthy mindset for you right now Harry. Try and relax those dangerous thoughts. You can sleep in until late afternoon if you want-"

"I can't do that..."

Zayn tilted his head to the side as he looked at me with a confused expression.

"And why not?"

I let out a shaky sigh as I remembered how I have to come up with the amount of money Thomas wants by the morning.

"I have to pay Thomas 10 million dollars or else he kills Natalia. I can't go to the drop off with any weapons and I absolutely cannot be followed"

"Are you meeting him there?"

"No... I have to meet Liam there"

Zayn rubbed his pointer finger across his mouth then looked down to the ground, widening his eyes slightly at the information I just revealed.

"Yeah... my reaction exactly when I found out he was a part of that fûcking gang I've been trying to find for the past 3 years... he never mentioned anything about it"

"Well to be fair mate... you weren't really talking to him after the whole thing with him fûcking Nina"

I looked over at him as he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Fair point... but still Zayn, the fact that he and that whole gang have been planning not only Natalia's death but her whole bloodline?"

"Wait.. I thought Natalia's mother was dating Thomas? The head of that damn gang?"

"I know.. I have a feeling he's saving her for last after he's done using her for who knows what"

I groaned out loud which turned into a scream which caused Bruno to jump up from where he was sleeping and start to growl.

"Down boy. I'm alright"

The beautiful pup groaned out then yawned only to lay back down staring up at me.

"How are you going to get the money Harry?"

"I guess it's time I called my parents... it should be around 8am over there in Paris so they should be up"

"Did you want some privacy?"

I shook my head as I dialed my mother first.

She answered at the last ring which was honestly surprising.

"My son! How are you dear?"

"Not too well mum"

"Oh? What's the matter? Can I fix it?"

"Actually you can. I need 10 million dollars to be transferred into my account so that I can pick it up from my bank in them morning. Are you able to make that happen?"

"That's quite a bit of money my dear. Are you in some sort of trouble?"

If only you knew...

"No mother, nothing like that. I was thinking of investing in something that looks promising in the long run"

"Oh sweetie that's wonderful! I'll see what I can do. I'll text when everything's done alright? You should call more often, it's been too long"

"I will mum, I promise"

"You should call your father. He's been wondering how you've been"

"I was actually planning to go to sleep now. It's 2am over here"

"Oh you poor dear, alright you get your sleep. But please, try to remember to call your father soon, he misses you. The money will be in your account in the morning. I'll text you"

"I'll do my best to try and call him. Thank you so much mum. This means a lot"

"I love you Harry. You know that don't you?"

"Of course I do. Love you too..."

With that, we both hung up and I felt like a huge weight had been lifted right off of my shoulders.

"You're going to get the money?"

"Mum promised she'd have it in my account by morning so let's see if she keeps to her word"

Zayn nodded and let out a big yawn.

"You can take the couch here if you're too tired to drive back home"

"Thank you, I'm sure the blankets here will be fine. Now go get some damn rest. Big day to figure out when you wake up"

I nodded and headed straight back for Natalia's room and slowly got undressed then slid into the sheets, bringing her pillow to my face and smelling her scent.

God I miss her so much...

I couldn't stop smelling her all around me and there's nothing I want more than for her to be here with me.

I shut my eyes and pretended that she was here with me.

"Oh Harry.."

I dragged my lips up her leg and to her inner thigh, resting my head in between the both of them which seemed to be tickling her skin as I heard a low giggle.

I could see her biting her beautiful lip as her hands made their way into my hair, gripping my locks tightly as I approached her dripping center.

"You look so sweet for me sweetheart"

I stuck my tongue out and wiggled it against her enlarged clît, making her cry out a moan that I haven't heard in a while.


This isn't Natalia...

I shot my head up to see Nina staring down at me.

Oh fûck no.

I pulled away quickly as her laugh echoed in my ears.

"Where's Natalia you bloody witch?!"

"Her again? Ugh, you're no fun. She's over there"

I was too scared to look where Nina was pointing at but I turned anyways.

