The Sound of Silence: Fire in...

By ShiroKiriihana

682 46 9

Leon and Chris share a deep bond and understanding no one within the BSAA or the DSO could ever comprehend. L... More

Prologue (The Sound of Silence)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Four

77 6 1
By ShiroKiriihana

"Have you been to the Palace of Culture?"

Leon quirked a brow at Sasha as his friend quietly munched on his munecini. He shook his head, replying, "I haven't, and I'm sure my little sister Zemira would like to see the palace herself."

"You have a little sister?" Sasha eyed Leon. In a strange sense, it was like the other was daring Leon to bluff at him. The agent sighed. "Okay, maybe not my biological sister but..."

Sasha nodded and waved a hand; he understood. He swallowed his food and told Leon, "You found someone, adopted her as a little sister. It's not an unusual story, comrade."

Leon smiled and nodded. He added quietly, "She's also FBI, and we both have a similar case."

Sasha cleaned his lips. He asked, "Is she also looking for this Chris Redfield?"

Leon nodded, and Sasha hummed. He noted, "This is a complicated situation then. Perhaps when your, uh, sister, wakes we should discuss a plan. I heard of a village just along the main Wallachian highway that's up to some suspicious activity. It's around the Peles Castle, Bucharest area. I can take you and your friend there. I would go with you if I were more capable."

Leon smiled. He told Sasha, "Your help is more than enough. I owe you more than thanks in return."

"Did you know, when you say someone's name, it gives more of a tendency for them to appear?"

The slightly sleepy attitude-filled words came from who else but Zemira herself. "True fact. I heard my name at least once."

She had opted for a pair of jeans, a flowy-sort of peasant blouse, and boots for today, unlike her plane attire of sweatpants and tennis shoes. Sitting down, she gave a sweet little smile. "Hello! As Leon, my apparent big brother said, I'm Zemira, a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mister....?"

"Alexander," Sasha greeted. He struggled to get up, prompting Leon to help him to his feet. He shook Zemira's hand, and once more, sat back down. "But I go by Sasha or Buddy, whichever is less formal."

Leon turned to Zemira. "Sasha was one of the freedom fighters back in the Eastern Slav Republic," he explained. "That was also back when the Oligarchy took power of the government and invaded civilian territory for economic resources."

"It was difficult," Sasha added, "But it was thanks to Leon who helped put the Oligarchy back in their place and give the people the government they deserved from the Soviet power."

She nodded slowly. "I vaguely recall this, Mostly because I was a child then." Zemira noted. "Also, most call me either Zemi or Mira, whichever works best for you!"

After she spoke that, she looked at Leon. "Not you though, you can continue to call me Zemira. Mostly because Hunnigan told me to tell you to."

"I don't call you Zemi or Mira!" Leon looked at the other, clearly, but comically, insulted. Sasha snickered and asked Zemira, "How did you come across my friend here?" He pointed to Leon, adding, "Does he owe you a drink as well?"

"You don't, and you won't get to." She teased Leon in response before answering Sasha. "Depends on how the next few days go. We met by coincidence; Our seats were side by side on the plane. And I'm not one for long flights."

Sasha chuckled. "I live on the other side of the Romanian border; it's just a drive for me."

Leon chuckled. He told Sasha, "She needed rescuing."

"I doubt that," Sasha teased Leon. He asked, "This Hunnigan. She the lady you both answer to?"

"According to her, I'm the only one of the two of us who actually listens." Zemira flashed a grin at Leon. "She spoke about you a lot, Leon."

Leon grimaced, and Sasha laughed heartily. He told Zemira, "It's quite all right, he complained about getting screwed out of his vacation when he was with us."

"It was a good vacation," Leon pouted. He added, "I was getting out of a dark place anyway."

Sasha nodded, not pushing this time. He knew better after all. He told Leon, "What matters now is that you are here."

Leon smiled. He then asked Zemira, "Shall we take a look around Iaşi?"

"Sounds like a good idea." Zemira chirped, running a hand through her loose red locks before tying them up in a ponytail. "I'm most curious about the Palace of Culture."

Leon nodded. Sasha, with Leon's help, also stood and told them, "I shall take you there."

"Sasha," Leon started, but Sasha raised a hand. He told him, "I would like to help, Leon. Please."

Zemira looked between the two, as if watching an interesting tennis match as she stood, offering an extra set of hands to Sasha to help him stand. "Honestly, Leon..... Unless you've a map handy, we will probably get lost... Directions aren't my strong suit."

"Or I wreck the car," Leon muttered tartly. Sasha snickered. He asked Leon, "Remember the tank you and I stole?"

Leon groaned and laughed. He told Sasha, "Okay, okay. Fine. You win."

Sasha chuckled, and Leon followed after. He turned to Zemira with a beaming grin on his face. He asked, "Ready?"

"You....... Stole a tank?" Zemira asked, staring at both men like they grew extra heads. "I'm going to need the story on that one..... And yes, I am, when you two are!" She chirped, bouncing slightly on her heels, following after the two men, a small bag over one shoulder and under the other arm.

