Neighbors ☹☻ narry ✔️

By Poisonnialler

433K 19.6K 14.9K

"Hi Harry Styles. Is that your real name, or is it actually Harold?" "It's just Harry." "Ok. Is that your fa... More

ⅰ. 3am friends
ii. opening the door for strangers
iii. metophorical chocolate
iv. twinky winky
v. zen, the wizardly manwhore
vi. faking it
vii. how to make friends
viii. breaking bad
ix. cancer stick
x. tell me about it, stud
xi. undeck the halls
xii. tfios
xiii. sleeping with a friend
xiv. dirty little secrets
xv. mentally unstable
xvi. backfire
xvii. cockblock
xviii. a ziam story of irony
xx. always
xxi. drunk in love
xxii. a real anaconda
xxiii. goodbye
xxiv. epilouge

xix. when niall met sally

19.3K 688 453
By Poisonnialler

[ xix. when niall met sally ]

With all of the Liam and Zayn drama, Harry had let his 1975 tickets slip from mind. Of course, Niall hadn't. It had been all he could think about ever since Harry asked him to go.

"Hey Harry, when's the concert?" He asked as they walked home from the hospital later on that week. Liam had been released the night he was admitted, but Zayn had to stay for his surgery and remission. Liam hadn't left the hospital since, promising Niall he was getting sleep even though it was obvious he wasn't.

"January 7th." Harry hummed happily, although Niall's stomach flipped.

"Harold, that's tonight!" Niall shouted, grabbing onto Harry's shoulders.

"Oh, SHIT!" Harry yelled, his pace picking up. He was beginning to panic.

"What time is it?" Harry asked frantically.

"Uhm, 5:47." Niall responded, not sure when the concert was.

"Ok, that's ok. We're good. It's cool. Everything is cool." Harry responded, trying to regain his chill. He was reassuring himself more than he was reassuring Niall at this point.

"What time does it start?" Niall asked, figuring that Harry should have at least mentioned that detail.

"10:00." Harry breathed. Niall relaxed, but his pace didn't slow.

"Isn't it like, a two hour drive from here to Wolverhampton where the concert is?" Niall asked. Harry looked at him with wide eyes.

"You're right! Come on, we gotta run." Harry chided, prodding Niall's back softly. Niall shrugged and picked up his pace to a light jog, which to Harry seemed like a wind sprint.

"I said pick up the pace, not win the fucking Olympics!" Harry called from a good 20 paces behind him. Niall grinned. The good thing about running away, is that you naturally become faster, like your body runs on some adrenaline that you didn't know existed.

"I wanted to be on the track team growing up, but I wasn't really allowed to." Niall's cheeks turned pink at the mention of his past again. He'd already told all he had to tell, and didn't prefer to share any of the equally painful, minor memories.

Harry just nodded, unable to speak from the way his lungs constricted in his lean chest. Harry had never been much of a runner, and never would be. He could lift weights, so he figured that's all he needed to stay fit. The cold air stung his face as the bitter wind whipped through his hair and tensed his muscles. When he looked up, he could see the apartments, and that Niall was already almost there, his legs flying like he was Peter fucking Pan.

Niall didn't feel tired yet. In fact, he felt like he could run all the way back to the hospital at the rate he was going now. Running had always been something Niall excelled in, and he was eager to show it off any chance he got.

"C'MON STYLES!" Niall yelled like a football coach waiting for their last player to finish laps. Harry groaned, but forced himself to speed up until he nearly crashed into a smirking Niall.

"L-Listen h-here y-y-you little s-shit-" Harry stammered, leaning one hand on the building beside him and leaning down to catch his breath. Niall used his teeth to tug at his bottom lip as he crossed his arms.

"Tired?" Niall teased, running a finger down Harry's flexed spine unthinkingly. Harry felt goose bumps rise up at the spot he touched, but ignored them.

"N-ah. Just, haven't, ran in. a. while." Harry said between breaths. Niall rolled his eyes playfully at the brunette's lies.

"Sure Haz, but uh, you might want to hurry up. It's 6:24." Niall warned. He knew that it was expected for someone to be tired after running two blocks, and felt bad for ragging on Harry just because he was a freak and could run for hours without tiring.

"Ugh. I can't move another step." Harry whined, placing both of his hands on his knees and looking at the wet grass. Niall bit his cheek.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Niall asked, only half-joking.

"Yes." Harry replied, figuring that Niall was just messing around. He didn't expect Niall to turn around and squat low to the ground.

"Get on my back." Niall commanded, causing Harry to flush.

"Harry, you cheeky bastard, just do it." Niall laughed. Harry hadn't moved since Niall made the command but finally walked over and straddled Niall's back, trying to ignore the friction on his crotch.

