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By whippednation

70.8K 5.4K 4.2K

"I live for the dream that my children will be born free," the princess breathes. "That they will be whoever... More

Act One.
01. Once Upon A Time
02. A Story Begins
03. Arms Of An Angel
04. The Joy Of Reunions
05. The King's Capital
06. An Unexpected Challenge
07. The Start of a Journey
08. Black Sheep
09. Another Step Forward
10. Quill and Inkwell
11. Criminal's Execution
Act Two.
12. Taste of Abomination
13. Biting Down
14. Rising Colours
15. A Royal Ball
16. The Hunt Begins
17. Heart of Courage
18. Dark Horse
19. A Princess' Woes
20. The Art of Acceptance
Act Three.
22. The Darkness' Beckoning
23. Rise of the Lion
24. The End of a Season
25. Breaking Bounds
26. A Pocket of Fire
Important Notice.

21. Before the Storm

1.5K 141 184
By whippednation

"THERE YOU GO, all patched up! Make sure not to overexert too much force on this leg in order for it to recover faster. Next time, don't play ball in muddy fields."

Jeon Sejin carefully guides the little boy up with his crutches, the child's bandaged legs dangling awkwardly. The boy seems to be too afraid to let it touch the ground. Chuckling fondly, Sejin turns to the child's mother who is standing at the doorway.

"He's a hyperactive little bunny, this boy."

"Tell me about it! He's always running around without telling me and it gets so stressful for me," the woman cries, the exasperation prominent in her tone as she reaches for her limping child's hand. "l even considered chaining him to the post once just so he would stop moving!"

Sejin laughs, shaking his head. He crouches down so that he's at eye level with the boy. "Listen to your mother. If you keep this up one day you won't be able to walk again. Would you want that to happen?"

The boy shakes his head, lips jotted out in a small pout. Sejin passes him a small piece of cloth to wipe the tears on his cheek before standing back up.

"Free of charge, as usual. But I don't want to have to treat a broken leg from you again." He pokes at the tip of the boy's nose.

"You really need to start charging your customers, Sejin!" The woman insists. "Tell you what, if you won't accept money then I'll drop by with a bag of newly harvested grains tomorrow morning."

"You don't have to—"

"I insist! To make up for the trouble this brat has caused you."

Sejin smiles, relenting with a nod. There's no convincing her now after all. His customers turn around to leave when the mother stops to asks, "I haven't seen your boy around for quite some time. Is he still in the Capital?"

The physician's ears perk up at that, and he sucks in a deep breath through his nose. "Apparently. He's still out there slaying mythical beasts I hope?" He answers with an airy chuckle, returning back to pounding some herbs in a bowl.

The woman nods in understanding. "I've heard. He's a legend, that's what he is. I'm sure you're a very proud father."

Sejin smiles to himself. "I am actually."

As soon as the two of them exit the house, he leans down to pack the herbs into a pouch to store for later. He ties it up and reaches up to place it on the shelf. His eyes catch sight of a little wooden arrow sitting on the shelf. He picks it up by the wooden tip, blowing away the dust that had collected over the years it had been abandoned there.

It was the first arrow Jeongguk has successfully shot and the young boy had decided that it was too valuable to be used again and that it should be put on display in their house. A little souvenir of sorts.

Sejin smiles at the memory; Jeongguk had been so eager to learn at such a young age. Sejin thinks that it is partially his fault for letting Jeongguk explore too much on his own. The boy had come home one day asking for a bow to play with after seeing a bunch of teenage hunters coming in from the forest with bags full of catches.

At first, Sejin had no intention of teaching Jeongguk how to handle weapons that were meant to kill. But seeing how the boy's spirit never dwindled, he gladly complied. What he didn't expect was for Jeongguk to excel at it in such a short period of time. But then again...

He's just as spirited as his mother.

"Your boy is just like you, Jihyun-ah," He whispers, his voice echoing in the empty room.

