Back trough time

By DeWaldemarMatei

13.5K 337 28

What happens when in the middle of a battle, a Neimoidian captain puts some wrong coordinates and General Gri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26

Chapter 13

362 10 0
By DeWaldemarMatei

The Sith Lord was thinking of a plan to kill that unnatural being. It seems lightning was affecting him but he couldn't produce such a powerfull attack with him watching him closely. Maybe a lightning staff would help...

'Are we there yet?

'Yes, General. We are almost at my Sphere of Knowledge.

They entered a big hall with dozens of Imperials and Sith. They were all working hard and checking Archeology Things. The HQ of the Imperial Reclamation Service. Everyone looked at his master when he entered with Grievous. A Sith Apprentice came:

'My lord, who is this?

'It doesn't matter. I want you to go and prepare fuel crates enough for a fleet to manage. Let one ship go into orbit and transmite that you have what they want. Also... the sith lord approached more closely... find an energy staff or else! Quickly!

'Yes , my lord!

'Now, we will have to wait.

'No, Sith! I am returning to my starfighter.

'What? Wait until the fuel is ready and leave with it.

'Very well.

Grievous departed the Imperials and activated his comm.


'Yes, sir?

'I want a full troop of magnaguards to crash into this position. Also, send a Commando to retrieve my ship from these coordinates.

'Why sir?

'A ship will leave the orbit to give us the fuel we need. Get it quickly and prepare to jump into hyperspace. I have a feeling that this Sith Master won't keep his deal.

'Alright sir!

'I want that magnaguards come here quickly. I am heavily outnumbered , and until they realise this, I need the guards here!

'Yes, sir!

'Grievous out!

An Imperial approached him.

'General Grievous?


'The fuel ship is departing right now.

'Good, then I'll be leaving.

'No, wait more seconds. Lord Zavakond will arrive to tell you something.

'I don't care.

'But General! Wait...


The General looked around only to be stabbed by an energy staff. It went trough the cracks of his chest armor and got out right in his neck. That didn't affect him though.

'Hahahhahaha! Do you think that this pike may injure me?

'It's not a simple pike!

The Sith Lord pushed a button and electricity began to flow around the staff. It burned Grievous inside, wounding him heavily. A force push sent him flying across the hall, until he crashed into  a wall. He fell down on his hands. He was going to die if those magnaguards won't arrive. Blaster bolts began to appear. Grievous was being shot from the Imperial Officers. Fortunately, his duranium armor could withstand even turbolaser shots, but his face mask couldn't. A shot got him in the eye, destroying his Kaleesh mask on the left side, revealing the remnant of his face. He started deflecting the bolts. 4 Sith Warriors were approaching him, armed and ready. Death was coming for him.

Grievous was ready to engage the Sith Lords, when a ship entered through the window, desotrying much of the computers. From the vehicle, all of Grievous magnaguards jumped armed and started killing the Imperials. The Sith were soon overwhelmed. They started to retreat. Two IG-100 droids came to Grievous and helped him board the ship. He was barely moving. Right at the entrance of the vehicle, Grievous heard a Sith Warrior  and turned his back. He saw a lightsaber coming for his head, so he left himseld to fall backwards to evade. But the weapon touched his lower part of the Kaleesh mask. His vocal parts were destroyed. Shocked that he couldn't talk, he retreated into the ship. The magnaguards did as well, and the vehicle started to fly into the sky. It reached very fast the orbit, where the fuel ship was finishing giving resources to the Invisible Hand. It departed when Grievous entered the Hangar Bay. Whitout even thinking, Grievous began to run to the Command Bridge. He reached it immediatly and saw that Captain Nar was waiting orders. He threw him off his seat and started typing the coordinates. While waiting the fleet to enter the Hyperspace, Grievous saw that all of the Sith Empire's fleet emerged. It was huge, with thousands of Capital Ships. He was outnumbered 100 to 1. In the last moments before they began firing at him, the Invisible Hand jumped into Hyperspace, leaving the Old Republic era...

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