Golden Dawn

By Estoria34

929 113 7

Two worlds collide in one epic tale. Artemisia had lived in isolation for almost her entire life, but when sh... More

~ Introduction ~
|Chapter 1 ~ The World I Once Called Home|
|Chapter 2 ~ A Proposal|
|Chapter 3 ~ The Search For A Disk|
|Chapter 4 ~ A Love For Knowledge|
|Chapter 5 ~ Dark History|
|Chapter 6 ~ A Race To The Unknown|
|Chapter 7 ~ Wings|
|Chapter 8 ~ An Altered Reflection In Glass|
|Chapter 9 ~ Flight To A New Fate|
|Chapter 11 ~ Christa|
|Chapter 12 ~ Companions|
|Chapter 13 ~ The Creature|
|Chapter 14 ~ The Edict Of A Realm|
|Chapter 15 ~ Beginning of Change|
|Chapter 16 ~ Trap|
|Chapter 17 ~ Angelus Duncan|
|Chapter 18 ~ Palace Of Lîxîlîa|
|Chapter 19 ~ The Dream|
|Chapter 20 ~ Ambassador|
|Chapter 21 ~ The Sphere Of Statera|
|Chapter 22 ~ A Last Parting Gift|
|Chapter 23 ~ Fight Or Flight|
|Chapter 24 ~ The Glade|
|Chapter 25 ~ Blazing Inferno|
|Chapter 26 ~ Unexpected Party Member|
|Chapter 27 ~ Open Plains|
|Chapter 28 ~ Taming A Tempest|
|Chapter 29 ~ Thrilling Intoxication|
|Chapter 30 ~ Brief Kindness|
|Chapter 31 ~ Accusations|
|Chapter 32 ~ Furious Retribution|
|Chapter 33 ~ Luminous Artillery|
|Chapter 34 ~ The Ertheon|
|Chapter 35 ~ Cloudburst|
|Chapter 36 ~ The Last Attempt|
|Chapter 37 ~ Statera|
|Chapter 38 ~ Prince Of Night|
|Chapter 39 ~ Golden Dawn|
~ Author's Note ~

|Chapter 10 ~ Osseus|

22 3 0
By Estoria34

The sun was high up in the sky when we finally closed in on an irregular-shaped black object. At first I thought it was another creature approaching us, but the closer we got - the more jagged the creature became. I couldn't believe my eyes. The object was certainly not  a creature.

Quîncîn took us closer to a shape that revealed itself, a magnificent island, floating in the sky with nothing but pure air supporting its great edges and rims. 

I gasped. Rivers of crystal-clear blue water flowed down the island and fell as glittering streams into a lake far beneath. The water drops created beautiful rainbows and the sky around the island looked as if it was painted with colourful hues, each colour dancing around the clouds.

I adverted my gaze a little higher and spotted a large castle-like structure situated in the middle of the floating island, overlooking a civilization-like setting. The metropolis consisted mainly of small beige houses, built around a glistening lake in the middle of the island. The buildings were erected in the same eloquent manner as the palace, but differed ways from each other. It was as if every building had its own personality with light walls and colourful roofs that spiralled towards the sky. Golden-leaved trees surrounded the buildings and gave the island an ancient aura - like that of a hidden forest civilization.

So this was Osseus.

I gaped at everything around me and then directed my gaze at the castle we were quickly approaching. The structure was built against a mountain which served as a giant base for a huge stone statue of a winged warrior. The male was armed with a massive sword, its handsome stone face set in cold resolution. The harsh expression caused a chill down my spine and I swiftly looked away from the glorious statue to examine the structure against the mountain range instead.

The building itself was constructed with so much detail and elegance that it appeared inhumanly beautiful. Pane-less window frames overlooked the city and vines swirled around pillars that steadied dignified, bronze balconies. The main structure was erected in a grand style with high towers that spiralled upwards and ended in sharp star-shaped turrets. Each spiral and shape, designed by such craftsmanship that the layout of the building seemed more of an artwork than that of a prison.

That was what it was after all. An entrancing facade that hid the Alium's true fate.


Quîncîn flew closer to the castle and the closer view made it to look even more magnificent than from afar. On the one side of the castle protruded a vine covered arch, leading out unto a balcony built out of light crystal. The balcony was big enough for Quîncîn and I to land comfortably. We flew straight towards it and managed to safely settle on the marble floor. 

