we aren't simple - l.s

Oleh goldenangelsun

166K 5.4K 3.4K

"What are you thinking about, Hazza?" "I-" "It's alright baby take your time." "I'm scared to get it wrong."... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
chapter 66

Chapter 30

2.4K 80 32
Oleh goldenangelsun

if you like to do whatever you've been dreaming about...

Louis' POV

Apparently what happened earlier in the cafe is all over twitter. Although a lot of people seem to think that it isn't true because there aren't any pictures of it. If I am honest, I am kind of glad, I don't want Harry to get in trouble for all of this.

Periodically throughout the morning people kept on coming up to me asking if it was true and what Harry was planning. It started to get a little annoying, since I actually didn't know what Harry was planning.

At one point I hid in the back when a big group of girls came in. They all came in with Starbucks so it was obvious they were only here for one reason. I let Eleanor take care of that.

I would also like to mention the fact that Lottie called me screaming. I managed to get her to calm down enough to explain that I had no idea what he was planning. It was an event though.

It's almost lunch and I am already exhausted.

I get that people are excited but it can be a little tiring having to explain the same thing almost every time someone orders something.

These two girls keep looking over at me, I can tell they want to ask if I know what Harry is doing. At least they ordered something instead of just coming in to question me. They both seem really nice so I try not to be rude when they come over.

"uh excuse me?" One of the girls asks hesitantly. I can tell that she is worried she will offend me by asking.

"I don't know what Harry is planning, I'm sorry."

She looks at her friend who gives her a look that says "go-on-then". The girl turns back to me and takes a deep breath. I give her a reassuring smile, as if to say that I am just a human being you don't need to be afraid of me.

"Uh, what did Eleanor's story mean?" She asks quietly.

"What?" I ask confused. The girls look between each other.

"You didn't see it?" The other girl asks.

I shake my head, frowning. What on earth are they talking about?

The first girl pulls out her phone. "Here I'll show you." She says.

She taps around on her screen before turning her phone to me. I look over the screen.

"Eleanor!" I call back to where Eleanor is, organizing the back area.

"Lewis." She answers. I roll my eyes.

"Eleanor!?" I ask again. People are starting to look over.

"Yes Lewis." She says, stepping through the door to the back area and walking over to me.

"What is with your story?" I ask sassily.

"Can't tell you that Lewis." She walks behind me, patting me on the head.

I glare at her. "First of all, don't call me Lewis."

She laughs. "Second of all, don't pat me on the head."

The two girls standing in front of the counter are giggling.

"And third of all," I sigh. "you can't tell me or you won't tell me."

"I can't." She answers defiantly.

"Eleanor." I say, in a warning tone.

"Okay geez," She put her hands up in surrender. "I am not allowed to say anything to his guardian angel." I blush at this.

"Is that a quote?" I ask, trying to ignore the giggling from in front of the till. A few other girls have come over.

"Yes." Eleanor answers messing up my hair.

I push her hand away. I look at the ground smiling to myself, shaking my head fondly.

"Sap." I say under my breath. I think they all hear me though because they all start giggling again. Eleanor snorts a laugh.

"When I see him I am going to hit him," I mutter bitterly. "and then I am going to hug him and apologize for hurting him."

Eleanor chuckles and shakes her head.

"Tell me before you do so I can get my camera." She calls walking back into the employees only room.

"Oi shut up!" All I hear in response is her laugh.

It few hours later and I still have no idea what he is planing. The group of girls who heard me and Eleanor talking, told everyone on twitter so now they are all freaking out or denying it again.

It's about two in the afternoon, it has slowed down a little bit in the cafe. The lunch rush is done.

There are still a few groups of "larries" sitting around the store. They are all talking and chatting with each other, looking over at me only every once in a while.

Then someone gasps as they look at their phone. Everyone pulls out their phones as well. They all start whispering and looking over at me even more.

I want to know what all the commotion is about so I open my phone.

Niall, Liam and Zayn all have something new on their stories. That is probably what they are all talking about.




I smile to myself when I see the photos of us. I am still wondering what he could possibly be doing.

Eleanor comes out from the back smirking at me.

