Destiny - A Ducktales Fanfic

By MagentaMisery

67.3K 2.1K 924

Part 1 of the 'Louie Gold' series. One mistake, He had one small error and apparently his 'family' turned hi... More

1. Memories.
2. Escaping Duckberg.
3. Train Ride
4. Brand new start.
5. One Year later.
6. Destiny presents itself.
7. Trouble in Paradise.
8. Personal Hell
9. House arrest.
10. Family Adventure Pt.1
12. Family Adventure Pt.3
13. Unlucky Uncle.
Not an Update. (Important)
14. Cabin Fever.
15. Scam of the Century.
16. Destiny's Descendant.
17. The Great Escape.
18. S.H.U.S.H
19. Island Escapades.
20. Paros problems.
21. Action Movie Stunts.
22. The one-eyed beggar.
23. Explanation.
24. Reunions and Revelations.
25. An Old Friend.
26. Family Dinner.
- New Year - New story -
28. The Scroll.
29. A New Lead.
Thank You.
30. Kings and Queens.
31. Dealings in Cairo.
32. Confrontation.
33. Betrayal.
34. The First Heist.
35. Showdown.
Big Announcement.

11. Family Adventure Pt.2

2.1K 71 39
By MagentaMisery

I just wanted to say something real quick: Thanks for getting this story to 1k reads, I know it isn't the best story... but I still want to thank each and everyone of you, who took a moment to read my story. Anyway onto the chapter...

 It took an hour of Della insulting Launchpad, Huey's constant references to the JW-Guidebook and Dewey doing stupid stunts for attention, for the McDuck clan to finally arrive back into civilization.

They had arrived in a small town, with buildings built with bricks, the colours of the sunset, orange, red and yellow, it gave the town a warm, inviting aura. It reminded him of that town he visited with Uncle Donald and his band, without the sinister secret that the town hid... He hoped.

He suddenly had a depressing thought. Uncle Donald. He hadn't seen him once since he got back, did he know? or was he purposely avoiding him? He had to ask someone. - It was a topic he didn't want to discuss with Huey or Dewey, and he wasn't really fond of Della, Scrooge was being hounded by shopkeepers, so that just left Webby. 

He quickly yet quietly moved to the middle of the group, hoping to avoid any unwanted attention. - "Hey, Webs?'

"Yeah?" - The overly excited girl replied.

"Can I ask you a question?"


Louie stuttered. - "Does Donald... Does Donald know i'm back?" - Webby blanked, then hesitated before she answered.

"I don't know," - she scratched the back of her head. - "you should ask Della or Uncle Scrooge."

"Yeah... No." - Louie muttered, guess he had to wait and see if Donald would contact him or visit. He wanted to see him one more time before he disappeared again.

Scrooge shouted at the all the local merchants who were surrounding him. - "Curse me kilts, yur' all a bunch o', greedy thieves." - He began swinging his cane wildly at the ones who didn't back off, scaring them away. - "I hate this town, does no-one have any decency?" - Scrooge remarked.

Huey spoke up. - "Not to interrupt you, Uncle Scrooge, but shouldn't we continue the adventure?"

Scrooge took a calming breath and agreed with Huey before immediately getting angry again. - "The only one who knew where we're going was the tour guide, and he's at the landing strip we were supposed to land at in," - Scrooge pulled out a pocket-watch. - "10 minutes!"

"Then call them and tell them to come here." - Della argued. 

Huey chimed in, again. - "One problem, where is 'here'?"  - Everyone stayed silent, no-one knew where they were.

"Well we can't be too far away." - Della sheepishly reasoned.

Still, everyone stayed silent, no one had a clue, even Della and Launchpad who had flown the plane, scratched their heads. - "We could buy a map." - Launchpad suggested, and everyone waved his idea off, before they realised what he said. 

"Good idea, Lad!" - Scrooge marvelled at the pilot, and while Louie heard Della mumbled something under her breath, he couldn't hear her exact words, but he could say the tone was definitely bitter.  they had went looking for anyplace that sold maps of any sort, eventually finding a hole-in-the-wall shop displaying postcard and maps.

"How much?" - Scrooge asked the shopkeeper, who stared at the old scotsman, with literal dollar signs in his eyes.

The shopkeeper mulled it over for a few seconds, before responding. - "50." 

"50 Euro." - Scrooge gawked at him. - "That's too much."

"You can afford it." 

"It's highway robbery!" - Scrooge shouted.