After I regained the sensation of walking on my own two feet and not dangling unto Quîncîn again, I followed him into the arch. We entered a large chamber created out of light stone that gave an airy as well as spacious feel to the overall area. Window frames were built into the walls and the room was lit by a natural chandelier made out of exotic flowers that glowed from the inside of their soft petals. Other plants I could not fully inspect - thanks to Quîncîn that was drastically quickening his pace - also further decorated the bouquet. I looked around the room and noticed some kind of fair liquid flowing in small crevices all across the white marble floor of the chamber.

I jerked my head around when the flap of giant wings suddenly filled the previously silent room. Two winged creatures entered the chamber with alien gracefulness. One was a woman with long, sunflower blonde hair that hung down her elegant body in one thick braid. Blue wings sprouted from her back, each feather like a water drop that seemed to flow into the next, just the same as water. White flowers were braided into her hair and deep arrogant blue eyes stared right at me. Her skin was light and her face - diamond shaped with a strong jawline and dark blonde brows. Small ears peeked out behind two beautiful blue flowers that were tucked loosely into her hair. The female was - in a very piercingly foreign way - stunning. Like that of a poisonous ivy. Deadly but inescapably beautiful.

She wore a silver breastplate that covered her chest. A white lace dress wound tightly around her small middle and flowed outwards down her long legs. Her clothes seemed to glow with a slight blue colour as if crafted by something otherworldly. Toned, muscular arms fit in light grey greaves - the metal decorated with strange shapes and languages. The male next to her had the same alien features with dark green wings that draped on the floor as he walked towards us. His chocolate brown hair was curled. Light green eyes stared at me, sparkling in odd amusement. He wore the same armour plates as the woman and had a strong build, evident from beneath the material of his dark green regalia.

"And who is this Quîncîn? Another human?" The male questioned, his voice light and playful. Quîncîn nodded stiffly. For the first time that day he seemed more irritated with beings other than myself. The thought was strangely satisfying.

A smile that could cut right through the strongest metal, graced the female's pink lips. "She looks like one of the newer ones. Where did you find her?" The female asked, her eyes running over my body in slight disdain. Her voice was bell-like, but eyes cold and hateful. I immediately disliked her.

"Why are you talking about me like I don't even exist?!" I exclaimed angrily, my ears buzzing. The stunning female only looked bored when she spoke. "Because you are not supposed to exist human. Your kind should have died a long time ago, but here you are. The remains of a dead world."

A feeling of guilt suddenly spread through my chest. That was - as horrible as it sounded - sadly true. We were the only cause. Our Earth was nearing destruction because of what we've done, burning away under the sun's fuming rays. We were solely responsible for the death of a planet and I was truly ashamed. What we did to our home - even if many like myself personally had nothing to do with its final destruction - was unforgivable. The words stung and pierced the depths of my heart. Images of the scorching sun, aching blisters, deserted wastelands littered with rubbish and mountains of disgusting debris filled my head. My strong demeanour faded away and I suddenly tried to evade everyone's suddenly penetrating gazes. Looks that were all directed at me without an ounce of sympathy.

"To answer both your questions Delphînîa and Soren, I found her near our village in the east. Just another Alium to end up further from Osseus than we expected." Quîncîn suddenly retorted and broke the intense atmosphere that became pressingly heavy. I was slightly grateful to him, even though he certainly didn't do it for me. That much I was sure of.

"We were under the impression there were no more Aliums alive  on Earth, but she unfortunately proved our theory wrong." Quîncîn murmured, dreading the conversation almost as much as I did.

I immediately remembered Albert's blood soaked cloak, his blue eyes - empty of all life as they stared into a void of nothingness. My hands balled into tight fists against my body and I didn't even wince when my nails drew blood.

"And there won't be any more of us, that  I assure you." I muttered, my voice so soft and painful I suddenly felt Quîncîn's eyes on me.

The curly haired male glanced at the latter. "I think you must inform him of your suspicions as well as the current status on earth." He suggested, placing emphasis on the "him " part.

"Him?" I asked before I could help myself. Soren nodded and looked down at me with a suddenly guarded expression.

"Angelus Duncan. Our leader and the Defender of our realm." He explained, his voice lower than a few seconds ago. 

There was a bitter taste in my mouth. This Angelus Duncan person sounded very important and I immediately noticed the effect, merely the name had amongst the Lepshares. The title already had a huge influence on everyone in the room and a mutual emotion filled the three Lesphares' eyes as silence dawned again. The look in their eyes caused my skin to tingle. Blatant, undying respect resided in their alien gazes.

