The Last Spring [Editing is i...

By IreneEthrin

33.8K 2.2K 1.1K

Hyeyoon had always lived her life positively. She's cheerful, smart, and beautiful. Though she isn't the typ... More

Introduction ✔
Prolog ✔
1. Third Year of College ✔
2. Closer ✔
3. The Sunset ✔
4. The Sun Rises (First Time) ✔
5. Sweet and Sour ✔
6. His Rules ✔
7. Woman Instinct ✔
8. Emergency ✔
9. Ilsan ✔
10. Turn of Events ✔
11. Rain in November ✔
12. Flashback's Epilogue ✔
13. LT. Engineering & Construction ✓
15. Attentive ✔
16. Welcome Back ✔
17. Dress Fitting ✔
18. The Solitaire Ring
19. The Beauty Salon
20. The Engagement Party
21. Head of the Program Division, Kim Rowoon
22. Seoul Branch (1)
23. Seoul Branch (2) Locked
24. A Friendly Advice
25. The First Flight, Shanghai Airlines
26. Kempinski Hotel Xiamen
27. Xiamen Branch Office
28. Avoiding a Scene
29. The Candor
30. Upside Down
31. Splendid China Folk Villages
32. The Potala Palace
33. Couch Talk
34. Morning Flight
35. Overnight Flight
36. Assets and Investment
37. Final Report, the Near End of the Trip
38. The Long Night
39. The Last Day of the Trip
40. Confession
41. Facing the Truth
42. Making a Decision
43. Finding Its Way Back
44. One Big Step in Life

14. Beijing, The Gala ✔

593 54 17
By IreneEthrin

Beijing, April 19th, 2020

We just landed 10 minutes ago and now were re-claiming our baggage. I stood behind the trolley while Kiyong stood by the baggage carousel, waiting for the airline's luggage to disembarking.

I stood a few meters away from him, watching him as he was checking the monitor and the carousel that started to rotate. Kiyong was wearing a blue denim shirt and jeans. With black sunglasses attached, he looked stands out among the crowds. I half smirked upon witnessing a few girls whispering and giggling while pointing at him.

He was a bachelor, and I think it was a natural reaction for females to see attractive males near them. Kiyong then grabbed two suitcases of us and now walked approaching me. He put the suitcases on the trolley.

"So? Is there someone going to pick us up?" I asked him. He then pulled out his phone and started calling someone. I didn't catch what he was saying as he now was speaking mandarin. When he hung up the call, he escorted me to the exit gate.

"We're going there by taxi. The company can't make it to grab us," Kiyong stopped and stared at me, "are you fine with that?"

"I'm good, don't worry," I assured. "You're here with me, anyway,"

He smiled upon hearing my statement. He loved it.

We took a taxi to the Hotel where the Gala took place, and Kiyong went to the receptionist to complete the check-in process. The attendances for the Gala were already on their list. One person per room. That was so generous of them.

Kiyong gave me the key card. He set both of us had our room separately. I smiled at his understanding. I took the key card and thanked him.

Our room was opposite each other. "Hyeyoon, come to my room anytime if you need anything. It's always opened," Kiyong gave me his spare key card. I was glad when he didn't ask for mine in return. I knew Kiyong wasn't such a person. Then I smiled at him and was about to enter my room.

But he suddenly grabbed my hand, and I halted. Slightly jolted to his sudden action. I turned to see his expecting eyes. He hesitated but then blinked it off. He cleared his throat and said, "take a rest and get prepared. I'll wait for you here at 7,"

"Alright," I smiled and pulled him so he could bend down and kissed his cheek. "See you later,"

I turned again and went to my room, leaving him stunned behind.

The room was a grand deluxe with a king-sized bed. Though it wasn't the most expensive room type, it was enormous. Even the bathroom provided a bath up. I placed my suitcase unopened near the drawer, walked to the bed, and tossed my body straight on the mattress. My sight was facing the ceiling.

I shut my eyes, and suddenly a sound rang inside my head.

It was my conversation with Jeein a few weeks ago.

