Apollyon x Male Warden Reader

By Jet_The_Knight

85.1K 1.2K 954

Apollyon, warlord of the Blackstone Legion. She began her campaign to find out those who were strong, who wer... More

Chapter 1: The Cornered Wolf
Chapter 2: Forced Alliance
Chapter 3: Tales of war, intimacy and misplaced faith.
Chapter 4: Breaching the Palace.
Chapter 5: into the Myre
Chapter 6: Warfare and its great wisdom
Chapter 7: Friends old and new.
Chapter 9: An old Wolf
The story continues...

Chapter 8: We are War.

5.8K 95 66
By Jet_The_Knight

*Song lyrics are italicized*

Song name: Fires of war by Nathan Grigg and Kelli Scheafer*


"All the lands are awash with Viking looters. Our own legions at war against one another, and now The Emperor's Champion knocks on my door with an army. This will be a day for wolves..."

"Reinforcements! Do not lose this courtyard." Apollyon ordered to her men as she walked in a brisk pace her commanders following her.

"The Samurai have breached the second gate!" A Warden reported to Apollyon running up to her, she glanced behind the Knight seeing Samurai running at them.

"Here they come!" One of her men shouted.

An Orochi tried to strike her she blocked the attack effortlessly turned and caught a Nobushi's attack stabbed her and used the Nobushi's staff and her own sword to block that same Orochi's attempt at another strike.

Quickly, Apollyon released the staff grabbed the Orochi by his shoulder lifted him up and stabbed her blade through his chest, then pulled her blade out and threw his corpse away.

"Master Iron Legion. Out side our walls." A Conqueror said walking up to her she turned intrigued, and walked to the balcony.  

Looking around she finally spotted Holden next to a catapult.

"There you are." Apollyon stated

'Now where might my Wolf be?' Apollyon mused to herself, surely (Y/n) survived he wouldn't have wanted to miss the fun now would he?

Quickly Apollyon snapped herself out of her thoughts and focused her attention back on Holden.

"And what are you doing Holden?"

An Iron Legion captain lit the round resting in the catapult.

With the wave of his hand at her direction the catapult lurched forward launching a flaming round right towards her.

Looking up at the flaming ball of death Apollyon smirked.

"At last..move."

Turning and walking at a brisk pace Apollyon held onto the wall next to her, avoiding the blast from the fire round which hit the side of the balcony knocking over her commanders from the force.

Standing back up she began to walk off.

"Hold the Samurai I'll deal with the Iron Legion." Apollyon ordered.

'And find my (Y/n)' Apollyon thought with a sinister smile.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) stood alongside Ayu, Okuma, and The Orochi watching as catapult rounds shelled the fortress.

'I never thought I would return to this wretched place.' (Y/n) thought as he absentmindedly touched the area of his scar from when he was stabbed by Apollyon from his 'test'.

(Y/n) charged forward The Samurai warriors and soldiers following his lead

"We need to take out those catapults! (Y/n) help our army gain ground, The Orochi and I will take out those catapults." Ayu ordered, (Y/n) and Okuma diverted from the group and clashed blades with Blackstone soldiers and captains.

(Y/n) fought ferociously cutting down any Blackstone warrior that stood in his way. Suddenly, (Y/n) was shoved to the ground by a Blackstone warden who was about to strike (Y/n) until Holden charged the Warden throwing him away from (Y/n).

"Get up (Y/n), our fight isn't over." Holden stated not taking His eyes off the Blackstone Warden.

Another Warden came walking up to (Y/n) readied her blade as she got into a battle stance, (Y/n) did the same.

The Blackstone warden threw an over hand strike which (Y/n) blocked and countered. Slashing the Blackstone Warden's chest making her stumble a little. (Y/n) then broke her defense and kicked her back making her stumble and hit the wall. She attempted to throw another strike but (Y/n) countered it.

(Y/n) then thrust the blade into her chest then, pulled it out and spun around slicing her head off.

(Y/n) turned to see Okuma helping the army push into the main garrison area. Where most the Blackstone soldiers were coming from.

(Y/n) held off the Captains and soldiers whilst also holding off the occasional seasoned fighter. As (Y/n) kicked another Blackstone off his blade he turned to see Ayu and The Orochi return to join the battle.

(Y/n) grabbed a Lantern that was sitting on a barrel and threw it at a Lawbringer alighting him with flame making him scream in pain and agony making him fall into the wooden door burning it up trapping the other Blackstones inside.

Hm, that wasn't a bad idea..

