Lion Guard: King of Life


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A year has passed since Kion was named King consort of the Tree of Life. Thus far, Kion and Rani enjoy their... Еще

Chapter 1: A King's Duty
Chapter 2: Suspicion
Chapter 3: Kopa's plight
Chapter 4: Beyond the Kingdom
Chapter 5: United
Chapter 6: Betrayal
Chapter 7: The Northern Kingdom
Chapter 8: Clash of Kings
Chapter 9: A King's Fury
Chapter 11: King of Life

Chapter 10: Crusade

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Kion stood alone on the edge of a cliffside that overlooked a massive canyon beyond the northwestern border.

The young King took a deep breath before he arched back and unleashed another roar. The sky erupted into a series of telekinetic columns. Each column moved just as Kion wanted and crashed into five stone towers.

The five towers collapsed into loose stone and Kion panted for a moment. He had been training since dawn once again.

Kion closed his eyes for a moment and relaxed his muscles. When Kion opened his eyes again, he brought forth another roar. This time it came as a tsunami wave that almost flattened the canyons remaining rocks.

With this Kion panted again and gazed at the canyon's dwindling among of rocks. After so many training sessions, Kion had nearly depleted the canyon's supply.

Despite this, Kion couldn't throw off his drive to keep perfecting the roar. The King looked up at the sky again and noticed something interesting.

"Your majesty! Your majesty!" Cadoc frantically squawked as he descended upon the rock ledge.

Kion hadn't seen Cadoc so worked up since the invasion.

"Cadoc, what's happening!?"

When Kion heard the answer his eyes widened and he sprinted back into the Kingdom with Cadoc close behind.

Baliyo sprinted towards the tree of life with the King's Guard close behind.

Each seemed held a look of pure determination as they sprinted forward towards the Tree.

"Come on! Come on!" Baliyo huffed as he tried to keep up his pace despite a long night of patrolling.

Finally, they reached the tree and almost got bottlenecked trying to get in.

"Let me see!" Bunga shouted.

"No way! I'm first!" Baliyo growled as he pushed Bunga aside and raced towards the stone slab.

Baliyo stopped just before the slap and went still.

The others reached Baliyo and looked out in front of them.

Makini and Nirmala both stood just to the side of the stone. Makini held her mouth as if she were trying to hold in her emotions. Nirmala simply smiled like a proud mother.

On the stone, itself were Kion and Rani. Kion stood over Rani while she rested on her stomach. In between her front legs rested something else, a very small cub.

Baliyo nearly trembled as he gazed upon the cub. The infant's fur was a pure mix of Kion and Rani's it was darker than Kion's golden fur but not quite as dark as Rani's brown fur. Coming off as a lighter-tannish brown. The infant's earlobes had darker brown fur lining them and atop his head was a small scruff of darker brown fur that would one day become his mane. The cub's eyes were like his fur, a mix of Kion and Rani's own eye colors.

Rather than being light red or dark brown they came off in between.

Kion and Rani were on the verge of tears as they stared down at their cub. Rani finally understood what Nala said. Never could she have imagined feeling so much love and passion for anything.

Rani slowly licked her cub while Kion came close and nuzzled her head.

None of the others could even muster words. Each simply stared with overwhelmingly passionate expressions.

For Ono and Anga, seeing the cub lifted away clouds that had long dwelled over them. In Ono's heart, he could almost feel the goodness of the world again. For the first time since the Northern Kingdom, he truly felt happy again.

Rani moved her head back and let Kion nuzzled his son. As he did this, Rani looked up at Baliyo and smiled.

Baliyo saw his sister motion him forward but he was too nervous.

Beshte encouraged the lion with a nudge and Baliyo carefully lowered his head.

Once low enough, Baliyo saw his nephew reach out with his little paws. When they touched Baliyo's nose he felt a sincere warmth from them and began to emulate Kion and Rani's expressions much closer.

"My turn!" Bunga rushed forward followed by the others. Each became extremely careful as they took their turns greeting the newborn cub.