"Then go somewhere else." - The man bellowed back, in his broken english.

"NO! You lower your prices."

"NO! You pay price."

Scrooge had smoke coming at his ears. - "I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHERE I BLIMMIN' AM!" - He screamed at the top of his lungs, scaring away the crowd that had gathered to watch the shouting match.

"We're in a town called Peligro." - The group turned to Louie, who noticed their confused expressions, and nodded towards an old rooster who was relaxing in a rocking chair. - "I asked him" 

"Well, now we can continue the adventure." - The family turned to Scrooge expectantly. He scoffed before pulling his flip-phone from his pocket, and calling the guide. 

A choir of yes's and no's were spoken before Scrooge returned with furrowed brows and crossed arms. - "The landing strip's an hour away," - The family all groaned and sighed, except for Louie who had a small smile. - "but..." - Louie's smile dropped, he knew 'buts' never meant anything good. - "He said he would drive over here, so we can continue the adventure!" - The family cheered and Louie so did Louie, though more in a sarcastic manner.

"So what do we do, while we wait?"

Webby shot her hand in the air, like a student hoping the teacher pick them to answer the question. - "We could explore the town and it's culture."

"Yeah," - Huey agreed with the overly energetic girl. - " I still have to get my Explore-A-Foreign-Town-And-It's-Culture-With-Your-Family badge!" - Louie chuckled, Since when did Huey make jokes? That is not a real badge. Then he noticed Huey had a serious expression. Never, he never made jokes.

"Then it's settled. we will explore the town before we explore the jungle!" - Della said triumphantly, Huey smiled at his Mom, Dewey stared starry-eyed at her, while Louie just scoffed.

Della watched as Dewey spotted and subsequently chased after a foodtruck while dragging Launchpad along with him; Huey and Webby split off from the group, going to talk to the guy who Louie pointed out, hoping to get an insight into the town's culture and history, yet quickly learning the man only spoke Spanish; and Scrooge turning to continue his argument with the local businessman, over his over inflated price.

"Well Louie, looks like it's just me and you." - Della remarked cooly, while on the inside she rejoiced over the fact she finally got a chance to talk to her youngest son, one-on- one, since he got back. That joy quickly dispersed when she noticed her youngest had already disappeared.


 Louie had spent the past half-hour aimlessly walking around Peligro's shopping district, nothing had interested him, most of the shops used bland, unoriginal marketing techniques, techniques that may have worked on someone of Dewey or Launchpad's intelligence, but he knew when he was getting scammed, but it didn't stop him from being enticed by one shop owner.

The small clothing tent had quickly caught his eye, for doing something no other shop on that street did, sold genuine goods, it was a skill Goldie had taught him, to notice the finer details and decide wether something was fact or fiction, it was one of his most useful skills, he usually used to find if someone was lying or not.

When he began browsing the stores wares, he only found one thing that intrigued him, a long, dark-green leather jacket, there was something else about, he couldn't place a finger on it.

"I see you are drawn to the jacket." - A voice spoke, Louie turned to see an old woman with milky eyes, a hunchback, and wielding a cane, she was dressed liked a stereotypical witch, ripped straight from a fairytale. - "Be my guest." - He just nodded.  

Louie replaced his hoodie with the jacket, and the woman produced a mirror from thin air.  As Louie checked out his reflection, he had to admit, he did look good. - "How much?"

"No charge."

Louie thought he misheard the old woman. - "Pardon?"

"No charge." - Louie was about to protest, but she continued. - "The jacket was destined for you, it would be wrong for me to try and profit from destiny." - So the old woman is crazy. - Louie thought. Even though magic was real, he knew destiny wasn't, a person created their life through their own choices. Like his choices lead him to travel around the world and develop his skills as a thief and con, and Della's choices lead her to being trapped on the moon, for 10 years.

Louie didn't see any con in her giving him a free coat, so either she was a better a con than him (Which was unlikely) or the woman was actually just crazy. So he just thanked the old woman, and moved to leave her tent. 

She shouted something before he left. - "I see a long hard road in front of you, you have to decide where you loyalties stand. And you'll have to decide soon." - Louie just politely smiled and left, disregarding the woman's ramblings, and looked for something to eat before he had to meet back up with the group, to go on a life-threatening adventure.

Thanks for reading Ch.11 of 'Destiny!', I have a distinct path, I want this story to follow, and i'm beginning to think, the quality might be tainted by the way i'm ending chapters, what do you think? Anyway hope you comment, vote and read Ch.12 - MM

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