Vincent's Betrayal

De Rg-wolfe

162K 4.2K 565

She was always her twins shadow. The dark silhouette that hid in the background while her sister took all the... Mais



5.8K 154 27
De Rg-wolfe


M Y  W E E K E N D  W I T H Maya really lifted my spirits and put my mind in a good place for the time being. Unfortunately our time away from the stressful world of werewolves was over and I was back home with my family.

I could hear arguing coming from downstairs, most likely coming from my parents. They seemed to be having a go at each other but this sounded serious.

I hopped out of bed and made my way out my room and down the stairs at a quick pace. The arguing became more clear as I moved closer to the screeching sound of my mothers voice.

I walked into the kitchen where my siblings were sitting at the table watching my parents intently during their heated argument.

I went over to the table and sat next to my brother Chase except I pulled my chair to put a bit of distance between us. Chase didn't bother acknowledging my actions or even my presence, everyone was just fixated on my parents.

I turned my head towards my mother and father, and at that moment my father had just exploded and full forced slapped her in the face.

My eyes widened in horror, never in all my existence have I seen my father do that to my mother ever. She held her cheek which was red and blotchy from the slap.

The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. I saw the anger in my mothers eyes, they switched to a bright yellow colour as her wolf was taking over and she raised her arms up to my father and slapped him back even harder on both sides.

Shock was evident on his face from my mothers retaliation, I however was smirking at her for standing up to my father.

Bastard deserved it anyway!

I kept my attention on my father as I noticed the veins in his neck sticking out, meaning his wolf was trying to break through and teach his female a lesson about disrespecting him.

My father has a strong wolf since he is the beta of the pack and he has a beta bloodline. So his wolf is a lot stronger than most as he is to take over the pack in the absence of the alpha.

My mothers wolf cowered in fear as she retracted back into her mind and my mothers skin side came back in control. She backed away as my father approached her with eyes blazing in rage and long k-9 fangs which protruded through his gums.

In a flash I tried to take control of the situation, I ran up in front of my father and pushed him as hard as I could, which resulted in him falling backwards onto the hard wooden floor below us.

I turned to my siblings "get mom out of here quickly dads gonna shift and attack her!"

The boys quickly sprung up from the table and grabbed my mother who was in disbelief by the whole situation and took her out of the room.

"You better come too" Chase called out to Hayley as my dad was getting ready to shift and attack.

I see out the corner of my eye Chase grabbing Hayley and running with her out of the room. "Don't hurt dad!" She shouts at me.

"I think I'm more likely to get hurt" I whisper to myself.

My fathers clothes shred to pieces as his large blonde wolf emerges through his skin and takes over. His beady dark brown eyes stare me down as he growls, his way of threatening me.

I slowly step away as he growls even louder and because of this he motions closer to me, clearly not liking me backing away from him.

"You know to never hit a woman dad, I never thought you'd do that" I speak to him slowly as I keep backing away from him.

His ears perk at my voice but he continues to try to make me surrender to his dominance, he wants me to be submerged in fear of him which will therefore force me into submission.

Fortunately I don't back down easy, I'm not a pushover and I will not let anyone dictate what I'm doing.

Suddenly my dad just runs straight at me and attempts to jump on top of me. His heavy paws on my chest make me fall back onto the hard floor, the back of my head just missing the table.

I slide half my body under the table and proceed to kick at his face. "Stop please!" I shout at him.

"Dad please calm down" I say as his teeth try to clamp around my leg and to which he would try to drag me out from under the table and force me to submit.

His jaggy teeth scrape off of my leg which rips my black leggings and causes a white scrape mark to appear.

"Right that's fucking enough!" I scream and jab my foot right in his eye which makes him whimper. I quickly pull myself out from under the table and jump on top of my father.

I hold his neck in a choking position and use my other arm to protect myself as he swipes at me with his paws.

"Dad enough of this, calm down now!" My voice booms throughout our kitchen and I tighten my grip around his neck as he tries to bite my face.

