Alternate Worlds (Male RGF Re...

By MilitaryPro1

11.1K 158 72

Y/N L/N is a Russian Infantry Officer who has served for 5 years in the US Marine Corps prior to becoming a R... More

A/N before story
RGF Reader info
Ch 1: MIA
Ch 2: New world?
A/N: Truyen4u still stealing stories
Ch 3: Acts of Mei Part 1
Ch 5: Green Zone Part 1

Ch 4: Acts of Mei Part 2

650 13 0
By MilitaryPro1

A/N: I don't own anything.


*insert opening theme

3rd Anti-Honkai Squad HQ, St. Fountain


I was sitting on the floor, cleaning my weapons and checking my gear when Mei got word from Schicksal HQ about the monsters that we encountered.

Mei (IJ): Alright, I've spoken with HQ. The Overseer wants to see how it looks here. I'm setting up a panoramic hologram to bring her up to date. Let's start building an array.

I got on my gear again and grabbed my AK-12 and got up to wait for Mei and Adam so that we can start the mission. I walked up to Mei to see if she was still having trouble getting past her loss.

Me (IJ): Mei?

Mei (IJ): Hm?

Me (IJ): You alright now? Looked like you were still having trouble getting past your loss.

Mei (IJ): I'm alright now, thanks to you.

Me (IJ): Well're welcome.

Mei (IJ): Now, let's get going, shall we?

Me (IJ): Yep. Let's move.

Mei, Adam, and I started to walk past the doors of our HQ back into St. Fountain to do the mission.

A few moments later, close to a bridge

We got out to where we were supposed to start our mission when the Overseer (Theresa) got on the comms.

Theresa (IJ): Hello, Mei...

Mei (IJ): Glad to see you, Overseer. You look bad...stayed up again?

Me (IJ) Glad so see you, Overseer.

Theresa (IJ): Wait. Mei, who was that?

Mei (IJ): That was one of the new members on our team. Adam found him near Sa'ad Station.

Theresa (IJ): I see. Can you please state your name and occupation?

Me (IJ): Captain Y/N L/N, 144th Guards Motor Rifle Division, Russian Ground Forces.

Theresa (IJ): Russian Ground Forces? I've never heard of them before. Are you from here?

Me (IJ): No. I'm not from here. I'm from another alternate universe of Earth in your eyes.

Theresa (IJ): Oh. you have to face Honkai?

Me (IJ): No. But we got a bunch of terrorist dumbf*cks who want nothing less than to wage jihad on the world.

Theresa (IJ): Like who?

Me (IJ): Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram, ISIS, you name them. Not to mention that the country of North Korea always wants to send threats of launching nukes and starting World War 3. (I sigh)

Theresa (IJ): I see.

Adam (IJ): Good to see you too, Overseer.

Theresa (IJ): Hi! Er...did we meet at St. Freya? The memory is still fresh.

Adam (IJ): It feels like yesterday.

Mei (IJ): Hmm...I didn't know you were such a smooth talker.

Theresa (IJ): Haha, school days are always memorable. (she sighs) I remember when I was principal, I'd call it a good year if we had any graduates at all...

She pauses for a second.

Theresa (IJ): Well, enough chit chat. Now share with me what you're seeing please.

Mei (IJ): Panoramic hologram on.

She then turns on the panoramic hologram on for a moment for Theresa to see.

Theresa (IJ): St. Fountain...a dead city. Nothing like the metropolis in the satellite images. How does it cover itself up under Schicksal's watchful eyes? The surveillance system designed by grandpa is no dummy when it comes to this.

Mei (IJ): Not sure. But we'll find out.

Theresa (IJ): Hm. But first things first, we need to find Welt. It's our top priority now. We all worry about him.

Theresa then turns off her comms and we continue on through the streets.

Me (IJ): this Welt person a former Herrscher?

Mei (IJ): Yes, he is.

Me (IJ): Okay. Let's move on.

We then see 2 Code 0-The Fool with their vision of sight shown in red. That could only mean that if we're spotted, then back things could come down. Adam takes the monster in his view and I take the monster in front of me. Adam then assassinates the monster from behind, while I fired a shot my AK-12 with suppressor in the other.

Mei (IJ): Good you two. Continue on.

We then head into a corner and wait at a point next to an abandoned car.

Mei (IJ): Adam, Y/N, we need to set up detectors at these locations. (she then shows us the locations) As long as the detector detects any energy waves caused by the Herrscher Charge, we can rule out regular Honkai energy and locate the Herrscher.

Theresa then comes back online.

Theresa (IJ): Mei, I've asked the doctor. Looks like we have no record of Mr. Yang's Honkai energy sample. I'm so sorry.

Mei (IJ): It's ok. I happen to have what the detector needs. That'll be my own...the power of the 3rd Herrscher.

Theresa (IJ): Alright then.

Theresa disconnects again while we move on. I then see another monster just down the alley.

Me (IJ): He's mine.