No matter how much Sejin had tried to repress the boy, to hide him away from the outside world, there was never stopping Jeongguk's spirit. Ever so brave and ever so special. Just like his mother.

More than 20 years have passed since he has last seen her. And yet her face is vivid in his mind. Almost as if it were yesterday that they were sitting next to each other, talking about the future they could have together despite the differences in their everyday lives.

"It seems to be that I am going to be married in the Spring," she tells him on one particularly stormy night.

A single candle sits between them as their only source of light and heat, and he wondered why she would rather be here, in a small wooden hut so fragile the wind could topple it over anytime, than back at the castle where it was a thousand times more comfortable.

"What will you do?" he whispers, seeing tears welling up in her eyes—eyes that did not deserve such tears.

"It is what I was born for," Jihyun answers, the shadows of the flickering flame shifting across her face every time the wind blows. The world outside the little hut seems to roar, as if sympathising with her. With them.

"I have to do it."

"We won't be able to see each other again."

"I know."

"He's a cruel man. You're going to be tied down there forever."

"I know," she says softly, her voice almost buried by the thundering of the rain on the roof. "Dreaming about another life... was nice while it lasted. But this is the reality we have for ourselves. And this is something we... have to accept at some point."

She gives his hand the gentlest squeeze, and he doesn't think he's ready to let go.

"No more running."

If only he could see what fate really had in store for her. He never would've let go.

"Squire Kang Taehyun, at your service! Don't worry Sir Jeon, I've got your back!"

Jeongguk blinks at the young man standing in front of him, chest puffed out and chin held high in salute.

"I really don't need a squire though..."

"It's compulsory," Taehyung pipes out as he walks past them, winding some ropes around a hand. "Some people don't have the privilege of being knighted on the spot like you do. They have to become squires first. And in case you're wondering; yes, you can boss him around however you like."

Kang Taehyun, the squire he never knew he needed, bounces on his feet in excitement. His eyes sparkle with admiration that Jeongguk never thought he'd see directed at him.

"I can't believe I'm being assigned to you! Every time I see that snake-turtle's shell I just wonder how on Earth you managed to kill something that gigantic—"

Taehyung clicks his tongue, reprimanding. "Don't get excited now. Keep your hardcore fan thoughts to yourself and get back to work. Jeongguk, tell me if he slacks or anything."

He marches back towards the armoury, leaving Jeongguk and his squire standing in the garden.

"So, sir Jeon, is there something I can do for you? Any errands you have in mind?" Taehyun asks.

Jeongguk presses his tongue against the side of his mouth and stares off into the distance, thinking. He knows nothing about 'bossing' people around. He understands that some households would have servants and maids to help them with their everyday chores but he never grew up like that.

"Uh, not at the moment. And you can take it easy, alright? Drop the formalities too, just call me Jeongguk."

If it's possible, the young squire's eyes brighten up even more. But this time more flustered than excited. "For real?"

"Yeah. for real. Just..." Jeongguk pats the air. "Relax."

He turns around to walk away when he hears footsteps following him from behind. He glances over his shoulder and sees that Taehyun is still following him, although keeping a fair distance between them.


"What?" Taehyun laughs, rubbing his nape sheepishly. "It's my job to follow you throughout the day. You know, serve you food, ensure your safety, help you dress—"

"Ah! I see," Jeongguk interrupts him before he can finish his sentence, suddenly feeling extremely flustered. He can fare well without a squire.

Clearing his throat awkwardly, he says, "That's a little... overwhelming. You don't have to do any of that for me. Just take it easy. Really, I'd feel a lot better without someone breathing down my neck for the entire day. Um... you can just make sure my swords are all polished and stuff like that. I'll take care of my own personal needs."

Taehyun looks a little confused at first, but eventually he lets out a smile and nods in understanding. "Okay, I got it! Um... thank you, Sir Jeon!"