An hour later, most of the Kingdom had gathered around the Tree of Life, including the rest of the Night Pride, Kopa's companions, and the council of nobles.

From the tree, Baliyo, Nirmala and the King's Guard emerged first.

Rune, Advik, and George were in front of the crowd. Beside them were Kopa's companions, Surak and his cubs.

Each eagerly waited until finally, their rulers emerged. Kion and Rani stared out at their subjects with a happiness none of them had ever seen on the monarchs.

Between them came Makini. The mandril very-carefully held a small cub in her arms. When she reached the rocky hilltop by the tree's entrance, Makini lifted the cub up and presented him to the Kingdom.

A series of excited roars and various other sounds broke out before the animals bowed their heads.

A light shined down from the heavens above and illuminated the cub even more so.

Kion looked up at this light but perhaps more so at who stared down from it.

Rani glanced over at Kion for a moment.

"Are we still in agreement on his name?"

Kion nodded.

Makini heard this and smiled wider.

"Hail prince Kopa!"


Four weeks later, Kopa was just outside the Tree of Life and wrestled with another male lion cub. The cub was slightly older and larger than Kopa. His fur wasn't quite as tan as Kopa's but his eyes were just browner. Atop the cub's head was a hint of black mane-hair.

The black-haired cub managed to pin Kopa down and let out a playful growl.

Only a few feet away were Kion and Rani. Beside them were Simba, Nala, Kiara, and Kovu.

"Mufasa, be gentle with your cousin." Kiara reminded her cub. However, he didn't listen. Kopa forced himself up and the two playfully bit each other while continuing their power struggle.

Once again, Mufasa got Kopa onto his back and growled.

"Alright, I think you've had enough fun." Kiara got up and snatched her son in her jaws.

The cub resisted fiercely but to no avail and was carried back before being firmly placed in his mother's lap.

Kopa came back overlooking slightly disappointed that he couldn't beat his cousin. However, Kopa soon got encouragement from a pair of warm nuzzles and licks from his grandparents.

"Papa." Kopa said as Simba nuzzled him.

"Grandpa." Simba corrected.




"Come on, it's grandpa." The others began to laugh, especially Kion and Rani.

Eventually, Kopa reached Rani who placed him in her own lap before nuzzling him with Kion.

Simba and Nala gazed at their children and their grandchildren. Despite everything that had happened five months prior, it had all worked out. Never had their family been so large or so happy.

"So, still no sign of Radcliffe?" Kovu asked.

Kion shook his head.

"No. But the poachers and territorial herds haven't decreased either." Kion said cautiously.

"You don't think he'll try again, do you? It's been almost five months." Kiara nervously asked.

Rani gazed intensely at Kopa.

"I saw what Kopa did to his face, it cost him his life but it was effective. Without the Tree of Life, it will have taken Radcliffe a while to recover. He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would just give up."

Rani held Kopa tighter and almost covered him with her head.

"What about things at Pride Rock?" Kion asked.

"They're well enough. Not much of the ordinary really."

Kion's expression changed slightly.

"And Vitani?"

Kovu's expression turned slightly evasive and guilty.

"She's uh, doing fine, her and the Guard."

"We were actually wondering if maybe you'd consider letting her-" Kiara started.

"No." Rani spoke firmly and with just enough volume to make her point clear to Kiara.

"Kopa hasn't been mischevious has he?" Simba asked.

Kion shook his head.

"Not really, he has a lot of Guardians to look after him."

Kion looked out at the surrounding land and spotted a few members of his Guard in the distance.

"Vegter! Uncle Vegter!" Kopa called out. The adults turned to see Vegter enter the Tree of Life with a concerned expression.

"Is he still checking up on her?" Rani asked.

Kion nodded.

"He seems very concerned about her condition."

"Who?" Kiara asked.

"The feral lioness we took prisoner after the battle. Bellezza, Nirmala, and Makini have been looking at her for months hoping to reverse whatever Radcliffe did to her." Rani said.

"Have they?" Kovu asked with a very interested look.