Leon and Sasha nodded. They led her to Sasha's car, something of a small SUV. As they buckled in, Sasha and Leon regaled Zemira of the Eastern Slav Republic and the reason for Leon's assignment. All the while they picked on each other, haggling each other like they were the best of friends.

Zemira listened in quietly, letting the two old friends catch up, looking outside and watching the scenery pass by. Paying attention to detail was her thing, after all, and she was committing faces to memory, while mentally running them through the missing folk she knew of. Finding one would be a monolithic task in and of itself, but several? Well, they definitely had their work cut out for them...

They toured the Iaşi palace gardens, marveled at the fountain, all the while Sasha and Leon catching up in conversation. They toured the city, visited even the parks where Leon even surrendered his camera to Zemira. But all the while, the agent began to feel the pull to continue their journey. Even Sasha noted Leon's forlorn look, as though his mind was occupied, and sought for its freedom.

"Leon?" He finally asked, watching Leon turn and give him his attention. He could see the agent's worry creased in his brows, darken his bright blue eyes. He wanted to find Chris soon.

Sasha hummed, then looked back at Zemira, who was still taking pictures, then back at Leon. He asked, "Should we consider heading out on the Wallachian highway?"

Leon smiled. He glanced to Zemira over Sasha's shoulder, then answered, "I wouldn't want to pull her away. She seems like she's having fun."

"But you're worried about your spouse," Sasha pointed, "Because if you were truly enjoying yourself you'd be cutting a little more loosely."

Leon smiled. He shook his head, then admitted, "I do want to get going, yes. I'm sorry, I don't mean to put a damper onto anyone's mood."

Sasha shook his head. He told Leon, "Then let's go. The sooner we hit the road the sooner we can find another place to tide over. With it being winter, daylight hours are very short."

Leon nodded. Come to think of it, ever since they left the hotel that morning, they had spent about four hours being out and about. It was close to noon in Romania, which in the states would still have felt like early morning. They would have daylight for the next four hours, if that, and Bucharest was five hours and a little more than half an hour. 

"You know every time you glance in my direction, I can see it in the camera screen, right?" Zemira chirped, turning on her heels to face the two men. "A girl can only take so many photos, no matter how pretty. Even if I am a blogger." She teased Leon gently, reminiscent of their first meeting. "Plus, it's getting cold."

Leon nodded, and Sasha nodded as well. He offered, "Let's hurry to the car, and we'll hurry onto the highway while we still have daylight."

Leon turned to Zemira. He asked, "You sure you're okay with this? I didn't mean to interrupt."

"We made a deal, Leon." Zemira stated. "And I have a job to do as well. It's nice, playing tourist, but the sooner we figure out what happened to your husband, the sooner I'll be able to uncover what happened to the rest of my missing people."

Leon nodded. While she did have a point he still felt a bit bad about interrupting. Nonetheless, he followed after Sasha with Zemira keeping pace. They returned to the hotel, packed everything, and loaded up into the car. Then they headed out, taking the route through the old Wallachian road.

All the while Leon remained quiet. He checked his phone, texting his kids and letting them know where he would be. He messaged Hunnigan, asking if they were okay, and if she could, have Sherry and Jake check on them, just to make sure they did their homework and had dinner. He knew that even though they were teens a fairly capable, they were still kids, and still very young and vulnerable.

Just like how he felt now.

Just as Sasha said, the day hours carried rather quickly into evening. The setting sun was veiled behind grey, snow-burdened clouds, and the Plagas within Leon's body squirmed. Not due to its wants, but it Like it was sensing something. Something very wrong...

He was thankful Zemira was fast asleep.

"Something wrong?"

He looked over and found Sasha watching him from the rearview mirror. He frowned and told him, "I keep getting this feeling we need to turn right. I'm not sure why."

Sasha watched Leon, his eyes darting from the agent to the road, then back. He asked, "Right? Why?"

"I'm not sure..." Leon admitted. "But it...the Plagas...that's what it's telling me."

Sasha nodded carefully. He asked, "You sure about this? We have an exit coming up right now, to Dubraveni..."

"I'm sure," Leon stated. He asked, "How far does it go?"

"A ways past Vintileasca," Sasha noted, "Mountainous territory." He frowned, adding, "It's a small commune, only up to six villages, Leon. It might not be a good idea to head there with little resources."

Go, the Omega Plagas begged Leon, Find Chris! He must be there!

It was the first time Leon ever heard such a sound. It was like his own voice, only quieter, and much more urgent. It was like his internal self knew where to go, relying purely on instinct to guide him. He told Sasha, "Then we go to Vintileasca..."

Sasha nodded. He eased his car to the exit ramp to take Dubraveni, following the instinct of the Plagas. As the snow began to fall, the Plagas, and even Leon, were beginning to feel the ever-growing feeling of despair. 

Something was out there, and Leon knew he had to find it, soon...

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