Every End Is A New Beginning...

By GrayLace

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Every end is a new beginning. That's what they say right? Graduating high school was my end. But was getting... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
New Book!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 2

2.5K 144 7
By GrayLace

I came to my senses with a wet substance hitting my face from above. Wherever I was, it cold, damp and smelled terribly strong of mold. The ground wasn't smooth at all and was digging harshly into my bare thighs.

"Tori. Tori...." A voice from my side was calling my name but my headache was too strong. It felt like there was a million nails hammered into my head while my ears were also ringing.

"Tori. Can you hear me? You gotta wake up." I groaned in response. My lolled to the side as I opened my eyes. It was completely dark except for a dim light bulb hanging from the middle of the ceiling. The voice that had been calling me belonged to Raina Liu, a girl I have known since kindergarten. I could vaguely make out Penelope in the corner of the room with her hands behind her back like the rest of us. I shook my hands to confirm that they were cuffed and chained too.

"Tori are you up?" Raina asked again. "Are you okay? You were out for a while."

"Mmm, yeah. Just a bit of a headache." I offered her a reassuring smile. "Where are we? How long have we been out?"

"Not sure where we are how long we have been here. All I know is that there are fourteen of us here." She readjusted her position so that she wasn't slouched against the wall.

"Fourteen of us? What happened to the others?" The ringing in my ears had stopped, allowing me to focus a bit better on my surroundings.

"I don't know but look. There were seven guys from the party across the room and there are seven girls on this side."

"Were? Where are they now?"

"Some men came down and took them up. We haven't seen them since. It happens about every hour." The girl on the other side of me spoke up. I had never really talked to her before but recognized her as a friend of Penelope.

Time went on and just as the girl had said they took a new boy every hour. Pairs of men would come in, one armed with a gun aimed at their victim while the other forced them out the room. An hour after the last boy was brought out a pair of men returned.

"Well look at what we have here." We couldn't tell if they were the same men that took the guys but their presence alone made me want to vomit. You can see it in their eyes, they looked at us as if they were starving. As if they were dogs and we were pieces of meat. They joked around and made provocative comments as they made their way to Allie Gonzalez, another close friend of mine.

She cowered away as one of the men reached out to touch her bikini strap. I suddenly became extremely conscious of the lack of clothing we were all wearing.

"Take your fucking hands off of her!" Penelope threw herself forward only to be held back by her chains. "Don't you dare touch her!"

It wasn't out of character for Penelope to speak out, in fact it would be even more concerning if she didn't but her escalation of the situation only made it worse. Panic swept among us as the men caressed the side of the girls face, brushing her hair out of her face. He was practically taunting us, wanting to get a reaction out of us.

A bright light illuminated the room as the only door opened. "What is taking you two so long! Hurry up the Boss wants all of them dealt with by sunset!" Orders were barked from an unseen man in the doorway.

"Fine," The men roughly unlocked the cuffs on the girl and forced her to stand up.

"No no please don't! Please let me go!" She begged as they dragged her away. She began to thrash and hit the men in hopes of being let go only to be met with a harsh smack across her face. I swiftly turned my head away not wanting to witness what they would do to her. The only clue that they were leaving were her screams that were gradually growing quieter.

Almost every time they came to get a new girl they felt the need to make sexual comments, triggering the girls to fight back. Some of them weren't too bad but when they got to Penelope it was most definitely a shit show.

By the time they got to me I was shaking and sobbing. The man was entirely too close for my liking. He ran his hand up my leg then down my arm to unlock the cuffs. I felt sick to my stomach but told myself I had to suck it up. I was the fourth girl to be taken and I tried my hardest to get a good look at the other three but he harshly pushed me forward. He led me up another flight of stairs that opened to a grand foyer. Red striped walls and fancy old rugs decorated the room with twins stair cases. Whoever owned the house had to be important and probably had a lot of old money.

"Keep walking sweetheart." The man whispered in my ear as he slid his hand to my waist.

"Don't touch me!" I tried to wiggle out of his grasp. His touch was nauseating.

"Listen to me!" He growled in my ear as he yanked my hair back. "You're not in any position to give orders."

"Oh go fuck yourself!" I thrusted my elbow back into his stomach.

"You little bitch." He quickly swung his hand back and hit me across the face. It knocked the wind out of me, throwing me off my feet and onto the floor. My cheek stung at first only to quickly turn sore, definitely leaving a bruise later. The man looked as if he would hit me again so I curled into a fetal position.

"Get a hold of yourself man! He said he didn't want a mark on them, you've done enough." I peaked up to the first man who rolled his eyes at the other. Irritably grumbling, he snatched me off the floor and took me up the stairs. We went down a hall where I swore I could hear sobs behind a couple of doors but we were moving way too fast.

They walked all the way down a hall to a pair of doors that seemingly belonged to a master bedroom.

"Here we are." They opened the door and shoved me in only to slam it back into my face. I heard a click, probably the lock turning. Did it lock from the outside? I decided it was best that I didn't make any noise, I couldn't handle getting hit again. The rooms was decorated just like the foyer, red walls, golden fixtures and overly elaborate paintings.

I explored for a while, opening drawers full of men's clothing and going through bathroom cabinets filled with men's products. It was obvious I was in someone else's room but what did this have to do with me?

The latest events seemed to have taken a toll on me. I was lightheaded and incredibly filthy. I couldn't risk using someone else's shower so I settled on waiting on the bed. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know I was being shaken awake.

Three women in black pants and button down shirts stood over me, "It's time for your bath miss."

"My bath? What bath? What are-," They got me up even though my head was still a bit foggy. They undressed me and told me to step into the already drawn bath. One woman began to shampoo my hair while another scrubbed my skin until it reddened. Body hair was waxed, nails were trimmed and ointment was applied to my bruise.

They lotioned me in a flowery scent and dressed me in a silk robe. I was way too tired to question what they were doing to me.

"You should sit on the bed until he comes in." One of the women said as she guided me back towards the bed. "Get some sleep honey, he'll be hear soon."

Completely ignoring what she said I slipped under the covers. I was finally clean but still exhausted. I couldn't care less what was happening at the moment.

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