Bad In Common

By prinses1010

529K 22K 5.8K

"Everyone has a chapter they don't want to read out loud. Mine just so happens to be a book." Allison Bridge... More

Prologue ✔️
Chapter 1 ✔️
Chapter 2 ✔️
Chapter 3 ✔️
Chapter 5 ✔️
Chapter 6 ✔️
Chapter 7 ✔️
Chapter 8 ✔️
Chapter 9 ✔️
Chapter 10 ✔️
Chapter 11 ✔️
Chapter 12 ✔️
Chapter 13 ✔️
Chapter 14 ✔️
Chapter 15 ✔️
Chapter 16 ✔️
Chapter 17 ✔️
Chapter 18 ✔️
Chapter 19 ✔️
Chapter 20 ✔️
Chapter 21 ✔️
Chapter 22 ✔️
Chapter 23 ✔️
Chapter 24 ✔️
Chapter 25 ✔️
Chapter 26 ✔️
Chapter 27 ✔️
Chapter 28 ✔️
Chapter 29 ✔️
Chapter 30 ✔️
Chapter 31 ✔️
Chapter 32 ✔️
Chapter 33 ✔️
Chapter 34 ✔️
Chapter 35 ✔️
Chapter 36 ✔️
Chapter 37 ✔️
Chapter 38 ✔️
Chapter 39 ✔️
Chapter 40 ✔️
Chapter 41 ✔️
Chapter 42 ✔️
Chapter 43 ✔️
Chapter 44 ✔️
Chapter 45 ✔️
Chapter 46 ✔️
Chapter 47 ✔️
Chapter 48 ✔️
Chapter 49 ✔️
Chapter 50 ✔️
Chapter 51 ✔️
Chapter 52 ✔️
Chapter 53 ✔️
Chapter 54 ✔️
Chapter 55 ✔️
Chapter 56 (Last Chapter) ✔️
Epilogue ✔️

Chapter 4 ✔️

13.4K 542 78
By prinses1010

With every movement of my hips Tyler's hips seem to find their way moving along with mine. We move in sync with the music blasting through the sound system that the DJ has set up on the makeshift dance floor. Tyler's hands have a firm grip on either side of my hips pulling me closer to him. The lack of distance between us makes dancing between dozens of people a little easier. Even though I'm a sweaty mess from the close proximity I can't deny that I'm having a lot of fun. All worries flew out of my head the second I felt the burning sensation of the liquor I downed just before I dragged Tyler over to the dance floor. I need this. I need a break from reality and to just enjoy one night out. I won't make this a habit like I did in high school. I know better now than I did back then. Especially knowing that mom is close to cutting me off financially.

" You need to stop doing that." I hear Tyler's voice, that is dangerously close to my ear, say. Trying to ignore his warm breath fanning on my ear, definitely a sensitive spot, I look up to give him a confused look.

"What are you talking about?"

He laughs lightly as his grip tightens around my hips. He pulls me in closer, if that was even possible, and brings his mouth close to my ear again.

" You keep zoning out." he answers.

I shake my head in reply and fold my arms around his neck again. He doesn't say anything as we start dancing to a new song. Tyler dips his head into my neck and starts leaving a trail of kisses. Out of habit I lean my head to the side so that he has more access. I feel his hands slip down from my waist and rest on the sides of my behind. I'm already getting turned on by the little gestures. I wonder - keep it together, my conscience scolds.

Tyler's lips trail up my neck to my jaw. He leaves a kiss at the corner of my mouth. As his lips move over to my lips it takes everyone ounce of willpower I have left to turn my cheek so that my mouth is positioned near his ear.

" I'm going to get another drink." and just like that I leave him high and dry. I'm a tease I know. I'm not going to get into bed with a guy who doesn't even know my name. You're not one to talk, my conscience reminds. Oh shut it. Great now I'm talking back to my conscience. I really need that drink now.

I make my way back to the kitchen and grab the bottle of vodka I had used previously. Skipping the red
cups I tilt the bottle against my lips. I feel my body warm up as the liquid travels down my throat.

" There you are!" I hear a voice yell from behind me.