"Jeongguk, please."

"S-Sorry, sorry. Jeong...guk-ssi?"

"That's better," Jeongguk smiles. He pats the boy on the back. "Now off you go."

The squire scurries away and the sight pulls a small chuckle of adoration from Jeongguk. A group of maids carrying baskets of newly washed cloth walk past him and he remembers to give them a simple afternoon greeting. He doesn't miss the soft giggles and pinkish cheeks he receives as a result of that.

No doubt things have changed for him at the castle. People are being nicer to him now and he hasn't heard a dirty comment about him for weeks. Well, if not from the other young knights that still harbour a certain kind of jealousy towards him. For whatever reason.

He moves down the corridors, with no particular destination in mind. That is, until he sees a familiar man standing in the middle of his path. Jeongguk instantly freezes, eyes widening as he takes in the unexpected sight.

No. Never in a hundred years did Jeongguk expect to see his father in the castle. He wants so much to run to him and hug him but at the same time he's too shocked to say or do anything. He can only watch as the man approaches him with the same old wrinkly smile he misses so much.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost," his father chuckles, and at the sound of his voice, Jeongguk finally crumbles. He rushes towards the man and throws his arms around him. The familiar warmness seeps through his father's skin and into his own. It feels like home. It feels so much like home.

"I'm so glad you're okay," His father breathes, gently stroking his back. That certainly doesn't help to hold Jeongguk's composure together, because suddenly he's aware of the weight of the situation and what his father's presence can mean.

Pulling away quickly, Jeongguk gasps. "What are you doing here?! How did you get past the guards? You should be all the way back in Moonrock, this place is too dangerous for you—"

"The princess sent for me," his father explains calmly. Jeongguk gapes at him in disbelief. "I was offered to be the king's physician here. So it seems like I'm not going to return to Moonrock anytime soon..."

This information is too much for his small brain to comprehend. As much as Jeongguk misses his father, never in a million years does he want to throw his father into such a risky place. Loneliness and longing is far more tolerable than fear and anxiety.

"That makes no sense. They already have a royal physician to take care of the job! You have to go back! I can't have you stay here when it's too dangerous. Come on, I'll get the horses and we can ride back home together—"

"We can't do that."

"Why not?" Jeongguk heaves, clenching his jaw tightly.

Behind them, two guards approach. And judging by their formal stance, Jeongguk knows that it's not going to be easy to get his father back out. His father gives him a small smile. It's almost sad. But there's a hint of hope beneath it.

"They won't let me leave, you see."

"Well screw that," Jeongguk grits out, the anxiousness in his chest now replaced with anger. He turns to one of the guards with a stoic face that does nothing to calm Jeongguk's nerves. "This was on Saeron's orders?" He asks, despite knowing the answer.

The guard simply nods without a word. Sighing, Jeongguk rubs his forehead in conflict.

The fact that there's another Jeon in the castle—what would people think of his father? Why would Saeron do something as risky as to put his father in charge of the king's health?

"She's out of her mind."

"Maybe," his father answers. Jeongguk looks back up at him, clicking his tongue. His father looks like he's aged years since the last time Jeongguk had seen him. Among the mess of thoughts and questions reeling around in his mind, he finds relief in the fact that his father is here, he is healthy, safe, here. In front of him.

Insane, he thinks. The princess is insane.

But despite that, he pulls his father into another hug that has been long overdue.

He's going to have to hunt Saeron down soon, one way or another.

He does manage to find her. It only took a whole hour of searching around the castle and asking confused guards and passing servants for him to finally meet her near the entrance of the royal libraries. She had her nose buried in a sheet of parchment, unaware of Jeongguk standing in her path until he clears his throat in a way that's supposed to sound intimidating.

Freezing, she looks up and meets his eyes.

"We need to talk."

"What?" She says, unbothered, before turning back to the parchment in her hands.