I then shot him, with the monster falling down easily to my shot. We then head back onto the street and stop at another rest point along the way, just in case if we need to go back. We turned left and we all saw the large gap in the road again.

Mei (IJ): I'll come up behind that monster. Wait for me.

Mei then jumps down and assassinates the monster from behind. She then proceeds to midair dash back up to the other side, while me and Adam midair dash across the gap to get to the other side.

Me (IJ): There's the station.

Mei (IJ): Yes, but we have to get in without getting noticed.

Me (IJ): That should be easy.

I then looked down my 1P78 scope and shot all 2 monsters, 1 in front of us, and 1 behind all the broken cars.

Me (IJ): Welp. That was easy.

Mei (IJ): Easy for you to say.

Adam (IJ): Yeah. You got a gun that has a suppressor while we've only swords.

Me (IJ): I leave some monsters for you 2 as well, alright. Just don't complain when I have to save you 2 from a horde of monsters later.

Mei (IJ): Right.

We then got to the front of the abandoned station when Theresa got back online.

Theresa (IJ): How is it Can it identify?

Mei (IJ): I'm's analyzing my energy data now. It might take a while, so please wait.

Theresa (IJ): Sure.

Theresa then pauses for a moment to talk to me.

Theresa (IJ): Captain?

Me (IJ): Yes maam?

Theresa (IJ): How exactly did you get here?

Me (IJ): Long story short, I was on a mission against some ISIS insurgents in the city of Aleppo. When we pushed into the city, an insurgent then threw a grenade and I covered myself to save my teammates. A blue light then appeared and sucked me in, and I landed here.

Theresa (IJ): That's strange.

Me (IJ): Yeah. Definitely strange indeed.

Theresa (IJ): How does it feel? Working with Mei?

Me (IJ): She's very nice to me.

I then can see Mei blush, while I smiled at her.

Theresa (IJ): Good to hear. I've known Mei for a long time. She always nice and sweet. Not that she isn't now...I mean, if anything, she is even more sweet and dependable now! Like me, she also lost someone important...but she's stronger than me. I bet it broke her heart, but she never showed. When my life hit rock bottom, she stayed by my side and cheered me up. Mei spoke about you to me. She said that since you're a soldier yourself, you have very great potential and you were very mature. They never said that about me before, but I'm hearing it now from time to time. Guess being mature means keeping silent all the time.

Me (IJ): Nah, just doing my job. Also, I have to talk too you know.

Theresa (IJ): Good. Knowing when to speak and when not to is an important skill. Anyways, Captain, Adam, please try to help Mei anywhere you can. Thanks. Oh right, what's her status?

Mei (IJ): Probably don't need to wait for Carole now.

Theresa (IJ): Huh? Found it?

Mei (IJ): Yes, two hits came up. One is me, and the other is on the city outskirt...very close to our position.

Theresa (IJ): Great! Now we can...assured that...he...I'm going...quick...? What's going on?

Me (IJ): It would appear that another signal is coming in. Or someone tapped into our network. 

Mei (IJ): But...we cause Honkai-powered comm gear! Who else could be using it nowadays? Quick, Y/N, Adam, take over the frequency with your comm gear!

Me (IJ): Rog'.

I then get onto the Russian military network and connect it to our regular network to bypass the security. We then hear a mysterious person talk.

Mysterious person: Welcome, honorable "Sky People". Are you here for...

Mei (IJ): I'm hearing something!

Theresa (IJ): Mei, can they hear us?

Mei (IJ): No problem. Y/N and Adam's receivers are off.

Mysterious person: -Progress? I knew it. Don't worry, everything is fine. Hm, you wouldn't understand anyway.

Mei (IJ): The voice...sounds familiar.

Mysterious person: Let me teach you human language. You need to know your target to replace them. And all knowledge starts with language.

Me (IJ): Sounds like someone who is douchey enough to try to start an attack.

Mei (IJ): Definitely rings a bell...he is...Overseer, any idea? Theresa?

Mysterious person: Name, name, name...a suitable name- -

Theresa (IJ): It's...him!

Mei (IJ): Overseer...Theresa...could it be...

Theresa (IJ): It's grandpa! It's grandpa...I'd never mistake his voice! It's...his voice...his's grandpa!

Me (IJ):*t.

Mei (IJ): We need to get back to HQ. Now.

Me (IJ): Already one step ahead of you.

We all then ran back to our HQ and Mei started to see what was going on.

A few moments later, 3rd Anti-Honkai Squad HQ

Mei (IJ): ...The Overseer is fine, but she needs to rest now. She;s too exhausted and stressed lately. Hearing that voice...

Adam (IJ): The Overseer's grandpa?

Mei (IJ): Hm, you should've have heard. Otto Apocalyse, the former Overseer of Schicksal. He ruled for 500 years. He did some good, but also committed a fair share of evil. And he used to be our worst enemy. But...he shouldn't be alive...not here...not now. We saw him leave...with our own eyes.