Holding his neck will help slow down his breathing and it'll stop him from struggling as much. Lots of werewolves use this tactic on other pack members who end up going out of control.

His breathing slows and he begins to relax, I know this won't do much though to help him totally calm down. Usually when a pack member ends up out of control the healer will arrive with an elixir that helps put the wolf to sleep so the human can return to their body.

The remedy is a mix of hot water and crushed valerian plants because the sent of the valerian helps induce sleep. The pack doesn't believe in real scientific medications that the humans use.

Once he's in a total relaxed state I quickly pull away from him and run out of the room. I head upstairs towards where my family will be which is my parents room since it's the biggest in the house.

I hear heavy paws pound on the floor behind me which makes my legs work even faster as I run down the hall to my parents room.

I don't even turn to look behind me because I already know my fathers coming after me. Chasing me in fury at my rebel against his dominance and the fact that I basically held his wolf down.

I'd consider myself to be very strong on my skin side which therefore means I don't actually need to have a wolf to defend or protect me.

All my siblings wolves are strong since their of beta blood, which means all of us will be mated to stronger wolves such as other alphas and betas and even gammas. Although it could be different in my case with the absence of my shifting ability.

I see the bedroom door and without a second thought I bust the heavy wooden door open and slam it back closed.

I hear gasps come from my mother and Hayley as i lean against the door taking heavy breaths in. My family watch as my mother moves over to me and pulls me into her embrace.

"Not dead then?" My brother Chase questions while staring at my ripped leggings. I nod my head and pull back from my mom.

"You okay mom? Your cheek is all red" I point out as I delicately stroke mom's cheek. She slightly flinches to which I retract my hand.

I hear my fathers wolf growl from the other side of the door and begin scratching at the polished wood. I lean my full weight against the door along with chase and James.

Cole was comforting my crying sister to which I rolled my eyes when no one was looking. He's really comforting her even though I'm the one that just got attacked by my own father.

After a little while my father stops trying to break into the bedroom and decides to leave and go off for a run. No doubt there will be a lot of slaughtered deers found in the woods later by patrol.

I breath a sigh of relief and move away from the door. I break the silence between everyone "What the fuck just happened?"

"Hadley please don't use that language in front of me, you know I don't like that word" Mom complained. I roll my eyes again.

"I just got attacked defending your honour and trying to stop my psycho dad from hurting everyone and you ask me to watch my fucking language, like really mom?!" I exclaim in anger.

"Okay Hadley calm down, we're all really thankful that you protected us from dads wolf-" James speaks as Hayley interrupts.

"Speak for yourself James I'm not at all thankful it's all her fault anyway dad got mad and slapped mom" Hayley remarked while pointing her overly long, old manicured finger nail in my direction.

"And how did you figure that one out genius I walked down as they were arguing-"

"Who do you think they were arguing about stupid" Hayley cuts in once again.

"What the fuck have I done I've literally been away all weekend and I'm getting talked about by my own family members even though I haven't actually done anything" I feel my blood boil and rage takes over my mental state as I hear my sister blame me for my parents actions.

"That's enough from both you girls I'm sick of the arguing. Hayley stop trying to cause bother and annoy your sister!" Mom shouts clearly getting angry.

I look ahead to my mother "well?"

"What?" She asks clearly not understanding.

"Was the argument between you and dad really about me? What have I done I mean seriously?" I fume and cross my arms over my chest.

"Nothing, we were just talking about your future and we had a few disagreements on certain things and it just got too out of hand" she reveals.

Mom sighs and grabs my hand pulling me down onto the bed, planting me next to her. "Can you guys leave for a minute?" She asks my siblings.

James nods and takes them all out the room but Hayley begins to complain about how she wants to stay and hear what my mom has to say to me.

The door closes behind them then my mother takes ahold of my hand and starts rubbing it in a comforting motion.

"So what's going on?" I demanded as I began to grow impatient with not knowing the situation fully.

"Okay so, yes me and your father were arguing about you, but mainly about what your doing right now socially and educationally wise. Your father thinks you should get a job within the pack."

