Stop and Stare {ASFJerome}

By xXMusicalXx

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~+~Edited~+~ "Why can't you just tell them the truth?!" ~~~ Elizabeth Hughes, the little sister of Mitchell... More



574 24 6
By xXMusicalXx


Mitch's POV

I sat there watching the clock tick on the wall, nothing better to do but wait and worry. I had nothing to distract myself with, my phone was back home since I didn't grab it.

Then there was the fact I hadn't heard anything since I got her ten minutes ago. Nothing on Elizabeth.

The sliding doors opened, I turned too see Ian and Jason walk in. "Mitch!" Ian said sitting down in the chair next to me, "have they said anything?"

"No.. haven't heard a thing yet.." I answer fiddling with my thumbs.

"So wait what happened exactly?" Jason asked, I shrugged.

"I don't know really, I think she fell off her bed cause there was a thud that woke me up, I heard her crying and she said she couldn't breathe. That's all I know really.."


I stood up and walked over to where he was, "Elizabeth is okay and in room 517, but we have something's to discuss later"

I sighed in relief then turned back to where Ian and Jason were, "you guys can come too, if you want" They nodded and followed.

I walked down the hallway a short distance before opening her door, she sat there with a little finger thingy on her finger and a breathing tube in her nose. I sighed in relief to see her eyes opened, "Elizabeth you scared the shit out of me" I whispered and laughed lightly, she smiled faintly as I walked over and kissed her forehead.

"Well if it isn't Sleeping Beauty" Ian laughed, Elizabeth smiled at the two.

"No offense you two, but why are you.. here.." She asked confused, I laughed uneasy and scratched the back of my neck.

"I uhh... couldn't find the keys to Ian's car.. and so I told him and Jason was just kinda there.." I answered.

To my surprise she wasn't pissed at me, she laughed, "sounds enough like you" she smiled. A knock on the door interrupted her happy, go lucky, laugh.

In walked a doctor, Doctor smith. "hello again Elizabeth, Mitchell"

"You've been here before?" Jason asked looking at the two of us, Elizabeth didn't pay attention to them, but I just nodded.

"Well Elizabeth, your Savination has decided to start attacking your lungs" Smith explained halfway before Ian began giving me surprised looks and Jason looked completely confused.

Ian gave me a look I had gotten all too many times before by my family, or doctors, or nurses, or anyone really. That look of regret, guilt, and fear. It wasn't a bad look, it was a scary look, I didn't like it. I don't know who would.

"Since it is attacking your lungs it is starting to make it harder for your lungs to inflate but easy to deflate. Making it harder to breathe" he explained the rest. Elizabeth nodded through it all, a scared look on her face her eyes glassy probably wanting to cry.

Hell I wanted to cry, but I refused. Shes still alive, and it will all be okay. Eventually everything works out.

"You will constantly find it a little bit harder to breathe, but it will be almost unnoticeable. Sadly I can't really give you anything to help it, all I can say is avoid things that could make it hard to breathe, being in an airplane, being in a crowded place, being in cold water, running a lot, things that can get you out of breath. That kind of thing"

Her face went surprised before looking down. I looked at her confused she shook her head and looked at Smith again.

"Okay. Thanks" I said quietly once I figured out he was finished.

"Of course. You can leave once a nurse comes in to unhook everything in about ten minutes" he smiled again before leaving.

As soon as the door clicked shut Jason started speaking, "What the hell is Savination and why does it sound so bad!"

"Its a disease I have, I and twenty five other people, I am in ten people still living with it" Elizabeth sighed, Jason looked taken back and stopped talking.

"So wait.. you.. you've had it, and never told any of us?" Ian asked completely torn, that's the thing. You find out someone's dying and suddenly you've known them forever. It's worse when you actually have known someone forever and you find out. That's where things break.

"Adam found out. He's the only other one that knows" I answered.

"And no one else needs to know, please" Elizabeth whispered.

"But your dying!" Jason exclaimed earning a swift smack over the head by Ian.

To my surprise Elizabeth didn't look offended, or taken back by the comment. She laughed, "I already knew that"


Because the last chapter was crappy!


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