I turn around and see Samantha speed walk towards me. Her dark hair is a mess on her head and I swear she got a new piercing since we got here. Furrowing my eyebrows I put down the bottle of vodka.

" You need to come with me." she says in a haste. Not even waiting for a reply she grabs my hand and starts leading me to what I presume is the backyard of the frat house.

" What's going on?" I ask a little worried.

She doesn't reply as she points her finger to something. Turning my head in the direction she's pointing to I gasp at the sight in front of me.

Emily has manged to climb into a tree and is now clinging onto one of the branches for dear life. That's not the worst part. Her shirt and bra seem to be missing from her body as well. A small group has formed under the tree trying to help her get out but it doesn't look like she's planning on going anywhere.

"What the hell happened?" I ask as I make a bee line for the tree Emily is stuck in.

" She and some random guy started doing shots and the next thing I know I hear her yelling from the tree. I tried to get her to listen to me but she just kept on ignoring me. When she started singing Let it go from that Frozen movie I started looking for you. " Samantha explains in one breath.

" Why me? " I ask as we reach the tree.

" Emily told me that you scare her so I thought that maybe she'd still be scared of you through her drunken phase. " Samantha shrugs.

" Gee I sure feel the love. " I reply in monotone.

I look back at Emily and sigh. She was supposed to be the designated driver for crying out loud.

" Emily honey what are you doing up there? " I yell and she stops singing. Her eyes grow wide as they meet mine.

" I-I" she stumbles.

" Just get down." I say as I walk a little closer to the tree.

I see a whimper leave Emily's mouth. Is she really that scared of me? I didn't do anything to her. She sleeps in the same room as I do for God's sake.

" I can't." she replies after a few seconds of silence.

I sigh dramatically as I put my hands on my hips. How the hell am I going to get a half naked drunk ass girl out of the tree?

"Do you remeber how you got up?" I ask her as I can't think of anything else. The vodka in my system isn't helping me think clear.

" I think so. " she replies quickly.

" Just like you climbed up the tree just climb back down." I have a feeling it's going to get a lot more complicated than that.

" I'm scared." she whimpers.

Oh for crying out loud. I should've just gone to the clubs like I planned in the first place.

" Jump I'll catch you! " I hear a voice yell from my right side. I turn my head to look over at the source of the voice. Of course Tyler would be here. He wouldn't miss this for the world.

" What are you doing here?" I hiss. He just seems to pop up everywhere I go.

" I usually know when a half naked girl gets stuck in a tree at my frat house." he winks.

" Your frat house?" I quirk my eyebrow. " You know what, I don't care. Just help her out of the tree so that we can go home. " I say before he can answer.

I watch as Tyler and Emily bicker back and forth for the next few minutes. Surprisingly Emily gained the courage to finally jump out of the tree and into Tyler's arms. I'm surprised she had to think about it from the way she ogleded at him a few days ago. Nevertheless he manged to get her out of the tree. Samantha immediately ran over to cover her up with her jacket and then started scolding her.

" Come on let's go." I say irritated that my night didn't turn out as I expected.

Emily doesn't move from her spot as she lowers her head.

" Ilostmypurse." she mumbles.

" What? I can't hear you." I say as I take a step closer.

She sighs before speaking up again." I lost my purse."

Time seems to stand still as I register her words. First she gets drunk when she knew she was going to be the designated driver. Then she climbs up a tree half naked and now she's telling me she lost her purse. Her purse that contained both our personal belongings since I knew I was going to lose mine because I was supposed to get wasted, not Emily.

" And let me guess. Your purse had the car keys and our room keys in it?"

She nods her head in shame. Damn it.

I look over at Samantha. " Can we crash at your place?" I ask hopeful.

" We're all crashing here tonight." Samantha shrugs.

Just great.

" You know you guys are more than welcome to crash here if you'd like. " Tyler speaks up. Right I forgot he was still here.

I try and rethink all my options. We could always get a lift back to the dorms and pick our room's lock. But I'd have to get Emily in the car and she doesn't look eager to leave the party right now once she heard Tyler's invitation.

" That would be great. We can look for my purse tomorrow morning when the house is less crowded. Right Ally?" Emily beats me to it.