Kion and Rani didn't seem too optimistic as they turned back to the tree.

Vegter entered the Tree interior and heard heavy breathing. The Tsavo male carefully approached Makini as she stood over the lioness who was wrapped in glowing vines.

The lioness's ravenous mannerisms were gone. In their place were fear, confusion, and angst. The lioness whimpered unintelligible cries of terror while her body shook.

"Calm down, please, you're safe." Makini tried to massage the lioness and relax her. Despite this, the lioness continued to tremble.

Makini sighed until she saw Vegter approach.

"Oh, morning Vegter."

The lion's expression became harder as he saw the lioness before him.

"Lioness still frightened."

Makini nodded.

"I've tried everything I can think of. I don't know if we'll ever help her have a functional life."

Vegter took a deep breathed before gazing closer at the lioness.

"Can Vegter have a moment with her?" Makini cautiously looked back at the lioness before she nodded.

"I'll be close by if you need me."

Vegter brought his head closer to the lioness with a compassionate look.

"Vegter is Vegter's name. Venter can see lioness is scared. Lioness not been away from her master for so long has she." The lioness only continued to tremble.

"Vegter knows what happened to lioness. Lioness was taken as a cub by Radcliffe, tortured until she become mindless slave. Lioness doesn't even remember her name." Pain began to rack across Vegter's face.

"Vegter knows how lioness feels. When Vegter was a cub in land called Tsavo, Vegter lose his parents when Vegter was a cub." A tear emerged from Vegter's left eye.

"Vegter not remember much, only that bigger lion try to kill Vegter but Vegter's father try to stop him. Vegter's father die and then Vegter's mother when she do the same. Vegter run away, Vegter was alone for years. No other lions or predators, just Vegter, Vegter forget his name, forget how to speak. Vegter only think about one thing, survival."

Vegter's expression changed slightly.

"That until Vegter is found by another lion. Kopa see's Vegter not as mindless beast but as one who needed help. Kopa take Vegter in, he care for Vegter and teach Vegter how to speak again." Vegter let out a cherished smile but with more tears.

"Kopa became Vegter's new family. Vegter finally remember Vegter's name, Vegter will never forget it again." The lioness finally looked up at Vegter.

"Vegter knows lioness is scared. Vegter knows how lioness feels but lioness is with those who care for her. Radcliffe cannot hurt or frighten lioness anymore. Does lioness remember her name?"

The lioness continued to tremble but continued to look up at Vegter.

"....Jane, lioness's name is Jane." Vegter gave a warm smile and nuzzled his head against her's.

"Vegter is happy to meet Jane."

Back outside, both lioness mothers allowed Simba and Nala to have a turn with the cubs.

Nala nearly gave Mufasa a bath with her thorough licking. Much to the cub's displeasure.

"He's worse than you were as a cub." Nala chuckled to Simba as he kept Kopa close. Simba licked the cub's stomach in a manner that made Kopa cry out gleefully.

"Papa that tickles!"

"Come on, grandpa."

"That's right Kopa. Remember, papa has the scar." Kion glanced over at Rani who continued to laugh.

"So does mama." Rani showed her own much less visible scar under her left leg.

Kovu now laughed as he stroked his own scar.

"So many scarred lions in this family. If only one hadn't made it a pariah." Kiara now smiled.

"You may look like him but you act nothing like him." Kiara purred as she nuzzled her mate.

"Kiara...Zuri didn't want to come." Kion asked almost quietly.

Kiara, Kovu, Nala, and Simba all slowly sighed.

"She said she'd rather not."

Kion and Rani felt a bit of their inner pain return. Their son's birth had helped them move on from Kopa's death but they would never forget him or what he did.

"Kopa hadn't been part of her life since she was a cub. I think she should have come but I understand why she didn't."

Rani nodded.

"Kopa wasn't a bad lion. He was misunderstood. Once you really got to know who he was." Rani almost teared up again.

Despite all his trouble with Kopa, Simba couldn't hold any ill feelings for him anymore. For better or worse Kopa made his son's Kingdom strong enough to hold off Radcliffe. But more importantly, Kopa gave his life to save Rani and his grandson.

