we aren't simple - l.s

By goldenangelsun

166K 5.4K 3.4K

"What are you thinking about, Hazza?" "I-" "It's alright baby take your time." "I'm scared to get it wrong."... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
chapter 66

Chapter 27

2.4K 77 50
By goldenangelsun

lost my senses I'm defenceless

Harry's POV

We get back to the studio fairly quickly. Zayn and I had to keep Niall from eating all the chips before we got back. It was a task but we did end up saving enough for the rest of us.

We are standing outside of the room, holding all the food and drinks in our hands. I can hear the song that Louis and Liam are working on when they open Zayn opens the door.

Liam is singing, it sounds like the bridge of the song. "Lost my senses, I'm defenceless, her perfume's holding me ransom," I'm surprised they have gotten so much of the song done. I wonder if Louis already had an idea to start with. "Sweet and sour, heart devoured, lying here I count the hours,"

Then Louis starts to sing. His voice still amazes me. The fact that he doesn't know how talented he is, is surprising as well. We step into the room, either of them can see us.

"Waking up, beside you I'm a loaded gun, I can't contain this anymore I'm all yours, I've got no control, no control." Somehow the words feel almost familiar, but I know I haven't heard them before. "Powerless, and I don't care it's obvious, I just can't get enough of you, the pedals down my eyes are closed, no control"

"No control" Louis is smiling as he sings. "No control" He looks like he is having so much fun. He was born to do stuff like this, I can just tell. "Powerless, and I don't care it's obvious, I just can't get enough of you, the pedals down my eyes are closed, no control" I think about the lyrics still wondering why they sound so familiar.

Then it hits me.

I just stand still behind the couch where Louis and Liam are seated. Niall and Zayn push past me. Louis looks up and sees me staring at him eyes wide.

"What's wrong with H?" Niall asks laughing, he has now attacked the chips once again.

"I uh... I" I don't know what to say. They are all looking at me, Louis looks kind of worried. "Y-you wrote a song about that morning." I finally get out.

"Yeah," He comes over and wraps his arms around me. "is that okay?"

"Yes of course, it's just-" I pause. "There is so much you could have written about and you chose that." I look down. "I just didn't realize it meant as much to you as is did to me." I mumble out.

Louis smiles. He hugs me tighter and whispers in my ear. "Every moment I spend with you is important to me."

I flush red when he pulls away. He giggles and kisses my pink cheek, taking the food out of my hands. He goes over to sit on one of the couches and I join him.

"Okay the fact that Harry knows exactly what morning the song is about is crazy." Niall says. "My Larry heart is screaming."

This makes us all laugh. "I'm sure if Louis heard any of the songs I wrote he would know when they where too." I say.

All of their heads whip in my direction. It looks like they could have gotten whiplash it was so fast.

"What did you write Haz?" Louis asks, sounding adorable, as usual, and curious.

"Oh, it's nothing," I wave it off. "Just saving it for later." They are all looking at me expectantly. "I'm not sharing them now if that's what you think."

"Oh come on please H?" Niall pleads.

"I actually want to hear them too." Zayn adds, Liam looks up at him when he says this and then nods along.

"Nope." I say popping the 'p'. Then tossing a chip into my mouth.

"C'mon, at least tell us how many you've written." Louis pleads, giving me a pouty face that I can't say no to.

"There are three that I have written so far." I say looking Louis in the eye.

"Three?" Louis says surprised. "You already have had enough inspiration for three songs?"

"Yep." I give him a cheeky grin. "I have an idea for a fourth on too."

Niall and Zayn smirk when I say this, already knowing what I am talking about. Liam is giving them questioning looks.

"Do I get to hear them?" Louis asks, smiling.

"At some point," I answer, he pouts. "Don't worry angel, you will hear them, one of them sooner than the others."

He furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "What? When?"

"Can't tell you that angel, it's a surprise." He looks like he is about to complain but Zayn speaks up.

"As much as I'd love to watch you two flirt for the rest of the evening," We both blush dark red. "Can we hear what you and Liam wrote while we were gone?"

"Uh, yeah." Louis answers and Liam gets up to play the music.

We listen to the song as Louis and Liam sing it the whole way through. The whole time I have a bright smile on my face. The memories of that morning flashing through my head as I listen to Louis' perfect voice.

He really is perfect.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"What do you want to watch?" Louis asks.

We are back at my place. We ended up recording No Control, and then they all but kick us out of the studio space. Apparently we stayed way over the time we had booked. Oops.

Neither Louis nor I were tired so I invited him to come over to my place so we could watch a film... or something. He obviously said yes.

"Love actually." I say.

He smiles, as I put the film in and go over the sit next to him. I am leaning on his chest for most of the film. At one point my neck gets sore from the position so I sit up, making sure that I am still, in someway, in contact with Louis.

We are getting closer to the end of the film, and I can see out of the corner of my eye that Louis is no longer watching.

I turn to look at him and he turns his face back to the tv, blushing. I blush as well and try to focus on the film again. However now that I know Louis isn't paying attention, it's hard for me to pay attention.

We both turn to look at each other at the same time. We our eyes meet we both turn away cheeks flushed.

I feel like a teenager with a stupid crush on his best friend.

Slowly we both look at each other again, neither of us turning away. For a moment we are lost in each others eyes. Blue searching green and vice versa.

He is the first one to break eye contact, looking down at my lips briefly then back up to my eyes. Then he leans in hesitant at first, then quickly kissing my lips. It's more of a peck, but it still makes me breathless.

When he pulls back he looks into my eyes again. Once more searching for something.

I peck his lips lightly in return.

The we are both looking into each others eyes, slowly leaning in once again for a kiss.

It starts off slow and soft. It feels like it's going to go somewhere but it doesn't. Not yet. It is more meaningful than the other kisses we have shared. It says more than either of our words have.

I start to lick at his bottom lip. He opens he mouth, letting my tongue slide against his. My hands find their way to his jaw. Pulling his lips closer to me if at all possible.

The kiss starts getting heated, not gaining speed or losing the emotion behind it. He whimpers softly and I pull away.

Breathless and eyes still closed I whisper. "Do you want to go upstairs?"

The words hang on the air for a moment. The only sound heard is our breathing, which we can feel hitting off of each others lips.

"Yeah okay," he whispers quietly. He kisses me again lightly.

I turn off the tv, taking his hand and leading the way up stairs.

I hope you liked this, I had fun writing it. 😊

I am only a few chapter ahead of this right now so I need to write a lot more.

The next chapter is pretty good in my opinion. 😏😏


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