My Stupid Senior (Troyler AU)

De SoobinsEuphoria

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Would you know that you and another person are meant to be if he lived in the same room as you? In most cases... Mais

Chapter 1//Troye
Chapter 2//Troye
Chapter 3//Troye
Chapter 4//Troye
Chapter 5//Troye
Chapter 6//Tyler
Chapter 7//Troye
Chapter 8//Tyler
Chapter 9//Troye
Chapter 10//Troye
Chapter 11//Troye
Chapter 12//Troye
Chapter 13//Troye
Chapter 14//Troye
Chapter 15//Troye
Chapter 16//Troye
Chapter 17//Troye
Chapter 18//Troye
Chapter 19//Troye
Chapter 20//Troye
Chapter 21//Austin
Chapter 22//Tyler
Chapter 23//Troye
Chapter 24//Troye
Chapter 25//Troye
Chapter 26//Troye
Chapter 27//Austin
Chapter 28//Connor
Chapter 29//Troye
Chapter 30//Tyler
Chapter 31//Troye
Chapter 32//Tyler
Chapter 33//Troye
Chapter 34//Troye
Chapter 35//Troye
Chapter 36//Troye
Chapter 37//Tyler
Chapter 38//Troye
Chapter 39//Troye
Chapter 40//Troye
Chapter 41//Tyler
Chapter 42//Connor
Chapter 43//Troye
Chapter 44//Troye
Chapter 45//Tyler
Chapter 46//Troye
Chapter 48//Troye
Chapter 49//Tyler
Chapter 50//Troye
Chapter 51//Troye
Chapter 52//Troye
Chapter 53//Troye
Chapter 54//Troye
Chapter 55//Troye
Chapter 56//Tyler
Chapter 57//Troye
Chapter 58//Troye
Chapter 59//Tyler
Chapter 60//Troye

Chapter 47//Troye

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De SoobinsEuphoria



Being at that camp with all those people for spring break made me learn so many things about myself, my relationship and about the other people around me. All of the exercises they made us do had a point that was set and you realized only after you finished the challenge.

Mr. Yovanna finally told us the entire storyline of the play. The play appropriately titled 'Hopeless' is the story of two gay teen boys (Sapphire Lancers, me, and Emerald Smithson, Tyler.) back in a time when it was definitely not accepted to be gay. They are both prince's who are therefore expected to choose brides. They don't want brides though so they pretend to be smitten with the girls that their fathers say they should choose. The only people who know what is really going on is Em's maid (Kaylee) and Sapph's little sister (Ana). There is a lot of dream sequences where Sapphrald (as we like to call them) dance together. Here's the cool thing though my character, Sapphire, can enter people's dreams so he enters Em's dreams so they can be together without the fear of their parents finding out. It's on the night that they are suppose to propose to their "girlfriends" that Sapphrald, with the help of Sapph's little sister and Em's maid, escapes into the woods on horse back to a cabin that had been abandoned many years ago. They make it to the cabin but are found three weeks later and killed on the spot.

I think it's a bit depressing but it's quite challenging and I get to kiss my boyfriend on stage. It's really a fabulous play and I can't wait for opening night. My family are coming so are Tyler's mum and Aunt I can't wait for Tyler to meet my parents and annoying siblings.

"Troye Sivan." Tyler snaps his fingers in front of my face and I shake my head focusing on what he's trying to say to me. He looks like he's expecting an answer. I shrug and he sighs over dramatically and repeats his statement.

"Do you want to go to the tree house when we get back to school?" I'm about to say that I don't really want to when I see the look in his eyes. Oh. I want some of that time. We haven't had much of that time. It seemed like the people in our cabins were purposely trying to keep us apart.

"Yes." I nod my head and then Tyler leans into my shoulder and I wrap an arm around him. He cracks the bones in my hand and I play with a strand of his pretty purple hair. We are almost home by now and Tyler keeps putting his hand under my shirt to trial his fingers over my side.

I try to not focus on his touch looking around the bus. I see Phan in a position similar to ours but they are kissing each other. Ana and Trevor are holding hands and chatting, everyone is sitting by someone in different levels of conversation or sleep.

Tyler is giggling by the time we get back to the school. He's pleased with the reactions he'd been pulling out of me. When we get off the bus Yovanna demands a group hug so we listen. We've actually all become pretty good friends over that trip. Nothing like being at a camp to bring you closer to your peers.

"Come on Ty let's put our stuff away." I say pulling our bags along while I look at Tyler over my shoulder. He's looking at me with a lustful look and I roll my eyes turning around and heading towards our building.

