Ultraman Taiga

By kaikun47

9.2K 75 4

Twelve years ago, a dark Ultraman name Tregear tried to attack the Land of Light, but the New Generations Her... More

Main characters bio
Second characters bio
Dark Warrior, Tregear
The Sage of Strength
The Champion of Wind
What Friendship Means
A Man Who Waits for the Spaceship
The Demon's Legend
Earth's Power
A Friend from Afar
Fight in the Evening Sun
The Sorceress who lost a Magic from the Star
Keep on Believing
Origins of AIGES
The Cloned Robot
Fall into Darkness
The Burning Heart
Guardian Beauty
Protect the Android
Awaken of the Thunder Strike
Alien Reunion
Rival vs Friend
Takkong's Arrival
Clash, Hero vs Villain
I'm Kyoka
Buddy Steady Go!
Yapool's Revenge
Form a Bond
Human Specimens
Zillion, Returns
The Burning Promise
Facing your Shadow
Ephemera's Last Day
Wings of Destiny
Burn your Soul
Zillion vs Zillion
Return of the Ancient Ultra Warrior
Final Sacrifice
Revive of the Demonic Monster
New Generation Climax
Special Episode

The Hero of Light

1.3K 8 0
By kaikun47

This is the fanfiction production, Ultraman Taiga and the Ultra series are belong to Tsuburaya Production and the anime characters are rightly belong to the respective owners (except my original characters). Enjoy.

(episode starts with the Land of Light showing and then shows four light clashing and then exploded and it reveals Rosso and Blu doing their attacks on a dark Ultraman name Tregear who dodge their attacks)

(then Orb Origin use his origium kosen but Tregear dodge and then the three ultras follow him and then X and Geed does their xandium kosen and werking burst at Tregear but he deflect the rays and then use the trera ardiga but they dodge and then he saw Ginga and Victory double punch Tregear and he fall on the space rocks and the New Generation Heroes land)

Ginga: Tregear, just give up. Your ambitions are over.

Tregear: We'll see about that, you Ultramen, well then, enjoy.

(then Tregear disappear)

Ginga: Wait, Tregear!

(then the mines on the space rocks activate)

Ginga: Shoot, it's a trap!

(then the mines exploded dealing the heroes some damage)

(then Tregear saw the mines exploded)

Taro: Tregear.

(then he turn around and look at Taro)

Tregear: Taro!

Taro: I won't let anyone who fell into the darkness to get near to the Land of Light.

Tregear: Tch! Don't act like you're some Space Guardmen. Who decided that light is justice?!

(then they clash and then three ultramen lands on the space rock and then help the heroes)

Taiga: Senpai, we'll stop Tregear.

Ginga: Don't let your guard down, Taiga, he's tough.

Taiga: Leave it to us, the strongest team is the hero's chance.

Titas and Fuma: Yeah!

Ginga: In that case, take this.

(then they gave each of their powers with Rosso, Blu and Orb giving their powers to Taiga)

Taiga: The Hero of Light, Taiga!

(then Geed and X give their powers to Titas)

Titas: The Sage of Strength, Titas!

(and Ginga and Victory give their powers to Fuma)

Fuma: The Champion of Wind, Fuma!

Ginga: This powers will be good use to you.

Tri-Squad: Right!

(then Taro and Tregear continues to fight and as Tregear tried to finish Taro off, the Tri-Squad appears to block the attack)

Taro: You all...

Taiga: Leave it to us, Father!

Tri-Squad: We're, the Tri-Squad!

(then the Tri-Squad handle Tregear)

Taro: Don't, Tregear is the opponent you must not face!

(then Fuma slash Tregear in high speed)

Fuma: I'll beat you at the speed of light!

(then Titas punch Tregear with brute strength)

Titas: Taste the fist of the sage!

(then it's Taiga's turn to fight Tregear)

Taiga: Strium Blaster!

(then the strium blaster hit Tregear but it didn't scratch him)

Tregear: Nice try, but, not good enough!

(then Tregear use the trera ardiga but Taiga use the strium blaster and the attack clash)

(then the attack collide and cause to open the wormhole)

Taro: Oh no, Taiga, get out of here!

(then Tregear and Taiga struggle and then got sucked into the wormhole)

Titas: Taiga!

Fuma: Taiga!

(then the wormhole closes and Titas and Fuma went in)

Taro: Taiga!

-in the wormhole-

(Taiga went after Tregear and Titas and Fuma came)

Tregear: You've came along as well? Oh well, I shall finish you here!

Taiga: I won't let you! Strium Blaster!

