redamancy (a sequel) // c.b

By kingpottorff

12.4K 267 107

- the sequel to euphoria - the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full. "i've missed yo... More

redamancy !
i. explosions
ii. white
iii. champagne, anyone?
iv. old habits die hard
v. regrets
vi. wendy williams
vii. apologies
viii. secrets in the dark
pizza and a party

ix. drinks, but make them strong

1K 24 8
By kingpottorff

elton and ginger's wedding was just over eight months away, and the wedding party duties were just beginning to start. first on the agenda was dress shopping for ginger, and then eventually for the rest of the girls. the timing wasn't necessarily ideal because harlow was right in the middle of her midterm season, but she managed to find the time.

it was important for her to be there for ginger throughout the wedding planning process, because not only was she a bridesmaid and that was to be expected, but ginger was also her sister now. and she was always there for her family.

so even though harlow had midterms, she went along with the rest of the girls to ginger's try on's. it required a few missed study dates with her college friends, but it was worth the sacrifice. although, she did make up for missing her study group sessions by writing out flashcards to use during the time in between ginger's dresses.

not a whole lot of studying actually got done, though. the atmosphere wasn't right for reading over flashcards, but the champagne didn't help either. after about fifteen minutes of attempting to read through her cards, harlow had tucked them away in her bag and focused on having fun with the rest of the girls.

it was somewhere between the tenth and thirteenth dress that ginger's maid of honor, jenna, suggested that once they were done at the try on's, they go back to ginger's to 'start bonding'. harlow was ninety percent sure that bonding was just an excuse to continue drinking well into the night, but there was a ten percent chance that it could double as a chance for the girls to get to know each other better.

there was, however, a one hundred percent chance that harlow would end up back at ginger's with a drink in her hand. who was she to refuse the opportunity to extend casual day drinks into the night? her opportunity to study was squashed as soon as she finished her first glass of champagne, after all.

ginger thought jenna's idea was a great way for the girls to get to know each other better, considering they'd all be helping her with wedding-related tasks whenever possible.

not only did ginger agree to have the girls over, but she also wanted to invite the boys. because why not have the entire wedding party bond?

"i'll just text elton after i get changed, so then he can invite the guys over too!" she said while admiring her reflection in the mirror. "that's alright, yeah?" she was addressing the entire group when she asked the question but made eye-contact with harlow through the mirror.

and what was harlow supposed to say? 'no, ginger, i'd rather if you didn't invite the entire grooms party because i'm trying to limit how much i see colby considering i'm ninety-eight percent sure he's still in love with me. thanks for asking, though!'

yeah, that wouldn't fair to ginger or to elton. she was just going to have to suck it up for the next eight months. she needed to put elton and ginger first until then.

not wanting to draw attention to herself, or to let the other girls know about her situation with colby, she gave a hesitant smile with a slight nod of her head. subtle, but not really.

on the drive back to ginger and elton's house, harlow had texted carter to let him know of her plans for the rest of the night.


wedding dress shopping
turned into day drinking

headed to g's now


not surprised

wedding dress shopping
is just an excuse to day


or an excuse for day drinks
to be night drinks ???


same shit different pile

just the girls?


ginger invited the boys too
i guess

do u want to come over too?


i see

maybe after my shift if
i'm not dead on my feet


plz don't be mad baby :(

he's part of e's wedding


i know


come over when ur done

that way u can see first hand
he's just an ex


i'll let u know when i'm
done work k?


i'll try to not blackout before
u get here


ur insane 🥴🥴


for u ???? duh

love u baby!!


for real???? 😳

love u more though

harlow tucked her phone back into her bag, leaning back against the seat to properly pay attention to the conversation between ginger and another bridesmaid, haleigh. the other two bridesmaids, emma and catie, were carpooling back with jenna, so it was just the three girls in the vehicle.

"you alright, harley?" ginger asked, glancing back at harlow through the rearview mirror.

harlow smiled at her kindess, "yeah, just thought i'd let carter know where i'd be for the next little while, 's all".

haleigh turned around from the passenger's seat to look at harlow. "invite him! i'd love to meet him!" her enthusiasm was genuine, causing harlow to chuckle.

"haleigh, you did meet him," harley laughed at haleigh's confused expression. "at the engagement party, remember?"

haleigh pursed her lips as if she were deep in thought. "no, not really. think i had a bit too much to drink that day,"

ginger barked out a laugh that she tried to cover up as a cough, her eyes not once leaving the road. haleigh whipped her body to face her with a lifted brow. "sorry," ginger apologized with a smile, "the open bar clearly was a hit between you two, though."

harlow crossed her arms in defense. "ginger!"

