The Bad Boy Wants Me?!

By Anubis27

5.6K 160 57

Annabelle Carter is a street smart nerd. She hasn't lived the best life, but she pulls through. Living with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

666 23 18
By Anubis27

The next day, I made sure to get to English early. I was the first one in the room.

The teacher looked up from the paper he was grading as I sat in a seat in the front row.

"I got an email this morning that said you skipped detention, Ms. Carter." Mr. Reynolds put his pen down on the desk.

Detention? That was yesterday?

He definitely had a fatherly vibe to him, at least to the smart kids. To the ones who aren't as successful in his class, he can be too strict and sometimes a bit of a jerk.

"I wasn't told that I had detention yesterday, sir." I half-lied. Technically, Fabian didn't tell me that detention was that afternoon.

Mr. Reynolds nodded, accepting my excuse. "Okay. Well, I'm just going to move your detention to this afternoon in Mr. Sweeny's classroom. Don't be late and don't forget about it. I'll let the office know that you didn't skip detention. However, in the future, do not skip my class, Annabelle."

I smiled, gratefully.

The class slowly, but surely started filling up.

Fabian Alexander slipped into the room as the bell rang ten minutes later. Mr. Reynolds gave him a disapproving look. "Mr. Alexander, you were almost late. Yesterday, I told you to tell Annabelle Carter about her detention. Since you failed to do so, you can join her in detention this afternoon."

Fabian narrowed his eyes. "I told her about the detention."

"Do you really think that a student like Ms. Carter would lie to a teacher? Find your seat." Mr. Reynolds dismissed him.

Fabian glared at me and I felt bad. I may not like the guy, but I didn't mean to get him in trouble. He gets in enough trouble on his own.

I gave him an apologetic smile and he sneered at me.

Well then.

I listened to Mr. Reynolds drone on about the midterm project project. Apparently, it is on Shakespearian plays. He read off the partner pairs again and told them which play they were assigned. Fabian and I were assigned Macbeth. It could be worse, I guess.

The last fifteen minutes of class, we were told to find our partner and figure out a working schedule because there wont be many working days in class.

I reluctantly walked to the back of the room towards Fabian.

I slid into the desk next to him.

"Did you figure out if you are going to pay me to do the project on my own? If so, you will just be sitting around doing nothing the few classes that we have to work on it in school, but how is that different to what you do normally?" Fabian ignored me.

I sighed, annoyed. "I'm sorry about the detention. I didn't mean to get you in trouble." I bit the inside of my cheek. I hate apologizing. My pride just doesn't like it.

He just continued to stare straight ahead.

Okay, this is getting childish. "Grow up, Alexander." I called him by his last name. "Maybe teachers would believe you when you said something if you weren't so immature."

His head snapped in my direction and he glared at me. "Immature? Just because I don't get straight A's, doesn't make me immature."

I rolled my eyes. "I was referring to you and the troublesome two's pranks. You get in trouble and get marks on your permanent record for what? Attention? Popularity? To be a rebel. Is it really worth it, bad boy?"

He chuckled bitterly. "You're such a hypocrite, Ms. Homework Helper. Mind your own damn business. I don't know why you are such a bitch to me considering this is only the second time that we've ever spoken."

Bitch? I am not a bitch. "I know people like you. You think that you are above everyone else. You act like a total dick to get attention from your snobbish stuck up parents. You always know that you will have a warm bed at the end of the day. You never worry about money. You don't work for anything in life, yet chances are you will still end up being more successful than the people who actually work their asses off. You're privileged." I spat the last word out.

As I ranted, Fabian's face got redder and redder. "You don't know me." He said through clenched teeth.

"I don't need or want to know you. You think anyone else would get away with as much crap as you and the twins have? It doesn't take a genius to figure out why you haven't been expelled." I glared at him.

"You think I'm bad because I think I'm better? Well, look in the damn mirror, sweet cheeks. You think that you are better than me because you are smarter. I've never met someone who is so hypocritical. The only one who brought up status is you. I don't care about how much money you have. Whether you are a millionaire or living on the streets that doesn't change the fact that you are a bitchy, bitter snob. We all have shit that we have to deal with. Just because your life experiences are different than mine, doesn't mean that you can sit here and tell me how hard you've had it." He made sure not to raise his voice too loud. This wasn't a conversation that either of us wanted people listening to.

The bell rang and he stood up quickly. "You call me immature? Judging me on how much money my parents have is pretty damn immature if you ask me." He stormed out of the room.

As I walked to my next class, I tried to figure out how our argument escalated so quickly.

Was Fabian right about me? Am I just a bitter hypocrite?


Fabian's POV

That annoying bitch! Who does she think she is to just judge me like that? She doesn't know me at all. I decided to skip the next class. Mrs. Delta lets me get away with a lot because she is married to one of my friend's brother. Not because my family is wealthy.

I went into the library and sat in the back, brooding over what that know-it-all judging girl said to me. What I thought was mildly appealing yesterday, is now just plain ugly. If Max saw this side of her, he wouldn't be pining after her like a lost puppy.

She's smart and beautiful in a natural way, but her attitude ruins it for me.

If I didn't need to pass this midterm project, I would purposely fail it just to spite her. I'd probably get blamed for it. Hell, if Mr. Reynolds has to take even one point off of it, he will probably blame me and find some reason to give me detention.

I went to the rest of my classes and sat through lunch. I didn't tell Max about what Annabelle said. I don't know why, but it feels like that conversation is too personal. One thing is for sure, I do not want one of my best friends to date someone like Annabelle.

In detention, I ignored Annabelle. It's not like she was trying to talk to me anyway.

We are going to have to figure out a way to get this project done. I'm not going to pay her to do it by herself. For one thing, my parents watch my account closely. They would notice if three hundred dollars disappeared without a receipt showing up somewhere. They watch it so closely because they think that I'll do drugs or something. Another reason why I wont pay her is that I want to prove that I'm not just a spoiled rich kid.

I may not be an A plus student, but I'm not an idiot either.


Christmas has been over... so depressing.

As always, point out any mistakes (plot, spelling, grammar)!

I'll try to get another update out sometime this week

Anubis xx

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