.||The Curse of the Sea||.

By MerryMarshmallowGirl

43.9K 771 260

Percy and the seven have just defeated Gaea and were summoned to Olympus. The gods wanted to thank them for t... More

~*Chapter Two*~
~*Chapter Three*~
~*Chapter Four*~
~*Chapter Five*~
~*Chapter Six*~
~*Chapter Seven*~
~*Chapter Eight*~
~*Chapter Nine*~
~*Chapter Ten*~
~*Chapter Eleven*~
~*Chapter Twelve*~
~*Chapter Thirteen*~
~*Chapter Fourteen*~
~*Chapter Fifteen*~
~*Chapter Sixteen*~
~*Chapter Seventeen*~
~*Chapter Eighteen*~
~*Chapter Nineteen*~
~*Chapter Twenty*~

~*Chapter One*~

4.6K 76 24
By MerryMarshmallowGirl

Before I begin, I wanted to tell you that this is my first fan fiction, and I appreciate all those who are reading and commenting nice things!

(I do not own Percy Jackson, though I wish I did!)

Nowwwwww without further adoooo.....

enjoy the story!

-Marshmallow :3

- - Percy POV - -

I sigh as I run my hand through my hair, I'm currently sitting in the camp van waiting in New York traffic to get to my apartment. My mom hasn't seen me in 8 months, and (from what I've been told) she has been freaking out. The Second Giant War just ended and all of the heroes are heading to Olympus, but I convinced them to let me go home an hour before the meeting. They will probably be holding the awards ceremony, but they didn't exactly say.

I was so deep in thought that I almost didn't notice the van coming to a complete stop. I nervously get out of the van and tap on my legs. I'm really nervous and excited. I haven't seen my mom in months and I really miss her.

I wave goodbye to Argus and head into the building. I go straight for the elevator, and press the third floor button. As I go up I try to think over what to say when I see her. I can't exactly say "Hi mom, it's nice to see you. Sorry I was gone for so long, I got kidnapped by a crazy goddess and thrown into war, where I fell into Tartarus. But I'm home now!" Yeah, she would probably try to kill said goddess.

I was broken out of my thoughts when the elevator dinged, signaling I made it to my floor. I nervously ran my hand through my hair as I walked to my door. I steeled my nerves and knocked three times. I hear a faint "coming!" I put my hands in my pockets and shuffle my feet.

The door opens revealing my wonderful mother. We stare at each other with tears in our eyes. "Percy, is that really you?" She says as she reaches out to touch my cheek, as if seeing if I'm real. I couldn't talk so I simply nod my head. She crashed into me and wrapped me in a bear hug that could rival Tyson's.

We are both openly crying when Paul yells "Sally who's here?". When he doesn't get a response he comes to the door to see her crying as she hugs me. He did a double take and looks at my face, "Percy...?". I just nod. He comes and crushed us both in a hug. After we separate we went over to the couch where mom demands to tell her where I was. So, I start explaining everything that has happened (leaving out some stuff, like Tartarus). By the time I'm done it has been almost an hour.

"Mom, I have to go, there is a meeting on Olympus that I need to be at. I was able to get them to let me have an hour here, but I don't think they would appreciate it if I am late." I said. She nods "Ok, but promise you will come and visit soon, and no more disappearing or I'll have to charge up to Olympus and beat where you are out of the gods." she said. We all laugh, and I promise to come by soon, and I head out to get to the Empire State Building.

Once I get there I walk up to the front desk, and ring the bell on the desk. A man looks up at me and his eyes widen. He quickly rummages through one of his drawers and grabs the key card and hands it to me. "Here you go sir, have a nice day." I chuckle a little bit as I get on the elevator and invert the key card.

I groaned as the elevator music started playing. I really hope that Apollo didn't choose the music for the elevator, because this may be the worst music on the planet. Gods know he already makes the worst haikus, it would be really bad if he also had the worst taste in music.

I was so consumed in thought that I almost didn't notice the elevator come to a stop, and the doors open. I stepped out of the elevator and went straight to the throne room. I smiled and waved at everyone as I passed. Everyone smiled and waved (even a few blushed) in return.

After a few minutes of walking I made it to the huge doors to the throne room. Even if I couldn't see the doors I could tell it was the Throne room, I could hear lots of talk and shouts from inside. I sighed and pushed open the massive doors. The doors were extremely heavy, but I managed to open them with a bit of strain.