"What, you don't let him touch you?" she was protesting upon my decision to hold up a barrier and limitation to my physical contact with my boyfriend.

"It's not like that. I don't want to. But I can't," I replied but resisted looking at the girl who now was showing her questioning look.

"I don't get you, Hyeyoon. You let Seokwoo had your whole body and full heart, yet you set boundaries to Kiyong?" she leaned forward and emphasizing every word, "what are you thinking?"

My heart sank when I heard the name mentioned again. It still affected me even after years in a way I couldn't explain.

I sighed and didn't try to retort anything to Jeein's question. She didn't understand. Just whenever I was about to let my boyfriend touch me, the image of that man kept showing up, and I didn't know what was wrong with myself, but I kept seeing him. That's why I couldn't do it, for now, yet at least.

"You love him, right?" Jeein asked me again.

And this time, I stared at her sternly. "Of course, I do," I frowned a bit. "well, love doesn't always mean intimate physical contact. But yes, I love him. He's a very great man, very kind, too," I stated the truth. "I just need more time, probably,"

My mind diverted back to the present. I opened my eyes, rolled to the side, and gazed at the view outside the large window near the bed. It was still 5 PM, I had a few hours before getting ready.

* * *

I walked out of the room, and I saw Kiyong stood by the wall while crossing his arms. He was wearing a black tuxedo. His hair combed backward. As I stepped out from the doorway, he scanned his eyes right from my head to toe and back again upward. He gave me a proud smile of a boyfriend upon seeing me in a dress.

"Wow," he exclaimed. "Stunning," he sounded again.

I couldn't hide my blushed cheek and looked down. I was wearing a long white lacy dress tonight, with a relatively low cleavage and exposed shoulder. Jang Kiyong chose the dress for me when we went shopping last time.

"How do I look?" I nearly stumbled as I was wearing fifteen centimeters heels white stilettoes.

Kiyong didn't respond right away, yet he ran his sight all over my feature. He started biting his lower lips and frowned.

"What? Something looks strange?" I nervously asked and felt unconfident with my look when he gently grabbed my arms and caressed them lightly.

"I'm slightly feeling regret now," he said. I frowned but still waited for him to continue. "I shouldn't have chosen this outfit for you,"

"Why? Not look good on me?"

He shook his head, "Too perfect, it fits you perfectly, now I feel reluctant to let everyone see it," he sighed. I smiled and shrugged.

"Let them see it then," I said casually, "You'll be proud of your date tonight, Mr. Jang,"

Kiyong smile widened, and he let me linked my hand to his right arm as we walked to the ballroom.

We reached the ballroom on the 5th floor. There were quite a lot of people. The attendances were in line to get through the security process. They were scanned inside an x-ray and had to pass the metal detector.

"Wow, high-security prevention," I whispered to Kiyong as the latter lowered his body slightly.

"Yes, don't forget we're attending the Annual Ceremony Gala of an IT Company," he added.

"Ah, right," I nodded.

We both passed the security guard quickly and went into the ballroom just right when a lady approached us, "Good evening, Sir, Ma'am," she greeted us in English.

"Good evening," Kiyong responded lowly.

"May I see your invitation card, please? I'll escort you to your seat,"

Kiyong handed the girl the invitation card from the receptionist, and the staff quickly led us to the VIP section.

"This way, Mr. Jang,"

The Gala began just when we took a seat on the round table. There were a few more people, but I didn't recognize any of them. The event started with a traditional Chinese dance and following by another series of events.

"Babe," Kiyong then suddenly whispered. "I think I saw Mr. Xu over there; do you mind if I talk to him for a moment?" he asked for permission. I looked at them and nodded.

"Of course, go ahead," he kissed my left cheek lightly and excused himself, leaving me alone.

I saw Kiyong approached the middle-aged man and greeted him. The man looked confused at first, but when Kiyong introduced himself, he was now welcoming Kiyong excitedly. I watched him having an intense discussion with Mr. Xu and couldn't help but feel proud of my man's excellent interpersonal skills.

I diverted my attention back to the stage, which now presents a group of acapella. They sang in Mandarin. They sounded beautiful.