"Hold on to me." Niall demanded, grabbing Harry's thighs. Harry blushed, but wrapped his arms around Niall's neck. He was so used to being the one carrying someone in relationships, the one to cause blushes, the manly one. But with him and Niall, it was like a toss-up. Sometimes it seemed that Niall was the guy in their little bromance, and sometimes it seemed more like Harry. Harry had been in one other gay relationship before, but it was nowhere near as confusing as things were with Niall.

Niall began to walk up the front steps, holding on tightly to Harry's muscular thighs. Harry fought hard to keep a problem from arising due to the rubbing of his member against Niall's back as they bumped up the stairs.

Finally, they reached the front doors and Niall pulled it open, stopping to push Harry up because he had managed to slide halfway down his back.

"You know, this would be so much easier if I just walked." Harry commented on Niall's struggle as they waited for the elevator.

"Possibly. But, where's the fun in that?"


"Do you have an extra 1975 t-shirt?" Niall asked before the two parted ways in the hallway.

"Here, just wear this one." Harry said, pulling off the shirt he was wearing. It was rather plain in Niall's opinion. Just a square with the band's name and four black dots underneath in the inside. It's sleves were made to rolled up, so they were permenatly folded. It had a blueish hue, and Harry had given it to Niall specifically for that reason. It would bring out the beautiful blue in his eyes.

"Thanks Harry." Niall said awkwardly. He wasn't going to strip in the hall, if that's what Harry was waiting on. His eyes subtly scanned Harry's fit upper body in his peripheral. He hadn't seen Harry's abs before, but now he was so glad he had. They were so prominent and mouth-watering, with a perfect v-line and a happy trail that Niall could physically see himself licking. His chest and abs were littered with tons of tattoos, almost like he spent all of his time at tattoo parlors. The one that caught Niall's eye the most was the large butterfly that graced nearly all of Harry's middle.

"That's beautiful Harry." Niall whispered, blowing his own cover.

"Oh God. That was the biggest mistake I've ever made in my whole life." Harry laughed bitterly, causing the butterfly to expand and contract. Niall furrowed his eyebrows.


"I was drunk and stumbled across the street from the bar I was at into a tattoo parlor when I got it. I told the artist there that I liked butterflies and I get them in my stomach every time I fall in love. I told him that I wanted a butterfly to always be in my stomach so I could always be in love. And then he put this stupid butterfly on me. I woke up the next morning with no idea how I got back to my mum's house, and how I got his on me. But, I don't know, it just sort of grew on me." Harry shrugged.

"Can I?" Niall asked, raising a hand. Harry nodded, but eyed Niall, not sure of what the boy was going to do.

Niall tentatively reached a slender, pale finger out and traced the outline of the butterfly, causing Harry to shiver. Niall pulled his hand back nervously, worried he was freaking Harry out. Harry reached forward and caught Niall's hand in his own, using it to guide Niall's finger back to his soft stomach. Niall felt his breath hitch with Harry's as the boy lead Niall's finger throughout all of the twists and turns of his butterfly. Niall licked his lips in trepidation, letting his finger slide lower and lower down Harry's happy trail on its own accord. Harry gasped as Niall's finger slowly traced the rim of his boxers, dipping into them. The feeling of Niall's cold finger against his hips turned Harry on immensely. Harry screwed his eyes shut as Niall rubbed small circles into his hip bones, slipping his thumb in as well to help add pressure. Harry let out a small groan, causing Niall's hand to shake with fear. Niall had never felt so nervous in his entire life, and it was starting to get to him. It was obvious that Harry was enjoying Niall's tender touches, but they weren't together. For all Niall knew, Harry could have a little blonde slag sitting naked in his room as they spoke. Niall quickly removed his hand at the thought, and almost immediately saw Harry's lust-filled eyes switch to a ones of confusion, embarressment, and sadness. Niall felt bad so he shot Harry a reassuring smile before grabbing his apartment key out of his jeans pocket.

"We better start getting ready, we're gonna have to fight our way to our seats if we get there late." Niall said softly, slipping into his apartment and shutting the door behind him before things became even more awkward. He sighed and flung himself down on his couch, pulling Harry's shirt up to his nose. It was a rather obvious fact that attractive boys almost always smelled good, and Harry was no exception. Niall breathed Harry's scent deeply considering there was no one around to judge him. He seemed like a freak, sitting in his apartment, smelling his slightly more than friends' t-shirt like it was a scratch and sniff perfume ad. He sat up on the couch and slipped the slightly big t-shirt over his head and sighing deeply. He loved the fact that this was Harry's shirt. He was wearing Harry's shirt. The thought made the boy squeal and jump up off the couch; he danced around his apartment, singing "No Control." By The Vamps. (Obviously it's not, but 1d doesn't exist so the vamps it is oops. BTW neither do 5sos)

Harry on the other hand, still stood out in the hallway, gawking over what just happened.