(then the trera ardiga and the strium blaster collide and then cause an explosion and the Tri-Squad disappear into particles and Tregear lost in the explosion)

Narrator: On this Earth, only a few people knows the existence of the aliens.

Opening: Buddy, steady, go! by Terashima Takuma

Narrator: This is the miraculous story of these young youth who came across this planet. (then shows Taiga flying on earth and flies towards to the screen and the title show appears)

Dareka ni waraware tatte kamawanai (shows Yuga coming out of the Raptor car and shows him with Taiga with footages of him)

Jibun no shinjiru mono tsuranuke (then shows Eve on the keypad then shows her with footage of her)

Hāto butsuke aeru dare ka to deaetara (then shows Kaki beating his opponents then shows him with footages of him then shows Satoru with the tri-gunner then shows him with footages of him)

Sore ga shōri e no sutōrī (then shows Nana on the navigation system then shows her with footages of her)

Bibiruna ugokidase Action (then shows Kurosawa with a ballon then shows him with Tregear with footages of him)

Tagiru ze moeagaru Passion (then shows Kotaro punching the punching bag then shows him with footages of him)

Mugen no pawā no Combination (then shows Najenda on the captain seat and got up and point then shows her with footages of her)

Sobieru kabe no mukō e (then shows Kurosawa use the tregear eye and he became Tregear)

Te o toriatte ikerunara kowaku wa nai sa (then shows Taro then shows Yuga with Taiga then shows the key holder of Taiga, Titas and Fuma then shows Yuga raising the taiga spark up becoming Taiga)

Get set, GO! Taiga kimi dake no kotae ga matsu ginga e (then shows Taiga doing his rise and then he skydive and and he did a somersault)

Go! Go! Buddy Go! (Let's go!) ima sugu ni tobidasou (then he did a filp and does the kick)

Urutoraman Taiga ima yori mo ōkina jibun ni natte (then shows Taiga, Titas and Fuma doing their stance then shows Taiga doing his Strium Blaster)

Zettai makenai (Just win!) (then shows Titas doing the Planium Buster)

Kinō yori kyō yori asu e (then shows Fuma doing his Light Wave Polar Star Shuriken)

Koete iku no sa daremoga Fighter (then shows all the members of AIGES and Yuga pull down the trigger of the taiga spark)

Urutoraman Taiga (then shows Taiga with the explosion)

The Hero of Light

Kirameku mirai e Dash! Supernova! (then shows Taiga, Titas and Fuma jumping and then shows Yuga and his team with the Tri-Squad behind them)

Space-Time Destroyer God, Zegan, Young Parent Monster, Zandrias, and Ultimate Disaster Monster, Hellberus appears

Narrator: Earth, it's a peaceful planet where human live in peace, but, most alien he immigrated to this planet.

-at the Sky Base-

Minato: Leader.

Kotaro: Hurry, we're going to be late.

Minato, Kaki, Masato: Right!

Narrator: Alien Investigative Guardians Elite Squad, AIGES for short, it's the defence team which deal with disaster and rescue missions, and capture hostile kaijus, hence, it's the defence team which protect earth.

Kazuha: Can you check on this?

Koushiro: On it.

(then the others members and the captain, Najenda enters the base)

Yuga: Sorry.

Satoru: Hurry, we don't want any trouble.

Yuga: OK.

Kotaro: Captain.

Najenda: What's the situation?

Maki: There's alien biosign at Ares C-67.

Najenda: Any kaiji reading?

Nana: So far, no kaijus yet.

Najenda: What are the aliens planning?

Nene: There's alien activity at Area V-77!

Najenda: Put it up.

Nene: Roger.

(then the monitor shows an alien which it reveals to be a Reguran Seijin)

Zeheart: So, there's an alien.

Masato: But, what's he looking for?

Najenda: Whatever it is, that alien must be stopped. Kaki, Enishi and Hasegawa, will take off in the AIGES Chesters. Rikuo and Yasaka will take the Raptor. Sakai, Tokoyami, Galette and Ogami, will take the Thunders with Fermin, Amano, Mitsui and Toyama. Lockser, Fujieda and Yokan will be on standby on the Phoenix and the Booster. Izumi, is it done?

Koushiro: It's done, all the fighters are ready.

Najenda: Ok, AIGES, move out!

Everyone: Roger!

-at the hangar-

(the Chesters and the Thunders are deploying as the pilots are getting ready)

Kaki: Yuga, don't be nervous, this is not your first mission.

Yuga: I know, I've pilot it before.

Satoru: But, the alien we faced, might be different.

Yuga: I get it. I'm a member of AIGES after all.

