By misshiraethsworld

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"What do you mean I should be dead?" "You are cursed lass and there's nothing you can do about it." She was a... More

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3; Promotion Ceremony

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By misshiraethsworld

3; Promotion Ceremony

The elaborately planned ceremony had drawn eyes from people of all stations as Fort Charles became crowded with spectators. While some common folk were trying to get a look at the proceedings, most of the people in attendance were from prestigious families from the aristocracy. The elite were dressed in their finest clothes as they exchanged greetings and gossip. 

Felicity stood next to Elizabeth as they endured hearing from Mrs. Bennett. A frightful old women who many considered to be the town gossiper. She kept drawling on about how her oldest daughter, Jane, was to be married to James' Flag Lieutenant Gillette. She also shared news that Mrs. Brentsworth was once again engaged to be married.

"Did you know that this is her seventh husband?" She asked. "I never thought such a noble name would belong to such a woman."

"Perhaps this new marriage will be filled with good fortune." Felicity replied with a tight smile. "After all everybody deserves a chance at both happiness and status."

"I doubt that woman has a single ounce of luck on her side." Mrs. Bennett replied with a huff. "But have you found yourself a nice gentlemen? You're almost old enough to be considered a spinster."

Felicity tried not to let the comment get to her as she held her tongue. She knew that she was right of course. The red head had passed the age where most girls are wed along time ago, in fact, most girls her age were having their second or third child. It left Felicity feeling discouraged that she couldn't find a partner, but that was probably because she was pining for someone she could never call hers.

Felicity felt a hand link through her arm and pull her close. She looked over and caught Elizabeth giving her an encouraging smile. She knew she shouldn't take what Mrs. Bennett said to heart, but it was hard when she knew that the rest of society agreed with her.

"I believe that the right man is out there for Miss Smith. He just hasn't come around to looking for her." Elizabeth said defending her companion.

"Well its understandable why no eligible man of great standing have taken an interest in her, especially given her circumstances." The old woman cackled.

Felicity could feel her patience dwindling as her smile became strained, but she was cut off before she could defend herself further by a familiar voice.

"Miss Smith is a fine match for any man here, Mrs. Bennett. You should do well to remember that she is quite the competition for your daughters." 

Felicity turned her head to meet the kind eyes of one Theodore Groves. The man was standing behind her in all his finery. He looked quite handsome in his Naval uniform and it was plain to see that most women were eyeing him, even the married ones.

Mrs. Bennett was not pleased with Theodore's statement, "My daughter Jane is already engaged to Lieutenant Gillette and I do believe we are expecting a proposal from Commodore Norrington to my second oldest Elizabeth. After all he has talked of her beauty."

Felicity couldn't help but inwardly cringe at the thought of James marrying one of the Bennett girls. It wasn't that their five daughters weren't beautiful or accomplished, it was their overbearing mother. She felt bad for Bennett girl as Felicity saw her trying to head to the back to see James. She was dressed in a bright yellow dress and had one of the biggest hats on. Felicity turned her gaze to Theodore who gave her a knowing look.

"If you'll excuse us I believe the ceremony is about to start." 

Theodore didn't wait for an answer and took both Felicity's and Elizabeth's hands to escort us away. As soon as they were out of ear shot all three of them let out sighs of relief. It was always an up hill battle when someone talked to the mother of Bennett girls.

"Thank you Teddy." Felicity said with a relieved smile.

"Anytime Red." Theodore replied with a bow before leaving for his post.

Elizabeth and Felicity quickly made their way to the front near Governor Swann as everyone took their places. The crowds chatter dissipated into hushed whispers as the red coats began the ceremony. The soldiers had practiced with precision for this ceremony as the drum beat kept steady. Felicity waited with bated breath for a glimpse of James once the drums stopped.

He looked as handsome as ever in his crisp new uniform of navy blue. He held his head high and his eyes trained forward with determination, but Felicity could see how nervous he was. She could always tell. 

His lip would quirk up in almost a wincing manner whenever he was unsure on how proceed forward. Felicity gave him an encouraging smile as he walked past her and Elizabeth trying to give the boost of confidence he needed to continue forward. He sent a her grateful nod of acknowledgment.

After James had reached Elizabeth's father he gave him a curt nod of greeting. Governor Swann acknowledged him by removing the freshly forged sword and scabbard from the presentation case. James grasped the scabbard above the Governor's hand and withdrew the sword as if he was born for it. He flourish it with a wave and showed his skill with an expert hand and professional stance. It wasn't long before James decided that the sword was of fine quality and tied the sword to his belt. He then waited for Elizabeth's father to step forward once more and pin another medal to James' coat.

The red head fanned herself rapidly while as she stole a glanced up at the sun beating down on the crowd, before looking back at the ceremony once more. She had been right that morning about the heavy fabric of her gown weighing her down. She could feel herself melting under the harsh sun and feared she would faint from lack of air.

As the ceremony continued on Felicity turned her attention to Elizabeth only to become concerned. The young looked like she was barely getting oxygen into her lungs and Felicity knew the humid air wasn't helping. Felicity cursed the Elizabeth's maids as she vowed silently that she would help her friend as soon as the ceremony was over. 

The ceremony ended with cheers as both Elizabeth and Felicity joined in the applause with the rest of the spectators. Although Felicity knew her focus should be on James she worried for Elizabeth. Her companion's brief winces and attempts to discreetly adjust the corset through the material of her dress had not gone unnoticed by Felicity. She placed her hand on Elizabeth's and gave it a comforting squeeze.