"you too? free alcohol gets me every time,"

"yeah, but she learned her lesson last time, right harley?" ginger replied to haleigh before harlow even had a chance to think of a response.

harlow grimaced at ginger. she was hinting at information that she wasn't really comfortable with the other bridesmaids knowing. all harlow managed to get out was a "ginger!", but this time in a warning tone.

"oh," haleigh said knowingly, "i've stumbled upon gossip. spill. immediately."

"oh, it's nothing, really," harlow replied at the same time ginger excitedly said, "it's piping hot gossip!"

harlow sighed dramatically. "ginger!"

ginger shrugged a shoulder, glancing back at harlow again through the mirror. "oh c'mon. it is piping hot gossip! and it wouldn't be a bad idea to have hails on our side."

haleigh stayed quiet but was watching the two girls go back and forth intently.

"there are no sides, ging!" she exclaimed, "it's nothing, really."

"well she could help keep an eye on you, then." ginger huffed. it was pretty clear that she wasn't planning on dropping the subject.

so harlow gave in, "fine." she couldn't see ginger's entire face from the backseat, but her eyes in the mirror were definitely a giveaway that she was smiling. "but to clarify, i don't need a babysitter."

haleigh looked conflicted, "you don't need to tell me if you don't want to..."

"i know," she nodded, "it's okay. just keep it between us three, if that's okay."

haleigh's conflicted features were entirely wiped away. she was now leaning on the middle console, her face rested on her fist. she nodded solemnly at harlow's request, even adding on the lock and key motion to her lips for further reassurance.

"do you know colby? one of elton's groomsmen?"

haleigh nodded fervently, "oh my god, yes. he's so cute!"

ginger let out another muffled laugh, but this time she didn't try to cover it up as a cough. "sorry, sorry. that's just so funny." her reply was timed well, as it took haleigh's eyes away from harley's sour expression momentarily. long enough for her to take a big breathe, which, in turn, calmed her features.

harlow rolled her eyes at ginger, then continued on. "i used to date him. a while ago. secretly. kind of secretly, i guess. we broke up because of it. and then i ended up running into carter after colby and i broke up, and we started seeing each other not long after the break-up. i have hardly seen him since we broke up, but i guess i hung out with him that night 'cause i was so drunk. and i guess after an entire year, he still has feelings for me?" harley worded the last part as a question because she was still confused as to why colby had held onto those feelings for her for so long. it didn't make any sense.

"well, shit" haleigh sighed. "that is drama."

ginger nodded in agreement from the driver's seat, while harlow shook her head no. "it isn't, really. we talked it out and i told him he needed to move on."

haleigh broke out into a shit-eating grin. "so he's available, then?"

harlow opened her mouth to reply, but couldn't find the words. colby was available. harlow made it clear to him that he needed to move on from her. she was his past. but hearing another girl ready and able to be not only his present but also his future, had her feeling like a fish out of water.

it was stupid. harlow had carter. she loved carter. not only that, but she had let colby go. there was no explanation for why harlow felt the pit in her stomach, or for why she suddenly felt like the car was running out of breathable air.

she blamed it on the champagne from dress shopping. her head was bubbly, and that had to be why she couldn't figure out what to say.

ginger must have sensed harlow's internal panic, so she cleared her throat, drawing haleigh's attention towards her again. "technically, yes." she replied casually. "emotionally, probably not."

haleigh pouted but didn't push ginger. instead, she swiveled so that she was facing forwards again, moving her focus to the music playing through the speakers. while her attention was elsewhere, ginger quickly glanced back at harlow. they exchanged almost non-existent nods, but the silence spoke loudly enough for harlow to understand.

ginger had her back. they were, after all, going to be sisters.

by the time the girls arrived at the house, the boys appeared to have already been drinking for at least an hour based on the empties in the kitchen. well, the boys minus elton. he was always sober as a rock.

the back door of the house was left open, and harlow could the group laughing from where she stood in the kitchen. the girls filed out of the kitchen into the backyard once they each had a drink in their hand, leaving harley and haleigh alone.

haleigh leaned against the countertop, watching as harlow opened the fridge to snag a white claw. "do you want one?" harley asked.

