A Little Kindness

By melvintrey95

152K 4K 710

5 year old Naruto, was running from a mob of angry villagers. For what felt like the fifteenth time that week... More

Author's Note
A Friend for Life
Timeskip and Recap
Timeskip and Recap Part 2
Enter Sasuke
First Fight
First Fight Part 2
Team Placements
The Bell Test
The First Mission
Sharingan Revelations
Inari's Turmoil
Battle on the bridge 1
Battle on the bridge 2
Battle on the Bridge 3
Battle on the Bridge Finale
A new foe appears?!
That Time Already
The First Exam
The Second Stage
The Vipers Venom
Sasuke's Final Stand
The Cherry Blossom Wilts
The Sound of Silence
The Third Stage is.....Postponed?!?
A History Lesson
A Family Reunion
Neji versus Shikamaru: The Third Stage is finally here.
Sakura versus Tenten
The Hyuga Clan's Dark Secret
Sasuke vs. Hinata: Sharingan vs. Byakugan
Naruto versus Shino
Ino versus Kankuro and Operation Uproot
Konoha Crush Begin!!
One Man Army Kakashi
The Might of Might Gai

Advanced Training

3K 89 6
By melvintrey95

   The next day came way too early in Kakashi's opinion. Through his many years of Anbu training and missions, he had conditioned his body and internal clock to always be up before the sun had risen. But considering the fact that he was still recovering from extreme chakra exhaustion, he didnt think anyone would blame him for sleeping in a little later than usual. But finally he forced himself to get up, and start the day. He had some serious training to conduct and oversee afterall. But first a nice healthy breakfast.

   As he made his way to the kitchen he was unsurprised to see Sasuke and Sakura already there, chit-chatting about the days events that had yet to unfold. What was unsurprising was the fact that Naruto was still sound asleep. Kakashi could hear his snoring from the kitchen for Kami's sake. Perhaps breakfast could wait, Kakashi would partake in one of his new favorite past times. Waking up his knuckleheaded student. So off he went to prepare his student's wake up call.

   About five minutes later Kakashi had everything set up, now for the finishing touch. And with that Kakashi reached into his weapon pouch and pulled out a pair of chopsticks, from Ichiraku no less, and waved them under his still slumbering students nose. The result was automatic. Naruto woke up instantly, loudly asking for twelve bowls of his delicious delicacy. Before smacking his head against a low lying lantern. Before he fell back onto his bed with enough force to snap the small string that was attached to the bucket above his head. Snapping it in two and dousing the still half-asleep Genin in water. Now thoroughly awake and confused, Naruto looked around the room. "Where's the ramen?" Naruto asked in a confused manner, as he started looking all around the room for his precious. "There is no ramen Naruto, but you to get up and get dressed we have some serious training to do today." Kakashi told him on his way back to the kitchen.

   After Team 7 had eaten their bland yet delicious breakfast, they started out into the forest to do their training. "Ok for starters do any of you know the tree walking exercise?" Kakashi asked. Naruto and Sasuke responded by raising their hands, whereas Sakura looked down at the ground in disappointment. "Well this is certainly a surprise, you to are pretty advanced for your age. Which I guess is a good thing, considering our circumstances." Kakashi praised his two male students. "Sakura don't get down too much, we'll help you learn how to do it no problem." Naruto exclaimed, in an attempt to lighten his pink haired teammates mood. "That's a good idea Naruto. Why don't you and Sasuke teach Sakura how to do the tree walking exercise properly, and I'll get the next stage of your training ready for when you guys get done." Kakashi stated as he wandered off further into the forest away from his students.

   "Ok Naruto, how about you perform the exercise, so Sakura can see how it's done. And I'll explain it to her." Sasuke suggested to Naruto. Who simply nodded before slowly walking up the nearest tree, and deciding to show off a little, hung upside down on a tree branch. Sakura's eyes lit up in excitement as she saw Naruto walk up the tree. "Ok, Sakura. The trick is to focus chakra into the bottom of your feet. So that you can stick to the tree. But you have to be careful with how much you use. If you use too much you'll shatter the tree on contact, and too little and you won't stick at all. It's all about chakra control." Sasuke explained as he to walked up the tree to help with his explanation. "Got it? Sasuke asked from halfway up the tree. When Sakura nodded he told her to give it a try. Which she did, and nearly made it up the entire tree. Much to the awe and surprise of Sasuke and Naruto. The second of which actually lost his concentration and fell face first to the hard ground below him. After a few more attampts Sakura had it down, and was able to walk up and down the tree several times in a row, without messing up once. Which Naruto and Sasuke deemed efficient enough.

