
By Aggrocz

277 6 10

this story is a minor introduction to what will happen in the Aggro x Cutter story More

minor introduction

reassuring and new friend

65 1 2
By Aggrocz

On the north side Huttsgalor :
Aggro: Well, you can only do it and inhale and exhale inhale and exhale

Aggro: "She lay down and began to calm down,,

(At that time, dragon rescuers did not yet live in the huttslagor)

Aggro: why (yawn)

???: Hi

Aggro: (With fear in her voice) who is it?

???: Don't worry, please

???: I don't want to hurt you, just that I noticed you landing here

Aggro: (a little calmer) well and who are you?

Aggro: "She looked all around,And where are you ?

???: Oh I'm sorry here "an unknown person came out that darkness (shadow) into the light ,,

Aggro: (Suddenly she saw that it was a dragon) "suddenly she was startled and quickly began to move away from the dragon,"

Aggro: Who you are?( With fear in her voice)

Dragon: My name is Arzak And I am Swiftwing And you?

Aggro: (Already calmed) my name is Aggro and I am Fire Fury

Aggro: And why are you here?

Arzak: I'm sorry but I saw you flying here and how old are you?

Aggro: I'm 10, why and how old are you?

Arzak: But I asked just because it seemed strange to me that Fire Fury would disconnect from his group And I'm 12

Aggro: Ah, well ....... I actually ran away rather than getting lost

Arzak: Oh, and why did you run away?

Aggro: Please don't ask me

Arzak: ok

Arzak: I'll probably go, anyway, if you want, we can meet here again  😅


Aggro: Maybe

Arzak: I'm sorry, but there aren't many dragons here and you're the only one who landed here after a long time 😔

Aggro: Oh, well, I'm actually the same

Aggro: So if you want, we can still meet

Arzak: Thanks

Aggro: And for what?

Arzak: Because you're here

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