"Oi shut your fucking mouth." I say.

She laughs. "I didn't say anything Lewis."

"I just want to know what he is up too." I huff, pouting. "I knew this he was up to something this morning, Niall called and he was being all suspicious."

"You were with him this morning?" Eleanor asks wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yes," I gesture to myself. "where do you think I got the new clothes."

"You are stealing from each other's closets?" She is smiling widely at me.

"Yeah." I blush, smiling to myself and looking down when an image comes to mind. "He looks so cute in my hoodies."

She doesn't say anything. I look up at Eleanor, she is giving me a look.


She shakes her head smiling. "I wish you had a mirror so that you could see yourself when you talk about him, because honestly it's the cutest thing I have ever seen."

I blush even more when I hear her say this. "Really like him." I say quietly.

"I can tell." She says. "Charming really likes you too."

I give her a pleading look. "Will you please tell me what he is doing?"

"You would be more upset if I ruined the surprise." She says. I sigh, knowing that she is probably right.

"I'll know soon though, right?"

She nods, surely. "You will know soon."

- - - - - - -

I smile down at my phone. Harry just posted this to his story. We took that picture one of the nights we stayed late at the cafe.

I remember that day specifically because I thought he was going to kiss me. I remember were laying down really close. Whispering softly to each other, and just before I thought he would lean in, his phone went off. I still remember the look on his face when he said that he had to go. He seemed so upset. He hugged me tightly before he left. I still remember the feeling of his heart beating against my ear when I put my head on his chest.

I look up and see a group of girls looking at me. They all giggle and whisper to each other when I catch their eyes.

That is what makes all of this special, I think.

They will always know of that photo as the one that Harry posted when he did that thing for that guy. But I will always remember it for that moment. That specific memory. It's kind of beautiful.

I slip my phone into my pocket and go over to wipe down some tables.

I can hear everyone chattering around me. I only pick up snippets of their conversations by accident.

I hear the door to the cafe open and all in chatter in the cafe stops immediately.

I don't really notice though because I am to engrossed in what I am going. It is only when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my middle to I notice.

When I first feel the person I freeze. But then their body feels familiar and Harry's comforting smell surrounds me. I smile and lean back into his hold.

"Hi baby." I say softly.

He puts his nose into he crook of my neck and I feel his smile.

"Hey angel."

I look to my side and see that Eleanor has her phone out and is filming. I roll my eyes at her, before turning around in Harry's grip.

I smack him in the chest. "That is for being such a sap." I say, he gives me a shocked expression.

Then I wrap my arms around his neck and press my face to his collarbones. Kissing him lightly were the people around us watching won't notice.

I feel him shiver and I whisper loud enough so only he can hear. "And that is for being so irresistibly adorable."

He giggles. "So you aren't mad at me?"

"Nope," I say popping the 'p'. "But if you don't tell me what you are doing I probably will be."

He giggles again and looks around the cafe. I pout when he doesn't tell me and look over his shoulder.

"Uh, Hazza?"

"Yes angel."

"Why is Nialler filming us?"

Harry laughs. "It's the one thing out of all of this that he insisted on doing."

I laugh. "And what is it that you are doing?"

"I won't be telling you in here if that's what you think." Harry smiles.

I pout. He giggles when he notices, and steps back away from me.

"Louis, my guardian angel, will you accompany me to the studio?" He does a little bow, extending his hand.

I giggle, taking his hand. "I couldn't say no to my Prince Charming."

He smiles brightly, a light blush on his cheeks.

I remove my apron placing it one the counter and look to Eleanor.

"Yes I can hold the fort down while you are gone." She says before I can ask. "Run along with Prince Charming and the Leprechaun."

"Oi don't be mean to Harold or Nialler." I glare playfully in her direction.

She laughs. "Go."

I look back to Harry, who is still smiling wide. I smile back and take his hand again.

"Lead the way."

He pulls me out of the cafe, followed by a group of about thirty shockingly silent fangirls. And yes Niall is one of them.

Hello again loves 👋

I have had so much fun with people on twitter over the past few days. I am living for all 1d dance parties. 😊👌

I hope you liked this part 😊

tpwk ❤️❤️

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