After the rebellion | Part 1

By hichloeex

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Katniss and Peeta's journey after the rebellion ended. How do Katniss and Peeta get through every day knowing... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
The end

Chapter 12

4.4K 117 43
By hichloeex


She snuggles her head into the crook of my neck before lifting her lips up to the level of my ear. That's when I hear her whisper ever so quietly, "I love you, Peeta Mellark."

This makes my body go completely numb. I think Katniss can sense something. I try and move her head from my neck which is quite hard but I manage to do it. I hold her face in my hands ever so softly and just look into her eyes. "Real or not real?" That's the only thing I can say to her. That's the only thing I can think of saying to her, this isn't like me, I'm usually ok with words but she's made me completely speechless. What else am I supposed to say? This isn't like Katniss to confess her love to me?

That's when I see her eyes look down at my lips again before leaning forward hovering her lips over mine; her breath is so warm against my lips. It gives me goose bumps all over my body. "Real Peeta, real. It's taken me this long to realise it but it's real, and I promise you that it is more real than anything ever!" She says against my lips.

She's rambling on her words. She's never been good at expressing herself through words, it's usually been through her actions but I'm so proud of her for actually trying. "So if it's real I can do this whenever I want?" I ask against her lips, her hot breath mingling with mine, creating one breath. I kiss her lips ever so softly for about the 10th time in this 29 minuet period.

She pulls away and whispers against my lips, "Of course, only if it's real for you too." This drives me absolutely crazy and I can't control myself. My hands move up her back and onto the back of her neck. I take a quick glance into her innocent, grey, seam eyes and pull her forward into a kiss. This kiss is like the kiss we shared about 5 minutes ago, very passionate and very deep.

This time it's me who asks for entrance to explore her mouth.

We hear the door swing open but we don't pay any attention we're too lost and caught up in each other's company to take notice of the door.

That's when I hear clapping and hands and someone walk in slamming the door behind them. I assume this action is for us to separate our lips and pay attention to our visitor, which we do.

Katniss pulls her lips from mine before pecking them again and turning her attention to the figure stood in front of the closed door still clapping their hands.

"Well done sweetheart, finally found out and told the boy you loved him eh?" After I hear the word 'sweetheart' I know who it is instantly. It's Haymitch.

Before I put my full attention I whisper something into Katniss' ear, "Real, always, together," I say. This makes her smile a lot and we both look towards Haymitch.

"Yeah I did Haymitch. I finally told him," Katniss says this before going a bright shade of red. I run my fingers across the bottom of her back. I feel her shiver which makes me chuckle a little.

"About time too, the boys only been waiting the whole of his life for you to finally notice him and love him back!" Haymitch says and we all burst into laughter. "You know he's right Katniss, I've been waiting my whole life for you to confess this to me," I say.

She blushes slightly and gets up off my lap.

"Drink, Haymitch?" Katniss asks. Ignoring completely what I said to her.

"Oh no sweetheart, I've just came to tell you some news,"

This literally makes me jump out of my seat and I lean against the island in the middle of the kitchen and look directly at him waiting for him to carry on.

"Effie and I are together if you hadn't already realised and we've been trying for a baby for a while... and I kind of need you guys' opinion on something," he says.

"Of course, anything? And by the way that's adorable you and Effie!" Kafniss says.

"So you're trying to get her knocked up then Haymitch and you need our opinion on what positions to use? Well better luck going to ask someone else. This is the house of virgins," I say. I see Katniss give me a smirk in the corner of my eyes and her start to chuckle.

"It wasn't quite that Peeta, I have some knowledge with positions," Haymitch says. This caused Katniss to fall into a deep laughing fit before she coughs out, "God, you boys. Anyone would swear you were porn addicted, self-pleasuring bastards!" She makes herself fall into more laughter after she's said this.

I just laugh at her and Haymitch joins in.

"But anyways, I was thinking of proposing to Effie what do you think?"

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