I love you, no matter what yo...

Af DracoShipsPansmione

1K 46 20

8th year has come and Pansy hasn't the feeling that she was wanted on Hogwarts. Only Draco & Blaise returned... Mere

"Sure lil bro!"
"You stupid, little motherfucker!"
"Pansy and Elias are lost..."

"I think, i think she's gone, Ron"

98 8 5
Af DracoShipsPansmione

Blaise's Point of View

"Pansy and Elias,..." I sighed, and opened my mouth, but i closed it again. "...Are lost." I admitted, while feeling pain i my soul. "They're what?" Draco asked me, while starring at me, as i was McGonagall, the newest headmaster. "T-they're g-gone!" I shouted to him, while falling forwards, and landing on my knees. While the first tears, appeared. After falling, i  automatically bursted into tears. "Oh, Blaise, come here." Draco said, in the calmest voice, he could make. He ran up to me, and sat down, on his knees, to comfort me. I immediately accepted his comforting and lay my hands on the ground, and pulled myself to it, till i reached Draco's lap, where i wanted to lay on. "Shhh." He hissed, but very comforting, and soft. After that, his first tears, started to fall, cause i felt it become wet on my head. After then, he couldn't held his sadness in anymore, and bursted also into tears. In the halls, you could see people walking past us, and looking weird to us, but we didn't care. After more then five minutes, we felt like we we're being watched. "Is it just me, or is someone looking at us?" Draco said, knowing what i was feeling. "You've just read my mind, cause i feel it too." I answered him, a bit shy. I turned my head to Pansy's dormitory's door, and saw a black silhouette standing in front of it. "H-hello?" Draco asked, while turning his head to the silhouette. "Zabini, Malfoy, are you guys okay?" The silhouette spoke, and stepped forwards. A ginger hair colored boy, stepped up to me and Draco, pulling out his arm to me. As i saw his face, it equipped cute, red freckles, soft bubbly cheeks and green eyes, that are fading to blue. He had a messy hairstyle, and spontaneous smiled at me. I felt becoming red all over my face, and couldn't really move anymore, as long as he stared at me. "Weasley? What are you doing here? Go away!" Draco shouted to the boy, trying to protect me, and from getting our little moment back without interruptions. "I'm, as prefect, allowed to check dormitories, to see if people miss their breakfast. And i wanna make sure if you guys are okay, i don't care what house y'r in mate." The ginger replied, a bit irritated. "Well, we are fine, if you can leave us alone now, should it be fine!" Draco said, aggressively, back. "Well, you're definitely not, cause you've been crying for more then fifteen minutes now. So tell me what's wrong." He asked us, dealing very calm with the situation. "Just go away! We don't need you're help, go to diner or something!" Draco shouted back as answer, on another aggressive tone. "Just tell me, i won't tell anybody else." He said back, but in some kind of sneaky tone. From here i didn't trust him anymore, and i would never even trust a Weasley at all. "No, it's obviously you tell someone else! Now screw!" I shouted to the ginger, while getting my tears back and started crying again. Draco saw my tears, and stood up to protect me, while grabbing his wand out of his pocket. Then he pointed to the Weasley's neck and