"yeah, it doesn't matter what kind."

harlow was partial to the mango flavor, so she grabbed two cans, sliding one towards the blonde. "have at it,"

haleigh immediately cracked the can, taking a few short sips. "sorry if that was weird. back there in the car, i mean." she apologized, eyes trained on the condensation already forming on the can. "i forget how weird it can be to talk about exes."

harley smiled, just slightly. "no, it's alright."

haleigh nodded, then looked behind her through the window. "i can keep an eye out. for you, i mean."

"oh, uh, thanks. but i don't plan on blacking out this time and accidentally chatting up my ex." harlow didn't mean for it to come out bitchy, but it definitely did. she didn't apologize.

"alright," she replied, "well, if you need me, just let me know! i'll be out there," she spoke while she backed up, gesturing towards the backyard with her thumb.

once she was out of sight, harlow laid her forehead flat on the cool countertop. she stayed there for a solid five seconds, breathing deeply in preparation of being around colby for who knows how long.

but she couldn't ignore him. not when there was only a handful of people in the backyard. it'd be far too obvious. she'd have to face him, she'd have to get used to facing him. at least for the next eight months. then she could go back to her colby-free world.

until then, she had white claws to help her out. so she tipped her head back, chugging the entirety of the can. after an alcohol burp or two, she grabbed two more cans to have handy. hopefully, the alcohol would make her uncomfortableness less noticeable, and if she had enough of it, she knew that there would be no uncomfortableness between the two at all. though she didn't want to cross that line again.

she was a few steps away from the door, not really paying attention when colby appeared in the doorframe.

"hi," he greeted softly, not moving from where he was stood. not giving her a way out of the conversation, really.

"hi," she replied, her tone just soft, though her grip on the white claws was anything but soft.

colby leaned against the frame, still blocking her only exit. "i thought maybe you'd left or something."

"oh, uh, nope." she replied awkwardly, "still here,"

"right," he grinned, and suddenly harlow had the urge to smile back. she didn't, though. "anyway, i was just coming to grab another drink."

harlow just nodded, trying desperately to find an out.

"were there any mango ones left?" he asked. and finally! he was pushing himself from leaning against the doorway, brushing past her towards the kitchen.

yet, for some reason, harlow stayed put. even though the exit was colby-free. "oh, i think i might've grabbed the last two," she didn't. there were more in the fridge. "you can have one of mine if you want?"

colby turned in his tracks. "are you sure?"

harlow nodded. and suddenly her arm was stretched out towards him, offering him the still sealed can. "yeah," she replied, "i have a feeling i might need something stronger, instead." what are you doing! her brain screamed. but it was like she was in auto-pilot. aware, but not in control.

colby winced, but accepted the drink regardless. "ouch."

and then she was apologizing. well, sort of. "oh, um. i didn't mean that. well, i guess - i just, shit."

colby chuckled, cracking the drink open and taking a sip. harlow couldn't tear her eyes away if she wanted, let alone take the six steps to get outside. "you just shit?" he asked, amusement in his eyes.

harlow could feel heat rise up her face, pooling in her cheeks. she internally blamed it on the alcohol, because it definitely wasn't her blushing in embarrassment in front of colby.

"oh my god, no!" harlow groaned, "i didn't, i - look, no shit!" and without even realizing entirely what she was doing, she was spinning around for colby to look at her ass. to prove she hadn't literally meant that she shit herself. colby stifled a laugh, which made harlow realize how fucking weird it was of her to have done that in the first place. "oh my god. oh my god. i'm so sorry!"

harley was now aware that her cheeks were red because of embarrassment. likely fiery red. even more embarrassing.

colby just grinned, and somehow it was more comforting than him acknowledging her awkwardness. "so, how about the stronger drink? is now a good time, or...?" he was being playful, which only helped to calm her further.

harlow glanced towards the backyard. she should say no. she should say no and join the rest of the group outside.

then again, if she was going to be this awkward around colby all night, she could use a few more drinks. stronger drinks.

just like that, she was moving away from the backyard and back towards the kitchen. "i think i need at least two," she replied with an eye roll. "otherwise it'll be like this all night."

colby pouted slightly, but quickly replaced it with an easy smile. "i don't know, i kind of like awkward harley. she's funny."

"oh? and i'm not funny any other time?"

was this flirting? or was it just friendly banter with an ex-boyfriend? was there a difference? harlow decided to store those questions for later when said ex-boyfriend wasn't standing in front of her.