The sound of more people coming down the corridor deems the location unsafe from prying ears, so Jeongguk heaves a sigh and wraps his hand around her wrist. She jolts slightly in surprise at the sudden contact but does little to resist as he pulls into a nearby room and shuts the door.

It appears to be a small storage room filled with shelves of newly washed cloth and cleaning utensils. There's a pleasant smell wafting throughout the room that Jeongguk can't quite name. Coincidentally, and to Jeongguk's relief, there's no one else in the room other than the both of them. He locks the door.

"Hey Jeon, are you trying to make a move on me now?"

He averts his gaze back to Saeron, who has finally given him her full attention. The tone itself is smug, and Jeongguk almost wants to roll his eyes at her. Despite the bold comment, Saeron presses herself against the wall. He retaliates by resting his hand on the side of her head.

Her eyes widen just a little, the nonchalant expression on her face now falling to one of mild panic. It's amusing to see, really. A long time ago Jeongguk never would've thought that he'd get to come this close to her without getting a death sentence but here he is now, leaning in to her face as if he's done so a million times before.

Maybe his anger had a little something to do with his boldness.

"Don't get smart with me."

She tilts her head, feigning confusion. "It seems like it though. You're awfully close."

He's awfully close, he knows. In fact, he can feel her breath fanning across his face now, but he's not going to pull back and give her the satisfaction of winning whatever unspoken competition this is.

"Why did you bring my father here?" He watches her purse her lips. "You have plenty of more professional people to do the job for you so why would you bring my father into this mess? He's a village physician, Saeron!"

"I can't trust professionals."

"So you would rather trust a Jeon? Of all people? You don't know him! Unless this is all part of your plans to control me—"

"Control you?" she exclaims out in disbelief. "Why on Earth would I need to control you?"

"I don't know, why else would you make such an irrational decision like this?"

"Because I trust you!" she exclaims, sounding exasperated now. "And I know he's your father. If everything I've heard from you is true, he's a good man."

Jeongguk scoffs in disbelief. He leans back for a moment, tearing his gaze away from her as his brain goes into overdrive.

"Listen," he hears her say in a smaller voice this time. "I trust you, okay? And I already made it clear to your old man that if anything happens to the king, I'll hold you accountable instead. He won't try anything when he knows he's going to be putting you on the line. I already have it all figured out."

Jeongguk exhales shakily, which prompts her to hook a hand under his chin to turn his face back towards her. The action makes his breath hitch, but if he's anything close to flustered, he hides it pretty well. It seems like Saeron just had that much of an effect on him.

Her skin is cold where it touches his. Cold but gentle, like the snow.

"Hey," she whispers.

He can't resist not answering to her call. "Hey."

She smiles, and his heart does a somersault in his chest. "It's going to be okay. I'm sorry if this wasn't what you wanted. It's just that... I also thought it would be safer to have your father here in case anything bad should happen to Moonrock."

In a way, she's right. Moonrock is one of the closest villages to the borders separating Elios and Mirador. If a war should break out, there's a high possibility that the village could be horribly affected. Jeongguk recalls the time when he had to witness the worst part of a village massacre—the putrid smell of rot, the fire, the ash—

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have overreacted," he finally admits, already hating himself for it.

She nods. "I understand. I should've told you earlier, so this is still my fault. I... already consulted my father and advisor Kim. No one will hurt your father here on my watch."


"You can take my word for it."


"And you still sound bitter," she sighs. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

Jeongguk chuckles breathily, shaking his head. "You don't have to do anything."

In the empty room, their whispers seem to be amplified many more times. And so is the slamming of his heart in his ribcage when she slowly leans forward and plants the tiniest peck on his cheek. It's gone as soon as it comes, and Jeongguk visibly freezes into a rock.

"There," she smiles. "You happy now?"

"Y-You can't just do that."

"Jeon, I can."

