The Prince's Nuisance

By Wennixcrazyworld

151K 9.5K 3.2K

"You got selected as one of the candidates to be married to Prince Vachirawit Bright Chivaaree Kingdom of Gal... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 16

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By Wennixcrazyworld

Win's eyes widened in pure shock when he felt a soft pair of lips against his own. He never thought even in his wildest dream that the Prince will do this kind of stunt.

His mind filled with confusion, astonishment, and questions as he was stunned in place.


The Prince lingers for a few seconds before he pulls away but only to put a mere millimeter between their faces as he gazes at Win's eyes deeply.

"Do you hate it?" Bright asked just above a whisper that sent shivers on Win's spine. The Prince is frightened of the answer that he might hear. What if Win feels disgusted instead? What will he do? But aside from confusion, he doesn't read anything from those puzzled eyes.

Do I hate it? Win wonders.

Before he can find an answer to his own question, he felt Bright pulled him back again as he felt his lips became warm as the Prince slowly nibble it. Tasting it like a new kind of dessert. While he stayed frozen not knowing what to do as his mind plunged into a chaotic mess.


And he finds himself mimicking that movement. Feeling those pair back. Like he was hypnotized. Win is on a state of perplex emotions that sending his senses in overdrive.

He can't think properly as his hands creep into the Prince's shoulders for leverage as his knees seem can't hold his weight anymore.

He doesn't hate the kiss.

But he is drowning.

He is drowning to his own dilemma how it feels so right but it seems so wrong.

As the Prince indulges over the wonderful passions he is in, as he dives into Win's warm breathe, as he let go of his own obsession that keeps building on, stoppable... Unbearable... He thought he can face it all. At that moment he felt he can have it all.

Just like that.

"Win..." Bright uttered in a labored breath. He bumps his forehead against the latter for a rest with his eyes close. "I like you.'' Before he can stop himself before he can pause and think his mouth blurted out.

And Win, who's in between the aftermath of that sudden kiss has fallen deeper into a mess of thoughts.

I like you... I like you... I like you... Do you? How can you selfishly say that?

"Your highness..." Win said.

Your highness...

That word is like cold water that was poured into Win's head. Waking him up from a short night of fantasy. He almost forgot why he was there. Why he was in that place. How can he let himself be absorbed by a vortex of a dream that not belongs to him?

Win's shaky hands weakly push the Prince on his chest as his head ducked down as he doesn't want to see those pair of eyes. "I should go." Win said as he turns to leave but Bright pin him in place.

"Metawin... Listen to me!" The Prince said with a voice on the verge of panic and desperation. He has a feeling that if he let Win run away from him, it will be hard for him to reach him again. And that scares him.

"No! You listen to me! That... That shouldn't have happened... We shouldn't... You shouldn't have done that!" Win wanted to yell but he tried his hardest not to as he tries to escape.

"Why not? I wanted to kiss you the whole night I saw you talking to that girl! Do you have any idea how much willpower I needed to stop myself from pulling you away from her? Can't I just once indulge myself in something that I want? Can't I have no right to do that? Can't I have any right to have you?" The Prince said loudly, childishly. The alcohol in his system, the hurt he is feeling of the thought that Win hated that kiss is making him unreasonable.

"You can't! Because it's not right... We can't be this close, we can't kiss each other, we can not think of one another because that's wrong... I'm not even allowed to touch you, to think of you." Win said every word as if they tasted the most pungent food he ever tasted. It's repulsive but it is healthy so he has to chew it with his eyes close.

"Then what is right? What should I do when I'm feeling like I'm going crazy? How can I stop" Bright said painfully.

"Let's forget each other, let's forget this ever happened... And let me leave the palace." Win responded. That's the right thing to do but those tiny needles prickling his inside is saying otherwise.

But what can he do? He can't risk everything for something that may end up terribly. He can leave now while he still can keep his heart with him... While it's still intact.

"No." The Prince retorted instead. "I can't let you leave... I can't..." The Prince shook his head in defiance.

"How can you selfishly say that! You are a Prince! Be responsible for what you say and don't speak things that you can't uphold!" Win felt the need to shake the Prince to wake him up from this dream he put himself into.

"Selfishly?" The Prince laughed without feeling any happiness. "Maybe I am selfish but am I not allowed to? I can have the world in the compass of my hand but why I can't have you?" Bright is aware he looked pathetic at the moment but he can't let go... He has a feeling if he does Win will disappear in front of him.

"Because I'm not a thing that you can obtain just because you wanted to... You are a Prince, your highness, you have a responsibility that you needed to fulfill and I can't help you with that, I don't have the qualifications for that." Win said tiredly. "One day you will look back at this moment and laughed at this insanity and you may be told yourself how foolish you were..."

"Is it that convenient? Am I that shallow to you? Can't you see me as someone you can depend on?" The Prince's fingers holding Win's shoulder is getting tighter but Win tried not to wince as it digs into his bones.

"Can you? You can't even think properly right now and you wanted me to depend on you?  Stop saying irresponsible things like that, this should stop here..."

While I still can... Your highness, you have a wider road to walk into in the future... All I can do is to watch you on the sidewalk as you pass... Maybe it's just a phase... Or Maybe, lapse insanity...

"I'm thankful that you like me." Win said as he pulls the Prince in his embrace. "But you see..."