"Destroy the lanterns trap them inside!" (Y/n) stated to The Orochi. Who nodded and turned and reading a flaming arrow breaking the lantern and alighting the door on fire trapping in more Blackstone.

One by one, (Y/n) and The Orochi ignite a flame on each door limiting the troops the Blackstones had, with the Garrison secured. (Y/n), Okuma, and The Orochi now were going to hunt for Apollyon.

Quickly, the three climbed the stairs and avoided the archers until they reached a gate and then (Y/n) saw him.

That Lawbringer.

The one who lodged an arrow in his shoulder.

Fury overcame (Y/n) as he charged toward Lawbringer. Before he could strike the lawbringer, the Lawbringer had cut a rope lowering the gate down making (Y/n)'s blade hit the gate with a Clang!

(Y/n) growled in pure rage as Lawbringer taunted him and ran up the stairs.

"Watch my back!" Okuma shouted as he began to work his way into prying the gate open. Blackstones came bursting through doors towards (Y/n) and The Orochi.

Fueled by anger and vengeance (Y/n) fought off The Conqueror who came through the door cutting his head off. Next was a Blackstone warden who (Y/n) had fractured the man's ribcage and stabbed his blade into the Warden's chest.

Lastly there was the peacekeeper, she ended up headless as well.

"I got it! (Y/n), Orochi, go!" Not needing to be asked a second time (Y/n) ran through followed by The Orochi. (Y/n) didn't stop and wait as he raced after the Lawbringer. 

The Orochi watched (Y/n) run off and turned to Okuma who shut the gate behind them.

"Go, you got this." Okuma stated as he turned to the group of Blackstone soldiers who ran up behind him.

The Orochi turned and raced after (Y/n).

"Rah! I'll kill you for what you've done!" The Orochi could hear (Y/n) shout as they raced up the stairs.

As they reached the top they watched as (Y/n) slammed his blade down towards the Lawbringer who blocked the attack.

"Pitiful! I cannot even fathom why Master adored you so much. Your skill is poor." The lawbringer pushed (Y/n) back and slammed the handle of his poleaxe into (Y/n)'s helmet making (Y/n) stumble into The Orochi.

The Orochi stepped forward to attack but (Y/n) held his arm out in front of them.

"No! He is mine." (Y/n) seethed The Orochi nodded running up the stairs leaving (Y/n) to his battle.

"That was a grave mistake, for when I'm done with you I'll have your head on a pike so that I may gift it to master and then I will be her second in command!" Lawbringer boasted punching his chest in pride.

"I have killed many in this life, many I regret. But killing you will not be one of them." (Y/n) stated as he readied his blade.

The Lawbringer growled and rushed forward trying to stab (Y/n). (Y/n) side stepped the attack and threw a quick strike hitting the Lawbringer. 

The lawbringer turned and broke (Y/n)'s defense and threw an attack at (Y/n)'s shoulder breaking some of the chainmail.

(Y/n) dodged the second strike threw two quick strikes then a heavy attack all were successful.

The Lawbringer caught (Y/n)'s third strike and stunned him and threw a side attack hitting him in the shoulder denting his shoulder armor.

The Lawbringer then thrust his poleaxe at (Y/n) which he side stepped and hit the handle knocking down then slammed the hilt of his longsword into the helmet of the Lawbringer stunning him.

(Y/n) looked behind him and back at the Lawbringer a plan brewing in his mind.

The Lawbringer as expect to (Y/n) charged forward still stunned. (Y/n) quickly stepped out of the way and watched as the Lawbringer fell right into the burning fire.

The Lawbringer screamed in agony as he tried to rid his body of the flames waving his hands and patting himself desperately until he fell off the edge off the hole in the tower falling to his death.

(Y/n) watched feeling justice for the Emperor's family turned and went to find The Orochi and Apollyon.

As (Y/n) reached the top he could hear clashing of metal and followed it until he found The Orochi barely holding off Apollyon. 

Apollyon had the Orochi on the ground and she stood over them victorious as she lifted her longsword over head.

"Prepare to be reunited with your beloved Emperor." Apollyon stated with sick satisfaction and swung her blade down.


Looking up the Orochi was shocked to find Apollyon's blade blocked by none other than (Y/n)'s longsword.

Quickly (Y/n) lifted the blade up and knocked it out of his way as he kicked Apollyon back making her stumble but quickly regain her footing.

Keeping his eyes on Apollyon (Y/n) leaned his head to The Orochi who was on the floor behind him.