Jeongguk rolls his eyes for real this time, despite feeling his face start to heat up. Oh God no, don't blush you idiot, don't give her the satisfaction—

He fails.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting to attend."

Patting his side, she ducks under his arm, shuffling towards the door.

"Wait I..."

She pauses, turning around.

Jeongguk licks his bottom lip. "Never mind."

There's that smile again. The one that Jeongguk can't describe in words but feels so special to him. She exits the room, leaving behind the lingering feeling of her lips against his skin.

On the other side of the castle, two men are perched on top of the castle walls, looking out at the view of the vast greenery that lay beyond the palace down below.

"It's a good day for sight-seeing, eh?" Jimin says. He's propping up his arms on the crenel, more daring than anyone would like. It's particularly windy today, and fortunately the sun feels a little shameful.

They're moving towards the end of autumn. It won't be long before the winter comes and they're going to have to struggle to find warmth again.

When he doesn't receive a response, Jimin elbows Taehyung in his side, earning a small groan from the latter. "Stop looking so tense. Take a break or something. How long have you been standing here before I came up?"

"I don't know, since sunrise?" Taehyung answers flatly. "And I am taking a break. Going down there means I have to stand out and sweat in the open field to monitoring puny soldiers who can barely swing swords. At least up here I have the wind... and the view."

Jimin sighs. "The view, huh." He looks back at the scenery in front of him. In the distance he can see farmers the size of ants working in wheat fields, shepherds leading flocks of sheep and other livestock across the valley and horses pulling large, heavy-looking wagons through the Capital streets. "It's a nice view."

Taehyung hums. He's worrying his bottom lip, again, a stupid old habit that he can never get over no matter how many times he tries. His mind zones out, and Jimin must've noticed it because he says, "What's on your mind, big guy?"

He stops when he tastes blood on his tongue. He looks up at Jimin, who actually seems more interested in the view than his wellbeing. Still, Taehyung asks, "How do you protect someone you love?"

At the unexpected question, Jimin finally turns to give him a glance, and then he shrugs. "I don't know. You stay by their side I guess. What's this about?"

Taehyung shakes his head. "Just wondering."

Silence span between them for a moment until Jimin says, "I'm not stupid you know. We've been friends for years. I know how you feel about Saeron."

The commander sighs. For some reason, he doesn't feel surprised. He shifts his weight onto his other foot and crosses his arms. "Well, the more you know."

"Also, I think it's safe for me to say that you are the biggest coward I've ever met when it comes to your own heart. Come on, man up and tell her how you feel!"

"There's no need for that."

Jimin raises a brow. "Because?"

"She probably already knows."

Although it was never established, there's no doubt that Saeron knew how he felt. As someone who doesn't display lots of emotion to the outside world, he does reveal a lot of himself when he's in front of her. She was always the exception. The wall he built around himself somehow didn't exist whenever he's with her. It's like the wall just magically materialised into glass.

That's a kind of vulnerability Taehyung will never show anyone else.

"But you've never said it out loud, have you? I can see why she prefers Jeongguk now. Unlike you, he's more vocal and he actually does things for her. And I don't know for sure what he feels about her, but I can guess."

That hurt.

"I guess we're just not mean to be, you know. and I can't force it to happen. Maybe... maybe my destiny is just to keep her safe. It's already written in the stars or some shit."

Heaving a sigh, Taehyung turns to leave, feeling exhausted now at the topic of discussion. He's been trying struggling with his battle of thoughts all morning and he's not about to stress more on it.

"So that's it? You're leaving it to the stupid stars?"

He stops in his tracks.

"The stars don't mean shit. They're just lights that are too cowardly to come out during the day."

And like a coward I keep my distance.

Taehyung looks down, his gaze stopping on the two small figures on the other side of the large central courtyard. Two Jeons in the castle now. They're really putting so much at stake. Saeron's putting so much at stake.

