The Girl Who Changed Him

By Wisha117

14.9K 696 82

They were polar opposites. He was demanding, manipulative and dominant. His demeanor was arrogant, mean and... More

Their house


297 16 2
By Wisha117

It felt like her breath was knocked out of her. Her heart clenched. Knots being tied inside her stomach. Bella felt that the world around was suddenly very gloomy and sad but it didn't take her long to realize that it wasn't the world but her mood. Her grip on the door handle tightened, making her knuckles turn white.

Why was she feeling like this? Why was it effecting her so much? It wasn't like she had feelings toward him. Than why did she feet like someone was endlessly poking thousands of needles at her heart. The tears were threatening to fall.

Christian pushed away the girl in front of him. He felt anger and guilt? This girl, he didn't even know the name of suddenly came in his office and started confessing her undying love for him. Christian was used of getting this type of reaction from girls, but he always ignored it. But now he felt like strangling this girl with bare hand.

Where the fudge was his secretery at that him?! He definitely needs to fire someone today. But right now all he could think of was this beautiful lady standing in his doorstep, looking hurt. Christian felt like punching something, or someone.

"Look Bella, it isn't what it looks like" Christian said trying to reach her, ignoring the fact that he forgot the 'Miss'

"Oh baby, you don't have to explain yourself to someone" the blond in front of him said, in her disgustingly sweet voice. A single traitorous tear slipped gracefully from Bella's eyes but that was it. No more.

Christian ignored her, and turned to Bella "Please sit and let me explain" he didn't know why, but for the first time in his life he felt the need of explaining himself to someone.

Bella's ears stopped ringing when she heard his soothing was. But she couldn't stand this any longer. She dashed out of his office not knowing her destination.

"Shit" Christian cursed under his breath and was about to follow her when a hand on his arm stopped him." Don't go baby. Please don't leave me" the blond said.

"Don't. Ever. Touch. Me. Again. And get out of my office Kathy." Christian grinded out.

The poor girl looked like she was about to pass out anytime. But she still couldn't believe the Christian Knight rejected her. The boys craved for her attention but he... "Its Katie" she said.

"And I don't care. Now get out". And she did. She scurried out of his office like her hair was on fire. So this is what the hustle was all about. Katie couldn't deny the fact that the rumours about the King's were true. Christian Knight King was as scary as the devil himself. But his father was said to be sent straight from hell too. Like father like son. Christian contacted the secretary who was now back from,.... well guess where,... the restroom, and was apologising repeatedly. "Give me Miss Bella's address."


Bella couldn't stand being near him so she did the only thing that came to her mind and went home. She rang the doorbell of her new house. Laura opened the door with a smile, but furrowed her brows when she saw her crying face. She was confused as to why Bella was crying. She was one of the strongest people Laura knew, heck she didn't even cry when her mother beat her. But that couldn't have been the case because both her mother and sister were in rehab. Yup you read right. They were trying to be better and Bella was proud of that. They were even nice to her now. But now is not the time for that.

"Oh my god. What happened Bells bear? Who did this to you? Just tell me the name and I will go and kill them myself" Laura said while folding her sleeves. She wanted to know who did this to her sister.

"I... I..he...he kissed someone" Bella said while hugging her. Laura froze. She knew who Bella was talking about. But what she didn't know what that her Bella bear had such strong feelings for him that just him kissing someone mad her cry. And now he dared to upset her. Bella was right. He was the devil.

"I... I went to his office to apologise, but that bastard was sucking Katie William's face. I just....I don't even know why I am crying but I just feel like someone is stabbing my heart, repeatedly. Its not like I like him or anything, so why the freaking lollipop am I crying. And you know what in seven hell he said upon me entering? The classic'Its not what it looks like' I mean that just....." Bella started ranting to her. Laura didn't know how to tell her that Bella was indeed attracted towards the devil.

Before Laura could say something the doorbell rang.