Connor starts bombarding us with questions when we return but Tyler pointedly looks at the keys in my hand and says,

"Don't you dare fucking follow us." Tyler drags me out of the building and damn he looks so hot. He must really need this. Tyler is never snappy with Connor. I mean like I said I'm fairly sure they were trying to keep us apart so we didn't get much time to do anything.

*Smut Warning*

We climb the ladder and I unlock the door holding it open for Tyler and he stomps inside. I walk inside and shut the door putting the keys on a chair before Tyler pushes me up against the door and kisses me. I moan into his mouth so incredibly turned on by how desperate he is. We start pulling each other's clothes off slowly moving towards the couch. We're both in just our boxes by the time Tyler is pushing me onto the couch.

Tyler moves his lips down my neck grazing his teeth against my skin in a way that feels absolutely amazing. My dull nails dig into his back and he gasps against my skin. I put my palms flat against his back.

"Tilly are you okay?" He looks up at me and nods his head but all I can focus on is how blown out his pupils are. He looks so hot. I can feel myself getting harder with every passing second. Tyler decides he doesn't want to wait any longer and pulls my boxers off throwing them to the side carelessly. He kisses the tip of my erection so feather light that I just want to scream in need. This is not a good time for teasing. He must see what I want from the expression on my face because he takes me into his mouth with no more teasing. His hand comes up to cup my balls as he starts bobbing his head up and down. I let my hands drift up to his gorgeous hair taking a hold of it and pulling it slightly when ever he does something particular pleasing.

"Tyler! I need you. Tilly." I moan his name and he slowly pulls his mouth off of my member but not without flicking his tongue of the slit on the head of my erection causing me to buck up into nothingness. Tyler pulls his boxers off as he reaches under the couch for the lube. He coats his fingers then I feel a cool finger tracing the edge of my hole. "Tyler." I moan and he slides a finger inside of me moving it around for only a few seconds before adding a second then a third. He curls his fingers inside of me hitting that little bundle of nerves that has me moaning incredibly loud. Tyler pulls his fingers out then begins to roll a condom onto his member. I watch wanting nothing more for then him to be inside of me right now.

"Troye..." I look over at Tyler and he has a hand stretched out to me like he wants me to move. I take his hand and he pulls me into the position he wants me to be in. I'm on his lap facing him, staring into his eyes.

"You want me to ride you, Tyler?" I say and I can tell that he is getting even more turned on by me verbalizing his intentions. He gives me a face that is absolutely pleading and I position myself over his member after a quick kiss to his lips. I sink down onto Tyler's member and he moans. Tyler takes my member in his hand and starts pumping it when I begin moving slowly up and down on his member. This position is so much more pleasing than all the other positions we have done. I begin moving faster as I feel myself nearing my high. Tyler is thrusting up to meet my downward thrusts. I can see that he is nearing his high and nothing gives me more pleasure than watching him unravel beneath me. I thrust down particularly hard and Tyler shoots into the condom and I follow shortly after.

*End of Smut*

"Tyler get out of Troye's bed." Connor says after Tyler and I have come back from the shower. Connor has been asking us for about five minutes now what we did in the tree house. He has to know what we did in the tree house. He won't even sit on the couch in the tree house anymore because he assumes, correctly so, that we always do it on the couch.

"Shut up Connor. It's not even close to bed time yet." I say snuggling closer to Tyler feeling exhausted all of a sudden. Well I guess not really all of a sudden. I can't keep my eyes open despite the early hour and I fall asleep with my arms wrapped around my stupid Tilly.

I wake up to a bright light shining in my face and Connor screaming at the top of his lungs that's it's,

"FRANTASTIC MONDAY." Tyler and I simultaneously through pillows at him and he sighs. I realize Tyler is next me and I lean over to give him a lazy kiss. He pulls away when Connor starts clucking his tongue.

"Get ready. You two have theatre rehearsal for the first half of the day then you have choir rehearsals." Shit we have dress rehearsal today and we are going through our parts so nothing will go wrong on opening night tomorrow. Tyler drags me out of bed and we get ready in separate corners of the room. I'm glad I'm well rested because to day is going to be hectic.

The three of us head to breakfast together and I can see some of the theatre kids and choir kids looking nervous. Especially Dan, Phil, Joey and Ana who are sitting with each other. That's odd I don't see Trevor. Ana always eats with Trevor.

"I'm going to talk to Phan. Joey and Ana." I say and Conler nod at me while I walk away. I sit down next to them and I can feel the tense atmosphere.

"Someone tell me what's wrong before I get crushed under the tense." I say looking at Ana for an explanation and bursts into tears. Joey wraps an arm around her and I look at Phil for an explanation because I know he's forty times more likely to give me a straight, non sarcastic, answer.