said:"Go, away." Very slowly. His action gave me a lot of courage to stand up too, and so i did, and also grabbed my want to point it at the insanely hot Weasley. Wait what? Well it doesn't matter now, focus. The freckle boy put his hands in the air and slowly walked out the door. "L-lay dow-n t-the wa-ands." He stuttered, where i could laugh at, but didn't do it cause i was concentrated. "I-i re-epor-t y-you gu-ys to the-e he-headmaster!" He managed to bring out of his mouth. "Just like the other thousands of times? Like that's going to work!" Draco teased the Weasley, and began to laugh. I managed to let a little laugh out too, but then my Ginger boy, ran out the door. "Pfft, useless, just like always!" Draco said, in a 'after reaction' voice. "I still ask myself why he isn't a Hufflepuff, but a Griffindor without courage." I said, to make Draco a bit happier. He smiled to me, and put his wand back in his pocket. I decided to do the same, and waited for Draco to say something. He didn't said something at all, but he walked to the door and asked me: "You're coming?" And walked out the door. Here we go again, his egoism is too strong. "Coming!" I shouted, as reply. I ran trough the door, and closed it when i came out. Then i hurried my way to the great hall, for eating breakfast. I saw Draco sitting at the Slytherin table, eating a sandwich he took from his house's table. Cause no other Slytherins from our year had returned for another year at Hogwarts, he looked very lonely, and i stepped up to him to comfort him. I took a chair, and sat next to him. He smiled, what made me smile too. I took some bread from the plate it was laying on, and started talking to my very best friend. "Hey Blaise? Should we give up to McGonagall that Pans is missing?" Draco said after a while, when he was done with his sandwich. "I don't know, maybe, maybe not?" I asked, while feeling shame on my back for saying this about my other very best friend, but Draco didn't know either, so it disappeared fastly after i spoke the phrases. "Should we check on Elias?" Draco said, with kind of some look of hope. "I already did, cause i wanted to prank his sister with him, and also you, but you were asleep, but Elias wasn't here either." I spoke, while feeling anxious about the fact they were both gone. "Well, maybe it's some kind of family reunion?" Draco guessed, what could make the most sense. "Probably, or they're visiting their parents graves?" I guessed, not knowing that sounded really bad. "Wow, dark, but that could always be the answer, so i don't think we should worry, and she'll probably be back tomorrow or something." Draco reacted, and he took some bread from a plate. "Yeah, but i'm still a bit worried." I said, a bit shy. "Me too, but let's just hope she'll be alright, come we have to head to class soon, what do you have?" Draco asked me, to finish the subject and to start a new one. I took my schedule out of my pocket, and i looked at it. "I'm having first Herbology, and after that two hours potions, and you?" I asked him, pretty curious. "Ancient runes, a hour transfiguration and potions for the first period." Draco answered, happily we could talk about another subject. "Nice! Well, i see you in potions then!" I said, while packing my stuff and making my way to the Herbology class. "See you there!" Draco shouted back, and walked to the ancient runes classroom.