Kotaro: Don't forget, we're not here for sightseeing.

Yuga: Hai.

Minato: Hey Yuga, just don't mess this up.

Yuga: I get it.

Fumikage: It's natural, Hasegawa, you may be a new member, the captain have seen potential in you.

Zeheart: That's right, you're our ace.

Yuga: Thanks.

Eve: All Chesters, ready for take off.

Yuga: Chester Alpha, take off!

Kaki: Chester Beta, take off!

Satoru: Chester Gamma, take off!

(then the Chesters took off)

Maki: All Thunders, ready for take off.

Minato: AIGES Thunder 1, take off!

Fumikage: AIGES Thunder 2, take off!

Zeheart: AIGES Thunder 3, take off!

Kotaro: AIGEN Thunder 4, take off!

(then the Thunders took off)

Nana: AIGES Phoenix and Booster, prepare for take off.

Yoshino: Hey, this Yuga, he's good when we first saw him.

Yokan: Yeah, even he pass the first half of the application test, the captain wants him.

Juvia: Whatever it is, we won't be left over by him.

Nana: AIGES Phoenix, ready for take off.

Juvia: AIGES Phoenix, take off!

(then the Phoenix took off)

Nana: Booster, ready for take off.

Yokan: AIGES Booster, take off!

(then the booster took off and Masato and Mao got on the Raptor)

Eve: The others are heading to the location, meet them there.

Masato: Got it. Yoshare, time to do this.

Mao: Just don't do way too far.

Masato: Got it.

(then the Raptor drove off)

-at the streets-

(the Chesters are headed to the location)

Yuga: This is Alpha, I'm at the location, Beta and Gamma are behind me. Prepare for landing.

(then the Chesters lands)

Eve: Be careful, you don't know where's it hiding.

(then Yuga, Kaki and Satoru head to the warehouse)

Voice: Yuga, you're been targeted.

Yuga: Eh? What was that just now?

Voice: It's in front of you!

(then two men appears in front of them)

(then they shoot but they gone into hiding)

Satoru: They know where we're coming?

Kaki: They're fast learners.

Yuga: Alright.

(then Yuga head out)

Kaki: Hey, Yuga!

(then Yuga shoot at the men but they dodge and then one of them aim at Yuga and the other aim him from behind)

Yuga: You're quick, but, you need a good aim.

(then they shoot and then Yuga jumps and the blast hit the two men and they reveals to alien, one is the Cicada Human and the other is the Ckalutch Seijin)

(then Yuga lands and Kaki and Satoru join him)

Kaki: They're aliens?

Yuga: But, I manage to take them down.

Satoru: I'll tell the others.

(then he took out his communicator)

Satoru: This is Satoru, we bump into two aliens, it's like the Reguran Seijin is not the only one.

Kotaro: Alright, be cautious.

Honoka: The Phoenix and the Booster are arriving at our location.

Kotaro: Ok, Phoenix and the Booster, will remain on the air for a while until any kaijus appearing, Yuga, Kaki and Satoru will follow the Reguran Seijin, we, the Thunders will back them up.

Minato: Again? We'll to follow their lead?

Mira: Hey, Yuga has sharp senses, he has the highest score of the shooting range. We have to follow direct orders.

Fumikage: She's right, if Hasegawa can pull this off, we have to believe in him.

Minato: Alright, what's the plan?

Kotaro: We'll meet Masato and Mao when they arrive, and then stop the Reguran Seijin when the kaiju arrive.

Nene: The Raptor has arrive.

Masato: This is Raptor, we've arrive at the location.

Kotaro: Good work, all Thunders, land.

Thunder Team: Roger!

(then all the Thunders lands and Yuga, Kaki and Satoru enters the warehouse)

Reguran: How do I open this?

Yuga: Don't move!

Reguran: I guess you've found me, but, you're too late.

Satoru: Get that box!

(then Kaki and Yuga grab the alien)

Reguran: Let go!

(then the box open and it's reveal to be the baby Zandrias)

Satoru: It's a baby.

Reguran: Don't get in the way!

Yuga: Wait!

Kaki: Wait, Yuga!

(then Reguran grab the baby Zandrias and escaped and Yuga follows him)

Satoru: Leader.

Kotaro: What? Yuga is...

Fumikage: What's he thinking.

Satoru: The Reguran Seijin held the box was the baby Zandrias.

Kotaro: Zandrias?

Honoka: It's from Document UGM, it's was a spoilt child until it's mother came to bring him home.

Minato: Yuga, that's not the plan. Yuga! Yuga!