I can't let myself swim with short lived happiness then get drowned in a lifetime worth of agony... That's why your highness... Forgive me for being weak... Forgive me because I can't stay...

"You will be a great ruler of this country one day and I can't wait to witness that, thank you for giving me exciting memory that I will always remember." Win then gently push the Prince as he sidesteps away from him throwing one last smile before pushing the door open. He closed it gently before resting his forehead against the cold door. Because he is too engrossed with himself he didn't saw the Duke leaning against the wall silently. Like he was been there for a while.

(Duke Soler of Windereas)

Soler followed Win with unreadable gazed before going inside his nephew's room.

(Prince's Bedroom)

Soler closes the door quietly as he breathed out slowly seeing the Prince unmoving state, like a statue.

"Tired?" The Duke asked instead of asking if the Prince is okay.

Bright did not answer as he takes off his coat and flings it to the nearest wing chair before flopping down to his bed with legs dangling down the edge after kicking aways his shoes. He covered his eyes using one arm in an attempt to make his uncle leave him alone but the Duke lie down beside him instead.

"Am I weak, uncle?" Bright asked after the silence.

Soler tilted his head to looked at the Prince and can't help but sighed. "In what sense? Emotionally or physically?"

"He said I'm selfish, that I'm irresponsible but... I can't let him go." The Prince whispered.

"He has a point though, looking at you now is not something I would expect from you... If he stays, what can you promise him? What can you give to make him stay? Are you ready for the consequences? Being a Prince is not something you can just throw away because you wanted to... If you wanted to have something that may cause your crown, you need a plan... You need to cover any loopholes to get what you want not acting like a brat as he acts recklessly, gathers yourself together, and face it like a man... You maybe are like your Father in many ways but your father is someone who stands his ground whatever it is, however impossible it is... Now, do you have what it takes to face the consequences of whatever decision you will make? Are you ready to break your parent's hearts and be questioned for your ability to rule? If you can find the answers to all those then, by all means, I won't stop you on your stupidity, but while can't, fix yourself and act as the Prince of this country." The Duke then stood up throwing the Prince one last glance before walking out the room.

Bright was left by himself in the silence of his room and the echo of Soler's words. Those cut deep that he was unable to refute and find words to answer. Win was right.

He just recklessly does what he thought was right at that moment because he was jealous. He forgot that by doing so, he put Win in a situation that may hurt him.

Win... Can you wait for a little longer? Until I can have all the courage to face everything and to cushion you all the pain... Give me a chance to prove myself worthy...

The Prince has fallen asleep with that thought on his mind. He's a tired sentiment sent him to restless dreams.

While Win can't sleep at all as he stared at the beautiful ceiling of the room he is occupying. He needs to leave. Faraway from the Prince before he totally lost or reasons and let himself fall deeper.

He clutches his aching chest as he tries to sleep. He doesn't want to think anymore. He wanted to go far and back to where it should be, without the Prince in his life.

But I do like him...

Yeah, Win admits.

He does... And it hurts to realize it because he can't love him...

The following day, Bright has no time to find Win as he has a place that needed his presence urgently. Even though he is uneasy, he can't neglect his responsibility for his personal problems. Taking a mental note, he decided to talk to Win that night instead. To make himself clear and to apologize.


"Your excellency!" Win gives the Duke a curtsy bow when he crossed path with him on his way outside.

"Win, is it?" The Duke asked.

"Yes, sir," Win responded fast. Win is uncomfortable even the Duke looked friendly. He felt that behind the friendly facade is a formidable man that is not easy to get along with.

"Can I talk to you? It won't take a lot of your time." Soler smile

Win nodded his head hesitantly.
The Duke started walking away without a word as Win followed ing unsure manner. They then reach a part of the palace that Win hasn't seen before.

"Relax, I don't eat." The Duke said but it only spikes Win's nerves some more. "Do you want to go home?" Soler asked suddenly.

"What?" Win asked. Eyes widened in surprise.

"If you want to leave the Palace, tell me honestly." The Duke said in patience.

"I do." Win replied honestly.

"Why? Palace life is not to your liking?" Soler inquired in a normal tone. Like asking about the weather that day.

"It's not that Your Excellency, it's just I don't think I should be here at all..." Win answered with eyes looking at his feet.

The Duke stared at the younger boy that is almost at the same age as his nephew.

Ahh, young people. He envies this kind of unaltered feeling that this kid can hardly hide for the world to see. His eyes are radiant with life and Soler wonders if that is why his nephew is drawn into him. Is it because of the light Win is reflecting? Or because of how honest those eyes are?

"I'll send you home," Soler said suddenly shocking Win that he just stared at the Duke with wide eyes.


"I'm sending you home," The Duke chuckled. "Have your things prepared and someone will fetch you in an hour." Duke Soler said as he turns to leave Win stunned.

"Wait... I," But the older man already gone before Win can ask any more question.

This is his chance.

But still, the heaviness on his chest is weighing more every breath he takes. This is it...

His wish has been granted...

But why it hurts...

Why do his steps felt heavier?

Your Highness... Thank you for the memories...

(😌😌 I was watching anime that's why I'm slow on this update...hue hue, I'm the real antagonist of the story 🤭🤭🤭)

Introducing the Royal Family

King Ilios

Queen Astri

Duke Soler

Prince Lucent Vachirawit Chivaaree. (Bright)

Palace of Galicia

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