Simba held Kopa even closer.

Later that evening, Kion was in the savanna region with Kopa, his Guard, and Kopa's companions.

"Come on, that tickles!" Bunga laughed almost uncontrollable as Kopa wrestled with him. The cub's little fangs and claws playfully going against his thick hide.

"Go easy on uncle Bunga. Kid's are his greatest weakness." Kion chuckled.

"Alright, it's my turn." Fuli almost growled as she pulled Kopa back and rubbed her paw against his head.

"Your mom says you're pretty fast for a cub. I don't know if I believe her."

"I am!" Kopa sprinted around Fuli as fast as he could. The cheetah watched him with warm expression the others had almost never seen her give before.

"That's not bad." Fuli carefully pounced onto Kopa and nudged her head against his.

Azaad slowly chuckled.

"Be careful Fuli, you start to like cubs." Fuli quickly turned back to him.

"Don't get any bright ideas."

Beshte got his turn with Kopa and let the cub ride on top of his back.

Finally Anga and Ono had their time with the cub.

"Why is your fur different?" Kopa asked as he felt Anga's wings.

The eagle smiled.

"They're feathers."


"Yeah." With a quick snap of her beak, Anga picked one of Ono's feathers. The egret yelped in pain and Anga showed the feather to Kopa.

Ono glared at Anga for a moment but then came closer.

Ono's expression held a warm sincerity to it. One he had so longed to feel again.

Anga and the others saw this as well. Since Kopa had been born, Ono had been much more at peace with Ullu's death. The young prince had indeed become a symbol of hope and levity after Radcliffe's invasion.

Jade, Beskerm, Obasi, and Talib similarly had a chance to bond with Kopa.

"Well, he definitely has Kopa's spirit." Jade chuckled as Kopa tried to wrestle with her paw.

"Where's Vegter, he should be here too?" Talib huffed.

"He's with that Lioness he captured again. He seems committed to seeing her get better." Beskerm said.

Talib nodded.

"If her mind could be healed, maybe all of the feral beasts' could be." Talib huffed with more optimism especially as Kopa purred beside him.

When the stars came out, Kion was now alone with his son. The little prince playfully tried to nip at his father's head while Kion wrestled him to the ground each time. The young King laughed with a passionate expression while he played with his son.

His sense of time became lost and stars began to fill the skies. Eventually, Kopa rested on top of his father's thick mane and stared out at the sky with him.

"Papa, why do you and uncle Kovu have lines over your eyes?"

Kion chuckled.

"They're scars, wounds that don't go away."

"How did you get them?"

"Well, uncle Kovu's mother gave him his, a snake gave me mine."

"What happened to the snake?"

"Uncle Bunga threw him into a volcano."

"Did he get burned?"


"Papa, your friends were talking about me, they said I went away."

Kion took a deep breath and nodded.

"They weren't talking about you. They were talking about another Kopa, the one you were named after."

"Was he mama's papa? Like cousin Mufasa?"

Kion shook his head.

"No, but he was someone very close to us both. It's because of him you're here, and mama too. I miss him, a lot."

Kopa looked down at his father's painful expression and nudged against him.

"Where is he now?" Kion forced a smile. He aimed his head and Kopa up at the stars.

"When I was a cub, your grandpa told me that the lights in the sky are the great kings of old watching us. Your grandpa's papa, your mother's papa, and mama, and her grandma. But it's not just king's up there, all noble lions. Kopa is watching us with them." Kopa looked up and tried to reach for the stars only to fall off his father's head and land in the grass.

"Ooh." Kopa grunted while his father laughed. Kion came down and nuzzled Kopa's stomach for a minute.

Later that night, Kion and Kopa were back inside the Tree of Life. Kopa struggled to keep his eyes open while he laid down in Rani's lap. Rani sang a gentle lullaby to Kopa until finally, his eyes closed and he fell asleep.

Rani lowered her head and gently licked his head again while Kion watched closely from beside Rani.