Harry's Point of View

I woke up in a Gryffindor dorm room, in one of the five beds. As i turned to my left, i saw my clumsy, ginger friend, who was laying with his head to my side. When i turned to the right, a boy lay a bit pushed out of his bed, laying with his back to me. But having his blanket at the other side of the bed, with someone underneath. I felt my face becoming a bit red, of the fact that i realized who the two boys were. I wasn't hundred percent sure of who were the boys, but if i had to tell someone who they were, i would've said it were Dean and Seamus. I shove the blanket off my chest, and i sat upright on the bed for a while, starring at the two boys laying half naked in one bed. Then, i realized i was shirtless too, and i fast made my way to the closet where my uniform lays and i opened it. I grabbed a shirt, pants, underwear, and my robe and walked over to the bathroom. I took a short shower, and changed my clothes in the ones i took from the closet. After i opened the bathroom door, a redheaded tall boy is standing in front of me, shirtless like i was before i changed. "Oh, h-hey Harry, uh, i'm gonna shower!" The ginger boy said, with his clothes in his hands running past me the bathroom in, and closing the bathroom door as i walked forwards. "Oh, h-hi Ron, y-yes you should!" I responded quickly, being flustered by his muscular body that was touched me while passing me. I walked back to the closet from before, and i grabbed a pair of socks and walked back to my bed, cause my shoes were laying underneath. I put my socks and shoes on, and stand up. I walked back to the closet and took my tie out of it. I quick did my red and gold striped tie good round my neck, and opened the dormitory door while stepping through it. The bathroom door opened and the dressed up ginger walked out. He looked at me, and shouted:" See ya at breakfast, mate!" I saw his cute smile on his face appearing, but then the wind out of a window that was open, closed the door and the sight of the Weasley was gone. I walked down to the girls dormitory, to find my girlfriend and my best friend. When i arrived, i knocked on the door, so the girls would know i would go inside. "You can come in!" A familiar voice said, a little too hard. "Ginny! Be a bit softer!" Another girl said, to keep the others sleeping. "Sorry, let me open the door!" Ginny softly said back, as she opened the door. "Hey Harry, there's some bad news sadly, i'll tell you at breakfast." She said sadly, but after she was outspoken she happily ran towards Luna. "Luna!" She yelled, as she ran in Luna's arms. "Hey Ginny, how's it going?" Luna asked, a bit red on her face, blushing. Luna told me she had a crush on Ginny, and that she wanted to come over it. "Good, and with you?" Ginny asked, in a adorable soft voice. Luna became more red on her face then before, and slowly pulled Ginny away from her. "I-i gotta g-go! See y-you la-ater Ginny!" Luna stuttered, and ran away with the book that was close to fall out of her hands. "Oh, okay! Bye Luna!" Ginny said to Luna, and waving towards her. "Come let's get to breakfast, i wanna know the bad news now." I suggested her, and took her hand, walking to the great hall. "Oh, yeah, it's kinda shocking though." She said, sounding more sad. "Oh, Merlin, that's bad." I answered, and walked with her to the great hall. As we arrived, some shipping noises were made by our fellow classmates, and we sat down at some chairs, at the Gryffindor table. "So? What's this bad news you talked about?" I asked her, quite nervously about what will come. "Well, it's about Hermione." She paused her phrase, to sigh and then continued. "She wasn't in the dormitory this night, and most of the girls think she hasn't slept with us either." She finally explains, looking worried. "And, well, she could just slept somewhere else, and that's no problem tho, but we haven't seen her at all after the ridiculous scream all of us heard last night." She then says, and i can see a small tears growing round her eyes. I feel like i'm doing the same as her now, but realise i should stay strong instead of falling apart right now, so i get closer to her, and wipe away her tear off. "Hey, gin, let's go looking after her, after we at breakfast! And we'll ask Ron and Neville too!" I suggest, to comfort her. "Yeah! That would be great idea! Thank you a lot Harry!" She says, and softly gives me a little kiss on my cheek. I feel like i'm burning on my face, and a lot of Gryffindors, some Ravenclaws and similar Hufflepuffs are looking at me, with a good understandable expression on their faces, and even some noises. My tears faded away, and i felt my happiness increasing as long i was by her side. She grabbed a croissant out of the bowl it lay in, an lay it on her plate. She took a unsharp knife, and opened the croissant to put something in it. Then she took a slice of cheese, and put it inside the croissant, and took a bite from it. "You're just gonna stare? Come on, eat something, Harry!" She asked, a bit worried. "Oh, yeah, i'm just thinking. Thanks Ginny!" I replied, and took some bread.