(then Yuga reach to the building and encounter the Reguran Seijin)

Yuga: Let the baby go, Reguran Seijin.

Reguran: I'll tell you once, so, don't you move. It's showtime!

(then the kaiju re-emerge form the ground which reveals to be a Zegan)

Maki: There's a kaiju appearing at Yuga's location.

Najenda: What?

Kotaro: What? A kaiju?!

Zeheart: We're too late.

Najenda: Change of plan, Phoenix and Booster, head to Hasegawa's location, Thunder Team, help the civilians evacuate, Kaki, Enishi, head back to the Chesters, aid the Phoenix and the Booster. Rikuo, you and Yasaka will help the Thunder Team.

Masato: Looks like there's a change of plan, let's do this.

Mao: Alright, our new mission.

(then the Thunders and Raptor help the civilians to evacuate)

Reguran: Soon, the mother will come.

(then the blast hit Zegan and then the Young Mother Zandaris came and landed)

Nana: There's another kaiju.

Najenda: Put it up.

Nana: Roger.

(then the monitor shows Zegan and Zandrias)

Maki: That's, the Space-Time Destroyer God, Zegan. It was use by the Shadow Seijin which left into war.

(then the Young Mother Zandrias roared and Zegan Attack the mother Zandrias)

-in space-

Shamer: Well, let's start the fight auction. We have is the Space-Time Destroyer God, Zegan, and we have is the Mother Zandrias, it's will be the fight of a mother's protecting it's child, so everyone, place your bets on who's going to win, betting start!

-on earth-

(Zegan continues to fight Zandrias as the civilians were evacuating and the man is watching whose name is Kurosawa)

Yuga: That's, the baby Zandrias's mother?

Reguran: Zegan, beat that parent!

(then Zandrias attack Zegan as it was protecting the child)

Yuga: You, used the child to get its parent hurt?!

Reguran: You aliens don't understand.

(from far end, Kurosawa saw it happened)

Kurosawa: Well then, I'll send in something. Hellberus.

(then the dark cloud appears and the darts hit Zandrias and Zegan and the tail appears and stab Zegan and it fell and exploded)

(then the hound kaiji which is Hellberus appears and landed on the ground and roared)

Yuga: Everyone, there's another kaiju.

Najenda: What?

Eve: Thees no recorded of this kaiju.

Reguran: Come on, who send this kaiju out?!

(then Hellberus beat Zandrias)

Yuga: The adult Zandrias is protecting its child, it doesn't want it to get hurt!

Nene: Yuga's right, the Reguran Seijin is holding the baby Zandrias.

Kotaro: Alright, all units, attack the kaiju, we must protect Zandrias!

Everyone: Roger!

(then the Chesters, Thunders, Phoenix and the Booster head to hit Hellberus)

Juvia: AIGES Phoenix, split!

(then it split into the Winger and the Loader)

(then Hellberus use it's tail to hit Zandrias and it hit the building)

Reguran: Hey, hey, hey, hey, it's now canceled!

(then the Reguran escaped and the build began to collapse)

Voice: Yuga, get down!

Eve: Yuga-san!

Najenda: Hasegawa! Please respond, Hasegawa!

Kotaro: What? Yuga is...

Zeheart: He's trapped in the building?

Najenda: We're uncertain whether he's dead or alive, but, I trust Hasegawa. Let's focus on beating that kaiju.

Fumikage: Yeah, let's do this.

Minato: Yuga, we'll be back for you.

Kotaro: All units, begin attack!

Everyone: Roger!

(the Beta and the Gamma fire the lasers at Hellberus)

Masato: Eat this.

(then the laser from the Raptor hit Hellberus)

(then at the building, Yuga got up and then saw the baby Zandrias is trapped)

Yuga: Just you wait, I'll save you right away.

(then he tried to save the baby Zandrias but Hellberus use the hell slash to hit the building but the mothet Zandrias protect the baby and Yuga)

(then sparks starts and Yuga saw the tank and it will cause an explosion)

Yuga: That's bad, I've to hurry!

(then Yuga make a move to save the baby)

Yuga: Move!

(then as Hellberus use the hell slash on the mother Zandrias, it will be difficult if the hell slash hit the building)

Voice: What'll you do?

Yuga: Eh?

Voice: You're the only one who can get out.

Yuga: Shut up, I want to save the baby, if I run away now, I'll discard my feeling and emotions. That's why, I'll save that baby!

(then Hellberus use the fireball and it hit both Zandrias and the building)

Voice: I've acknowledge your fate!

Kurosawa: This is the end and a beginning.