The young King took a deep breath before he looked back at Rani with a conflicted expression.

"Rani, we've been putting this off. But I can't stop thinking about it and we need to make a decision." Rani's expression became similar to Kion's as she took a deep breath.

"The Crusade Kopa wanted us to embark upon. I've been thinking about it too."

Kion began to pace in front of his family.

"I'd like to think that Radcliffe isn't coming back. It's been five months and things are back to what they were before his invasion. He has to have been healed by now." Rani reluctantly nodded before her face turned feral.

"If he does come back, there won't be a cub in my belly to keep me from ripping him apart." Kion chuckled a little while nodding.

"I'd pity him if he tried. But we have to think about more than just the kingdom. He wanted you too, that means." Rani nearly shook when she looked back at Kopa.

"He might never come back though. Even if he does, we beat him once we could do it again. But-"

"But what about the other lands. Lands ravaged by his poachers, cubs stolen to become slaves...Or worse, if he decides to take another kingdom like he tried to take ours." Rani admitted.

"My father and your grandmother always said a ruler's duty is to protect their land. Kopa didn't think that way, he thought a good ruler was willing to help lands beside his own." Kion took another deep breath.

"But in the end, Kopa would have wanted us to rule any lands we helped." Rani nodded.

"You have a point. Even if we did remove Radcliffe, who would run the land. Deposing a tyrant and then leaving without someone to take charge could only make things worse." Rani looked harder at their son.

"I loved Kopa but we can't rule everything. It's not right."

Kion nodded.

"You're right, there have to be limits. But what if we just leave Kopa and he takes another kingdom. What if he has a cub who becomes just like him or worse, one with the dark roar." Rani nearly trembled at the thought.

Those moments where she was at Radcliffe's mercy had been the scariest of her life. Picturing another lioness enduring what he intended was too much.

"That's it then. He has to be stopped, we have to call forth a Crusade."

Kion's expression became one of grim-determination.

"I'll call forth the Guards and ask for volunteers. They swore to help us defend the Kingdom, we can't compel them to go on Crusade with us." Rani nodded.

"What if they do agree?"

"One of us has to stay here, watch Kopa and protect the Kingdom from threats inside and outside." Rani nodded again.

"You're right if something goes wrong. Kopa can't lose us both....." Rani slowly looked back at Kion who nodded.

"It has to be me. The roar is the only thing that can stop his power." Rani reluctantly nodded.

"You shouldn't have to go alone. We should be deposing him together....But we can't leave the Kingdom or Kopa alone." Kion gave Rani a very warm and passionate nuzzle.

"I won't leave our son fatherless, I promise to return." Rani felt a tear in her eyes as she nuzzled Kion back.

The following morning, Kion assembled his Guard, the other Guards and any animal who was eligible to volunteer as a guardian.

Kion's family was also there with anxious expressions.

Kion and Rani both looked equally serious as they stood over their subjects.

"For almost a year our home has been the victim of Radcliffe's machinations! His poachers have driven our lands to the verge of collapse and murdered countless of us!" Rani roared.

Advik snapped his jaws with anger as he thought back to Kuzimu. His Tundra Guard did the same.

"Five months ago, one of his lieutenants infiltrated this Kingdom and murdered our friends, our family. Then the tyrant himself brought his slave soldiers to us. Victims like Jane who were stolen as cubs and tortured into obedient tools for his malice!" Kion snarled as he emphasized Jane.

The lioness still trembled while Makini and Vegter tried to keep her calm.

More animals let outcries of anger and vengeance.

"The tyrant tried to kill my unborn child and take me as his slave! He hasn't returned here but his evil still weighs us down every day!"

Kion stepped forward.

"We call upon you to follow me on a noble crusade! Our crusade will have one objective, depose Radcliffe and restore prosperity to the Northern Kingdom! Save other lands from suffering what we almost suffered!"

Many cheered louder while others looked more hesitant.

Kiara, Nala, and Simba stared with great concern. Kovu, on the other hand, felt his interest rise.

