My Sister's Babysitter

By foreverrikarafan

649 91 41

One night he was unable to look after his little sister so thanks to a friend, he managed to get someone to b... More

Episode 2

Episode 1

398 47 21
By foreverrikarafan

So quick character sketch:

Omkara Singh Oberoi, age: 19: Mariam's big brother. Tej and Jhanvi's eldest child. A college student. His parents are busy people so he is often the one looking after Mariam. 

Gauri Kumari Sharma, age: 17: Kesari's big sister. A high school student. She does part time jobs so she can save up for her further studies.

Mariam Singh Oberoi, age: 8: Om's little sister. Tej and Jhanvi's youngest child. She is played by Deshna Dugad.

Kesari Kumari Sharma, age: 8: Gauri's little sister. She is played by Chahat Tewani.




Om's POV:

Mariam....she is my little sister and she means the damn world to me. She is everything to me.  My parents are business people and they have built a really lavish life for me and my sister, but in order to continue that lavish lifestyle, they keep busying themselves with work so I look after Mariam as both a brother and parent. Me and Mariam have a massive age difference between us because parents didn't really think of another child for a while after I was born. Th day Mariam was born was the best day of my life because I always wanted a sibling, so Mariam's birthday is a blessing to me.

And who knew that because of Mariam, I would have met her?

In the car:

Mariam: bhaiya, after school do you want to play with my dolls?

Me: do I have to?

Though I love Mariam and I think she is amazing but I wasn't exactly fond of the girly games she makes me play then and now.

Mariam: fine, let's watch a movie...also mummy and daddy are going to a businsess thingy today so you have to babysit me like always!

Me: oh damn it....Mariam, I have to be honest with you.

Mariam: that you are really an alien? (this is what I said to my brother years ago)

Me: what? No! Why do you think like that?

Mariam: oh me and my friends all think our big brothers or little brothers are aliens.

I have met Mariam's friends before and honestly they are a weird type of species. I could handle she is an easy kid but when she is with her friends, then she isn't.

Me: seriously?

Mariam: haan bhaiya! So are you an alien?

Me: hate to disappoint you sweetie but I'm not.

Mariam: why can't you look after me in the evening?

Me: you see my college has decided that this evening all students will be attending revision sessions for exams.

Mariam: don't you study enough in the day?

Me: not enough sweetie.

Mariam made a face and stayed quiet as we reached the school.

Mariam: you know I don't want to be babysat by the maids in the house. They are so boring and they don't play with me at all.

Me: awww don't worry I will try and find someone who is nice and will play with my little sister.

Mariam: pakka na?

Me: haan sis pakka.

Mariam smiled, got out of the car, waving me goodbye as I drove off to go to college. So I managed to get my sister to smile but now the question was that WHERE THE HELL WAS I GOING TO GET A BABYSITTER FOR THIS EVENING? I couldn't ask any of my friends because all of them would be revising with me. I was cursing myself for making a promise without thinking first.



Arjun: finally you're here man.

Me: yup I am. Have you got my Starbucks?

Arjun: yes here you go.

He handed me my Starbucks coffee...just what I needed. Vanilla latte with sprinkled cinnamon on top....I always love the sweet creamy vanilla taste in my latte. Arjun always gets me and Veer coffee from Starbucks and we never have to pay him back.

Me: where's Veer?

Arjun: I have no idea..but he said that he has something to tell us.

Me: oh really?

Arjun: I bet you it's about another girl he hooked up with.

Me: it's Veer...of course he is going to brag about a girl he hooked up with.

We laughed just as Veer came and got given his coffee by Arjun.

Arjun: so tell us about the girl you hooked up with?

Veer: is that what you guys think of me? A guy who just hooks up all the time? I'm offended.

Arjun and me: shut up Veer.

Veer made a face as me and Arjun started to laugh seeing his face.

Veer: you guys are just horrible. So I didn't hook up with anyone but you know yesterday my parents hired this babysitter from some babysitting ad....

Arjun interrupting: you needed to be babysat? 