"Let's go loosen that death contraption." She whispered.

Elizabeth sent Felicity a grateful nod, but before they could take a step forward Lieutenant Theodore Groves had stolen Elizabeth away to her father, leaving Felicity alone. The red head felt slightly out of her element as lords and ladies avoided her. Normally they would be at least civil with her, but that was only when Governor Swann and his daughter were around. 

Felicity made her way towards the ledge near where the large announcement bell hung. It was quiet and less unnerving than being carried away by the disapproving crowds. She sat on the stone wall and watched as the sea flowed without a care. She longed to dip her feet into the cool water.

"I know that look."

Felicity looked over her shoulder to find a very flustered Commodore James Norrington. He sounded as if he had been through a whirl wind, but not a hair was out of place. He looked just as handsome if not more so since the ceremony had ended.

"What look? There's no look."

James scoffed, "Don't try and fool me Miss Smith. I've known you a very long time and that was your longing face."

"Did you just unintentionally call me old?"

James swallowed hard as he maneuvered himself so he was sitting in front of her. The silk blue dress contrasted well with Felicity's pale complexion and James couldn't keep his eyes off her. In that moment all he wanted to do was take her hand an propose to the woman he loved, but he had already made plans to ask Elizabeth and he would shame Governor Swann.

"You're taking my words completely out of context." James huffed as he looked at her in exasperation.

Felicity smiled, "And did not answer my question."

"Indeed." James said looking up at her.

The two of them stared and let the seconds turn to minutes as they held each other's gaze. They had both made a silent promise not to ruin the others happiness and they were too caught up in what was proper to realize what was right. Felicity looked away first and began flitting with a loose string on her bodice.



Felicity sucked in a breath as the man in front of her reached over and took her hand in his own. She could feel the stares from other guests at the blatant disregard for formality between the two. She tried to save what little was left of her pride, but James refused to let go and hauled the girl to her feet.

"Felicity I just want you to know that I'm glad you came to the ceremony. I don't think I would have made it through had you not been in the crowd."

Felicity tugged her hand away from his and began fixing his medal which looked slightly lopsided, "You would have been just fine without me James and you know it. You always manage to handle the hardest battles with ease."

James placed his hand upon her own and the closeness between the two caused Felicity's cheeks to blush a dark shade of red. She looked up at him through her eyelashes and suddenly she wanted nothing more to spill her darkest secret. She loved him deeply and most ardently, but she also loved Elizabeth and would suffer if it meant her companions happiness.

"I should go check on Elizabeth."

James reluctantly let her go and watched as the red head made her way towards her family. He knew what he was doing was for his future, but he only wished it could be with the one person he loved most of all. James tore his gaze away in pain as he calmed himself down for his next move.

Felicity looked couldn't look over her shoulder for fear of running back to the man she loved and so was pulled into a new conversation. Elizabeth and her companion nodded as Theodore enthralled them with one of his many epic tales at sea. The tale was one Felicity had heard before from James and it was about his first pirate catch. Theodore commented on how it seemed so long ago that he and James had begun their careers in the navy. Now one of them was a Commodore.

"May I have a moment."

Felicity turned her gaze to see the man that still haunted her thoughts. James once elated gaze was now replaced by a calm that didn't reach his eyes. Felicity watched in silence as he guided Elizabeth away from the trio towards a more secluded area. She felt her heart go out to Elizabeth as she saw her increase the way she fanned herself while they walked away. Felicity knew that it was only a matter of time before she passed out from lack of oxygen, but she couldn't interrupt them now. She knew what James was about to do.

Felicity looked away from the young couple and continued her conversation with Theodore, "Anything interesting happen on your last mission, Teddy?"

A small smile made its way onto Theodore's lips at the sound of his old nickname, "Nothing that I'm sure James hasn't already told you, Red."

A small giggle escaped her lips, "Well you can't blame him for beating you to me first."

"No I can't." Theodore announced as he chuckled. "I'll just have to run faster and call on you first."

"Shall we make a bet on who can reach me first?" Felicity asked with a laugh.

Theodore gave her his prize winning smile as he replied, "Perhaps we should, Miss Smith. If James wins I'll get you that new book you wanted."

Felicity's eyes widened in excitement at the prospect of finally getting to read the book she had been searching for. She had been looking everywhere for a complete copy of Jacques the Fatalist by Denis Diderot for some time. Many had mixed opinions on the books ideas, but Felicity was utterly fascinated. It challenged the idea of fate, free will, and whether some things are worth the risk. 

James had an incomplete version in his library and Felicity had instantly become hooked. She had only been reading Miguel de Cervantes novel Don Quixote to keep her occupied and Theodore knew it. He had been secretly looking for a complete set and although he had already planned on gifting it to her, he thought he would have some fun.

"And what happens if you win?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, daring him to be hopeful.

"You still get to have the copy of Jacques the Fatalists, but I also get an evening of discussing the hidden meanings behind some of Shakespeare's plays."

Felicity couldn't help but send him a knowing look, "Confident are you?"

"Very." Theodore replied with a chuckle.

"Very well. I look forward to it-" Felicity was cut off by the sound of someone yelling.

She turned her head in horror as she recognized who had yelled. The bell where both James and Elizabeth had been conversing had now erupted into chaos. James was currently wrestling Gillette and another cadet off him as he tried to jump down in the water to save her. Felicity's heart went into panic mode as she rushed over, along with Theodore, to see bubbles rising from the surface. She felt herself start to hyperventilate as she realized what had happened.

Elizabeth had fainted.

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