Crow Flies Straight

By KuroEngel_OG

87.1K 1.8K 242

After several years traveling the world, running away from her problems, it's time to make peace with the pas... More

Chapter 1: Home
Chapter 2: Party Time
Chapter 3: Next Day
Chapter 4: The Past
Chapter 5: Bullet Proof
Chapter 6: Tank Girl
Chapter 7: Cheeky Bastard
Chapter 8: Once Was
Chapter 9: Brotherly Love
Chapter 10: Flirty Visitor
Chapter 11: Reznik & Swimming
Chapter 12: Closet Sex
Chapter 13: BBQ Continued
Chapter 14: NOT CANNON
Chapter 15: Crashed Hard
Chapter 16: Spoiled Bitc...brat
Chapter 17: Tattoo Trails
Chapter 18: Demon Whisperer
Chapter 20: Demonness & Toddlers
Chapter 21: Invincible Tech
Chapter 22: To Ireland
Chapter 23: Night Invaders
Chapter 24: Silent Stars
Chapter 25: Anxiety Overload
Chapter 26: Volcano Kitty
Chapter 27: Shit+Fan
Chapter 28: Going Golfing
Chapter 29: Rain Song
Chapter 30: 1 & Only
Chapter 31: Happy Date
Chapter 32: Missing
Chapter 33: The Condor
Chapter 34: The Rescue
Hey you. Yeah you!
Happy Ending ~ Part 1
Happy Ending ~ Part 2
Juice Ending ~ Part 1
Juice Ending ~ Part 2

Chapter 19: Real Truths

2.1K 44 5
By KuroEngel_OG

Music: Stabbing Westward - Haunting Me

"Ok, so what's up giant? Why aren't you at home with your Old Lady and kids?" She sat down in the chair next to him after handing him the new beer. He took a drink and sighed, "Well my ma has the kids until tomorrow when I am to go get them and as for Old Lady... well when I got back earlier today, Lyla started in on bitching at me and she ended it so nope, no Old Lady." He shrugged. "Ok so tell me exactly what happened. Why would she just end it?" Kitty asked as she brought her legs up into her chair and got comfy.

"Well, Lyla never really was... my 'Old Lady' I mean, this is going to make me sound like a complete asshole but like, yeah she was a decent lay for a pornstar and she helped out with the kids but I don't know, I just didn't love her... I couldn't. There is always something that stopped me from opening my heart that way." He took a big swig of his beer.

"Why not? Did you at least care about her?" She asked quietly, he slightly nodded while making a weird face. "Yeah at first I did care, but after a while, I dunno maybe it was just lust... or like I was just trying to fill the empty hole my wife left me with. It's just, with Lyla, none of it feels real."

"Then she started to get on my nerves, pissing me off all the time and just making me resent ever choosing to be with her. She started doing the same shit my wife did, nagging at me about club shit and how I put it first and Lyla KNEW what getting with a SON meant. That sort of arguing and fighting, it damn near broke my marriage on many occasions, but it's who I am, ya know?"

He looked at her and she just nodded in understanding cause she did, so he continued, "And yet I never bitched once about her porn work, I mean, yeah guys like porn and some guys like your brother are ok with it, but what normal guy REALLY wants to be with a woman who puts other guys dick in all her holes all day long so the whole world can see it? And who even knows if she will ever bring home and share something other than some sexy lingerie with you... if you catch my meanin'." At this Kitty did a little chuckle.

"Then she starts throwing my kids back in my face, saying they don't respect her or call her mom and shit like that. Why would they call her that? She ain't their mom, we ain't married. She also demands so much from me that I just wasn't ready or able to give... I mean, my wife was killed by one of my own brothers for fucks sake! And she just was wanting to move right on in and replace all my wife's shit with hers and take over, I just couldn't take it anymore, so when she ended it, I let it happen and truthfully, I actually feel a bit relieved."