   Almost as if on cue, Kakashi came sauntering back into clearing holding three small pieces of paper in his left hand. "So have you mastered it yet Sakura?" He asked his lone female student when he finally stopped in the middle of the clearing. "Hai sensei." She proudly responded. "Show me." Her sensei said in an expecting manner. And show him she did, as she proceeded to walk up and down the tree a few more times. "Very good Sakura, your chakra control is nearly perfect." He praised his student as he flashed his trusty eye smile.

   "Now then on to the next part, do you three know why I wanted you all to learn and master tree walking?" "Is it to work on chakra control?" Sakura asked almost immediately. "Correct, chakra control is a very important skill for any shinobi to have. The better your control, the less chakra you waste when performing more advanced jutsu's." Kakashi explained. "That's why you brought some chakra paper with you isn't it?" "Indeed it is Sasuke, I'm glad you figured it out. This is chakra paper." Kakashi stated as he held up the three pieces of paper. "With these we will find out what your chakra natures are and figure out a jutsu that best fits your style." Jakashi explained as he handed out the papers to his students. "Now all you have to do is channel your chakra into the papers, and we'll see what your chakra natures are." Kakashi said as he pulled another piece of chakra paper out of his weapon pouch, and demonstrated it to his students. When they saw it start to crinkle, they wasted no time in trying it themselves.

   Naruto channelled his chakra and was surprised when it split in half. "Wind nature, very rare in the land of fire. It's a very powerful and destructive nature, perfect for you Naruto." Kakashi explained. Sasuke was next, and he was surprised to see that, like his sensei, his paper crinkled. "Lightening just like me. Its not as powerful as wind is, but it is more versatile, and can be used for a variety of different things." Kakashi explained to Sasuke. Sakura was the last to go, but that didn't mean that her paper was any less interesting, as it crumpled into dust. "Earth, although very strong it's not really suited for offense, but is great for defense." Kakashi finished explaining. "Now then onto the next part." Kakashi stated as he made two shadow clones. "Two of you will train with a clone of mine, on learning a new jutsu. While one of you will train with me." One of the clones finished, as the all seperated into their groups.

   Naruto got lucky, and was the one that got the real Kakashi to train with. And as such was eager to learn a new jutsu. "What jutsu are you going to be teaching me sensei?" Naruto excitedly asked. "This one." Kakashi said as he weaved the hand signs for Fūton: Daitoppa, and unleashed a giant force of wind that tore through the forest. After which Naruto excitedly began jumping around and screaming about how cool that was. After about thirty seconds of this, Kakashi got annoyed by this and quickly bonked Narutio over the head with his prized book. Naruto now calm and collected, listened intently as Kakashi explained how to do the jutsu.

   Sskura and one of Kakashi's clones made their way to a secluded spot in the forest. Once they had found a spot that they had deemed as efficient, Kakashi started his lesson. "As I stated earlier earth style ninjutsu's are more defensive than offensive. And considering your role on the team, I'd say that it fits you perfectly." Sakura nodded in agreement. "What did you have in mind sensei?" She asked curiously. To answer her he simply weaved through some of his favorite hand seals. "Doton: Doryuuheki" he exclaimed as a wall of mud rose up in front of him. "Reasy to learn?" He asked his lone female student as the mud wall disappeared back into the earth. "Hai sensei" she determinedly replied.

   Sasuke and the other Kakashi clone wasted no time in getting into their training. "As I stated earlier lightening is the most versatile element there is. It can be used for close range, long range, or medium range. As well as being used for distractions and other support jutsu's. It's the easiest element to stream through a weapon. The possibilities are limitless. And it's perfect for you and your sharimgan, since you can see and react to things that others can't." Kakashi lectured on as Sasuke listened intently. "What did you have in mind sensei?" Sasuke respectively asked. "Something like this." Kakashi said as he performed
Raiton: Raijū Hashiri no Jutsu. As he created a hound out of lightning that circled their area of training before dispersing. "I'm sure someone like you could come up with several ways to use this effectively." Kakashi said to his student. "I may have a few already Sasuke replied with a smirk. "Good then let's get down to training." The clone said as it revealed its sharingan.

   The rest of the week went on like this. Team 7 training harder than ever to learn and master their new jutsu's.


Raiton: Raijū Hashiri no Jutsu - Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Tracking Fang

Doton: Doryuuheki - Earth Release: Mud Wall

Fūton: Daitoppa - Great Breakthrough

I'm going to start putting the names of any jutsu used in authors notes at the bottom. I'm only going to explain tge ones that I created, you can look up any others that you may not know.

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