After i was full, and it looked like Ginny was too, i grabbed my schedule out of my pocket, and started reading the classes i had. Great, our class is cancelled, so now we could seek for Hermione. "Hey Gin, you coming? I'm going to ask if Neville and Ron want to help us out!" I asked her, a bit shouting. Then i noticed two Slytherins, who were now looking at me, after what i asked Ginny. It wasn't very clearly to see, who they were, but i could see that they're staring at me. If i said something, it would be weird, so i decided to say nothing, and started to walk to Neville, who sat on the other side of the long table. I heard a chair sliding over the ground, and not even a second later, a small, and warm hand grabbed mine. We walked together to Neville, who was just finishing his drink. "Hey, Nev! We kinda need you're help with finding Hermione, you'd like to help?" I asked him, and some fifth years turned their heads to me and Ginny. "Oh, yeah, sure Harry! I'll meet you in a minute in the common room, alright?" He suggested, and took a small piece of bread and put it in his mouth. "Alright! See you there!" I said, agreeing with him, and continuing walking fore wards with Ginny in my hand. At the other side of the table, we came out at Ron, and Lavender who was laying against him. "Hey Ron!" Ginny said enthusiastically, but a looking a bit disgusted when she saw Lavender. "Hey Gin, what's up?" He asks her, nervously about her enthusiasm. "We need you're help to find 'Mione, she hasn't came to breakfast, and we're a bit worried about her." Ginny explains, knowing her brother would really want to help. "Alright, i'm coming with you!" He said, and softly put Lavender's head back on her chair. "I'm sorry, Lav, but i'm heading out, i'll see you at lunch!" Ron says, and stands up, walking up to us. "But Won Won, i need you!" Lavender says, very clingy and fake. Ginny's still looking disgusted, and i start doing too. "Come on, let's go!" I say, being annoyed by Lavenders acting. Ginny takes Ron's hand, and we walk to the Ravenclaw table to get Luna. "Hey Luna! Will you come and help us seek Hermione after dinner?" Ginny said, hoping her best friend would help. "Uh, ye sure!" Luna says, blushing a bit, but i don't mind it. "Okay, see you at the Gryffindor common room!" Ginny says, waving and walking out the great hall to our common room with still holding my hand. We walked upwards the stairs, and after five minutes we arrived at the common room. I said the password, and we walked in. Some noises were made and we could hear some people talk to each other. Ginny's hand left mine, and ran to the fireplace too claim a chair before they would be taken and she should need to stay. As i walked up to there, she was talking to Neville and Ron, about something, what probably seemed like it was about plants, cause Neville seemed to enjoy their conversation. "Hey, Harry!" Neville said, after telling our friends something about plants, cause they seemed dizzy after hearing him. "Hey, Nev!" I said, a bit too enthusiastically. "Should we go seek 'Mione?" Ron suggested, sounding a bit worried but also protectively. "Yeh, we shall find you're wife, Ron!" Neville said, in a tone we all recognized. "She's not my wife!" Ron yelled, but we could all hear that he actually likes the term. "What you say, Brother!" Ginny said, teasing him a bit. He stood up, and walked to the middle of the room, and we followed him. "So, where we go first?" I ask them, not wanting to take the lead this time. "We should ask the other houses, maybe she slept there?" Ron says, knowing i let him take the lead, and accepting it. "Alright, who's going to what house?" Neville asks, pretty neutral. "I go to the Ravenclaw house with Luna, Nev, you can go to the Hufflepuffs, and then Harry and Ron go to the Slytherin house." Ginny suggests, hoping we will agree with her suggestion. "I'm fine with that, i see ya guys later!" Neville says, walking out the common room, and probably meeting Luna outside. Ginny then also walks outside, and we follow her to there, greeting Luna with a "Hello!" "Hey guys! So, where we start?" Luna asks, to Ginny, cause she's with her standing here. "We go to the Ravenclaw tower!" Ginny says enthusiastically, and takes Luna by the hand while walking the stairs up with her. "Okay, well, good luck with the Slytherins guys!" Neville says, walking away from me and Ron, leaving us behind, cause he knows pretty well that we didn't want to go  to the dungeons. "Aww, c'mon! Come back!" Ron says, making with his hand a gesture that would tell Neville he wanted him to come back. "Oh, c'mon Ron, sooner or later we gonna have to do this, so let's do it now." I say, being annoyed by Neville, and take his hand with me to the stairs of the dungeon with me. "Are we really doing this, Mate?" Ron asks me, probably to annoy me, so