"So let me see if I understand this properly. Originally you were wanting someone to take the place of your dead wife to fill the void because you felt like you couldn't manage the life you had without someone. But when the woman you chose started to act like her, you resented her for it?" Opie nodded, "Yeah I guess so." Kitty placed a hand on his thigh to make him feel comfortable, "Sounds to me like you are afraid to be alone because you always had your wife as a support, even if it didn't seem like she was. And not having that there, you feel like your tightrope walking with no safety net below. Let me guess, high school sweethearts?" Opie nodded.

She made a quick squeeze to his thigh making sure he knew she was still there for him, "You tried to get someone to come in and take up that role and wash away that loneliness when you realized in a panic that by having just anyone take that spot, you feel like you would be dishonoring your wife's memory... especially if said woman started to act like your wife when she clearly isn't her, keeping you from moving forward from the past and allowing you to open your heart again. Obviously, she wasn't the right one." Opie looked at Kitty, eyes filled with pain and sorrow, tears threatening to fall, "So what do I do?"

Kitty got up, stood in front of him between his legs and hugged him, letting him hold onto her waist, head resting on her chest so he could feel that he wasn't drowning... cause she knew from experience that's exactly how he was feeling.

She sighed pulled his head up to look at her, "Opie... what I'm about to tell you will most likely piss you off, but I want you to know (and maybe even understand it eventually), that I know what you are going through and I mean absolutely no disrespect or animosity in any way towards you or your wife. Ok?" He nodded slightly. She grabbed his cheeks gently in her soft hands and looked deeply into his hazel eyes so he could see that what she was to say was meant to heal him... hopefully.

"First you have to come to terms with the fact that your wife is dead and not coming back. It sucks. It fucking sucks really fucking bad, and it's hard to deal with, but we are not immortals and the reaper comes for us all... you and the club, of all people, should know that since you carry him on your back wherever you go, always looking over your shoulder for him. That is the unfortunate reality of life."

"So no matter who you end up with, remember you will never dishonor her memory. Whomever you do choose is NOT your first wife and can never be, therefor your wife's memories will always be safe within your heart." She gently touched his chest on his heart. He brought his hands up to rest on top of her's feeling the power of her words.

"Your wife is watching over you and hoping for you to find some happiness again, whether it's with someone or not. And if she even remotely loved you even just a tiny ounce, (which I am 100% certain she loved you completely with her whole heart) that she doesn't want you to live in the past, in pain and suffering, in the shadow of her death. She would want you to live and take care to raise your kids to the damned best of your abilities Opie."

"Yes, it is hard as hell to move on from someone you have loved for such a long time and lost, and yes, over time her memories will fade from the forefront part of your mind, but she will never leave your heart or memories completely. Cause that's the thing about hearts and the love they hold, there is never just a small amount in any one heart, there is an infinite amount and it can flow out like a geyser, so that means there is more of your heart to share with someone else and still keep your wife there as well."

Kitty sighed before continuing, "She wouldn't want you to lock your heart away-and be forever in pain." Kitty closed her eyes as she took a deep breath, then opened them again and knew there was pain and anguish in her own eyes as she spoke honestly to the giant of a man sitting in front of her. "Trust me... you can't live your life in the past Opie, otherwise you will end up just like me, alone, afraid and empty with no one left to love or be loved by in return."

By now, Kitty has a few tears that fell due to how close to home her words felt, while Opie looked up at her, his own tears having stained his face because she had broken it all down to the most real of real truths for him. "You aren't alone Kitty... you have all of us." Kitty shook her head and started to step back which made Opie quickly grab and hold her hands tightly as he got out of his chair to stand in front of her.

"Kitty, I'm serious. If you believe it or not, we all care about you, some of us more than others, and some in a different 'wanting to roll in the bedsheets for all eternity' sort of way, but the moment you showed up, you brightened up all our lives. Yes, you also brought some chaos but what's life without a little fun?" He smirked causing her to scoff a laugh. "Besides, who else are we going to talk about to torment Tig in how sexy you are and how badly the guys want you to be their Old Lady so they can have you all to themselves and fuck you whenever they want because you are so amazing of a person and fucking hot as hell too. They don't want to lose someone as awesome as you, trust me?"