" Fine." I finally agree. Emily shrieks as she runs off again. Samantha shouts something about not getting stuck in a tree before she's off after Emily.

" So Ally, I like your name. Works better than calling you sunglasses girl." Tyler smirks as he takes a step closer to me.

I roll my eyes and turn to walk away.

" Hey wait up. I just caught your half naked friend from a tree and gave you a place to crash tonight and this is how you thank me? " he asks from behind me.

I flip him the bird as I enter the house. I stop by the kitchen to grab a drink before I head back to the makeshift dance floor. Might as well enjoy myself while I'm stuck here.

I dance for what feels like hours. My feet are sore from dancing in heels and I have a massive headache. People are starting to head out so I figured I might as well find a room I could crash in. Sleep sounds like absolutely heaven right now.

I stumble up the stairs. I might have filled up my cup a few times. I stop once I reach the second level to take off my heels. Walking with my heels in one hand and my drink in the other I try and search for an empty room. The rooms are either occupied or locked. Why is the universe so against me tonight? I just want to fucking sleep is that so much to ask for?

" Your friend passed out in one of my friend's room. Don't worry she's safe with him." Tyler announces as he comes into view. If I wasn't tipsy I would've been irritated with him popping up again.

" Okay." I say as I try and open another door. I've lost my drink along the way when I realized that opening up a door while both hands are occupied is quite difficult.

" You're sleeping in my room tonight." he announces as he walks past me. He comes to a stop in front of a door at the end of the passage. He pulls out his key and unlocks the door. He doesn't wait for my reply as he disappears into his room. My sleepiness betrays me as I make my way over to his room.

I step into his room without uttering a word. The walls are covered in cream paint. I expected to see a few posters of naked girls or sport cars but he didn't have any of that on his walls. On the walls hung a few frames of what I assume are rewards and pictures of him and other people. A few Greek letters here and there as well. In the far corner of his room he has a double bed pushed against the wall. Left from the bed is a dark brown sofa facing a big screen TV on the wall. I notice a desk up against the wall right from the door. So he actually studies. There's a door near the desk which I assume is his en-suite bathroom and a build in wardrobe next to it. His room isn't exactly clean but it isn't so messy that I'd have nightmares.

Tyler lays on his bed with his arms behind his head. He has his infamous smirk painted on his face. I quirk an eyebrow as I walk over to the bed. Letting my heels drop on the floor I dramatically fall down onto the bed making sure my feet are not touching the floor. It feels nice not being on my feet anymore.

" You comfy?" Tyler asks as he gets up from the bed.

I hum in reply. Tyler laughs as I hear him rummaging through his wardrobe. I'm not going to ask him for a shirt but I hope he gives me one because my outfit really isn't comfortable. Answering my prayers Tyler throws over one of his shirts in my direction. Not even bothering to get up from the bed I start to take off my clothes. I'm not ashamed of my body or asking him to jump my bones. I'm just way too lazy to lift my behind and get changed in the bathroom.

After pulling Tyler's shirt over my head I climb into the covers of his bed. Not wanting to be trapped in between Tyler and the wall I decide to sleep on the other side of the bed. Shortly after I get comfortable Tyler hops into the bed. I don't miss the fact that he's shirtless and only in his boxers. Damn.

Tyler pulls me closer to him but I quickly wriggle out of his grip. I'm not big on cuddles, especially when I'm trying real hard not to jump his bones at this given moment.

" If you want to wake up with your balls detached from your body I would advice you to not touch me again." I say calmly as I close my eyes.

Without any reply from Tyler I finally drift off into a deap slumber.


Heyyy :)


If you haven't noticed I use the word behind instead of ass because I'm just more comfortable with the first one if I'm being honest 😅

Also you'll notice that I didn't do a diary entry at the beginning of the chapter. No, I didn't forget but I've decided that not every chapter will get a diary entry. The diary entries I do is just to give you a little background and keep you updated on what's happening in Ally's life if you wondered. 😊

Thank you all for the support I really appreciate it! ❤ I've been getting a lot of positive feedback and it really warms up my heart knowing that you guys actually enjoy my work :)

Who do you image Emily as? ~ sorry I just had to ask 👀

Anyways till next time my lovely readers 💕

Peace out ✌️

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