He watches as Jeongguk's lips part with a large smile, the familiar that he carries on his face whenever he comes face to face with anyone at all; whether it be nobles or servants. His father is walking close by his side and there's no doubt that many people at the castle are already murmuring about Saeron's almost irrational decision.

It baffles him how Saeron could go through such lengths to bring Jeongguk's father right into their home. Just how much does she trust him enough for her to do something like that?

"What a coincidence. I suppose that we can all collectively agree that this is the ideal spot for us to take a break."

The pair turn around to see Namjoon, the king's young advisor, coming up from the stairway. Taehyung gives him a half-assed nod of acknowledgement before turning back to the courtyard scenery.

Jimin smiles, cocking his head to his side as a silent gesture for the older to come over. "The view from up here is gratifying, Namjoon-ssi. Anyways, I've heard you had a council meeting this morning? How did that go?"

"Can't say it went so well," Namjoon replies. He raises his smoking pipe to his lips, taking in a quick breath before puffing out smoke. Taehyung scrunches his nose in agitation as the wind carries it over towards him.

"Princess Saeron had to sit in for the king and I must say, she is one persistent young lady. As for details, I'm afraid I can't enlighten you gentlemen on that for now."

"Understood," Jimin answers with a nod.

Namjoon takes another puff of smoke before turning to Taehyung, noticing how rigid the other male looks even from behind. "Tired, commander?"

The chamberlain snorts. "Don't mind him. The man is just having another one of his emotional crisis."

The comment manages to catch Taehyung's attention and he looks over his shoulder to shoot Jimin a warning glare.

"Emotional crisis? Rickety love affair?"

"Mhm, big guy is softer than he looks."

"Shut it," Taehyung groans.

"Really now? It's about time you got yourself a lady. With how single-mindedly you work I would've thought you'd die old and alone."

"You're one to talk, hyung. Go and marry your books or something."

Jimin snorts again, holding back a string of laughter as he witnesses the ordeal. While Taehyung looks like he'd ready to throw fists, Namjoon just looks amused.

"On a serious note, I've found a couple books on classical romance that could help to solve whatever dilemma you're struggling with. Just come find me any day," Namjoon offers, raising his smoking pipe.

Taehyung lets out a hollow chuckle, feigning amusement but not forgetting to let his sarcasm seep through. "No thanks. I don't have time for tedious reading."

Namjoon follows his line of sight, noticing the main objects of Taehyung's focus. "Ah, another one of Saeron's dicey decisions. All the officials were practically in chaos over this during the meeting. Not so reassuring having another Jeon around. Especially when he's being assigned to the king of all people."

"Why didn't you stop her?" Taehyung asks.

The advisor shrugs. More smoke escapes his lips. "I did try to get a word in, but she insisted. It's not that easy to convince her. So for now we're just going to have to trust her instincts. They always seem to go in the right direction after all."

"She relies too much on instincts. Don't you think that's too impractical of a future ruler?"

When his question is met with silence, he turns around and receives two incredulous looks in response. It's only then that he is aware of the weight of his words.

"I don't know what to say about that really. However, instincts shouldn't be ignored. I believe nature has a way of speaking to us, giving us signs. But where instinct fails, intellect must venture," Namjoon finally murmurs, lowering his pipe.

"She knows what she's doing," Jimin pipes up from behind them. "We need not question the upper hand's authority. She wouldn't put the king, her own father's life, in the hands of someone she wouldn't trust. Right?"

Taehyung sighs. He knows it isn't right of him to question her methods in the first place. After all, he knows nothing about all the responsibilities on her shoulders.

But as much as he tries to ignore it, a part of him feels bitter. Bitter at the fact that because of her instinct, Saeron had so perilously knighted a Jeon, the supposed enemy of her family and everyone else in the kingdom.

Because of her instinct, he's going spend the next few nights being unable to go to sleep because he'd be worrying about the king's safety at the hands of a Jeon he knows almost nothing about.