"hm," he replied, rubbing his hand on his chin as though he was thinking deeply about it. "i don't know. if i'm gonna rank your funny-ness, i'd probably have to say-"

"don't think that's a word, bub." harlow laughed, moving past the extremely still boy. she didn't even realize that she had let her term of endearment slip out, but colby noticed. "anyway, i believe there was talk of stronger drinks?"

colby shook his head as if he were trying to bring himself back to reality. "two!" he replied, following her towards the kitchen, "and probably two for me, as well," he added, though it was so quiet harlow didn't actually hear him.

harlow lifted herself up to sit on the countertop, leaning against a cabinet as she spoke. "so, brock," she started off, crossing one leg over the other. "i found out earlier that there's a blonde out there who thinks you're cute."

she wasn't really sure why she decided to let colby know about haleigh's little crush. maybe because she wanted to see what kind of reaction he'd have to the news. but also, maybe because she wanted to know first-hand that haleigh didn't stand a chance. not that harley cared. or should care.

colby was free to see whoever he wanted to see.

he laughed slightly, peeking over his shoulder at harlow. "well, you can tell her she might need to wait a while,"

harlow frowned. it was technically what she expected to hear from him. but actually hearing the words wasn't as satisfying as she had thought they'd be. she wanted him to move on, after all. she'd outright told him to, in fact.

but before she had the chance to sit and question what she was actually feeling, colby was changing the subject. "so, harls. where does ginger keep the good stuff?"

the confusion that was building in harlow dissipated almost instantly just with the change of subject. "above the fridge,"

he wasn't quite tall enough to reach the cabinet above the fridge, so he had to extend up on his toes. the action made harlow smile, though she hid it behind her already half-empty mango drink.

"how strong?" colby asked with two bottles in his hand.

"strong enough,"

strong enough to not be an awkward bumbling mess around colby. strong enough so that she could have a conversation with him in front of everyone else without feeling like she was about to throw up. but definitely not strong enough so that she actually did throw up. there was no need for a repeat of the last time the two drank together.

harlow didn't really pay attention to what colby was mixing. she was more focused on the smaller aspects, like the rings on his fingers and the way his hair rested as if it took no effort at all. things she shouldn't be focused on, but for some reason she couldn't notice anything else.

he worked in silence, and after a few moments and a strong stir, the drinks were done. harlow tipped her head back to take the last few slips of her white claw, then jumped down from the counter. "thanks, colbs."

they were standing close enough that harlow could feel his arm brush hers. if she leaned over just slightly, she would be able to know if he still wore the same cologne he wore a year earlier. instead of doing that, harley took two of the plastic cups, the drinks sloshing around slightly.

colby took a step back as soon as he had his drinks in his hands. "don't thank me yet," he replied, earning him a quizzical brow from harlow. "oh! i just mean it could taste like total shit."

harlow had just taken a sip of the mixed drink, only to choke it back up. colby's eyes widened, and he instinctively reached out for harlow to try to help her. she shook her head, managing to cough out a, "leave shit out of it,"

he chuckled. "too soon?"

"i'd say so,"

"alright," he replied, "i'll strike shit talk from the roster of conversation topics."

harlow giggled, walking back towards the yard. "since when was shit talk ever a possible conversation topic?"

colby was right behind harlow as she walked, following her like she was the sun on the coldest day of the year. "i'd say we're comfortable enough by now," colby said seriously, "too bad we can't talk about it anymore, though. you would've been in for a real treat!"

harley shuddered dramatically, then shook her head, "you're vile."

she hadn't even made it down the stairs of the deck before five different sets of eyes were watching the two. jenna and emma were oblivious, too focused on the game of beer pong they were clearly losing. corey and sam didn't seem to care about focusing on the game, though. they openly stared at the two.

harlow didn't even chance to glance towards where elton, ginger, and haleigh stood. she didn't need more judgment.

colby leaned down slightly from behind her. "strong enough?" he whispered, his breath tickling her ear. her fingers twitched.