She scoffed out another laugh at his words, knowing he was joking about the Tig stuff but also brushing the rest off as joking as well, even though his face showed otherwise. "Yea ok well, we aren't supposed to be talking about or analyzing me here. You came here cause you wanted to talk and clear your head so let's get back to cleaning out that storage shed you call a brain cavity." She tapped his forehead with a slender finger while her other hand, still holding his, shook it trying to distract him.

She was suddenly pulled into his huge, hard body as both of his large paws grabbed her on both sides of her face and crashed his lips down onto her. It was a sweet and caring kiss, full of emotions like gratitude, relief, happiness, of course, lust, and something else she couldn't pinpoint. Her hands went up along his hard, ripped stomach and fisted his shirt there since she couldn't move her hands up farther, while she kissed him back.

She was so confused. Happy, Jax, Juice and now Opie... all of them had their own personalities, flaws, and quirks and for some damn reason, she was so drawn to each one for whatever those different reasons were. All the guys were attractive yes, it wasn't the only reason of course so that wasn't a bad thing, but that damn magnetic pull they had on her, it drew her into them each like a moth to a flame. But in truth, she honestly didn't know what the hell she was doing, or who she wanted, if she even wanted any of them or what the hell was going on in general.

(A/N: Yes this originally was Lyla, and with a little crappy editing, let's just pretend that this is Kitty and Opie ^_~ )

Opie's hands moved from her face to her hips, deepening their kiss, while they were there, they eventually moved to her shapely ass he had been dying to get his hands on since he first saw her drive into the lot on her custom bike. She moaned into his mouth and that made him groan and pull her harder against him. She could feel his arousal on her stomach and the kiss was making her just as equally aroused.

Her hand began to move, one going to grab and held onto the belt at his hips in a fist to balance herself and keep from falling backward (since he was taller), her other hand went up to his firm chest, feeling the muscles flex under her touch before grabbing his shoulder and pulling him closer. Her hand slowly moved over to his throat, caressing her fingers gently over his sensitive flesh and Adam's apple.

"Fucking Christ..." he gasped out happily with a light laugh when they finally broke the kiss for air and to stop it from going further. His forehead was against hers and both were breathing hard.

• ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ •  (˘\ SoA /˘)  • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ •

Music: Shinedown - Breaking Inside

She felt horrible. "Opie..." she whimpered out sadly causing him to look at her with concern, "What? Did you not like it? Did I push you too far? I shouldn't have done it, I'm sorry, I just.." she placed a finger on his lips to stop him as her sad blue eyes looked into his hazel ones.

"What's wrong Kitty?" He asked, his brows knitting together as he looked at her with growing panic. "Opie... I like you. Just in this short amount of time that I've gotten to know you and you are a very sweet and loving guy..."

"But...?" He asked with some slightly confused and amping himself up for rejection type hesitation.

She sighed and pulled away from him, "But you aren't the only one. I mean, don't get me wrong, I haven't had sex with anyone in my whole life but Happy, but just since I've been here, I have made out with not only you but Juice and Jax and yes even recently Happy, (before I realized what I had done and threw his ass out...) but that's beside the point." She started to tick off points on her fingers.

"I like and care about all of you, A LOT, for different reasons and you all are great, amazing guys, but my mind is too messed up and you all don't deserve to be burdened with my baggage... (except Happy, but that's because he's the one at fault for it) I'm just all sorts of fucked up, and I don't want to be stringing any of you along."  She said the parts about Happy under her breath and with a little distaste in her mouth.

Opie just chuckled as he brought his hands up to her waist and pulled her body into his. He lifted her face up by her chin to look into his eyes, "Well baby, if you hadn't noticed, we are all a bit fucked up and have baggage of our own." She just stared at him and soon she shook her head with a smile, "You all are just too damn stubborn for your own good." At that, he leaned his head back and laughed, "You ain't wrong about that!"