"Orochi get out of here I will fight Apollyon." (Y/n) stated in a firm commanding tone.

"Ah! My beloved you have returned to me." Apollyon stated a smile in her voice.

"No (Y/n) she will kill yo-"

"Go! This is a fight I must face alone." (Y/n) stated with determination.

"Yes, run, (Y/n) and I have much we need to discuss." Apollyon said keeping her eyes on (Y/n) looking him over.

The Orochi got up and before running off stated one last thing.

"Good luck Sensei." 

Apollyon stood up from her battle stance.

"Finally alone again. Did you wage this battle just to come see me? I'm flattered, I miss my legions colors on you my love it suited you better more than these rags."

"I wear these colors with pride Apollyon." (Y/n) growled as he stayed in his battle stance. 

"Come now (Y/n). We have not any reason to fight, you can be my wolf once again." Apollyon said offering her hand.

"I will never again bow to your charge 'Master'." (Y/n) growled.

Apollyon sighed.

"Very well My Wolf. Let's see if you can fare better than you're Japanese comrade." Apollyon stated getting back into a fighting stance.

(Y/n) let out a battle cry and charged forward, Apollyon charged forward as well both raised their blades and slammed them down at each other the sound could be heard throughout the fortress.

"Let us see if your skill has improved." Apollyon taunted as she pushed (Y/n)'s blade back and swiped at his armor scratching the armor plate on his chest. (Y/n) threw a strike of his own one Apollyon easily countered and slashed his chest making (Y/n) grunt in pain.

Apollyon threw a overhand strike one (Y/n) barely blocked, the force making him stagger a little. Apollyon spun around using her momentum to throw another.

This time (Y/n) expected it and countered the strike and quickly throwing two strikes at her then a heavy attack slashing her and cutting into her armor.

"Impressive!" Apollyon praised as she broke his defense and threw a side attack and slashing his side making him yell out in pain.

Gritting his teeth (Y/n) backed up slowly walking, Apollyon stalk forward at him like a Wolf stalks a wounded animal.

"You and I could have achieved so much more. You and I ruling over Ashfield, Valkenheim, and the Myre together as one! As King and Queen over all." Apollyon said with delight, (Y/n) scowled from behind his helmet.

"Tyranny over all is not setting someone free, but merely entrapping them." (Y/n)  stated as he winced in pain as he backed himself out onto a balcony.

"Soon I shall show your armies how to weed out the weak and how to be strong. As I lead the strong to a new Era." Apollyon boasted making (Y/n) yell out in anger newfound strength within him.

(Y/n) threw a strike at Apollyon which she ducked making (Y/n) hit the stone wall behind her.

Apollyon swung her sword back and threw it forward at him intending to end this.

Quickly, (Y/n) turned to trying to counter it as he turned his head to face her, he felt her sword's blade break through his facemask cutting into the side of his face in a quick swipe.

"Gah!" (Y/n) stumbled back from the momentum and hit the ground.

(Y/n) got onto his hands and knees putting his hand to his helmet he grabbed the helmet and yanked it off his head not caring as it bounced on the ground. 

Crimson Red blood dripped from his face, as he wiped it off as much as he could more blood pooled out as he had to close his left eye to keep blood out hindering his sight.

The scar started at his temple and  went down, one cut split off into his eyebrow, whilst the main scar ran down his face. Another cut was under his eye going in towards his cheekbone and connected down to the main scar that continued down to his jaw. A few bits of the scar he received from tearing his helmet off his head the shrapnel cutting into his main scar.

Apollyon watched in interest as (Y/n) slowly stood up and turned to face her determination in his bloodied face.

"You still intend to fight hm?" Apollyon asked in amusement and interest. Watching as (Y/n) lifted his blade in an overhand defensive stance.

"Just because I can't see from one side does not mean I'm not going to fight." (Y/n) stated adrenaline his main source of energy.

"Then come." Apollyon invited lifting her blade off her shoulders.

(Y/n) charged forward throwing a strike which was block and parried, (Y/n) barely managed to block any of Apollyon's attacks and she knew it.

"Give in (Y/n) you cannot outmatch me." Apollyon said whilst she blocked his strike then backhanded him hard making him stumble back and fall to his knees.

"N-Never not until You have been stopped." (Y/n) growled between gritted teeth.

"Then you will die." Apollyon scowled.

"Even...if you kill me...others will rise to defeat your tyranny." (Y/n) stated.

"Then I'll just have to kill you all." Apollyon stated as she raised her blade.