"i'll have to get back to you on that,"

once she made it down the final step, colby came to stand beside her. "do you wanna play the winners?" he asked quietly, his eyes trained on the game before them.

without even thinking about it, harlow knew her answer was going to be no. it was much easier to be friendly around colby without the judging looks from their friends. she knew she had to play nice for elton and ginger's sake, but her playing nice was maybe a touch too much. she was too friendly.

it was hard to find a solid in-between though. harlow couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to interact with colby without being awkward, cold, or too friendly for exes. if there was, she hadn't figured it out yet.

luck appeared to be on harley's side, though. because before she was able to tell colby no, ginger was calling her name.

she internally sighed, grateful for the escape all of a sudden. "i'll, uh. be back. maybe."

ginger separated from elton and haleigh, meeting her halfway. "what the fuck?" she asked quietly, a smile on her face the entire time. harlow's back was to colby, but she was pretty sure he was watching her and ginger.

harlow shrugged, "it's nothing."

"maybe for you, h, but not for colby. he has massive heart eyes. lost puppy vibes."

harlow chanced a glance over her shoulder. colby had made his way to the table, standing beside sam, talking.

"i think i'd pick up on that."

ginger rolled her eyes, "yeah, so do i."

"what's that supposed to mean?" harlow retorted.

"i think you know what it means, bug."

harlow lifted the plastic cup to her lips, fighting through a shudder as she drank the strong liquid. "enlighten me, then,"

ginger moved slightly, so she was facing the game of beer pong. harlow followed suit. "alright, i think you know he has massive heart eyes. and i think you like it. maybe you don't like him, but you like the fact that he isn't over you. you don't want to be replaced."

and that almost made sense. she didn't love him, that much was concrete. because there was no way she could love two people. but it would explain why harlow felt the need to make sure colby didn't have any interest in haleigh.

it didn't matter though, because harlow would deny it. she'd deny it to anyone if she had too. because admitting that she didn't want to be replaced would mean she cared about him. about what he thought of her. and no one could know that she might still care about him, even if it was just a smidge.

"it's a good theory, i guess," harlow replied as casually as she could. "not very factual, though."

"oh, c'mon! don't lie to me."

harlow took another sip from the cup, getting more adjusted to the bitterness. "i'm not lying."


harlow glanced at colby again, and their eyes met momentarily. even in the brief moment, harlow could see his eyes were strikingly blue and full of hope. puppy dog.

"see! do you see what i mean!" ginger exclaimed, harlow shushing her. "sorry, shit. but seriously. that look! i know you see it, too."

she did see it, but ginger didn't need to know. "we're just friendly," and it wasn't really a lie, because harlow was just being friendly. maybe too friendly, but.


harlow wanted to scream she was so frustrated with everyone's opinions. she was doing this for them, after all. for her friends, for her family. she was being friendly (too friendly) so that they weren't the cause of the awkward tension in the room.

"i love you, ging. but let's skip the sister fight, yeah?" ginger huffed, but harlow wasn't done. "we're not gonna see eye-to-eye on it. i know it, you know it. and i love you too much to fight about it."


harlow turned to face her, holding her pinky out. "promise that it isn't anything more than me being friendly for the sake of the wedding. nothing to worry about."

ginger looked skeptical but didn't fight her on it. she only looked more skeptical when colby called out, "harls and i take the winner!"

"super friendly," ginger deadpanned, earning a groan from harlow.

she had her back to the beer pong table, "i swear i was gonna say no and then you called me over." at least that was entirely honest. no lie there.

ginger smiled, "okay. i believe you, h." she used her free hand to shoo her away, the other still firmly holding her drink. "go, have fun!"

"totally friendly, fun. platonic, no feelings, fun." harlow clarified, already walking back towards the game.

ginger gave her a thumbs up, then walked back to join elton. when harlow spun around, colby was much closer than anticipated. yet again.

"hope that was alright,"

the frustrations that harlow was feeling were washed away in his presence. harlow chalked it up to his calming tone and warm smile because only twenty minutes earlier was she feeling incredibly awkward around him. it was that, or the alcohol was finally working.

even though she was going to say no to playing beer pong together, she grinned. "it's alright. we always made a kick-ass beer pong team, anyway." from where she was stood, she could see corey sink the final cup. "looks like we're up, brock." she replied, knocking her shoulder against his playfully as she walked by him towards the now-empty side.

harlow couldn't see colby's face, but ginger could. and he had full-blown heart eyes alongside a grin so large, it had a dimple.

later that night, after everyone had gone home, ginger would prove her point to harlow - that colby brock was still foolishly in love with her. although, she couldn't prove that harlow cared, just that colby cared enough to make sure that harlow, and the rest of the world, knew he did.


did you see colby's tweet?


i don't follow him



go look

friends my ass


i have so much love to give


no one asked, but i watched
three movies while writing

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