Me (IJ): It could have been a recording. In my world, when Osama Bin Laden, the former leader of Al-Qaeda who was killed a few years ago in a SEAL Team 6 raid, he made recordings of his voice in the Tora Bora cave the first time we tried to capture him, way back in 2002.

Mei (IJ): The problem is, it's not only the voice, but also the tone. He's the only one I know that sounds so megalomaniac like this...Though that is not entirely possible, but why now? Why here? Who was he talking to? This can't be coincidence. Sorry..I got carried away. Even after he became history, Otto can still surprise a most unexpected way. Let's listen to that again and check if we missed anything.

We all listened to the recording again.

Mei (IJ): Well. I've got good news and bad news. Which do you want first?

Me (IJ): Bad news first.

Mei (IJ) (a bit nervous): Hm, it's no big deal really. HQ studied our data and returned 2 reports. The red crystals carry minimal Honkai energy beneath their surf. The doctor thinks this is not natural. In other words, they are artificial. And so are the monsters. The doctor studied their moves and came at the same conclusion as ours. That compared to natural breeds, they are more likely to be engineered.

Me (IJ): And?

Mei (IJ): That's it. The good news is also the bad news. The reports told us someone is indeed behind all of this, but here's now way to tell who. We're desperately short on intel, but the mission can't wait...

I then hear my phone ring.

Me (IJ): Wait. I need to answer that call, but I'll turn on the speaker if you need to listen to it, if it's a mission. Just keep staying where you are.

I then look at my phone and see that one of my old commanders, now Colonel Garrison from the Marines, is calling me.

Me: Hello sir?

Garrison: Son, it's good to see you again. How are you doing? Enjoying the other world?

Me: Well...not really.

Garrison: Anyways, I need to you to pull out a screen, so I could see you.

Me: Right (I switch back to Japanese) Mei, I need to you to pull up a screen so that he can see us.

Mei (IJ): Is it something important?

Me: (IJ): Probably. Otherwise he wouldn't be requesting this.

Mei (IJ): On it.

Mei then pulls up the hologram, showing us to Garrison.

Garrison: Okay Captain, I already asked Russian Western Military District HQ about this, so you should be fine. Anyways let's get straight to the point.

He then shows us a map of Baghdad, the Iraqi capital.

Garrison: We have just received intelligence that ISIS and Al-Qaeda fighters will try to attack the Green Zone inside Baghdad. For what reason we don't know, but we suspect that is may be to attack Russian and US soldiers inside the zone. You have a mission now. Your objective is to link up with the 3rd Infantry Division and intercept this enemy convoy before it gets close. Iraqi military and police forces will be on standby.

Me: So we're working with the Army now huh?

Garrison: Well, they are the only unit around the city at this current time. Mainly, they've just been doing search and destroy and patrol missions throughout the city.

Me: I see.

Garrison: Also, bring your friends over there with you. They might be useful in sneaking up to the enemy without them knowing.

Me: Roger, sir.

Garrison: Godspeed Marine, and good luck. (he salutes me)

Me (I salute back): Yes sir. Semper Fi.

He then hangs up. Mei then runs over and hugs me.

Mei (IJ): So?

Me (I sigh) (IJ): I guess we're going to Iraq.

Mei (IJ): But what about your bad memories?

Me (IJ): I'll get over them. For now though, get ready your stuff. We're gonna have to hold our mission with Welt for a bit. This sounds more urgent.

Mei (IJ): Why? And what's "The Green Zone"?

Me (IJ): The Green Zone is the international zone in Baghdad, Iraq. It's home to several embassies, including the American and Russian embassies. This isn't the first time we've heard such attacks.

Mei (IJ): How do they attack that usually?

Me (IJ): Usually, they either launch rockets or do some guerilla assaults into the compound.

Mei (IJ): But what about now?

Me (IJ): They're trying to overwhelm us with a convoy, though it will make it easier for us to intercept them.

Mei (IJ): Right.

Mei then continues to hug me and eventually cuddles with me.

Me (IJ): You like this don't you?

Mei (while leaning on my chest) (IJ): Um hm.

Me (IJ): Well, as much as I like this, we have to go.

Mei (IJ): I don't want to.

Me (IJ): Well, we have to.

Mei (IJ): Fine.

Mei then stands up and gets ready her sword while I'm already fully kitted. Adam comes in the second after.

Adam (IJ): So, are we going to your world, Captain?

Me (IJ): Yeah, we are. Ready yourselves.

Adam and Mei (IJ): We're already ready.

Me (IJ): Alright, start up the machine and it'll take us to the gate outside the Green Zone.

Adam then starts the teleportation machine.

Adam (IJ): Time to go sir?

Me (IJ): Yeah.

We then walk into the portal, waiting for what might be ahead.

*insert ending theme

A/N: Sorry for not updating this often. I've been having too much fun writing my other story (A Marine and his Experience with Tankery). Anyways, I hoped that you enjoyed this chapter! Remember to review and vote!

Have a nice day!

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