Dark Nights

By Phantomheart8

258K 13K 7.2K

(Yandere male x female reader) Y/N is convicted of a terrible crime, one she never could have done. All evide... More

The beginning of chaos
Guarded or Hunted?
Guilty but Innocent
Welcome to Hell
Your new home
Newest group member
The Wolves
The courtyard
Elliots Garden
A/N: Elliot
Not so bad anymore?
Twin Wolves Riddles
Not the baby anymore
Here and Already Causing Trouble
Punished for sticking together
The Patient Profile
What Do You Want?
Olivia, Henry, AND Joshua?... but no Elliot
Baby Steps with Big Feet
Christmas Eve Christmas Tree making
The voice of an Angel
Not Safe Anywhere
To Mess with the Lamb
Together, Always
Home at Last
Breaking News
Long Talks on the grass
The Man that was Hiding His Face
Taken Away
A Starving Animal
Starting Conflict
Forging bonds
Willy's story Part 1
Willy's story Part 2
Elliot's story Part 1
Elliot's story Part 2
Elliot's story part 3
Joshua's Memories Part 1
Joshua's memories Part 2
Getting out of There
Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire
We Go Together
Nighttime Reassurances
Clothes " Shopping"
Sparkling Eyes
End of the Road
Run Little Lamb, Run
One by One
Desperate Times, Desperate Deeds
Something's not right here
The Labyrinth of Torture
Faces Revealed
The Lion, The Wolf, and The Lamb
The Moons Bright Light
Epilogue: Finding Home

A Total Stanger

3.9K 246 119
By Phantomheart8

Your wrists were once again very bloody from all the movement you were doing with them as you rubbed the stick back and forth, back and forth against the rope. Your wrists were slick with the blood against the ropes and the smell of metal was heavy in the trunk.

They were stinging so bad with every movement you made but every few minutes you could feel the rope give way slightly. That was until you had rubbed the stick too much and it being thinned out had snapped in two under the pressure.

You screamed a muffled curse from behind the gag and kicked your legs out as hard as you could a couple of times against the trunk walls.

After your short little breakdown, you took a moment to calm your nerves, slow your breathing down, and rest your wrists. Tears were gathering in your eyes as they were now so rubbed raw that they stung horribly even with you laying completely still.

It helped that you were snuggled into some heavy blankets that kept you from moving around too much when the car took a turn. Otherwise, you might not ever have gotten the pain to settle down.

It took a long time of just waiting for the pain to subside, but when it went from unbearable to bearable you started twisting around your wrists again.

The stinging immediately returned and you bit your gag tightly as you moved around. With what felt like a good amount of the strands being snapped and how wiggly it was with your blood coating your wrists, you used that to try and shimmy your wrists free.

It hurt like absolute Fuck, but it was working. With your wrists so covered in blood right now your wrists were able to painfully, and with a lot of squeezing and effort, pull out of the restraints.

You immediately brought your hands forward and untied the blindfold and gag off of your head. Tearing them off of you and giving off a cry into the trunk. You could not see shit but you still held your hands out in front of you as you felt the blood drip down your arms.

You cried silently for a second until gaining the strength to move your hands around and untie with lots of time and effort, all the other ropes around your body as you were scrunched up in the trunk.

when you were completely free of all of the bindings you started to feel around for any lever or something else that might help you. There was nothing on the floor of the trunk other than you and the blankets. you tried to find any sort of lever that might pop the trunk open.

You continued to feel around and in your blinded state you accidentally tugged a wire off that was handing on one side of your cage.

You did not really think anything of it until you felt the car come to a stop only a couple of seconds afterward. You tensed up as you heard the muffled sound of the car doors opening and closing.

They were coming, you had nothing to defend yourself with. When the trunk was open you were going to leap out and fight tooth and claw for your life.

Your heart pumped faster and your breathing quickened, the adrenalin starting to pump through your veins as you heard the latch of the trunk release.

As soon as it was open you used your legs to push off from the floor of the trunk and tackle the one who opened the trunk. You jumped onto Jack as he swore. You knocked him dizzy as he fell under your weight and landed harshly on the road, the tail lights of the car flickering on and off, that wire you accidentally pulled must have screwed them up.

You wasted no time in getting up and bolting into the woods that surrounded the road. Unfortunately, you never got far. You had been trapped in a trunk all night and your legs were rather numb. You were quickly grabbed from behind by Joshua, who lifted you up off of the ground with ease and carried you back to the car as you fought and shrieked for help.

Your shouts rang through the air and fell only onto the ears of your kidnappers. The sky was still dark, but it was starting to turn a lighter shade of blue. The air was frigid and only worsened the situation.

