Lost Hope: Book 1: The New St...

By Flowerwolf07

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Blood will spill between the echoes and the brooks, unless you find the two brave enough to look. . . Burrowp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 12

48 3 0
By Flowerwolf07

Starfur was gazing out of her den at the Clan. Her thoughts were filled of the mysterious vision that Stonestar had had, and Dandelionpaw's surprisingly good interpretation of it.

      Burrowpaw and Dandelionpaw came bounding back into camp, Burrowpaw was carrying a vole. Darkmoon saw them too, and called over to his apprentice. Mousesqueak and Glarespot were beside him, and Griffinpaw trailed a little way behind her mentor.

They're going on patrol, Starfur thought. If I joined them, I could go and gather some of the watermint Dandelionpaw said we're low on.

She trotted up to them. "Are you going near the river?" she asked. When Darkmoon nodded, she continued, "I need to gather watermint. May I join you?"

"I suppose," Darkmoon replied politely, looking a little surprised.

"Can I come?" Dandelionpaw asked, coming up to stand beside her. "We need watermint."

"I know, that's why I'm going out," Starfur said. "But you've been up since Stonestar left for the Startree and you need to rest. You'd be no help to us when all you can do is barely put one paw in front of the other."

Her apprentice looked like he was about to protest, but bit his tongue when she gave him a hard stare. "Okay," he mumbled, and started to pad toward the medicine den, hopefully to catch up on sleep.

"Let's go," Darkmoon said, and led them out of camp. Starfur padded just a pawstep behind as he led his patrol toward the river. She could feel him glance back at her every so often, as if making sure she was real. Starfur ignored this and focused on the path ahead.

They arrived at the bank and Darkmoon's patrol started renewing the scent markers. Starfur started to pad across the sand in search of watermint. She spotted some growing on a small mound of sand not too far away from the land, but in order to get to it, you had to wade through the water, or cross a skinny fallen log.

Starfur chose the log.

Digging her claws in, she crept across the bark, towards the herbs. She tried not look at the flowing water as she made her way across the fallen tree. It was slick to the touch, and Starfur had to hold on for dear life.

      "Starfur!" an angry voice came from behind. "What are you doing?"

      Starfur glanced back briefly and saw Darkmoon casting her, and the river nervous looks. He's scared for me, Starfur thought. He doesn't need to worry though, I'm gonna get the herbs and come back.

      That thought in mind, she edged forward the last bit and closed her jaws around the leaves. Then, she started to creep backward.

      Suddenly, a yowl sounded in the distance. "Starfur get back here!" Darkmoon shouted. Starfur went as fast as she could, but her back leg slipped and she rolled off the log and splashed into the water. That wouldn't have been such a big deal since the water was shallow, but she found it hard to find her balance. Starfur was swept deeper into the water. She struggled back to the bank, but her efforts were useless in the unforgiving waves.

      The yowls grew louder. Angered voices from BrookClan cats in the distance, and panicked ones from her Clanmates. She could hear splashes in the water from her own movements, and someone else's. Catching a glimpse of dark fur, Starfur realized it was Darkmoon. She tried to paddle toward him, and for once, her attempts were successful.

      Darkmoon was stronger than her, and was able to grasp her scruff and carry her through the water. They reached the bank and Darkmoon hauled Starfur across the border, the watermint still clamped firmly in her jaws.

      "What were you thinking?" Darkmoon hissed, letting her lean against his shoulder. Starfur spat out her herbs and coughed up water, ignoring his question. The warrior sighed and whispered softly, "Don't ever scare me like that again." Starfur just nodded weakly.

      "Darkmoon!" BrookClan cats came rushing at them. Starfur recognized Willowstar at the head, her silver tabby fur bristling. Redthistle was a couple pawsteps behind with her apprentice, Sandpaw, at her heels. She didn't recognize the three other warriors. BrookClan must be increasing patrols.

      "Attack!" Willowstar screeched and launched herself at Darkmoon and Starfur. Darkmoon immediately shoved Starfur aside and met the BrookClan leader's attack. Starfur fell limply to the ground. She tried to get up, but her limbs were weak from her swim and her vision was too hazy to properly focus on anything.

      Ears ringing with sounds of battle, Starfur closed her eyes. But they jolted open again when she heard more voices joining the fray.

      "Help Starfur!" She beard Stonestar call to one of the cats on his patrol. She felt jaws clamp around her scruff and haul her to safety.

      "You're going to be okay." Starfur's eyes slowly focused on the shape in front of her. It was a gray tabby cat, and her eyes glowed with concern.

"Meadowstar?" Starfur whispered. I must be dead.

"I'm not Meadowstar," the she-cat whispered gently. "It's Ashpetal. I'm here to help you."

      Starfur sighed and heaved herself to her paws. Strength was beginning to flow back into her veins, and her vision started to clear. She flicked her ears when she heard no more sounds of battle, only the heavy breathing of her Clanmates.

      "You need to stop this," Stonestar was saying to Willowstar. "My warriors haven't stolen prey."

      Willowstar's tail lashed. "You need to control your warriors, Stonestar. Two of them just crossed the border." She flicked her tail at Starfur and Darkmoon.

      "Starfur was only collecting herbs," Darkmoon defended her, coming to stand beside his leader. "And she's a medicine cat. She's indifferent to Clan rivalry."

      Willowstar let out a threatening hiss. "This isn't over," she growled. Then she gathered her patrol and left.

      Stonestar let out a sigh and gathered up his own warriors. "Darkmoon," he addressed his deputy. "Take your patrol back to camp and make sure Starfur is taken care of."

      "Yes, Stonestar," Darkmoon dipped his head. He summoned the exhausted shapes of Glarespot, Griffinpaw, and Mousesqueak and led them over to Starfur and Ashpetal.

      Darkmoon nodded to the Ashpetal, then helped Starfur by letting her lean against him. Glarespot walked on her other side. Slowly but surely, they made their way back to camp. Glarespot had sent Griffinpaw ahead to tell Dandelionpaw, and now her apprentice was leading them into the medicine den where he had prepared a nest and herbs for her.

      Starfur gratefully sank into her nest, breathing in the soothing smells of the den. She was immediately relaxed and felt her tensed muscles loosen.

      "Do you need anything else?" Darkmoon asked, his eyes showing concern.

      "Just rest," she murmured, already starting to drift. "Thank you Darkmoon, for saving me."

      "No problem," he said, leaning forward and giving her an affectionate lick between her ears. Then he whispered something for only her to hear. "I'll always be here to save you."

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