Nice dude | Ethan Nestor

By Antisocial_Doofus

475 20 0

A story about a 23 year old girl who drops everything to move across the world. Not realising that she would... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six

Chapter seven

42 3 0
By Antisocial_Doofus

Ethans POV:

Waving goodbye to Sally, I pick up my camera and point it towards Ellie who was holding Norbert in her arms a few feet away with a huge grin on her face. Just watching her being so happy brought a smile to my face, her happiness was contagious. Whenever she laughed or smiled I couldn't help but also do the same, I had never met someone who had drastically impacted my mood like this. Suddenly, I snap out of my thoughts and begin to focus back on filming. I run over to Ellie and laugh,
"How does it feel to finally have your own dog Ellie?" I asked her and watched as she thought to herself for a few minutes.
"Its incredible, I've met Norbert just 10 minutes ago and he's already improved my life so much. He's such a good boy" She answers and lifts Norbert up to the camera. "OMG! We gotta let Norbert and Spencer meet soon!" She excitedly yelled which made me chuckle.
"Of course we should, but don't you think we should at least get him a dog bed and things like that first?" I say, giggling to myself at her excitement.
"Oh yeah, good point. Lets go then! Cmon Norbert,"

A quick drive to Walmart later, Ellie picks up Norbert and carries him while I hold my camera and we both walk straight towards the dog section.We chose three different dog beds andlet Norbert chose, he sniffs them all for a while but eventually settled on a small blue one with a star pattern. We both grab a few more things (lead,food and toys) she pays and then we go back to my car. The entire trip, we were constantly joking with eachother.
"I still can't believe that Sally thought we were dating" I say as Ellie laughs "and that you convinced her that we might have kids"
"You should've seen your face when I said it though, you looked like a tomato." We both laughed and I began to drive back to the apartments whilst Norbert sat contently on Ellie lap.

Once we got back, I said goodbye to Ellie, picked up spencer and drove to Marks house to film some more unus annus viideos. Chica seemed very happy to see Spencer which reminded me of how Norbert and Spencer still had to meet eachother. I smiled to myself as I thought about how adorable it was watching Norbert and Ellie interact with eachother.
"You understand that all Ethan?" Amy asks, dragging me out of my thoughts and leaving me confused.
"Er. Yeah. I er understood." I mumble as I look around and watch Mark laugh at me.
"You didn't listen to a word Amy said Ethan, you have no idea what we're about to do, do you?" Mark said sighing,
"Yeah I have no idea what we're doing sorry." I admitted giggling making Mark and Amy also laugh.
"Fine then I suppose we'll tell you again, but pay attention this time!" Amy told me and began to explain the video idea again.

Ellies POV:

Waving goodbye to Ethan, I let Norbert inside my apartment and begin to get his new beds and toys out of my bag. I watch as Norbert excitedly ran around, getting used to his new home and new toys. I left him to play and decided to go and bake some muffins for a little. As I waited for the muffins to cook in the oven, my mind began to think about Ethan.
'I wonder what he's doing right now? I think he said that he was going to go do some filming with Mark and Amy for their channel. What was it called again? Oh yeah! Unus Annus,' I quickly pulled up yotube and looked for the channel. I found it and clicked on the most recent video of theirs.

'Harnessing our yodelling power to end the world as we know it' Well thats an interesting title if I've ever heard one. I watched the video and found myself laughing through the entire thing. I was about to click on the next video when I heard the faint scent of burning.
"OH NO! MY MUFFINS!" I yelled before frantically taking them out of the oven and leaving on the counter to cool down.

Luckilly, they looked ok and not too burnt. I then began to waft the smoke put of the kitchen before I got distracted by hearing a loud ding from my phone. I walked over expecting it to be a message from either vodafone or my mum but was surprised to see that it was an unknown number.


Hey Ellie! Amy gave me your number haha. I was wondering
if you and Norbert would wanna come over later?
Theres this new horror film I want to
watch but I'm scared of watching it alone lmao.

I smiled to myself, watching a horror fim with Ethan, Spencer and Norbert seemed really fun! I quickly replied and saved his number into my phone.

Ethan <3

Hey Ellie! Amy gave me your number haha. I was wondering
if you and Norbert would wanna come over later?
Theres this new horror film I want to
watch but I'm scared of watching it alone lmao.

Of course that sounds really fun eef!
what time should we come over? :)

Eef haha? Thats a really cute nickname
lmao anyway probably around 10:30ish

Dang it, autocorrect wrote eef not me,
it is a cute nickname though! I'll see you at 10:30 :)

I giggled quietly to myself about giving ethan a new accidental nickname. Eef was a really cute name for him. I stopped thinking about nicknames and carried on watching some old unus annus videos on the sofa with Norbert, slowly waiting for it to turn to 10:30.

2 hours later, I picked up my phone and sighed. It was only 6:00 and I still had to wait four and a half hours before I could hang out with Ethan. I looked around trying to find something to do when I saw Norbert.
'Maybe I'll take Norbert for a quick walk?' I thought to myself as I grabbed his lead and walked out of the door. I walked and and was surprised to see Ethan standing there with Spencer on his lead, patiently sitting beside him.
"Oh Ellie! Hey, how are you?" he cheerfully said,
"Hi Ethan! I'm good, I was just about to take Norbert for a quick walk."
"Really? I was about to do the same thing! Wanna walk together?"
"Sure," I say excitedly "That sounds good!"

We both cross the road and head over to the park across our apartment, I looked around and watched everyone else happily walking their dogs and drinking coffee. It felt crazy to me how much had happened in this one day. Just five hours ago, I was walking here with Ethan and Spencer, now we're back with Norbert.

"Wow, Norbert really does enjoying walking I guess then" Ethan says laughing, pulling me away from my thoughts to look at Norbert.
He was walking excitedly in front of us whilst spencer hid behind Ethans legs, probably scared from Norberts sudden burst of energy that seemed to appear after we walked over the bridge.
"Wow, your right. Norbert really is enjoying himself" I say back to Ethan, also giggling. We both carry on joking around until we notice it getting dark. I check my phone and realise that it was 7:30pm and we had been in the park talking for an hour and a half. ethan walks over to a small bench close to the exit of the park. I follow him, sit down and let Norbert off of his leash to run around in the now-empty park.

Ethan looks over to me and lets out a smile,
"I've really enjoyed hanging out with you today Ellie. Its been the best day I've had in a while." He kindly says.
"It's crazy that we met less than 24 hours ago. I feel like I've known you for years!"
"I'm so glad I met you."
"I'm glad I met you too. And Spencer. Its nice to already have people I consider friends here"

We both sit together for a little while, until Norbert forced us to leave because he started to chase a squirrel. After we calmed Norbert down and started to walk back home, Ethan looks over to me.
"So you ready to go watch that movie? I can order hawaiian pizza?"
I grin to myself.
"That sounds great, eef"

I just realised the past 4ish chapters have all been the same day omg. Anyway I hope you all have a great day and tysm for 20 reads!

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