"But mom why you said it was okay for me to do my own thing after I left school"

"I know I know, but your father doesn't agree with it. So whatever he says goes!"

"Why all of a sudden does he not want me to do my own thing? I mean you guys knew I wanted to go off in the world I don't want to stay here forever I'd be miserable" I declared.

"Obviously you know that soon enough your mate is going to come for you and he's going to be of high rank. Your dad thinks you may be rejected if you don't stake your place in this pack as the betas daughter and start contributing to it. He's just worried you become mateless-"

I stand up cutting my mom off "No mom don't tell me he's doing this because he's worried about me because that's a lie, he just doesn't want me to make him look bad to the pack or other packs. The weirdo betas daughter who secretly hates being a werewolf and wants to leave to go be with the human kind because she really just wants to be a normal girl. Oh what a scandal that would be!"

I feel my eyes flood with tears and my throat becomes sore as I realise how ashamed my father really is of me, and how he doesn't want me to be who I really want to be.

"No please don't get upset I tried to explain to your father that your not like all of us. You wanna be your own person, live your own life. That's why your dad slapped me and changed into his wolf side. He was so angry I went against him" Mom bites her lip in worry and her eyes shoot to the floor in fear of what happened between her and my dad not too long ago.

"Well I'm so sorry I'm such a disappointment to everyone! I'm sorry I'm estranged from my own family and my pack and even my wolf. I just want to have a total normal life, I hate this one!" I shout.

"You may hate your life Hadley but you should be thankful you've been so fortunate with your family and life situation. You may hate us all and the life you have but there are people worse off than you who would trade places with you in a minute. Don't be so selfish!" Mom shouts which makes me scoff and kick the side of the bed in anger and frustration. She's so hot and cold. One minute she's on my side then the next she's going against me.

My family just doesn't understand me they don't get my longing to be normal. I'm stuck in a life that I don't want and I don't care how selfish I may sound because if others lived my life day to day they would realise how shitty my situation really is.

"Selfish? Me selfish? You wanna talk about selfish look at your other daughter she's a total bitch, a shit sister and an awful person. But I'm the one that's selfish and the one you should be ashamed of? Good one. I fucking hate you all!" I declare to mother and make my way to the door.

I pull it open as she calls my name but I ignore her and slam the door hard making a bang that echoes through the hallway.

My mind overflows with frustration and anguish, forcing me to head straight for the front door. I swing it open and take off running into the tree line in the forest. I hope to see my father so I can beat his ass for all this trouble but I know that's unlikely because he's probably away slaughtering any animal he comes across, maybe even a human.

I keep running past tall dark trees and dark green moss that covers the ground with some brown leaves. The sound of the wind brushing past my ears with the occasional snap of a twig.

My run comes to a halt when I see a patch of large grass which I decide to be my resting place for the time being.

I walk onto the grass then flop my body down onto it, laying on my back with my arm behind my head and my hand on my stomach.

I feel the frizz of my hair and a slight matting. I mentally groan and roll my eyes. My hair is always frizzy, always getting tuggy. It really bothers me.

Sometimes I want to cut my hair off and live an easier life with Tangle free hair. But I just know I wouldn't suit it, plus I like to think my hair is my best feature even with all its flaws.

I shiver from the gust of wind that blows through the air, realising I'm wearing ripped leggings and a white tank top which is covered in mud now no doubt.

Why am I such a disappointment to my family? I don't understand why they can't except me for who I am...or who I want to be!

Yes I'm a werewolf and I'm always gonna be one because it's in my blood but, it wasn't my choice to live this life.

I don't have a wolf, which means I may have a chance at doing what I wanna do away from werewolves, packs and my awful family.

I wouldn't even miss them I hate them that much, my mom she's alright but she will always side with everyone else at the end of the day.

I have no one fighting my corner and I'm sick of it, things are gonna start changing soon and they're gonna change fast.

Wrapped up in my thoughts made me unaware of the man that was staring at me, all the way on the other side of the grass...


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