2. As Our Wedding Awaits (MCR...

De saveyourself

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2. As Our Wedding Awaits (MCR FANFICTION)

237 10 5
De saveyourself

A/N - (This is all a work of fiction... fan fiction. Cause I'm a fan of an awesome band.. haha lol.)


Ariana and Gerard's engagement party has passed. It is now one year later, Emily, Cody, Ariana and Seth are all nineteen now. What with touring, constant travel and moments of laughter, the time has finally come for the most important time in Ariana and Gerard's life. The wedding. Let's just hope that everything runs smoothly. Wait... I'm the author, I write this stuff - so you'll just have to read and find out! :P

Ariana's POV

I stared in the mirror with a grin. My white wedding gown looked so glamorous.  I'd also picked out this long, white trail that would drag behind as I walked the isle. We'd decked the whole place out to look like the video clip for Helena. I was ecstatic. Gerard had ordered in an abundance of black and red roses and they all lined the walls in the massive church where the wedding would be held.

I decided against having an actual priest in attendance, all we needed was the marriage celebrant and all of our friends. My mum and dad were coming, pretty much all of my family, along with Cody's and Seth's, plus the rest of MCR. Then all of our friends were coming too. But except for Emily's family. I'm not sure but I think it might have been because her mother passed away, maybe she didn't have any family left. Except then again, there was her sister... I don't know really, but Em refuses to talk about it. Sometimes I worry about that child... but right now, I don't have time to worry. I've got to get ready!

Em was right in front of me, holding my hand while the makeup artist added the last few finishing touches on my eyes. I stared in the mirror and couldn't help but smile. Wow... I looked... spectacular, elegant and... sophisticated. Dark eyeshadow, bright crimson lips, purple eyeshadow... wow! I knew Gee would immediately fall head over heels. Speaking of heels, I'd picked out these neat little black ones with a buckle and strap across the back.

"Right," said Emily. "You've got five minutes till the-"

I gasped and accidentally placed my hand over my mouth, smearing the red lipstick that had only just been applied. The makeup artist gave me a look and quickly fixed it up. I began to panic.

"Five minutes?!" I shrieked. "I'm not ready for this yet, I need more time, oh my god! GERARD CAN'T SEE ME LIKE THIS!"

Emily squeezed my hand tighter. "Don't panic, you'll sweat off all the makeup, just relax!"

"I need my GEE!" I wailed, only to see Mikey push his way into the room carrying a big bunch of roses. "These are for you, to carry down the isle. Quick, there's not long left until-"

I jumped up and grabbed them from him, before he could finish and bustled past them both and the stunned makeup artist. A wave of excitement and fear of the unknown flooded over me.


Ohh, that's right, I'd decided to go as a princess... childish I know, but I needed my tiara. Gee was my prince, but we'd soon be King and Queen... hah. Emily and Mikey ran to my side.

"Thanks," I said as Emily carefully put it on my hair. My hair was a brilliant shade of black with occasional red streaks through it. It had been professionally teased up and looked awesome. I soon stopped worrying about my appearance when I heard The World Is Ugly But You're Beautiful To Me starting. THAT WAS MY CUE. I NEEDED TO GET OUT THERE, AND FAST!

And anyway really cared what I looked like at this point anyway? I needed to get out there and see my Gee-bear!

"Where are the rest of the guys?" I asked as Mikey came up by my side. He would be the one of the witnesses that signed to legalise the marriage. He wore a black suite with an MCR tie. Such a Mikey thing to do, I thought to myself.

I found myself being ushered towards the entrance door that led to the back of the church and started shaking. I was nervous, but at the same time, oh god how I wanted to see Gerard! Frank, Ray, Seth and Cody were already standing there waiting for me. I couldn't pick a best man, not out of all them, so I decided they would all come up with me to be a part of it. My mum had flown over here last night and she would be signing the papers with Mikey.

I'm not going to get into the way she reacted when she realised I was getting married, let alone being a part of my favourite band. But to put it simple, she was so proud of me. Dad would be here too, along with the rest of my family... my cousins and their children, my grandparents, aunties and uncles... I had a rather large family. Thinking about them all being there made my want to cry, but I couldn't I had to focus and do this. MY LIFE LONG DREAM WAS ABOUT TO COME TRUE.