"I'm sorry my love I wish this could have been different." Apollyon said with remorse for once in her life, she felt remorse.

"As am I." (Y/n) muttered.

Apollyon swung down and everything, to (Y/n) felt like slow motion.

He felt himself shoot up slam his blade into hers from the left knocking it back and using that same momentum to spin around and plunge his blade into her abdomen.

Apollyon gasped as she felt the blade break through her armor and pierce her flesh and out the the other side shock on her face behind her mask as she stared at (Y/n)'s own face inches from hers all that separated them was the black steel helmet in front of her.

She took a few steps back and looked down as (Y/n) gently and slowly pulled the blade from her chest. As soon as it left her body she looked up at (Y/n) his face was hard but she could see the pain in his eyes his heart was broken.

And so was hers.

Stone by stone Cracked, Crushed, Fallen

All that left her mouth was a soft "huh." One that stated that she was more surprised that this happened more than she was fearful or in pain, but simply in fascination.

She fell back against the railing of the balcony and looked up at (Y/n)

"You beat me...but as proud of you as I am...ah!" She gripped her abdomen for a moment.

"I'm afraid my love...that you lost...look at your comrades.." Apollyon stated coughing up blood.

Beauty burned, erased

(Y/n) looked out over the balcony to see his allies the Iron Legion and The New Dawn Samurai fighting, when had the Vikings arrived?

As he looked out at the mass of fighting he spotted his friends not clashing blades like he expect but all of them back to back fighting their own allies to defend each other all of them, The Warden, Ayu, Stone, Holden, Okuma, Momiji, Mercy, The Orochi.

(Y/n) turned back to face Apollyon who tried to pushed herself off the balcony to stand only to fall. Quickly (Y/n) caught her and eased her to the ground.

But not forgotten

"Help me take it off I want to see you face." Apollyon requested with a weak voice, motioning her hand at her helmet.

Slowly (Y/n) pulled the helmet off her revealing her beautiful features.

"Thank you My love." Apollyon said with a gentle voice.

"I'm sorry." (Y/n) said as his eyes pricked with tears as much as he despised her she had also managed to steal his heart.

Apollyon smiled it wasn't a sinister or evil grin, but a soft loving smile as she repeated his words.

"As am I."

Apollyon's smile wavered.

"I always thought our roles would be reversed..I victorious." Apollyon let out a soft chuckle.

"I do not see this as a victory." (Y/n) mumbled.

I'll take your melodies

"It's okay..I love you my Wolf." Apollyon said as she wiped a bloodied tear from his eye.

"I love you too..My warlord." (Y/n) said with anguish.

"(Y/n) after I die, put my helmet back on. They need to see me as the fallen monster not woman." Apollyon stated.

"Yes, my love..." (Y/n) replied as Apollyon smiled and pulled him in for a gentle soft kiss.

May your last breath fill the air with embers

As (Y/n) pulled away he could see her eyes were closed her hand on his cheek fell away. Closing his eyes and tightening his jaw (Y/n) let the tears leave him as he hugged her body gently.

The only person in a long time who loved him unconditionally he had just killed mercilessly and now that she was gone...

He realized how much he truly loved her.

"Please forgive me my love.." Gently (Y/n) did as requested and placed her helmet back over her beautiful relaxed face.

(Y/n) went and retrieved both their swords he couldn't bare the thought of a barbarian taking her sword.

Sheathing both blades on his back he returned to his beloved and gently picked her up in a bridal carry.

I inhale

Slowly he made his way down the steps and into the main courtyard tears still on his face blood dried up her body in his arms.

All had stopped fighting as he walked into the courtyard even the vikings all knew who he was and she was and what they had.

Now it was gone.

(Y/n) didn't look at them as they all separated for him as if he was the plague his heart mourned.

He turned and looked at his friends who looked at him with pity. 

(Y/n) looked down as more tears left his face.

He kept walking leaving the fortress with her in his arms

My grief is swollen

(Y/n) did not care where he went he only wished to leave, leave this war, leave this land.

In rusty chains

He thought he was only meant to fight for peace now he understands what peace truly was.

Tethered to the killing will

Peace was not ever a real thing Apollyon was right there is no such thing as peace.

Sun up, Sun down, Sun up, Sun down again

For what is peace but a confusion between two wars?

One burning candle

Now is the time for Him to lay his blade down

I carry in my teeth like an animal

To shed himself of his armor.

Vengeance my strength

It is time for him to rest.

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