Rune looked quite uneasy about Kion's proposition.

"All of you are sworn to defend our home. As such, we would never compel you to join us if you do not wish to. But know this, Radcliffe tried to take our home, take our children as slaves, and turn our land into his paradise. Sometimes, defending what you love means traveling far to do it."

Jade and Beskerm rushed in front of the crowd.

"All of you are here because of the King and Queen!" Beskerm snarled.

"You may stay if you choose but never forget what those beyond our lands suffer! Live knowing their suffering will only continue!" Jade added.

Kion's King's Guard, the Night Pride, and Kopa's companions were already behind their King and Queen. Each looked equally determined and ready to join Kion's Crusade.

"Who will join us!?" Kion roared.

Advik had no hesitation. The tiger almost jumped forward with his Tundra Guard and over a dozen animals from his land.

Mungo and Bellezza soon followed with the Island Guard close behind.

Rune took a deep breath before he thought about everything that had happened.

With a newfound look of commitment, Rune led his Jungle Guard and many other jungle animals forward.

Gael let out a fierce roar before he stepped forward. With him were several Night lions, Barbary lions, hyenas, bears, rhinos, and other animals from across the Kingdom.

Kion and Rani's eyes lit up as they saw their Crusader army before them.

However, it wasn't done yet.

One more lion stepped forward. Kiara nearly froze in place when she saw Kovu approach Kion.

"You've got me too." Kion and Rani were equally surprised by this.

"Mama, where's papa going?" Mufasa asked. Nala and Simba both had their mouths open wide.

Kion, Rani and the crusader leaders spent several hours planning. Kovu eventually joined after a long verbal thrashing from Kiara.

All the while Simba and Nala watched over their grand cubs.

"Are you sure the roar can get us all there? The army is quite large." Rune asked with some skepticism.

Kion confidently nodded.

"I've been practicing for months. I can do it, I'll just need to rest a bit before we attack."

The others nodded.

"While cutting off the snake's head is important. We also shouldn't forget the crimes of Radcliffe's lieutenants." Talib huffed.

Advik growled.


"One thing at a time. We need to know exactly what the Northern Kingdom is like. Ono and Anga were there last, plus you guys too. We need to know everything." Rani said.

"We only saw a little during our raid. Not enough for strategic planning." Jade admitted.

"We remember it well." Ono said.

"There someone else too." Vegter said.

The leaders saw Vegter and Makini ease Jane towards the rock where Ono had drawn out the Kingdom with dirt.

The lioness's terrified expression persisted but she was reassured by Vegter and Makini.

"It ok Jane."

With a deep breath, Jane moved towards the map.

"Jane remember well. Jane know where everything is in home."

Kion held his paw up as he saw her breathe pick up.

"Easy, take your time."

"Caves where brighteners kept." Anga's eyes narrowed as she saw Jane point the cave's location out on the map.

"I remember that place well."

"King's throne on plateau here. Half of army rests in canyon, rest are on other side."

Jane continued to point out locations on the map while the leaders carefully listened.

After a half-hour, Jane, Ono, and Anga had mapped out everything the leaders needed.

"Thank you, Jane. Makini and Nirmala are always here if you need-" Rani started.

"Jane go with you." This took most of the leaders by surprise.

"Jane, it's alright, you don't have to-" Beskerm started.

"Vegter saved Jane from Radcliffe, Jane wants to save the others in Jane's home." The lioness's determined expression was more than a little inspiring to the others.

"We're glad to have you." Kion said.

After another-half hour Kion took a deep breath.

"Now that our plans are made, take the rest of the day and sort out any business you need to take care of. In the morning, we'll meet by the northern border and use the roar to travel." Rune nodded.

"May fortune favor us in this righteous task."

"I just want to thank you all again. I know this isn't what many of you thought you'd ever do but it is the right thing. I'm privileged to be your Queen."

The others bowed their heads before Rani.

"We're honored to fight in this noble cause." Advik growled.

As the leaders dispersed, Bunga stretched his arms over his head with an anxious look.