Once he stopped laughing, he held her hand and pulled her towards the house. "Come on..." he was finished smoking so he wanted to go back in where they could talk more comfortably. He walked them into the living room where he plopped down on the couch. His back in the corner and one leg resting up and along the seat cushions. He had pulled her down into his lap when he plopped down and made sure to get her comfortable before wrapping his thick arms around her, holding her close to him.

She was slid between his legs, her back was now pressed against his hard chest, her head snuggled under his chin, her legs were bent, knees resting against the back of the couch while her feet were flat against the cushion under her, his arms around her, hers resting on his. This felt nice, very comfortable, even if she was still slightly tense because of all the other guys that were roaming around in her head. "So tell me the story." His voice broke her thoughts.

"What story?" She asked trying to look back at him but his arms were holding her too comfortably tightly. "Tell me the story of your baggage and why you are so resistant to any of us getting close to you." She sighed and played with the rings on his fingers as his hands had been holding hers, "I'm sure you already know." Her voice was quiet and sad, it made him groan. "Well yeah, we all know the story about how Happy went and fucked your friend but I know there is more to the story. So come on, out with it babe."

She thought about it and as a lone tear fell she nodded, "Yeah, ok. So I went looking for him to tell him I was pregnant, that's when I caught him with her, and I left." She took a deep breath and continued, "As I was driving, I got t-boned by a truck and was in the hospital for a few days. He never came to visit me. Never came to see if I was ok, how I was managing. I ended up losing our baby and he never was there to console me. Grant it he didn't actually know, but if he had cared, he would have found out, this is Happy we are talking about after all. So because of that, I truly believe it is his fault my baby isn't here now and it's hard to let that blame go." She wiped away the few tears that fell. She had felt Opie tensed up when she mentioned the baby she figured it was cause she knew he was an avid family man.

"Does he... does he know now?" He asked quietly. She nodded her head slowly, "Yes. He initially jumped me and claimed that I got rid of it out of spite because of what he did, but I never would do that, so I set him straight."

She lightly chuckled, "Of course that was after I smacked him several times, then told him to get fuck out of my house... that was the day after the BBQ." She felt Opie's body move sensing he was nodding his head in understanding.

'That would explain his extra stuck up asshole mood lately.' He thought to himself. "And?" He urged gently.

"And that's why I haven't been with anyone since. He had been the only guy I've EVER been with. We had been together since we were in early teens for goodness sake, basically high school sweethearts!" She exclaimed then went on a side tangent, "Well my early, his late teens... he is older than me after all."

"He was my first kiss, the first boyfriend, he took my virginity, was the first person to live with that wasn't blood family, the first person to ever ask me to marry him, the one who would have been the father to my first child... and the first to betray me... he took everything and literally destroyed me... I don't want to be held back. I want to find someone to spend the rest of this life's adventure with. I don't want to waste another day of living with the mistakes of the past but..." She took a deep breath. Opie remained quiet just letting her unload it all.

"But it's hard. I mean, how am I supposed to be able to just willingly trust someone else to come in and hope they don't do what Happy did to me all over again? I know I haven't been with anyone physically but him, but I've seen how guys are through friends, media and just observing life around me, it's inevitable that the guy's dick will land in some other chick's pussy... it took me seven years to just get back to normal, I don't want to experience that kind of pain anymore." She brought her hands up over Opie's arms and covered her face, trying to will back the tears that threatened to overtake her.

• ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • (˘\ SoA /˘) • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ •

Music: Theory of a Deadman - Gentleman
Note: This song isn't meant to call Opie a loser for any reason, I just thought it was a funny upbeat type song and played on the word that Opie calls himself... it's all in fun. *ω*

"Not all guys are like that though," Opie said gently, nuzzling his face into the back of her hair, eyes closed and enjoying the closeness of a normal, nonnagging bitchy woman and the actual deep heartfelt conversation for once.

She sighed, she knew what he was saying was completely logical, but her heart just couldn't get on the same page as her brain.