Niall Horan basically just gave him a handjob.

Ok, maybe that was stretching the truth a bit, considering Niall's hand never touched his cock but whatever.

There was still hand in pants action, and that was more than enough for Harry.


Harry knocked on Niall's door 15 minutes later. He had put a lot of effort into his outfit, and was praying that it got him noticed at the VIP after party. He was wearing a black leather jacket, a white shirt identical to Nialls' with the 1975 logo printed on the front, and a pair of skin tight blue jeans rolled up above the ankles, the only pair he owned. His shoes of choice were white, beat up Chuck Taylor's, also identical to Nialls'. He wore his hair pushed back in a quiff rather than down and around his ears, covering his forehead. Niall opened the door, and Harry's heart stopped and then began beating rapidly.

"You look- great." Harry said, stifling a quiet pant. Niall looked hot with a capitol H. It put Harry's whole outfit to shame. Niall had to do a double take the first time he looked at Harry.

He's a god. Niall thought.

"Thanks.You look good too." Niall said cooly, looking down at the outfit he had thrown together. He was wearing the shirt Harry let him borrow with a long sleeve navy blue and black flannel along with impossibly tight black skinny jeans, and white converse.

Harry nearly broke into a sweat.

"So- uh, are you ready?" Harry stuttered. Niall nodded, but shot Harry an odd look. He had no idea why Harry was acting so weird, but he decided to let it slide and focus on the fun they would have together tonight.

The two took the stairs, figuring that it would be quicker than waiting for the lift to take them down.

Outside, Niall and Harry scouted the parking garage for Harry's 2001 Honda Civic. Harry hit the car alarm button on his key and heard the alarm right behind them, causing both of the lads to jump.

"There she is." Harry said, rubbing the hood admiringly. Niall rolled his eyes. He had never owned a car, therefore, he didn't know the feelings of joy and pride that came with having your own car. Harry never really drove anywhere, because England's' traffic was awful, but when he had to drive, Sally was his best mate.

"She?" Niall never understood the whole naming your car and giving it a gender thing and such. It all seemed a bit ridiculous to him.

"Yes, her name is Sally." Harry grinned lopsidedly, yanking his car door open.

"Like, from when Harry met Sally?" Niall asked, opening his door with much less force. The whole passenger seat was crowded with discarded cigarette boxes, empty Ramon noodle containers, and bottles of water. Niall took his hand and swept all of the junk out of the car and into the parking garage, sitting down and shutting his door defiantly.

"Damn Litterbug, if I get fined, it's on you." Harry laughed.

"You never answered my question." Niall pushed said, cuttting to the chase.

"Ok. Yes. Maybe it is." Harry said, rather embarrassed.

"Ah, so we steal from not only The Fault in our Stars, but When Harry met Sally as well?" Niall asked. Harry shrugged.

"Stick around long enough, and you'll see just how quotey I can be." Harry smirked. Niall laughed, but was quick to point out Harry's flaw.

"Quotey eh?" Niall asked, leaning back in the stained seat.

"Quotey- the trait of being quote filled." Harry defined. Niall laughed again, and Harry started the car, Sally, and put it into drive.

"So, how you been baby?:" Harry asked suddenly, 5 minutes into the drive. Niall blushed at the nickname. He had a special place in his heart for cute nicknames.

"I've-" Niall began, but was quickly cut off by Harry.

"Not you, moron. Sally." Harry cooed, rubbing the cars steering wheel. Niall's face heated in embarrassment and...


No. Niall refused to be jealous of an inanimate object.

"Oh. Glad to know that you have a creepy infatuation with your car. That's not something they tell you on Eharmony." Niall said, not able to keep the bitter bite out of his voice. Harry noticed and quickly picked up on it.

"You're jealous!" Harry shouted. Niall shrank in his seat.

"No. Absolutely not." Niall denied fiercely, but Harry wasn't buying it.

"Sorry Niall, but Sally's all mine." Harry said, kissing the steering wheel. Niall's eyes trained in on Harry's luscious pink lips.

"Yeah, I guess she is. Sally's one lucky car." Niall admitted deflated, earning an odd look from Harry.

"Don't worry Niall, one day, you'll find a car that's as awesome to you as Sally is to me." Harry assured, resting a hand comfortingly on Niall's knee. Niall bit his lip.

"I doubt it."


[a little narry for your sunday]

[next chapter is concert time yas]

[i had horrible writers block while writing this. it literally took me 3 days to write this chapter. i was so stuck like..]

[comment your faves name if niall was cute jealous]

[comment your otp if you like this story so far]

[comment your best present if you had a good christmas]

[dedication next chapter goes to the first person who finds the number of times i said 1975 in this chapter]

[110 views, 20 votes, 10 comments for update]

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[all the love, kalesxxx]

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