You were slammed into the side of the car, much like how Joshua was holding you when they first took you. a raging jack stormed into your point of view, maliciousness, and violence very clearly evident in his eyes. He wanted nothing more than to snap your neck right now.

" You little whore! I'll break every bone in your Fucking body for that!" He shouted at you. Spittle flying from his mouth like a rabid wolf as he got closer to you.

" You will not lay one fucking finger on her!" Joshua snarled back. " She's my girl, I will discipline her as I choose!" He growled. His girl?!?!

Your body was shaking underneath him so badly now. You quite frankly had never been so terrified of these two before. Yeah back when you first were committed they scared the Hell out of you, but they were in captivity then.

Now they were back in the wild, there was no telling what they would do next. Plus, after becoming close friends with Joshua, being taken away and then him showing up out of nowhere and kidnapping you... It all added a whole new level of fear into your soul.

tears fell out of your eyes like a river as you sobbed into the cold metal of the car. Jack flicked his wild, angry eyes from his brother to you and back up again for a couple of minutes before he shouted in rage up to the sky. what Joshua said next caused your blood to turn cold.

" Get the needle." He said, and jack froze, turning his head slowly to look at his brother as a sinister smile crept onto his face. NEEDLE!?!? what did he mean by that?!?

Jack opened the back passenger door of the car and grabbed the bag from earlier, rummaging around in it until he pulled out a capped syringe with a bright yellow liquid inside.

You lost your shit when you saw it. Totally losing your mind and freaking out under Joshua's hold. Struggling as hard as you could while you cried out apologies to Joshua, pleading, begging him to not stick you with whatever was in it.

Jack approached menacingly, taking the cap in his teeth and spitting it out onto the road where it lacked against the rock. The tip gleamed horrifically in the dim light and Jack flicked it to get the remaining air out.

You were practically screaming now. Joshua leaned down as well so he was pressed all the way against your body as you were bent over the side of the car. He shushed you, whispering that everything was going to be alright as he started placing soft kisses behind your ear and down the side of your neck.

You froze as you felt his lips on your skin. Breathing heavily and whimpering with each breath. Each breath you took felt like it was not enough, it felt like you were slowly suffocating and no matter how fast or deep you breathed you could not get any air in your lungs.

Your body burned but felt absolutely freezing all at the same time. The pounding from your heart only made breathing that much harder as you descended into a full-on panic attack.

Joshua continued to whisper soft things into your hear and actually took it in between his teeth, pulling on it slightly as Jack plunged the needle right into the spot Joshua had just been kissing a second earlier.

You released a blood-chilling shriek as it pricked the skin of your neck and the drug was injected into your bloodstream. The effects were immediate and you practically face-planted into the metal of the car. Not having any strength anymore to do anything, not even to feel scared.

Your vision blacked out only a minute after the injection and the last thing you were aware of was Joshua pulling you away from the car and into his arms.

- -

You woke up to the sound of a woman screaming bloody murder. Your eyes shot open and you sat bolt up. You were not in the trunk of the car anymore, in fact, you were in a completely different car now.

You have tied up again, but you no longer had the gag or the blindfold on. Your heart was already pounding behind your ribcage as you looked out of the window. The car was parked outside of a log cabin looking house in a pine forest.

Outside, on the ground right in front of the porch was an elderly looking man. Dead from several stab wounds to his torso. You looked up at the door to the cabin as it flung open and an elderly woman was chased out by a blood-covered Jack.

He chased the poor woman down easily and slashed her throat with the machete he was wielding. The Old woman convulsed on the ground, crawling weakly over to where the man layed on the ground and with one final shutter, died in the cold air.

You stared absolutely horrified at this as it took place. Not even being able to breathe anymore. Jack looked down at the bodies for a long moment, reaching up and wiping his face with his sleeve. It only smeared more blood across his face.

He flicked his eyes up to where you stared at him horrified. The look he had was that of a true predator, staring down his helpless prey before he went in for the kill. He turned his head slightly to the door, though never taking his eyes off of you.

" Your bitch is awake!" he called and not a second later Joshua appeared from the doorway, not as covered in blood as Jack was as he made his way over to the car.

You once again started to freak out, struggling in your bonds and crying as he got closer. When he got to the car he stood against the door, placing a bloody hand on the window and staring in at you with a wild, but longing expression. Your back was pressed against the door on the other side.

You tried to fiddle with the handle, but the door was locked, you could only stare helplessly up at the man who was once your friend. The friend who had protected you from the dangers of the asylum so many times, the one who cried to you and onto your shoulder when his brother was taken and the truth of his mother was revealed? Where was your friend?

That was never truly him though, you realized with a drop in your heart. That was a captive beast, pacified by years of containment. He was loose now though, and you were seeing a whole new side to him. A side that made him nothing but a stranger now.

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