(then a key holder appears)

Voice: Yuga, let's return the baby to the mother.

Yuga: I don't who you are, but, I'll borrow your power?

Voice: Yeah.

(then a bracelet appears and it became a Taiga Spark)

Voice: I'm you and you're me, use your hand to grab me.

Yuga: Got it.

(then he pull the trigger)


(then he grab the key holder)

Yuga: The Hero of Light, Taiga!

(then he scan the key holder and Taiga appears)

Taiga: Now shout it out, Yuga, Buddy Go!

Yuga: Buddy Go!

(then he became Taiga)


(then Taiga does his rise and then lands on the ground and Hellberus falls)

Maki: Is that...

Koushiro: That's, Taro?

Najenda: No, it's not Taro.

Mira: That's...

Kotaro: No doubt about it, that's Ultraman.

Zeheart: But, he's...

Minato: Looks like Taro.

(then Taiga place the baby Zandrias on the ground and face Hellberus)

(then Hellberus got up and use the rain but Taiga dodge it and Hellberus use the darts at Taiga)

Taiga: Swallow Bullet!

(then the swallow bullet hit the darts and attack Hellberus as he punch and kick Hellberus)

(then Taiga punch Hellberus and kick Hellberus)

(then Hellberus use the lighting bolts at Taiga but he block the bolts and then his color timer starts blinking)

Kazuha: There's something blinking on his chest.

Koushiro: That's the Color Timer, most Ultramen has a time limit up to three minutes.

(then Hellberus use the fireball to hit Taiga but he block it and did his finisher)

Taiga: Strium Blaster!

(then the strium blaster hit Hellberus)

Taiga: Yuga, use the Orb-let.

Yuga: Got it.

(then Yuga pull the trigger of the taiga spark down)


(then the Orb-let appears on his left wrist and scan it)


(then an image of Orb covers Taiga and Taiga use his powers)

Taiga: Supreme Blaster!

(then the Supreme Blster hit Hellberus and it exploded and Taiga grab the light and it change to the ring)

Yuga: Is that...

Taiga: I felt it's like an Ultraman's powers.

(then Taiga flies off as Kurosawa saw Taiga and the shadow of Tregear appears behind him)

Yokan: WOW.

Kotaro: Let's land, let's find Yuga.

Everyone: Roger!

(then they all landed and got out to find Yuga)

Masato: Where's he?

Yuga: Hey! Everyone!

(then they saw Yuga coming to them)

Everyone: Yuga!/Yuga-san!/Hasegawa!

Minato: You manage to get out?

Yuga: Yeah. Taiga manage to save me.

Everyone: Taiga?

Yoshino: You mean the Giant?

Yuga: Yeah, and also, this baby.

(then he got hold of the baby Zandrias)

Fumikage: That's Zandrias?

Honoka: It's so cute!

Yuga: Well, I was going to return it to its mother.

(then they saw the Mother Zandrias and then Yuga gave the baby to the mother)

Yuga: Your child is safe, here.

(then Zandrias grab the baby and wave at them)

(then the family flies back to space)

Yuga: Take care!

Kaki: But, how did Taiga save you?

Yuga: Well, it's just luck.

Kotaro: So, there's a new hero?

Yuga: Yeah, and someday, Taiga will, always be there.

Taiga: I'm always here.

(then Yuga look at the projection of Taiga)

Taiga: Yo.

Yuga: Taiga, you're like this?

Taiga: Well, I shall stay like this for a while. So, it's good to be working with you.

Yuga: Yeah.

Ending: Hitotsu Boshi by Sasaki Sayaka

(shows footages of the first episode on the computer screen)

Mada kizuitenai ka na sou hikari no naka kirari

Umareta bokura no manazashi wo tsunaide

Asu e hanatsu monogatari -Trine, Our Line-
doko made mo yukou

Yuuyake somaru michi no tochuu de yubikiri shita

Yakusoku made nakushite shimau mae ni
My Dear Friends

(Ah yobu koe ga suru) Sekai wa kakera no mama mawari tsuzukeru

(Ah butsukarinagara) Mada mienai hoshi wo terasu yo

(TAIGA bokura no ban da) Saa mirai wo kimi to egakou (then shows someone on the Sky Base and then shows Yuga as he look at the camera showing his Taiga Spark and then shows the key holders of Taiga, Titas and Fuma)

Next episode preview
Taiga: The kaiju which Yuga has kept when he was young will have a reunion years later, but, there's someone targeting it, it can't be...
Next time on Ultraman Taiga:
Dark Warrior, Tregear
Now shout it out, Buddy Go!

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