Christian didn't know that Bella was her new neighbor. Steve told him that someone moved to the house near his but he didn't thought about it much.

While Laura went to open the door Bella thought it was a good idea to change in something comfortable, so she changed to her cute pajamas.

The door opened revealing the person Laura's bears didn't wanna see right now. So without saying a word Laura slammed the door. To say Christian was shocked would be an understatement. No one has ever done that to him, and next to him  Steve who just arrived, upon being called by his best friend ,and saw the door being slammed on Christian's face burst out laughing.

"Shut up" Christian hissed. "Sorry man, it's just that recieving such reactions, you know other than girls screaming your name or throwing themselves at you... I mean second time in one day that's just.." Steve wasn't able to finish the sentence as Christian rang the doorbell again.

Now it revealed looking a pissed of Laura, totally the opposite to what Christian saw only a minute ago. "What do you want? Huh? Can't you ju- " Laura stopped yelling, upon seeing the other man who just arrived. "Hot head?" Steve confirmed, confused.
"Pighead?" Laura said with the same expression.

Steve scoffed "Pighead? Seriously?"

Laura ignored him and turned to Christian. "Please leave" Laura said politely. Christian was shocked once again, is this girl bipolar or something.

But he composed himself and said" I just wanna talk to her. It will only take a minute. I just wanna explain the situation" Christian said with stoic face but anyone with eyes could see the plead hidden in his eyes.

Laura sighed " Just for some time. Please come in" letting Christian enter the house Laura was a little hesitant about Steve. "If you crash into something in my house or even cause the slightest bit of damage I will personally break all twenty seven bones of your hand" Laura hissed at Steve's ears. Steve looked at him wide eyed. Damn this girl was scary.

"Bells bear, come hear for a minute please" Laura called out for her friend. After two or three minutes Bella came into the living room. Hair in a messy bun, eyes puffy, feet bare, and a tub of chocolate eyes cream in hand Bella looked like a mess. A hot mess.

Christian was shocked to see this side of her. But Bella was shocked to see him at all. "Wh..what are you doing here Mr Knight, Mr Anderson?"

"I came here to talk to you. I wanted to explain myself" Christian said looking in her eyes. Instead of cowering back like other people did, Bella held his stare. It looked like they were contacting through eyes. Like no one else mattered. Upon realising this Laura gave Steve a hand signal and both were out like a light.

Both Bella and Christian thought.

"What do you want Christian?" Bella sighed.

" I want to explain myself." Christian repeated.

"There is nothing to explain. I just wanted to apologize for my behaviour I walked in on something private. I won't do that again. Its not like we are in a real relationship." Bella spit out.

"Yes we are not. But in front of my father's eyes you are my girlfriend and i-" Christian was intrupted when some yelled "What?!" And that someone obviously was Steve.

"Why didn't you tell me this before. I thought we were brothers. Oh you broke my trust Mr King. Explain. Now."


And that is how their afternoon went.

Firstly Steve threw a huge tantrum about Christian not telling him about his father. But one look from Christian and he shut up.

"Well now that Uncle Ryan knows you should also act like a couple. Like you know  holding hand, cuddling and stuff" Steve said.

"What?!" Bella asked.
" He is right. We should make this public and start acting around. My father has been bugging me to bring you home for dinner" At this Steve raised his eyebrows at Christian. He knew that his friend was lying, but Christian dodged his questioning gaze.

"Oh..okay." Bella reluctantly agreed.

"And that is also the reason I wanted to apologize for. If we are gonna be in a relationship than we should be committed to each other and only to each other." Christian said while staring intently.

Steve started coughing intensely upon hearing his friend. Christian King wanted to apologize?!

Christian understood what his friend was thinking. He had never apologized to anyone. Well he never felt the need to do it. And upon every thing else he was a KING.

And the whole nation knows that Kings don't apologize.

God what the hell was this women doing to him.

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