"Excuse me, Ma'am," I heard someone's voice and automatically turned to see a waiter behind me. He put a glass of champagne in front of me and sounded again, "a special request for a special guest, the man said,"


"Sorry?" I asked the waiter again.

The man? Who? Kiyong? I then looked in Kiyong direction, but he was still talking with Mr. Xu, but just like me, he sometimes still stole glances at me. This time Kiyong was still talking with Mr. Xu.

The waiter then smiled meaningfully and bowed before retreated. I stared at the champagne and saw a small piece of paper tucked under it. I slowly took it and read the note.

'No flower can be a comparison to your beauty tonight.'

The handwritten note was in English. I couldn't help my smile and folded the paper and put it inside my purse.

I took the champagne and sipped it. It tasted great and somewhat familiar. The taste was the same as I had somewhere, but I failed to recall where and when.

Just when I was sipping the champagne once again, Kiyong back to his seat. I looked at him and smiled.

"How was it?" I asked, and he gave me a meaningful smirked.

"Everything was good," he stated. "Oh, you have champagne? Did you order it?"

His question confused me, "Huh?" I glanced at the champagne in dumbfounded. "A waiter gave me this earlier," so it wasn't from him? I silently asked myself.

"Oh, that waiter was so mean then. Only gave it to a beautiful woman," he said calmly.

I put down the glass and frowned in confusion. I quickly turned around and scanned the entire room. I tried to find a familiar figure that might know me in person, the one who gave me this with a note.

Now I remembered where I had this taste of champagne, the idea suddenly popped out in my mind, and I couldn't help to feel anxious.

"What's the matter?" Kiyong saw my reaction and looked at me, who was still roaming my eyes through the entire room.

Then my eyes suddenly landed on a familiar man's figure, stood far away from my spot. The figure was standing in the shadow—his body facing in my direction as if he was watching me over there. I focused more on him, and as if he realized I was looking at him, he stepped back into the darkness and left. I couldn't see his face since the light around him was dimmed.

"What?" Kiyong touched my hand, trying to get back my attention.

"Huh?" was the only word that came out from my lips.

"Hyeyoon?" he called me again, and I turned to see him, who stared at me with a confused look. "You saw someone?" he asked.

I shook my head. "No, I think I saw it wrong," I gulped back my nervousness. Kiyong saw my weird behavior and offered to walk me back to my room. But I refused. "I'm fine," I forced a smile. He didn't look convinced at all.

"Alright, we're back to our room once we finished the dinner," he decided. I nodded.

After dinner, he escorted me back to my room and watched me as I tapped the key card to the lock.

"Are you sure you're fine, baby? You look pale," his voice concerned.

"I'm okay," I reassured, "I think it's jet lag. A proper rest might help," I smiled, and Kiyong caught it with a slow nod.

"Fine, then. Rest well, call me if you need anything, will you?" he caressed the top of my head gently and gave me a more comfortable feeling by his touch. I sighed in relief and nodded.

"I will," I let out a faint smile. "You, too. Rest well. I'll be fine by the morning, I promise," after a moment of considering my statement, he finally let it go. He nodded and let me close the door.

I walked toward the bed and slumped down to the edge of the bed. I need a good rest tonight, I thought.


A/N :

I'm so sorry that I was unable to update for quite a long time.
Things are getting hectic in real life, and I almost couldn't find a good mood to start writing.

I need to rearrange my mood and energy to write but couldn't find the strength lately. It was like a mental breakdown. I don't know if I forced this one, but I tried to provide this chapter since I had the idea from a week ago, but I just got to finish writing it today.

If the conflict wasn't there, hehe, please be patient since I'm preparing it now. If you can see what's coming from this chapter.. :D

I have the double update ready to be published. I'm still editing the next chapter. I will upload it soon.

Thanks for the comments, and actually, after reading one comment that says she's still waiting for the update got me the strength to write again, and I managed to finish two chapters. Thanks to @AmiAMaryani for sending me comments and encouraging me to update the chapter.

Anyways, I will upload the next chapter shortly. Thanks for always being here, everyone.

Love you~

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