My eyes widened as I caught her down at the foot of the bed, tied up in some tub that was starting to fill up.

She was facing us so she was just witnessing how I was touching Nina.

"I-I figured you still loved her Harry. It's okay, I knew you were only a temporary fix to my damaged soul. You were always going to return to her, the woman you truly love"

With that, she submerged her head in the tub and that's when I saw Austin enter the room, naked.

He climbed into the tub with Natalia and he was the one to save her from drowning, not me.

She showed her appreciation to that vile man by kissing him, bringing him so close that I'm sure he was fûcking her now.

I turned away but I couldn't escape them as their moans started to grow louder.

"Yes Austin! Just like that, oh!"

His grunts made me feel sick, not as sick as hearing my woman being pleased by another man.

"She never appreciated you Harry. Why are you still trying to save her? Come here"

It was as if I couldn't control my own body and started to align myself at Nina's entrance.


This isn't real.

Natalia would never go back to the man who abused her.

I turned back around to see that both Natalia and Austin were gone, all that remained was an empty tub.

I turned back to Nina and I smiled as it was now Natalia who was under me.

The only woman I truly and so desperately love with my whole entire being.



She lifted her hands up to bring my face down to hers and her lips were just as sweet as I remembered.

I started to push myself in, the both of us moaning but then a loud sound blared around us, shocking us away from each other.

I scrunched up my brows as the ringing of my phone alarm went off, telling me it was 9am.

I turned off the alarm and checked to see that a message was sent to me from an unknown number as well as a message from mum.

Unknown number:

Meet me at the place you confronted me about my relationship with Nina. Bring the 10 million in that black duffel bag I know you have. Remember: no weapons, don't be followed, no wires or hidden cameras, I will be checking you before the trade is complete.

Fûck you Liam Payne.

Next I checked mum's message.


Everything's set. Your father made the final arrangements just now, make sure to call him and thank him. I love you.

I messaged her back a 'thank you' then lazily made my way up out of the bed and to the bathroom to shower and do my business.

I dressed up in a dark blue t-shirt with a pair of dark ripped jeans and my famous brown boots.

I pulled on a bandana to hold my hair up and out of my face so I could stare the traitorous Liam Payne right in the eyes.

As mum requested, I dialed my father's number and just like her he answered on the last ring.

"It's so nice to finally hear from you son"

"How are you father?"

"As well as can be expected. You made your mother and I really happy with your call. I'm sure you got her text that everything is in order?"

"I did. I just wanted to say that I really appreciate you both handling g it so quickly. Thank you so much"

"Anything for you my boy. Now, hows Nina? You two are still together no?"

"Actually no. I'm with a woman by the name of Natalia now. I love her so much. As a matter of fact, I'm actually in my way to see her now. It was great hearing your voice father. I'll call soon"

"I hope so. Goodbye son, love you"

"Love you too"

Hearing both my parents tell me that they love me was very strange since they hardly ever told me that.

Maybe they're just getting old and want to make it up to me before they're gone.

That's a nice thought.

I finished up getting ready then head out of the room only to see Zayn being held at gunpoint by none other than Nina.

"I know you're supposed to meet Liam for the money dropoff but it has just hit me that I don't want your money. I want you hurting. The same way you hurt me when you killed Travis"

"If you hurt Zayn I swear to god I'll take you down"

"Show me what you got"

I am getting so sick and tired of this bîtch.

The first chance I get, I'm killing her.


Well shiiiiiiitttttttttt

Hello Whoreos! How are we after this chapter?

Sad Harry has entered the chat and I'm sobbing...

I love how Zayn was able to comfort Harry in such a vulnerable moment

So Harry actually talked to his parents for the first time in a while after their falling out after trying to control his life... thoughts about that?

What do you think is going to happen now that Nina has boldly threatened Zayn in front of Harry?

So apparently Nina and Travis had a thing.. too bad so sad bîtch, that's what you get for getting involved with a man intending to commit a murder

Any predictions for the next chapter?

Vote and comment please and thank you! Your feedback is the perfect motivation :)

I love you Whoreos 💘

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