Veer: no idiot! Remember I was at your house so my parents needed someone to look after my brother! Anyway after I left your house, I went back home and damn the babysitter from that ad was hot as hell. Like she didn't wear those short clothes, but nevertheless she looked like a million bucks. 

Me: please tell me you left the girl alone.

Veer: I just tried to flirt with her a little bit but she was the first girl not to be charmed by me! Like how could she not be charmed by me? I am Veer Verma for god sake! Every girl gets charmed by me.

Me: she had brains Veer...brains! .

Arjun: true that Om. Never thought I would see the day when a girl didn't get charmed by Veer.

Me: same here. Finally Veer's stupid flirting failed.

Veer: you guys are mean. Why am I even friends with you two?

We laughed but then suddenly I remembered what Veer said...babysitter. Yes Veer happened to be an idiot then and now but this time he was actually kinda useful.

Me: Veer...can you show me that ad for the babysitter? Also is this girl a good babysitter?

Veer: yeah my brother said that she is the best, as for the ad.....mum sent it to me. Here.

I looked at the ad, got a pen from my bag and copied down the number on my wrist just as the bell rang for all of us college students to go to our boring classes. However during one of my lectures, I hid my phone using a textbook to text the number: Hey, my name is Om. I need a babysitter for my little sister this evening at 6pm-8pm...are you free for then?

Lecturer: Om are you writing down any of the answers to the questions?

Me: yes sir I am.

Lecturer: good!

As I was making notes etc...the girl finally replied to me: hi, of course I am free but is it okay if I can bring my little sister along? Also please send me the address.

I looked at the lecturer who was focusing on another student so I could text this girl: of course you can bring your little sister along. Thank you so much for agreeing. My address is....

And with my address texted and sent, I kept my phone away to focus on my studies because if I don't then I would be failing and then my parents would kill me for failing. 


After school:


Mariam: bhaiya, who is this new babysitter you was talking about in the car?

Me: Veer sort of knows her but we will only find out who she is when she comes over. She said that she is bringing her little sister over.

Mariam: I hope she is the same age as me.

Me: I hope she isn't like your other friends then.

Mariam: not all my friends are weird. A new girl joined two weeks ago and omg! She is seriously the sweetest and she is better than my other friends. 

Me: really? I have to meet this young girl then.

A part of me was actually relieved to know that Mariam actually has a friend who doesn't sound weird. 

Mariam: one day you will. Now if you excuse me, I need to get all my toys ready so me, the babysitter and the sister can play together. 

Me: just don't torture the babysitter much.

Mariam: who? Me? Mariam Singh Oberoi? In case you didn't know, MSO doesn't torture anyone.

I rolled my eyes as she walked past me, flicking her hair. Sometimes I actually wonder if we really are truly related because she can be full of so much attitude then and now. 


Finally it was evening...unfortunately for me, that meant having to go back to college and revise...for Mariam, that meant the evening was now here and that meant she could enjoy her evening with the babysitter and the sister. I just had to stay home for a couple of minutes till the babysitter came so that I could leave knowing that Mariam was in the house with someone keeping an eye on her.

Mariam: when is the babysitter coming? I have spent so many hours getting everything ready.

Me: ever heard of patience?

Just as Mariam shook her head, the doorbell rang. 

Me: that must be her.

I opened the door and that's when my black orbs met her hazel orbs....damn her eyes were gorgeous..dove-shaped and the hazel colour...those eyes were a melt of autumn tones, fending off the winter frost. After looking at her eyes, I looked at the rest of her...her hair flowed down her back like black ink of a tilted piece of parchment. Her pink and heart shaped. Her fair skin was like snow and it was completely flawless. Her little sister look a little like her with the hair, complexion, lips and dove shaped eyes...but she had darker eye colour. 

Mariam: arre Kesari, your sister is my babysitter? 

Was this the friend Mariam was talking about? If so then damn her older sister looked gorgeous.




And I am done for the day. Sorry for a bad chapter, I actually have no idea what I even wrote. Questions of the day:

Who is the babysitter?

Will Om fall for her?

Only two questions for today. See you all in the next chapter. Btw this is a short story.

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