"Trevor's really sick. You remember those berries that he kept eating? Yeah the berries are like really toxic the doctors were surprised that he didn't see any signs of it earlier. He's at the hospital right now and honestly things aren't looking to good." Phil looks over at Ana worried and I wrap an arm around Ana as the bell rings. I pull Ana up keeping her under my arm as we start walking to theatre.

"Keep positive, Ana. Trevor is a strong kid he'll pull through this. After the concert we can arrange to go see him alright?" Ana starts crying harder and I pull her to a stop outside of the art building. "Ana look at me is there something else going on, on top of this?" Ana looks up at me and wipes her eyes successfully smudging her makeup more than it was before.

"My stupid fucking parents can't make it to the concert. They said that they can't make it to any of the productions either. Apparently my little brother sitting on the bench at a baseball game is more important than me doing something I've worked my whole life on." She sniffles wiping her eyes again. "Acting and singing mean everything to me and my parents don't fucking care. On top of that the boy I'm in love with is a fucking idiot and ate poisonous berries." I pull Ana into my arms and we hug for a moment. It's a nice comforting hug and I think she's calming down a little bit.

"Come on let's go get into character." I pat her shoulder and walk inside I can hear her following me into the auditorium. Everyone else is already hear but I can see Phil talking to Yovanna and he seems to be looking sympathetic and also a bit worried.

Yovanna tells everyone about Trevor and the reaction isn't all that good. Trevor matters to us a lot. Everyone in this room matters to us a lot. I feel fingers being intertwined with mine and I look over to see Tyler.

"We must push forward because Trevor wants a show with or with out him." Yovanna says then claps his hands looking around the room for Tyler and I. "Now...Sapphrald. Up on stage with the rest of you. Let's go over the second dream sequence." We scramble to get into our places and Yovanna does an astounding job of keeping us busy. I'm  positive he's doing it on purpose but that doesn't matter. He's doing it for a good reason.

"I would never let you go." I say in Tyler's ear hearing my voice being projected out into the crowd by my face mic. I glance at Yovanna and he's making a gesture that looks like now kiss, so I lean in a gently press my lips against Tyler's. We hear the reaction that Yovanna had written in. A collection of awww's filling our ears.

"Oh Troyler!" Mr. Yovanna comes out on stage and starts gushing about us then he moves on to how much everyone's dancing skills have improved. We work hard until about ten minutes before lunch when he tells us to gather around in a circle.

"Tomorrow night everyone of those seats is going to filled." He points out to the seats making a sweeping motion as if he thinks we don't know how large our auditorium is. "That doesn't matter though. What matters is the story. What matters is your character. Whether you have a single line or fifty. You play a part and you help shape the play. You help make it the best it can be. I know some of you are worried about the controversy that this play will cause amongst your parents, don't worry. I will sort out any mishaps. I'm am so glad that I have gotten to be a part of this group this year. You guys are truly amazing talents. I haven't had such a talented group of kids in a long time. Or so many couples in one class..." his eyes flick around the room. "I can't wait to see you guys bring my hard work to life and I have full confidence that you will make it amazing. I love you guys. Group hug? I think we need a group hug." We stand up and engulf Yovanna in one huge group hug.

The bell rings and we head off to lunch in one huge group rather than separating. If this school has learned one thing this year it's that cliques don't matter and don't mean anything. I'm proud to be a theatre kid who is dating a stupid senior who happens to be the most "popular" kid in school. That doesn't matter to me. Tyler just being Tyler is what does it for me.

Hey Guys if you are reading this and you haven't read my little PLEASE READ note before this chapter please go do that I need to see what you guys think. This chapter is pretty rad I think. I know I'm terrible at writing smut. don't even. I don't know if this is a weird thing to ask you guys or not but do any of you ship Yovanna (Will) and Ms. Kale (Stephie) because I do for some reason and I think I'm gross for shipping idk...tis the night before Christmas (actually it's 11:54 pm here currently it's almost Christmas.) I'm going to draw this AN out until it's officially Christmas. did you guys like that little kiss and how everyone went awwwwyawww. Yovanna's speech at the end there was pretty sweet. I like it when I make him gush over Troyler and stuff. I don't even know where the Trevor thing came from sorry bout it...MERRY CHRISTMAS (Happy Holidays if you don't celebrate Christmas. look at me being all inclusive and shit.) I really should go to sleep. If you liked any part of this chapter please:


Tumblr/Twitter: SmilingTilly

(I'm at my Nana's house where there isn't WiFi atm so this won't be up until about noon on Christmas.)


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