Keep it undercover //Shawn Me...

By _Red_Girl_

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It all started when shawn was asked to surprise a fan on her birthday. Little did he know that she'll be the... More

1~ seΓ±orita
2~ Best birthday gift
3~ Going live
4~ Meet&Greet
5~ Concert time!
6~ Is it too late?
7~ Unknown number
8~ The start of something new
9~ I trust you
10~ Getting to know each other
11~ I love you
12~ The bitter truth
13~ Never wanna lose you again
14~ First date
15~ In the middle of nowhere
16~ The next step
18~ Happy new year
19~ Prank gone prefectly wrong

17~ Christmas

617 14 8
By _Red_Girl_

Christmas day

Cassandra's P.O.V
Christmas was my favorite holiday. All the neigbors were out on the street from dawn.

Eveyone had a specific job, all the men including my dad would help decorating the streets, either hanging Christmas lights, garlands on each post and wreathes at people's door or buidling small cute gingerbread houses between each block. The women were stuck in their kitchen preparing for their big family dinner as the smell of patisseries invaded the entire quarter.

While most girls and boys in my age would take charge in decorating the huge Christmas tree standing in the center of the city-It towered over all the houses, you can see from five blocks away. And the kids well ran around the park excited for santa's visit tonight.

The neighborhood was full of life and joy. But unfortunately the only problem here in san fransisco is that it rarely snows. That's why every year we spend Christmas at my grandparents in North Carolina. But i always refused to go there a few days earlier because i must participate in the tree decoration.

So now I was walking down the street with hayley by my side each one holding a big box filled with garlands and Christmas balls. We joined the others blasting some music as we danced happily hanging the ornaments on the branches. I felt a bit upset i never attended the party they held tonight, when they lit up the tree and start singing together. Hayley always sent me videos and as much as i wanted to stay, i couldn't disappoint my grandparents.

When everything was perfect, everyone strutted back home to welcome thier family coming from across the country. I said goodbye to hayley and strolled to the direction of my home. I walked slowly in no rush staring mesmerized at beauty of our streets. I'm not bragging or anything but i think we have the fanciest decoration in whole united state.

I was too busy taking pictures of the street that i didn't sense someone running past me until he grabbed my arm forcely pulling me with him. I gasped clutching my phone tightly as i lifted my head to find Ian. Who else could it be?

I screamed trying to escape from him or at least making him slow down."Cass you promised you'll help me buy gifts! Did you forget?" He snapped picking up the pace.

I hastily tugged my phone into my pocket and did my best to keep up with him. When he made sure i was running by his side he let go of my hand. I'd love to scold him and give him the same speech i repeat every year but at this point I'm doubt he ever lsitened to it. He'll never learn his lessons.

Every damn Christmas day he dragged me along with him to the mall to shop for gifts, just a few hours before we head to the airport. He pretend he doesn't time to buy sturf or whatever but apparently he does have time to annoy me.

We walked from store to store throwing a quick look and buying the first thing we liked. We baught a set of teacups and matching teapot for mom, she can show them off at her morning meeting with her friends, we also got a new set of golf for dad since he always complained how his were getting rusty and caused his lost several times-yet i doubt they were the reason and last we got a gorgeous diamond necklace.

Ian let out a relieved breath thanking over and over again for being there for him. "Okay so you're the only one left, why don't you give me a list and you can wait for me here while i get them" he suggested pointing to a near cafe.

He squinted his eyes in confusion when i shook my head "all my heart desire right now is a warm drink, painkillers and some flat shoes cause these boots are killing me" i whined stepping into the crowded cafe as i took a seat on a tiny table in the corner.

"Come one I'm not joking, please tell me. I'll get you anything" he pleaded caressing my hair.

I chuckled placing the heavy bags on the empty chair "I'm not either. Thanks to you i attended a shawn concert where i found the love of my life. There ain't anything that can top that" i smiled gesturing for him to sit next to me.

"So I'm free of never getting you anymore gifts?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Don't push it!" i rolled my eyesbrows. I'm only letting it go because i miss my baby so much. People says that having a boyfriend will soften your heart and increase your forgiveness but i never imagined this to be directed to my brother.

