The Charming Stepmother

By Lily-Carnation

63 1 1

"Mama!" "I'm not your mother" "mama!" "I did not push you out of my hole" In which a lazy girl becomes a mo... More

C h a p t e r T w o

C h a p t e r O n e

37 0 0
By Lily-Carnation


Rain poured down heavily flooding the streets I barely went outside for a month because of my mother stating I need a boyfriend better yet a husband. I stared at my phone that beeped whenever I get a text.

The sound of knocking on my wooden door is what made me look up from my phone. It could be that pizza I order I got up and opened the door with my wallet to see a little girl with twin pigtails and a bag with brown eyes pouting.

"Mama!" She reached for me with her hands up. Oh hell to the no I've seen this happen in dramas the female protagonist opens her door and sees a adorable child.

Who she then takes in and raises the child until the dead beat father comes. "I'm not your mother" I state the little girl only fluttered her thick eyelashes before smiling once again.

"Mama!" She says but this time even more sure " I did not push you out of my hole" I state again but the child embraced my leg rubbing her head on it smiling.

The rain came down harder as I noticed the girls outfit was soaked. Only because I'm nice I lift her up closing my door taking her inside my warm house.

"What's your name?" The little girl just giggled clinging on to me I grab her small bag and see a name stitched gracefully into it. Park Juliee.

I looked all around trying to find contact information but too no avail I find none. I opened her bag seeing clothes, shoes and a stuff animal.

Then a certificate that looked brand new. My eyes bulged out as I couldn't believe it.

This Certificate Represents the adoption of

__Park Juliee__ who is two years old is now the daughter of __Kim Angie__

Kim Angelina

I nearly fainted the mother of this kid I could barely take care of my younger brother let alone a daugher. It seems as if Juliee's original mother must have planned this because my signature is there.

This could not be copied I know my signature when I see it, when did I had time to adopt a child yesterday I went clubbing with my friend.

I sigh putting my attention back on the little girl who was dozing off in her wet clothes. "Juliee ah you can't sleep in wet clothes" I pulled out a pair of unicorn pajamas and changed her clothes.

After that she went to sleep I carried her upstairs into my room laying her down on my beg tucking her in good. I a minute to stare at her features. Her dad must be a god if her features are this good.

I grab my phone and call the nightclub I went to yesterday demanding that if I didn't recieve yesterday's footage I'll sue them but they told me someone from the higher ups requested that they shouldn't give me the footage.

I groaned hanging up while rubbing my temples then I got a flashback last night I recall getting drunk and a woman her face was blurry probably because of the alcohol asked me if I wanted to adopt a child.

Oh fuck. I snapped out of it how am I going to explain I have a two year old daughter to my mother and friends I also read the certificate over and over until I skimped over a sentence stating I can't revoke this.

I nearly screeched how is this fair I'll never drink again in my life. just as I calmed down my phone flshed and vibrated as I looked at my calller ID and sighed.

Karma truly is a bitch.

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