i say:" No we're actually flying on a hippogriff right now." To tease him, as we take our last step from the stairs and put our feet on the cold floor of the dungeons. "How can the Slytherins survive with this temperature everywhere?" Ron asked me, making me know he felt cold, like i did too. As walk fore wards, we feel watched by everyone down here, most all looking disgusted and some mad. When we were close to the door, we saw two guys walk to the door. One blonde haired, with a light skin and he looked pretty skinny. The other one darker skin toned, and short blackish hair, taller then his friend. "Password?" We hear coming from somewhere out of the wall, and we realize there shall be someone at the other end we can ask later about Hermione's disappearing. "Where could she be?" The blonde guy asks his friend, sounding sad. "I honestly have no ideas anymore then the ones we already inspected." The taller guy says, sounding like he's out of ideas, what would be probably what happened to him. "But she hasn't came to breakfast either, did she?" The blonde guy asks again, this time sounding like he already knew the answer, but just wanted to make sure the person they talked about wasn't came to breakfast. "No, Draco, Pans hasn't came to breakfast either, but come, we need to get our books together for the next two lessons." The taller guy suggests his friend, and they now walk to the place in front of the doors. "Harry Potter sucks." The blonde, probably named Draco, says. "Incorrect." We hear coming from back at the door. "Merlin, did they change the password again?" The Draco-guy says, annoyed. "Well, here goes nothing." He says again, while i'm wondering why he said that. "Ahh, Harry! Take me with you to you're dreamworld!" He then says, moaning fake, in a high pitched voice. "Come in!" The person back at the door says, and the door then opens, while they can walk inside. "I swear, i'm gonna kill Theodore after he's back from classes." I hear the Blonde Draco guy say, but as we hear it, he probably isn't killing the Theodore guy. Then it's silence again, still feeling looked at, but this time, i feel like there's something burning on my face. Then i realize the name 'Draco' from somewhere. I don't know what anymore, but i get it as a real subject in my head. Also, the moment the blonde Draco guy said the actual password, my mind just recorded that, and it's the whole time replaying in my head. "Mate, isn't that Malfoy?" I hear Ron say, looking shocked at me. That's where i knew his name from, it was Malfoy. "Yes, it think it is Ron, but, he's attractive tho." I say, the last part a bit soft, so Ron wouldn't hear that, if he wasn't especially focusing on what i was saying. "What you're saying Harry?" I hear Ron asking me, like a small part of my brain planned. "I think it actually is Malfoy, but why would he say something like that?" I tell, and ask him, feeling the things on my face burn brighter. I decide to say nothing about it i just hope that Ron doesn't see it. We then walk over to the door, and stand there. "So, what you Gryffindors need?" Uh, we want to know if you guys have seen a girl named Hermione Granger anywhere here." I ask, sounding uncomfortable, and worried at the same place. "No, we haven't found you're little friend here, now leave." I hear, coming from the door, as we take our leave, and walk back to the stairs. Ron looks cold, so i put my arm around him, and we walk on the stairs. As we make our way to the common room, we see Luna, Ginny, and Neville standing there. "Have any of you guys found her?" I ask, making them know that we haven't found her either. "Nope." I hear from Ginny, sounding sad. "Nothing at the Hufflepuffs!" Neville says, a bit too enthusiastically, but weirdly i find it reasonable. "Damnit!" Ginny says, as she looked irritated, and mad. "Calm down sis, we'll find her somewhere." Ron calmed his sister, what luckily helped. "Alright, we need to find her guys!" Ginny said, even tho she knew that if Hermione hasn't slept somewhere, she wasn't in Hogwarts.

After A Hour Of Seeking

"Oh, come on! Where must she be!" I hear Ron saying, as we're close to give up seeking, cause we were already for more then an hour and it was clearly she wasn't at Hogwarts. "I think, i think she's gone Ron." I say accidentally, making him tear up, and stop our tour of walking around the school.

W o W, this chapter is actually 3900 words long, while the normal ones are around the 2000-2500.
I wanna thank all of you guys for reading this, cause it means a lot to me!
Idk, what to ship anymore, it's just that the community started playing with ships, after Drarry was a thing.
So you're just gonna get a lot of ships in this fan fiction!
Please, star/heart this comment if you like the chapter, and please, please, Please, leave a comment under this chapter, cause all you're guys comments make me happy!

Oof, this is now already 4000 words-

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