Later on the waitress came and took our orders. "i see you two are doing great?" Ian broke the silence as i nodded my head "so what did you get him?" He asked curiously.

"well it's not much since he probably has a lot but i baught him a nice watch and some blue jeans" i answered before thanking the waitress who placed the cup of hot chocolate in front of me.

"Blue jeans?" He exclaimed.

I stiffled a laugh at his shocked face "while i was helping shawn packing for tour i noticed he had over twenty black jeans and only one blue. He proclaimed he couldn't find any good ones so i promised I'll buy him some" i chuckled taking a sip of my drink.

"Aww that's sweet! So is he still in asia or got back to canada?" Ian asked taking a big bite if his tuna sandwich.

I watched in disgust as the mayonnaise dripped down his chin and onto his shirt "dude napkins exist for a reason" i scowled handing him one "anyway shawn landed in Canada two days. I was about to suggest for him to spend Christmas with us but figured he'd prefer to spend it with his family after this long absence" i sighed sadly staring down.

"You miss him don't you?" He pouted as i sent him a weak smile.

I mean it's normal, we haven't seen each other in three whole months. Sure we texted a lot and we video chatted when he still was in south America but we knid of lost touch as he went to asia because of the time difference. When the sun rose here he'd be ready to fall asleep and when the night took over he'd shine and rise. It was hard but we managed to keep it together.

Especially when midterm exams came bringing an mournful amount of stress he stayed up the whole night and recited every lessons with me while humoring me with new jokes between breaks even though he had a show next day. It made me feel less lonely.

It's just the fact knowing i could walk into his no longer empty apartment and find him there right now was burning me from the inside. I just wanted to be in his arms again. I missed his warm touch, his soft kisses. I waited for three monthes without complaining but this week was by far the toughest.

After paying the bill, we hurried back home where we find dad already loading the bags into the trunk. I subtly tuggedbthe gifts into Ian's bags without anyone seeing cause they found out his negligence, the poor boy won't hear the end of it.

"Oh honey you got a special delivery waiting for you inside!" My dad cheered eagerly wiggling his eyebrows.

Call me stupid but the first thought that crosed my mind, it wasn't an object delivered more as a person. I tried to hide my enthusiasm as i ran into the house. My smile turned upside down when i was met with a huge box laying on the floor. Could he be in there? No way his monckey legs will never allow him.

I sighed in disappointment as i crouched down to lift the lid. The sides fell off revealing a huge bouquet of red roses probably ninety flowers accompanied with two tiny boxes and a note. I grabbed the note reading it out loud 'hey baby merry christmas. I miss you so much. I'm sorry i couldn't be there with you but i hope these presents will make up for it ;). Love you shawn'.

"Aww how romantic!" Amber gasped staring mesmerised at the pretty flowers "what else did he get you?"She asked curiously taking a seat on the couch.

A smile plastered on my face as i opened the first gift, it was a bracelet with half a heart on it -i guess he has the other half. Honestly i always thought these gifts were so corny yet now that I've recieved one i couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach.

I chuckled hearing Amber's distinct squeals. Then i moved on to the next bag scrunching my face in confusion when i pulled out an mp3 player. I glanced at amber who wore the exact expression. I hesitantly pressed the play button as a familiar melody started going.

I shuddered clutching the tiny object closer to my chest as tears welled up in the corner of my eyes "You yeah you...That's just the truth,the truth. And I'd be lying if I said. It'd be a lie to say I'm not stuck on you" i breathed out the words with a strained voice.

I closed my eyes listening fondly to his calming voice that i almost forget about Amber's presence until she asked what it was."It's the full song of stuck on you..." i whimpered.

My eyes widened as the words slipped our of my mouth pausing a minute to process it i let out a sudden shreik. Amber covered her ears laughing when ian rushed in staring at us with fear.

I ignored his glares as i jumped on the nearest couch dnacing to the song like there's no tomorrow. In my hazed world i could see amber telling ian about the gifts shawn sent. I stopped for a moment studying his reaction which was the same 'i wanna kill you look' look for scaring the living shit out of him.

Once i came down from my high i slumped  on the armchair smiling like an idiot. "This is the best Christmas ever..." i mumbled glancing at them.