- - Third POV - -

Percy walks over to the other seven and kisses Annabeth's cheek, and takes her hand. She smiles at him then looks at the Olympians. Zeus clears his throat "Welcome everyone, Today we are here to recognize and reward everyone who helped in the war, and specifically the seven who went on the quest to Rome, then Greece. First, both camps will have a magical gateway between them. Second, all campers who participated in the war, Greek or Roman, will be given the ability to consume as much godly food as they wish. This will help all of you if you are injured, or just wish to eat or drink Ambrosia and Nectar." As he said that everyone in the room started to glow golden. When it died down everyone looked the same.

Zeus continued "Now for the seven of the prophecy. Jason Grace step forward." Piper squeezed him comfortingly, then he stepped forward and bowed. Zeus shifted to Jupiter "Rise my son, you have done a great deed for Olympus. We would like to offer you full immortality. Don't worry, the rest of the seven will be offered immortality as well. So, what do you say." Jason looked back at Piper, who gave him a reassuring smile and a nod. Jason looked at his father and said "Lord Jupiter, I accept your gracious offer." Jupiter smiled and held his hand in front of him, palm out towards Jason. A small beam shot out of his hand and hit Jason in the heart. Jason let out a small scream as his blood was being turned into Ichor.

As soon as the pain began it was gone. Jason rose to his feet, much to the relief of Piper. He looked at Jupiter and grumbled "A warning would have been nice" Everyone chuckled at this as he went back to the other seven.

Each parent of the seven then offered the gift of immortality. Piper, Frank, and Hazel all accepted the gracious gift from their parents. All that was left was Percy and Annabeth.

"Since Leo gave his life to kill Gaea, we will reconstruct the Argo II, and build a monument to honor him on Olympus." Hephaestus said with tears in his eyes, which shocked almost everyone. It showed he truly cared about his children. Percy smiled sadly at Hephaestus who nodded in return.

"Perseus Jackson step forward." Poseidon boomed. Percy smiled widely at Annabeth then walked up to the center of the room and bowed. "Rise my son, you need not bow to us, after two wards I think you of all people do not need to bow to us." Poseidon said with a smile. "For not only your effort in the war, but traveling through Tartarus to close the doors of death, we have decided to one again grant you godhood, do you accept?" Percy smiled sheepishly, making all the gods groan. "I'm sorry my lord, but I'm going to have to decline. I however still would like a wish." Poseidon chuckled "We guessed you would say that, but I'm going to have to try. So, what will your wish be?" Percy smiled at his dad "Well it's two wishes actually, one big and one small. First I would like Hades, or Pluto, to be allowed on Olympus at any time. I believe he deserves that much, if not more." Hades smiled thankfully at Percy, who returned a smile "and secondly I would like you to change the ancient law that forbids you from interacting with your children. I believe that has gone on long enough, you should be able to spend more time with your children."

Everyone in the room stood agape at his second request. They expected something for the good of other, but changing the ancient laws for them. They didn't think he would request for that. Zeus was the first to snap out of his shock and said "We will honor your requests, I swear it by the river Styx." Percy smiled at Zeus and walked back to his girlfriend.

"Annabeth step forward" A very proud Athena said. Annabeth looked at Percy, who smiled encouragingly at her. She walked forward and bowed before the gods. "Rise my daughter, you have done a great deed for Olympus, so we have decided to offer you immortality, and for going through Tartarus to close the doors of death, if you accept you will be my second in command and help me in my temple. What do you say...?" Annabeth was shocked. She expected immortality, but not able to work with her mom. It was all she ever wanted in life. She would finally be able to make the world better. She would be able to make something permanent. She didn't notice Percy was still smiling, but those who knew him could tell he was worried. He was worried she would let her fatal flaw take control and accept.

After a few minutes of thinking she said something that shattered Percy's heart. "I accept my Lady" several gasps were heard from the crowd. Everyone turned to Percy. When Percy heard her accept, his heart sank. His smile dropped and a look of horror overcame his face. He quickly shifted his face to a weak smile, a strained one at that. His face showed he was happy, but if one looked at his eyes you could almost see the cracks.

After Athena shot a beam at Annabeth's heart she screamed till the pain was gone. She walked over to the seven, not daring to look at Percy. She new what she did was selfish, but it was everything she had ever wanted. She hoped he would be okay with it. "Well now that everyone got their reward, let's begin the celebration!" Zeus said while giving Percy a sympathetic look. Everyone cheered and ran out of the throne room to party on Olympus.

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