The Dim Sunshine

By themanwiththeplan22

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Hinata was very much a ball of sunshine. Everywhere he went he would bring joy and a comforting feeling. Litt... More

The Beginning
The Fair
Managers have some Fun
The Unexpected Call
Rating the Teammates
Surprise after Surprise

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5.8K 183 50
By themanwiththeplan22

*3rd Person POV*
Everyone noticed that something had happened to Hinata after the Funeral. He was alot more jumpy and was more protective of Natsu. They were in a practice match and Hinata didn't see Natsu. "Where's Natsu?" He asked a little panicked. Everyone was confused. " Natsu! " he yelled running down the hallway looking for his sister. "Hinata wait!" Takeda yelled but Hinata didn't hear him. Natsu came running down the hallway. "Where were you?" Hinata asked. " I went to the bathroom then I ran into this man. " Hinata's heart dropped. "What did he look like?!" Hinata yelled. Natsu was a little worried but told anyway. " he was tall, he had dark brown hair, and he looked like dad but older. " Hinata heard this description loud and clear and he went sickly pale. He grabbed Natsu and ran back to the gym. Everyone saw he was sickly pale and got worried. "COACH I NEED TO TO LOCK THE DOORS!" Hinata yelled taking everyone back. They were way more worried now. " huh what for and are you ok? " Ukai asked. "There possibly is a person in the building coming to hurt me and Natsu and he might hurt everyone else and I don't wanna take that chance." Hinata exclaimed out of breath. Before anyone could move they heard a bang. A talk man had entered the gym. Hinata placed Natsu down and went infront of everyone. "What are you doing here aren't you supposed to be with dad?" Hinata asked with gallons on venom dropping from every word. " Hinata who is this? " Daichi asked walking up behind Hinata. "Its one of my dad's friends." Hinata said. They were against Date Tech and they were beyond scared and confused. The Coaches decided to step in. "Excuse us sir but you are trespassing on our property so I advise you to leave before we call the cops." The Coach from Date Tech said. " Hinata what is his name? " Takeda asked him. "Kato I don't know his last name." Hinata said. Kato was getting annoyed so he tried grabbing Hinata's arm but Aone came up and blocked him. "I don't think you have the right to do that." Aone said. "What are you talking about I've touched that little slut before." Kato said like it doesn't phase him. Everyone that understood what he said were disgusted. They hear a knock before anyone could say anything. It was the police. They took Kato away but before he was out of the door completely Kato said something Hinata never wanted to hear. "I'm telling your dad just you wait you'll be sorry you little shit!" He yelled. Hinata just went and sat on the bench looking down. He looked up with tears in his eyes. " I'm so sorry that this happened I...I didn't know he would come here. " Hinata said with the softest, and saddest expression he could muster. "Hinata you have nothing to be sorry about but I will need to talk to you later about what he said and you know what I mean." Sugawara said. Hinata got up and bowed to everyone then left the room. The first one to speak was Nishinoya. Who the duck does that guy think he is touching Hinata. " he said angrily. "Um we should probably stop practice and I need you guys to go check on Hinata." Takeda said looking at everyone on the Karasuno team. Everyone left the gym and they headed to their rooms.

*Suga POV*
We all headed to the room and when we entered ours we saw Hinata laying on his futon scrolling through his phone. He looked away and greeted us. "Um Hinata could you tell us about that guy and what he said?" Yamaguchi asked. Hinata sat up and nodded. " So when I was younger my family was amazing my dad was nice and we had stable money. " Hinata started. "Well once Natsu was born my dad didn't like that so he tried hurting her but me and my mom stopped him." Hinata took a second to breath and tried keeping tears from spilling. I went beside him and rubbed circles on his back. " He found some friends at work that weren't exactly good so they hung out and he started getting into the wrong things like drugs and alcohol. " Hinata took another break and tears started falling. I looked around and everyone was sad expressions even Tsukishima. "So they got a divorce
and I didn't see him but a few days ago I got a call." Hinata was choking up. " take your time we will listen. " Daichi said. Hinata smiled and continued. "I got a call that my mom was murdered so I went to the funeral and my dad was there he took me to the bathroom and.......and he raped me." Once he finished that sentence everyone went wide-eyed. I started tearing up aswell as Asahi and Yamaguchi. " About his friend he would come over sometimes but that was never good. He would always help dad hurt and or r..rape me. " Hinata was silently crying with tears streaming down his face. We all have him a hug. "We promise to protect our precious Kohai!" Tanaka and Nishinoya said. Tsukishima only patted Hinata's back. "Hinata Boke why didn't you tell us?" Kageyama asked Hinata. "I didn't want them to come and hurt you all and I thought that he would stay away guess I was wrong." Hinata said. We all hung out after that playing card games and laughing. I look over to see Hinata laughing with tears in his eyes and it warmed my heart. " at least he is having fun. "

*Kenma POV*
I was on my way to the Karasuno team to see Shoyo. I get close but hear them talking. Lev and Bokuto were behind me cause I guess they also wanted to see Shoyo. What we heard we did not expect. Hinata was explaining him getting raped and his mom getting murdered. I felt tears coming in and I looked back and they both also had tears in their eyes. I decided to head back to my room and hang out with Shoyo later. New and Leg walked back in silence till he spoke up. "I'm killing whoever hurt Shoyo." He said. For once I agree with him. " Why would anyone do that to him he hasn't done anything! " he said a little louder. I elbow him to shut him up and he did. Once we entered the room Yaku liked worried. "You two ok you look like you saw a ghost?" He asked. I gave Lev a look that said don't tell them. " yea we're fine. " We said. I went over to my futon and cuddles the bear I got from Shoyo.

*Bokuto POV*
I was on my way back to the room in tears. I opened my room door and slammed it slightly behind me getting everyone attention. "Bokuto what's wrong you look sickly pale and you are crying." Akaashi asked. I went over to my futon and pulled my knees up to my chest. "Someone hurt my prodigy." I said. "Who hurt Shoyo and what did they do?" One of my teammates asked. (Idk their names.😑) I was hesitant and decided not to tell them. "Nevermind." I said. I'm guessing what I said shocked everyone was they were looking at me wide-eyed. "Captain are you feeling ok you usually blab about things." One of my other teammates said. "This ain't really something I should say maybe you should ask Shoyo." I was and layed down in my futon.

A/N: Hello guys, gals, and LGBTQ+ pals I hope you all like this chapter and I hope you all stay safe and take care of yourselves!Also I don't own Haikyuu I only own the fanfictions I write about it.💖💖💖

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