"Ready?" said Emily hesitantly. She looked rather nervous herself, which didn't help. I just wanted to get this over and done with, get rid of my nerves and see Gee.

"Yes, I'm ready," I said, taking a deep breath. The makeup artist ran to my side and fixed my trail.

"Who's going first?" I asked starting to panic.

"You are!" said Emily as though she couldn't believe I had even asked her that.

"Okay," Mikey said with a nervous smile. "Let's go,"

I stepped out and tried to look straight ahead, ready to see Gerard standing there with that look in his eyes. The one that made me melt inside. But as I walked out, I started to panic when I couldn't see him anywhere.

"Em!" I whispered. People turned in their seats and cameras flashed from all angles. Emily glanced at me and gave me a tiny push and we smiled at everyone. But I still couldn't see Gerard. The boys tagged along behind us and we made our way to the alter.

Mummers were heard throughout the church and I'm pretty sure I knew what they were saying. WHERE THE HELL WAS GERARD!?

When we reached the alter I spotted my mum and dad. They were sitting next to Cody's mum, behind who I thought might have been the Way family (they had the same eyes as Gerard and Mikey). So many people were there. I gulped and stood awkwardly next to Emily. The boys stood to the side in a line and we waited.

"Where is he?" I whispered frantically.

"Don't panic Em, just don't move. Smile..."

I took her advice, I certainly didn't want photos being taken while I was looking so anxious.

"There's an aching in my heart

And there's a burden in my eyes,"

The song continued playing and I turned to see Mikey with this gleam in his eyes. Probably proud of his older brother for writing such a song and the fact that we was doing something as special as getting married. BUT WHERE THE HELL WAS HE?

Scratch the idea of smiling for the camera's. I started crying. I couldn't help it. I stood up there shaking and even Emily couldn't seem to calm me down. Gerard probably didn't want me anymore. He'd probably back out last minute and... just.

"Maybe no one knows my name

But I think it's just the thing."

My thoughts went into overload, the song kept playing. Camera's were flashing. I noticed my mum crying, sobbing into my dad's shoulders. I'd been stood up!

"The the world is ugly,

But you're beautiful to me.

Are you thinking of me?

Like I'm thinking of you." 

The lyrics kept running through my head. I felt Emily put her arm around me. My mascara was probably running. I wiped my cheek and checked. It was.

Suddenly, out of nowhere I heard a rustling sound and looked over to see where it was coming from. A figure pranced out of a huge coffin which I thought  had only been part of the decorations. But the figure... it was Gerard! He leaped over, bounding towards me with a big grin on his face.

"GERARD!" I screamed. The crowd made that 'aww' sound and I sobbed as I found myself rushing into his arms.

"Surprise!" he yelled loudly. Mikey and the boys were all laughing. Had they been in on this too?! I swear I will kill them if that's the case. Gerard noticed my tears and held my tightly, wrapping his hand around my hair and kissing my neck gently. He was wearing a similar outfit to the one in the Helena video clip.

"Sweetie, don't cry! I'm here, I just wanted to surprise you!"

Then we kissed. So passionately that I felt my insides turn upside down. Our faces danced together and our hands found their way together, fingers intertwined.

"I LOVE YOU GEE!" I yelled, unable to help but scream. His eyes widened and he took my hand, pulling me away from our passionate embrace, leading me across to the alter.

"Well, usually the bride waits until the end to kiss her prince charming," the marriage celebrant said. There was no mistaking tears in his eyes. Everyone in the room was experiencing our happiness and emotion first hand. I looked over and my mum was still crying. Cody's mum had bent over to give her a hug.

The marriage celebrant read out a few things from his book and then it came to the point where the ultimate question was asked. My mum, realising she needed to be up here too, pryed herself away from dad and walked up towards us. She pulled out her camera and watched, waiting for the moment.

At this point, I could hear Gerard's breathing, he tensed up a little and I could only imagine what he was thinking. I was thinking the same thing. The nervousness, the happiness and the anticipation.

"Do you, Gerard Arthur Way take Ariana Johns to be your lawful wedded wife?"

A silence filled the room. Frank looked like he might pass out. I couldn't help but wonder why...

I was doing this for Gerard. For the rest of my life, both him and I would be happy.