"Well, I need to make sure everything is good with Binga before we leave. If you need me I'll be in the wetlands."

"Kion." A familiar voice said before he turned to see Kovu approaching.

"You're still in one piece." Kion chuckled. Kovu didn't seem as amused.

"Yeah, your sister is more frightening than my mom was. But eventually, she came around, on a few conditions."

"What exactly?" Fuli asked with keen interest.

Kovu sighed with an almost browbeaten expression.

"For the next year, I'm not allowed to do anything without her permission...Anything." Fuli almost fell over in laughter.

Rani and the others had similar reactions though not to Fuli's level.

"I take back everything bad I ever said about Kiara!" Fuli almost couldn't breathe from her sheer amusement.

"In all seriousness, Kion can I talk with you and Rani alone." The two followed Kovu to a secluded area near the savanna.

"Kovu, we appreciate you wanting to help us." Kovu nodded a little.

"My mom did a lot of bad things. Things she wanted me to do also....I think this cause is noble and I would very much like to be part of it. But I'm not the only one."

"Well, this place is still in one piece, so I see you're not a completely bad King." Kion remembered that voice well. He smiled before turning to see Jasiri behind Kovu.

"Well, everything was good until some dirty hyenas showed up."

"You pretentious little." Jasiri sprinted forward to mess up Kion's mane with her paws.

"Jasiri? Ahh, yes I remember you. It's been a while." Rani said.

"Queen Rani. Always a pleasure. We found out about your crusade, I like the idea of putting someone like Radcliffe in his place. Isn't that right." Kion and Rani soon saw Janja approached with over a dozen other spotted hyenas. A few were members of Janja's old gang while others were part of Jasiri's new kingdom.

"Yeah, a lot of us have quite a bit to atone for. A noble cause like this might be just that."

"We'll be glad to have you.....Wait a minute, how did you all get here so fast?" Rani realized Kion was right and looked just as confused.

Kovu took a deep breath and turned back again.

Kion and Rani's eyes widened as they saw none other than Vitani slowly approach with an anxious expression.

"Kion, Rani." She spoke softly.

The King and Queen both growled intensely at Kovu's sister.

"What are you doing here!?"

"I heard-"

"You aren't welcome in this Kingdom!" Rani snarled.

"Please, just hear her out." Kovu pleaded.

Vitani kept her head low.

"Look, I know what we did was wrong. I'm so sorry about what happened because of my mistake. But being sorry won't bring back those animals. Radcliffe used me and my Guard, I want to make it right and bring him down. Please if you could just give us a chance."

Kion and Rani looked at each other with conflicted expressions.

".....Everyone makes mistakes....But they shouldn't lead to innocents dying." Kion growled as Vitani kept her head low.

"However, if you really are sorry, this is your chance to prove it. Are you ready to lay down your life for this cause?" Rani asked with an intense expression.

Vitani nodded without hesitation.

"Alright then, we'll see if that's true." Vitani looked a bit more optimistic as Kovu nudged her in support.

That night, Kion's Guard each slept with difficulty. All they could think about was the imminent crusade and if they'd return. Bunga held Binga closely under the wetland trees.

Similarly, Fuli and Azaad cuddled up very close to each other in the savanna. Beshte and Bellezza kept beside each other in the lake while Anga and Ono made a makeshift nest in the savanna.

Baliyo and Afia lay beside each other as they gazed up at the stars. It had been a long time since either had slept at night.

By the tree of life, Kovu slept beside Kiara with Mufasa tucked tightly between his front legs.

Inside the Tree, Kion similarly rested with Kopa in his lap. Rani kept her head on his back.

Kion thought a thousand things would be in his head. But instead, only one thing was the one thing that seemed to occupy all of his thoughts. Kion stared intensely at Kopa. Kion lamented the idea of leaving his son without him. Denying him the care and love his own father had given him.

Kion lamented the thought of never seeing Kopa grow up. Never seeing Rani or his family again. Not just that but seeing his friends die. Knowing he took his nephew's father away from him as well.

