Mayhem's Beginning (Everybody...

By Julio_Henry

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Enter the mind of the young Andrew Mayhem, a saxophone player in his high school jazz band who encounters rea... More

Chapter 0: Here Goes Nothing
Chapter 1: Andrew Mayhem
Chapter 2: Birds of Feathers
Chapter 3: Kate Gerrette
Chapter 4: Unfair
Chapter 5: Chance Warsaw and Dahlia Madison
Chapter 6: Yin & Yang
Chapter 7: My Fathers and I
Chapter 8: What a Lovely Suprise
Chapter 10: Taken
Chapter 11: Injection
Chapter 12: A Strange Awakening
Chapter 13: An Abnormal Afternoon
Chapter 14: What's Happening To Me?
Chapter 15: A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity
Chapter 16: A Glooming Flower
Chapter 17: The MCP and MEP
Chapter 18: The Juilliard School
Chapter 19: Convincing the Singer
Chapter 20: Storm the Gates
Chapter 21: Ten Days Sober
Chapter 22: The Flock
Chapter 23: The Bird
Chapter 24: The Morning After

Chapter 9: Turtle Pond

67 1 0
By Julio_Henry

In the heart of the island at the center of the world lies a reservoir that has a hefty population of turtles. Turtle Pond and The Great Lawn were constructed in 1942, although it was not called Turtle Pond at the time. During the 1980s turtle owners throughout Manhattan released their pets into the water for various reasons. Soon they multiplied, and before we knew it the name of the pond was changed to compliment the creatures. It was a vast body of water that seemed to spread on for days. Trees surrounded the reservoir as grass was clipped to perfection. The Great Lawn surrounded the pond as the Balvedere Castle overlooked the waters. Turtles flocked in dozens, although other species lived there as well such as different types of fish, birds, frogs, and dragonflies.

When the whole world is churning one could come to Turtle Pond and let their body relax, even if it was just for a minute or two. The pond let you escape the ruckus of the noisy city and just enjoy the fresh air. It was perhaps the only natural sanctuary New Yorkers had, the only place where they could escape from the corporate society.

I use it to keep peace in mind. My life may not be the worst, but sometimes it brings me to my knees. At times I even feel my testosterone levels drained, unable to find a refreshing way to replenish. The sweet smell of grass and the soft songs of chirping birds was a saccharine to both my nose and ears. When I am at the pond nobody bothers me, Chance doesn't exist anymore, and only positive thoughts about Dahlia could creep up.

After that day where Chance showed his true colors, I found myself coming to the pond more and more. To my surprise my guardian angel would show up as well. “Hey, you come here often?” One of her favorite gimmick pick up lines she would say to me. The pond was a place where I would recollect my thoughts, a place where I usually liked to be alone, but Dahlia's presence was the only acception.

The two of us never really talked much, mostly just sat in silence holding hands and staring out at the reservoir. When we did talk it was certainly deep and meaningful. She knew almost everything about me, and I knew tons about her as well. We talked about family, although we've never met each other's relatives. We shared stories about being bullied, she was always teased about how she dresses. We also discussed things from our past, being physically beaten, our hobbies, etc.

It wasn't long before her and I were considered a couple. I never really asked her out, it sort of just happened. Her friends at school didn't really like having me around for they thought I cramped their style. I tried avoiding her clique as much as possible but it wasn't all that easy considering we were always together. “You're dating me, not my friends.” She told me once. We were inseparable, the type of bond I hadn't had since elementary.

The news was shock to everybody since they all thought I was gay. When it happened everyone began teasing Dahlia. Some remarks she had told me about were:

“How much does he pay you?”

 “You're dating the queer?”

 “There's a reason why he won't ever sleep with you,”

Plenty more where that came from. They were all just really ignorant and unnecessary comments.

Even after we started dating our favorite hang out spot was the pond. It became our get-a-way, the place where no one could bother us. The pond was not a place for her to bring all of her friends either, it was always just me and her, just the way it should be. “So how was your love life before me?” That sort of question was a big no no for most couples, but her and I weren't like most people. I told her the truth.

It wasn't much to be honest. Any opportunity I got, Chance would somehow spoil it for me. Whether it be taking her first, or convincing her that I was only attracted to men, it never really sparked up.” The horizon was turning into a mixture of pink and orange as the sun began to set. Dahlia scooted closer to me. For the first time I began to feel very uncomfortable around her. I grew tense, but in a way where I didn't want to fix the problem.'ve never...kissed a girl?” My pulse could be heard from miles away. I didn't answer... speechless. “Would you like to learn?” I scoffed as my face flushed, she giggled at the sight. Before I knew it our lips were together. I really felt a connection at that moment, and that's when I gave her my heart. Like Noah and Allie we held the caress for seconds before pulling away. We stared into each other's eyes after that, leaning our foreheads together.

I tore down my walls for this girl, a mistake I probably will never forget. One day at school an unholy sight was burned into my pupils. I walked into the men's restroom and there she was, my beloved Dahlia Madison locking lips with another guy. They were all over each other, and it seems like kissing was just the beginning. I stood in awe, amazed on how someone could be so cruel and heartless. Especially to me, someone who has trusted her with so much. Have you ever felt your heart literally crack? A break that feels so strong, a knife in the back that feels so deep, that you think all the gauze and time in the world could never heal it? A bitter betrayal.

Andrew, wait, no!” I left as she came running for me. All the cliché lines from every chick-flick I've ever seen came out of her mouth. “It's not what you think! I can explain!” She was tugging on my wrists, a great annoyance.

I don't want you to explain.” I turned around around to face her, the girl I thought loved me. “Get the fuck away from me!” Those were the last words we spoke to each other. Our relationship was over.

Now staring out at the pond I felt a great emptiness. Perhaps the time we had spent away from each other she had changed. I never did let her explain, but I am not sure if I wanted to hear the explanation. This question has been looming over me ever since though. “What was she about to tell me?” Surely there could be no good reason for her to do me wrong like that, but I didn't even give her an opportunity. There was a saying Bradley and Adam would always tell me. “Everybody deserves a second chance.”

Did Dahlia deserve to be forgiven? She seemed so sincere, so real, but I began to question it all after that day. The confused state I was in was excruciating and I had to clear things up. I still cared for her, and maybe a friendship could continue. I could no longer hold the grudge, it has gone on for far too long. I needed her back in my life. I needed my shoulder to lean on. I needed Dahlia Madison.

Hey...” I began to type into my phone. “...when can I return your make up to you?”

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