Because of her instinct, Saeron's heart had been practically handed over to Jeongguk on a silver platter.

Her heart–

She would risk her heart for a man like that.

Taehyung clenches his jaw. Bitterness will get him nowhere.

"I suppose so," he finally grits out. He doesn't miss the doubtful look Namjoon flashes him, but he pretends that he did.

Before either of them can say anything else, a loud cry rings out from the castle gates, garnering their attention instantly.

"Get a move on! Hurry and open the gates!"

Taehyung looks over the edge of the battlement at the commotion. "What is it?" He shouts out.

One of the guards look up at his voice and replies, "One of our reconnaissances have returned, sir! But it appears to be..."

He's cut off when the gates burst open and a horse comes trotting in, leaping up onto its hind legs with a loud, wild neigh as the guards struggle to calm it down. Spots of red can be seen all over its body, seeping out from gash wounds and a spot where an arrow had pricked it. A net hangs down from its empty saddle, and by the looks of it...

"What the hell is that?" Namjoon breathes in disbelief.

Hundreds of images and thoughts flash through Taehyung's head at that very moment and his heart slams against his chest. There's no doubt the other two must be feeling the same; the same fear, the same dread.

Even the guards jump back in repulsion when they notice the contents of the net.

The smell reeks.

Lumps of flesh sticking onto several disembodied human heads...

"Gods help us all," one of the guards say. He turns back towards the commander, yelling out, "It's some of our reconnaissances, sir! T-They're..."

Not long after another horse appears. This time with a rider sitting above it. However, the man is slouched over, his body covered in blood as though he'd just ridden through a horrible battle.

"Get the king... o-or the princess. Anybody!" The wounded soldier gasps, struggling for breath.

"Okay we're going to need you to calm down first or you're going to bleed to death you fucking idiot—"

The soldier grabs onto the palace guard's collar, his bloodshot eyes blown wide as he pants out between his shallow breathing.

"N-No, no... war... a war is coming! K-King Taeyong's forces... all of them... gods, all of them for hell's sake! They're c-camped right at our borders... all of our other reconnaissance are good as dead! We have to prepare... now... or we're going to get wiped out at dawn!"

"Fucking hell," Jimin grits out, already rushing towards the stairs to inform the others.

Taehyung's entire body freezes.


The bloodcurdling screams. The sweat against his brow. The ache in his muscles every single time he raises his sword to kill. The heart wrenching aftermath of field now fertilised with blood. He can't bear to see it all again.

"A war is coming, commander," Namjoon whispers to him. "Lead us."

He leaves Taehyung alone on the battlement to curse at the skies.

Author's Note:

1. Battlement: A parapet at the top of a wall, especially of a fort or castle, that has regularly spaced squared openings for shooting through
2. Reconnaissance: Military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features
3. Squire: A young nobleman acting as an attendant to a knight before becoming a knight himself

Another update that's long overdue, but it's finally here! This was shorter than most of the previous chapters (5300 words phew) but I really hope this turned out well. Also, as you can see, shit is going down down.

The next few chapters will be quite intense since we're now climbing up the hill to the climax as we speak so stay tuned for that!

On another note, I edited this set of photos a long time ago and I kept forgetting to put them up. This is how I personally view the castle (first), the library where Jeongguk had stopped the assassin (second), random shot of the interior (third) and the throneroom (fourth)

But in the end it's all up to your imagination! I'll give you creative freedom to conjure up your own little universe.

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"Oppa", she called. "Yes, princess", seven voices replied back. It's a book about pure sibling bond. I don't own anything except the storyline.
1M 25.6K 24
Yn a strong girl but gets nervous in-front of his arranged husband. Jungkook feared and arrogant mafia but is stuck with a girl. Will they make it t...
1.3M 57.6K 104
Maddison Sloan starts her residency at Seattle Grace Hospital and runs into old faces and new friends. "Ugh, men are idiots." OC x OC