These thoughts weight down on his mind like a boulder.

Kion opened his eyes again and looked at the murals upon the rock wall.

His eyes reached a mural Makini had made several months prior. A mural of Kopa that almost seemed to watch over them.

Kion took one more deep breath before closing his eyes.

"Whatever was going to happen, it would happen. Kion had to focus on his mission. Stop Radcliffe and bring the same prosperity back to his kingdom.

The next morning, Kion nuzzled Kopa intensely with a few tears in his eyes.

"Papa, where are you going?"

Kion gave a slight smile.

"Papa has to go and do something very important. I'll be back soon though, I promise."

Rani soon took over for Kopa as she nuzzled Kion.

"Please, don't leave us without you."

Nearby, Kiara fought back tears as she did the same with Kovu.

"I swear if you do anything to get yourself hurt or-"

"Relax, Kiara. We're going with him. I'll keep an eye on our future king." Vitani said with a thick smile.

Bunga and Binga shared an intense embrace while the other crusaders gave similar farewells to their families.

Rani reached Baliyo with Surak and Nirmala.

"Stay close to Kion, be safe."

"Come on Rani, you know me."

Rani didn't look encouraged.

"He's got us too. The Night Guard never fails." Afia said confidently.

For once Rani smiled in agreement with Afia.

Finally, Simba and Nala reached Kion.

"...Kion, are you sure about this?" Nala almost trembled in fear.

"I am." Nala nuzzled him as she hadn't since Kion was a cub.

"Please, come back to us."

Kion turned to his father.

"Do what you think is right. But don't lose yourself along the way." Kion gave a hard nod before nuzzling his father.

Talib nudged Kion.

"Your majesty, it's time." Kion took a deep breath and walked before his army.

"Crusaders! We march to save other lands and other animals! We fight not for ourselves but for the Circle of Life itself! I commend you for your courage and sacrifice! We will not falter and we will not fail! Until the Circle of Life falls, we will guard and protect all!"

Kion's army roared back with intense enthusiasm.

Kion lifted his head up and unleashed the roar of the elders. Vitani quickly did the same.

Their combined might lifted up the entire army and soon carried them away in a controlled manner.

Hours later, Rani stood on a hillside looking down at the Kingdom. Beside her were Kiara, Surak, and a male Barbary lion.

"This is a beautiful Kingdom. I wish I could see it more often." Kiara said.

Rani nodded.

"I still haven't seen your home. Maybe when this is all over we could see it. Kopa should visit his ancestral home." Kiara smiled at that thought.

"You've been Queen for over a year now. How do you find it?" Rani saw the angst in Kiara's face.

"It's not easy and you make mistakes. But knowing I have the power to preserve all of this helps me stay motivated." Kiara nodded.

"My father has talked to me. He's considered abdicating the throne and letting me ascend while he's still alive."

"Really?" Rani asked with an intrigued face.

Kiara smiled.

"He says he's done enough for Pride Rock and knows I'll do even better. He wants to spend his time with Mufasa and see you guys more."

"Well, I don't mind having him and Nala around. We haven't been around each other much Kiara but I know you'll make a great Queen."

"I hope so. My dad's done such a great job over the years. Sometimes I wonder how I can live up to him."

"I use to think the same about my grandmother. The key is to try and be your own ruler instead of trying to be them." Kiara nodded.

"I like that."

"Your majesty!" Cadoc squawked as he frantically flew over.

"My Queen! I spotted poachers near the southern border!" Rani looked at Surak and the Barbary lion who both smiled. Kiara joined in as well.

At the southern entrance, a pack of jackals sprinted in.

"Come on! I heard the King and all his Guards left! This place is gonna be easy pickings now!" The lead jackal panted before he stopped dead in his tracks.

Above them on a ledge were Rani, Kiara, Surak, and the Barbary lion.

"Oh, I've missed this." Rani growled.

"Would you like the honor?" She asked Kiara.

"You're the Queen here." Rani nodded with an intense expression.

The Queen roared as she charged down with the other lions close behind.

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