"Unfortunately it's not that simple Opie. I know not everyone is like that, and everyone deserves a chance, hell, Id love to be able to move past this, but how am I supposed to get my fucking heart to move on from something like that and catch up to my head?"

"How am I supposed to preemptively see how a guy is going to be like in a relationship with me if I haven't been with anyone else but Happy and his cheating ways? I have nothing else to compare any of it to but him. I mean, how am I supposed to know if I'm making the right choice or not?"

The tears started to fall and land on Opie's bare arms, "How am I supposed to open my heart up to the possibility that it could get shattered again?" She wiped away at her tears annoyed.

Opie just gave her a tighter squeeze before turning her slightly so she was sitting with her back in the joint of his shoulder and he could use his hand to lift up her face to him, he used his thumb to brush off her tears gently, "Honestly? I don't know, Kitty. I'm not good with this sorta shit."

Before she could say anything more he continued, "But what I do know is that we only have this one life and sometimes you just have to pick up your balls and jump in and hope you stick the landing... sometimes certain things are worth taking the risk for."

His thumb went from wiping her tears to caressing her face, as he was talking but when he spoke the last sentence his eyes were bouncing back and forth between her eyes and her lips, and after the last word he spoke, he pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss.

She kissed him back quite easily, her hands caressing up his stomach to his chest. He groaned into the kiss and she could feel he was getting harder and poking against her thigh.

His arm that she was leaning on stayed wrapped around her but his hand was gripping her furthest ass cheek from him while the hand on her face moved down along her arm, and then down over her breast.

Kitty was already aroused but as his hand rubbed over her nipple, the tantalizing sensation made her moan into his mouth.

Opie could feel how hard her nipples were and began to grope her breast, rubbing the pearled flesh that rested under her flimsy clothes, aching for the heated touch of him.

This was probably the most she had ever done with anyone that wasn't Happy, and even though she felt bad because of the other guys, she didn't seem to want it to stop.

Yes, Happy had been very attentive and worshiped her body when they had fucked recently, but this was different because well, it was a different guy, and she felt safe in his arms. He hadn't caused her pain like Happy had.

Their kiss got much more heated and sloppy. Tongues warring for dominance moans, and groans escaping both, nibbles and pulling of a lip here and there.

His hand on her breast went down then up under her flimsy mesh halter top to fiddle with the very thin and any barely-there coverage lingerie she wore when she stopped him suddenly.

"Opie..." He places his face in the crook of her neck and placed a few gentle kisses as he cut her off, "I know, you don't want to have sex with me..."

She then cut him off quickly, "Of course I do! *clears throat* Well I mean, I DO want to just have you fuck me until I scream your name because I'm so fucking wet right now..." This made him smirk devilishly.

"...but it's honestly not right or fair to you or any of the other guys, cause my mind is still so messed up. Not only that, but I also don't want anyone to think I'm just some easy sweetbutt or croweater you can pass around... especially to myself." She was giving him a sad smile.

His lips curled into a wicked grin as he stared at her. Widening her eyes as her pupils dilated, she bit her lip in slightly frightened excitement at what that grin meant.

"Ok, no sex... but I am not some asshole that can just leave a woman unsatisfied." His nose was nuzzling hers teasingly as he brought his smirking lips to barely graze her lips teasingly.

"I am a gentleman after all." He whispered before he placed a chaste kiss to her lips causing her to giggle softly, "Oh my, such a gentleman indeed..." she purred causing him to growl and go to kiss her lips hard and rough.

She moaned into his mouth and ran her hands under his shirt to feel his hot, tight, hard stomach, and chest muscles.

His hand that had been under her shirt completely abandoned its original task for a more important one. It slid down her stomach, tickled her belly button and it's piercing before sliding down into her leggings.

Opie made sure to get them under her panties as well, not wanting to completely be an ass and torture her. Besides he was dying to feel her pussy.

He felt a little patch of perfectly trimmed, sculpted hair right above her folds as he moved his fingers farther down and feel the slick wetness of her arousal.