"I do," said Gerard with a comforting air of warmth. His fingers squeezed mine even tighter and I felt the tears starting again.

"And do you, Ariana Johns take Gerard Arthur Way to be your lawful wedded husband?"

"I do," I said, blushing slightly, feeling my lips quiver. The tears made their way down my face and I felt Gerard lean in and his lips touched mine. Before I knew what was happening, we had fallen into each others arms, bodies locked together, each kiss deeper than the last. The poor celebrant didn't even have time to say "you may now kiss the bride,"

Cameras continued to flash and my mum came up standing next to Mikey waiting to sign the papers.

"I love you Ariana," said Gee as he nestled into me. I felt a warm glow radiating from his body, and not one part of me doubted that this was the best thing that I could ever have done. Gerard parted from me and looked over to a table that was adorned with roses. The papers were sitting there and we were being asked to sign them.

"Congratulations honey, so proud of you" mum sang from behind the table. "Thank you mum!" I replied, happily. Then I threw my bouquet over my shoulders and made my way over to the her. But I didn't really realise exactly how far I'd thrown it at all. In fact, it had only landed a few meters away.  And Emily was holding it with a huge grin on her face. She ran to Cody's side excitedly.

I knew she was proud of me, but there were too many things to be done right now, so I couldn't talk to her. Mikey, Frank, Ray and Seth strode over and congratulated us. Then I was given a pen and with a shaky hand I signed my name and signature neatly on the line. Gerard followed after me and then Mikey and mum came over and then we thanked the celebrant and started to greet all the guests. Honestly, I don't know how many people I spoke to that day, and I can't remember half of their names either. The Way family consisted of at least twenty people and then there was Frank's, Ray's and Seth's and Cody's to go. Plus all of our friends.

Bert was there too, the lead singer from The Used. Gerard said a quick hello, but we didn't have long to speak to anyone before we needed to get ready for the reception, so we headed back to Gerard's house and got changed.

OH! And I forgot to mention the ring! One of the most important parts. My mind was so dazed from everything that was happening that I completely forgot... the ring was extravagant. I asked for silver instead of gold but Gerard must have gone way out with it money wise. It fit perfectly too, 24 Carat diamonds and it must have cost somewhere in the millions. I felt like a real princess, walking around with yet another shiny ring to match the one he'd gotten me for our engagement.

After the wedding, we went to the reception and I met a whole lot of other people that I didn't get time to meet earlier. The restaurant we had booked was really nice inside and the food just kept coming.

"I'm so proud of you, Gerard," his mother came over and hugged him. "Thanks mum, I appreciate you being here,"

"God, Gerard, I wouldn't miss your wedding day for the world," his mum replied, smiling. Gerard smiled and then my mum and dad came over and hugged me, tearing me out of Gerard's welcoming arms for a minute.

"Honey, dear, we're so happy for you," said mum gleaming. "Make sure you take care of my daughter," dad said in a gruff tone. Gerard gave him a strange look but I just laughed.

"Don't worry, dad. He knows how to take care of me," I assured him. Suddenly, MCR rushed over. Including Cody, Seth and Emily. I guess they are all a part of MCR now too though, come to think of it, so am I. Sometimes I need to keep reminding myself.

"GERARD, ARIANA... I forgot to mention, you guys look amazing," said Ray, grinning. Suddenly I remembered the panic at the wedding. I rounded on them all and they saw the look in my eyes, everyone taking a step backwards.

"You guys were in on this the whole time, weren't you!?" I said, eyeing them all off, one by one. I looked up to see Mikey and Frank with guilty faces. The others were looking back confused.

"What?" said Cody slowly.

"THE BOX. I MEAN, THE COFFIN! What else? I was up there in TEARS and-and Gerard just... you guys didn't-"

I was cut off by Gerard taking me into his arms, pressing himself to me ever so closely.

"I told you, I wanted to surprise you... I love you Ariana and nothing means more to me in this world than be spending the rest of my life with you... I mean this... forever,"

A/N --- Hope you all enjoyed the wedding ! Please vote and comment if you liked it and don't worry, this is not the actual sequel...well, it sort of is, but another part is coming. Hopefully it will be as long as As Our Destiny Awaits, but I really think you will all like it!  PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE - it helps a bunch!


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