Quîncîn suddenly took my arm and dragged me deeper into the room towards a refined archway covered by green forest vines.

"We must be on our way now. You too, probably have business to attend to so I'll leave you to your own devices." He called out to them with a slight turn of his head. I got the feeling Quîncîn was very eager to escape their company and for once didn't try to fight him. I also yearned to escape their presence as soon as possible, but unfortunately things weren't exactly going my way.

"Quîncîn love, I have something to say to the human before you leave."

Her lovely voice irritated me so badly I had to bite down hard to keep myself from screaming something nasty at her. I looked over my shoulder at Delphînîa, dreading her next words as if they were knives able to probe right through me. Beautiful blue eyes seemed to glow electric blue as she spoke. A slight smirk on her full lips.

"I was also arrogant to the ways of the world once and it cost me dearly. Do not forget your place Alium. Earth is after all very, very far away from here."

* * *

Quîncîn led me down many marble stairways that left my legs aching and numb. Just when I thought we would finally reach our destination - another set of stairs would appear, making my thighs cry out in pain. As we walked deeper and deeper into the underground tunnels, the design of the escalier started to change. The stairs were now built out of reddish stone, much different from the castle's natural light marble. The passageway also got darker, except for the dim light of flaxen liquid that ran through small crevices on each side of the staircase.

We never spoke a single word to each other as we made our way down the many stairs. It wasn't  an awkward silence that could make a person feel on edge, but more of a silence that was needed in order to clear both our separate heads. Quîncîn kept his hard gaze forward at all times and didn't once look at me. I, on the other hand dreaded my fate with every passing minute. Our surroundings started to look much less like that of a castle and more equal to a cruel trap.

Finally we came to a stop in front of a great metal door, strange inscriptions written all over it and I breathed deeply.


The material brought up bad memories I rather would've kept hidden otherwise. It was the first time since my arrival I'd seen metal used anywhere on Nova Terra and the thought didn't help better my mood at all. The door loomed over me like a horrible shadow. It was the thing that would keep me trapped underground for probably longer than I would ever be able to bare.

I tried to clear my head and narrowed my eyes at the words that occupied most of the door's surface. I realized with a start that some of the words were slightly moving as if the ink was water running down rocks. Before I could inspect them further, Quîncîn muttered something inaudible to my weak human ears and the door swung open with a loud groan.

It was as if my whole universe crashed into nothingness as soon as the door opened. Even though I was terrified, my eyes still widened in amazement.

Wooden tables filled up the large centre space of the cavern. The large hall was supported with tall metal pillars that kept the underground structure upright and stable, yet again words of an ancient language written all over the ugly metal. Flaxen liquid - almost white - flowed down the walls like curtains and lit the cavern in abnormally bright light. There were no windows nor any kind of natural light that streamed into the hall safe for the fair liquid that provided some kind of glowing effect.

The floor beneath my feet felt warm and probably, also consisted of metal. The air smelled of cooked food and freshly baked bread. My stomach grumbled as I suddenly realized just how hungry I truly was. I remembered I hadn't eaten anything for two days straight.

The uncomfortable feeling immediately disappeared when I noticed the most breathtaking aspect of the entire hall. The people.

There were humans seated at the tables, all looking at me with watchful gazes. No strange creatures with giant wings or feline eyes. Only normal human beings with weak bodies and loud, uneven voices. Each person differed. One had dark onyx hair while another had brown eyes. Every aspect of their features looked so normal  it stunned me.

As Quîncîn led me further into the foyer, I could feel the weight of almost every person's stare in the entire room. Conversation died down at the sight of Quîncîn and the hall filled with an eery quietness that made me fumble my dress' material nervously. I suddenly felt very exposed under all the heavy gazes.

Quîncîn came to a stop in front of the many tables and pushed me forward with a rough motion of his arm. "Listen up Aliums!" He bellowed, his voice bouncing off the metal walls and echoing throughout the hall like an announcement of pure horror. Tired, weary and even hateful eyes stared at him. The Lesphares turned to look at me for the first time since we began walking and I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. There was a darkness in Quîncîn's eyes and suddenly I wasn't sure about anything. Sure if I was prepared -

"Please welcome yet another of your race to spend an eternity in our dungeons."

His voice was rigid iron as I felt my future collapse into oblivion.

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