"Fuck babe, you are soaked... you want me to fuck you with my fingers, hmm baby?" He broke the kiss to take little bites and licks along her neck as he used his deep sexy voice to swoon her more.

"Mmm yes, Opie... please use your big, thick fingers to fuck my dripping wet pussy that's just aching for you." She purred out with a moan, her eyes half-closed as she ran her hands up and down his chest.

He growled loudly as he bit her collarbone fairly hard and shoved his finger into her waiting hole. She gasped out in pleasure as he spoke after licking his bite mark, "Shit baby, your pussy is so tight, you're squeezing the fuck out of just one finger!"

Her hips began to rock against his hand that was now pumping in and out of her while his lips went back to claim hers in a hard and hungry kiss.

His thumb was now rubbing against her little nub causing her to break the kiss and he just held his face close to hers so he could whisper his grunts into her ear.

Opie moved his hand and slipped in a second finger and she was now gripping him even tighter, "Oh fuck Ope! Your fingers feel so good... mmm" she cried out as her nails raked down his chest making him growl and finger her harder.

"You going to cum for me, baby? Going to give me your cum all over my fingers, ya?" He whispered into her ear while he kissed, nibbles, and licked it. His beard tickling her sensitive flesh excitingly.

She was moaning like crazy, hips grinding hard against his hand which incidentally was rubbing against his jean covered dick as well. He started to really move his hand in and out of her while rubbing against her clit, bending his fingers slightly to get to her gspot knowing she was so damn close.

"Yes yes Opie, fuck, I'm right there, keep going... mmm I'm- I'm- ohhhhhOPIE!" She didn't even get to finish her thought let alone her sentence when her orgasm finally erupted making her cry out and she squirted all over his hand and soaked her panties, leggings, his jeans, and probably the couch.

Her nails dug into his skin on his pecks as she grabbed a hold of him and he groaned at the pleasurable pain. He kept moving his hand to help her ride out her orgasm as he continued to whisper to her, "Mmm fuck, such a naughty girl making such a mess. Damn you are so breathtakingly sexy, mmm."

Once her orgasm was over, he pulled out his fingers and stuck them in his mouth and licked them clean while she watched him, making her bite her lip and him to growl at it.

Once he was done licking his fingers clean, he kissed her mouth forcing her to stop biting her lip. "You really need to stop doing that babe or else I'll just keep kissing you." He smirked.

She replied to his smirk with one of her own, "Oh yea? Well, what if I want you to keep kissing me?" He leaned down to kiss her but not quite yet, "You just gotta ask, babygirl." They both smiled against each other's lips and he kissed her hard.

• ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ •  (˘\ SoA /˘)  • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ •

They talked for a little bit more, kissed and snuggled some too, went out for a smoke break a few times, and even got him to become friends with Reznik, all before he finally decided to get up from the couch they were currently resting on to go home.

"Well, I should probably head home and get some sleep, I got kids to pick up in the morning." He stretched as he spoke then began to gather up his previously discarded items.

She stood up and walked to the door waiting for him once he had put on his beanie and kutte. He walked over towards her and the door and just as she was about to open it, he put his hand up stopping it.

He leaned down, wrapped his hand in her hair pulling her to him as his lips pressed onto hers. Her hands were on his chest and fisting his kutte for balance. Once he broke the kiss he smiled, "See ya around baby."

"You know we aren't a couple, right?" She asked with a slight mater-of-factually smile, he just winked, opened the door, and walked out to his bike, hopped on after putting his helmet on and rode off.

She closed the door and leaned up against it exhaling a deep breath, "What the fuck am I doing!?" She asked herself and then looked at Reznik who was just looking at her with a cocked head.

She cocked her head mimicking him, "Yea, I know I'm crazy. Maybe I should take a little vacation? Clear my head?" Reznik just did a sneeze and she sighed, "Yea yea. Running away won't settle my problems."

She walked over and plopped onto the couch with a heavy exhaled sigh and just sprawled out. "I wish you were was still around dad..." she said turning towards the fireplace where on the mantle sat the ornate motorcycle box her father's ashes resides in.

• ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ •  (˘\ SoA /˘)  • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ •

Music: Shinedown - Dangerous

Apparently, there was a threat made on the families of the club a couple of days after Opie had been over which meant they were heading into lock-down. All four guys, Jax, Juice, Opie and her brother Tig had texted her about it, and even though she had told them not to worry about her, it was no surprise that her brother was now there, trying (and failing) to convince Kitty to come and she was refusing. "Fucking hell Kitty, we need to keep you protected!" He yelled as he paced in her living room, she just casually sat on her couch and looked at him unimpressed.

"I am sorry for all that is going on, but I am not going anywhere Tig. This is my home and I have no dealings with the club." She crossed her arms stubbornly. Tig cursed and grabbed his hair pulling it slightly before stomping up to face her and point an angry finger at her, "You get your shit and get to the clubhouse now..." he then pointed to the door behind him and continued, "...or I will make Happy come over here and drag your ass there."

She knew he was just trying to ruffle her feathers by using Happy as a pawn, but she didn't care, she would call his bluff. She stood up to square off with his much taller frame, "No." Her voice was calm and cold, much like her eyes. She wasn't going to be forced into being confined to the small spaces of the clubhouse with Jax, Opie, Happy and Juice there.

Tig growled at her and squinted, "Fine, but I warned you." He backed off and walked to the door like he was leaving and so she went back to sitting on the couch. Tig stopped just out of earshot, pulled out his burner, and called Happy.

Happy: "What?"

Tig: "Kitty isn't coming willingly, wanna come and drag her ass there?"

Happy: "Why can't you?"

Tig: "You've seen how pissed off she can get, she worse than me. Besides you're the only one that's been able to contain her anger before."

Happy: *sighs* "Bro, I doubt I could stop, let alone contain her anger, especially since she is holding onto so much of it towards me."

Tig: "Ugh fuck... uhh bring Opie and Jax with you to help grab her and Juice with the van."

Happy: *groans* "Fine."

With that Happy hung up the phone and Tig put his away as well. He turned around and didn't see Kitty on the couch and went looking for her. "You better not be trying to escape!" He yelled and stopped in the kitchen when she was standing there at the fridge, "Nope, just making myself a sandwich. You want one?" She acted completely cool even though inside, Tig was pissed, annoyed, and kinda freaked out due to the threat.

Tig shook his head, "No, what I would like is for you to go and get some of your shit together and come with me to the clubhouse." His voice was seething with anger. Once she was done making her sandwich, even giving Reznik a piece, she heard the familiar sound of multiple bikes. Reznik's head perked up and waited to see who was there. Once he saw, he went back to his food.

Opie, Jax, Happy and Juice all walked into Kitty's house and stood by Tig who was in the archway to the kitchen, looking at Kitty who was happily eating her sandwich, completely ignoring the men and their annoyance. "Would you boys like a sandwich?" She asked sweetly and casually, not looking up at them.

Opie shook his head and kind of smirked at her. "Nah darlin', we would like you to go get your stuff and come with us... please?" Jax responded with his cute almost puppy dog look that usually got any woman to do whatever he wanted, and waited till she finished her bite of food for her response.

"No." She said with a bored expression. Happy took a step forward and glared at her, "Enough of this tantrum bullshit Katherine, go get your shit and let's go." His voice was hard, rough, full of anger and pain but instead of having her back away in fear as it would most people, it just pissed her off more.

She crossed her arms and glared at him.



She hissed out between her teeth making him growl and begin to feel his demons clawing to get out. "Damn it, Kitty!" Tig yelled once more before looking to Jax for some help. Jax turned towards Juice and nodded towards her bedroom, "Go pack some of her shit, we will get her." Juice looked towards Kitty and gave her a look of saying he's sorry, but he has to do what his VP says. Kitty continued to look thoroughly pissed off, though it wasn't at Juice. She nodded towards him letting him know that she understood his unhappiness in his task but that he had to do it. He scurried off to do as he was told.

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