"Seriously!? You say i can't get good gifts, then you lose your mind over a simple bracelet and a silly song" my brother questioned slightly irritated.

"Dear brother having the full version of this song is every fan's dream!" I retorted back shooting him a dead serious glares.

He shook his head wrapping his arm around Amber's shoulders as they chatted quietly. "Hey big boy help me get this to my room!" I interrupted their sweet moment elbowing him.

He groaned pulling away as he grabbed the heavy box and followed me into my room. "Who...would have... thought a few flowers...would be so heavy?" He panted sweat dripping off his forehead with each step he took.

I opened the door thanking him as he placed the box on my empty desk. He turned around to leave but i stopped him "ian can you please take a photo?" I pleaded tugging at his sleeve.

"With the flower box?!" He exclaimed as i noddeed innocently. "Why not..." he shrugged his shoulder taking my phone.I postioned myself on the side of the bed with the flower in my lap titling my head up to the camera.

"Hey Ian how was your audition yesterday? I'm sure you were amazing but it doesn't hurt to ask" I asked grinning as he handed me back the phone.

"Thanks for the confidence." He kissed my temple wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we headed downstairs "anywyay It went great, the director said i have a big chance of getting the role but let's not get too hasety" he chuckled.

"You're okay. If you need me I'll be preparing your party WHEN you get the role" i smiled as he laughed. I get that he doesn't want to get his hopes up and end up broken but i believed in him and there's no way any other idiot could outweight his talent.

Soon we were interrupted by the door bell ringing "I'll get it! I'll get it!" I informed hurrying towards to open the door.

"Cassandra! I missed you so much" our neighbor Ruby squealed instantly pulling me in a tight hug.

I didn't get the chance to reply because a big ball of fur jumped on me. I giggled loudly as Charlie -aka milo's girlfriend- licked me all over the face. Ruby came over to take milo since we can't take him with us cause grandpa is allergic or probably hates him, it broke my heart to leave him every year but at least i knew she'll take good care of him.

"Oooh i missed you too Charlie!" I cooed ruffling her head "you've grown so much baby. I can barely hold you anymore. You getting pretty heavy!" i cooed putting her down.

She barked joyfully apparently calling for milo who ran towards her."Heavy!? Oh my god you didn't tell her?" Ruby gasped looking at ian.

"Tell me what?" I frowned looking between them.

"Charlie wasn't feeling well last week, so we took her to the veterinary and turns out she's pregnant" Ruby cheered clapping her hands.

My eyes widened snapping my head to the puppies rolling over on the ground "oh my God! I'm gonna be a grandma!" I kneeled down openeing my arms wide for them to join. Tears stremed down my face, i can't my baby is all grown up.

"Yeah and i won't be the only one who'll call you that" ian mocked smirking.

I said goodbye to ruby and the puppies before joing the others in the car. It was an hour drive to the airport so i decided to play some music.


shawnn i love you so freaking much! You're the best boyfriend in the entire world! Thank you for everything!❤😍

Baby: I'm glad you liked them sweetheart. I was actually a bit worried. The flowers and bracelet seemed too tacky.

Me: screw the barcelet! I was talking about stuck on you!

Baby: oh i never thought you'd be so thrilled about a song.

Me: you kidding right? This is no ordinary song my dear. It shook the tire fandom. I've been waiting to hear it since that fucking video!

Baby: haha turns out dating a fan is cool. If you want to console them, cheer them up, get them a decent gift all it takes is a song, a cheesy performance -something you already get paid for- or merches for the rest of their life and they wouldn't mind.

Me: that's kind of offensive but I'll let it pass. So when are you gonna release it? I mean your dear family deserve a beautiful Christmas present like me.

Baby: umm sOoN.

Me: fuck you.

Baby: i love you too sweetheart. Anwyay how's your day going so far?

Me: fantastic! We woke up early this morning and decorated the town's Christmas tree and did a little karaoke in the yard then i helped ian in his Christmas shopping.

Baby: your brother waits a few hours before Christmas to buy gifts!? That's messed up.

Me: tell me about it. Every year is the same with him. I mean he has time to drink beer with his buddies, go Bowling, hang out at the mall and annoy the shit out of me but not do a simple shopping!🤦‍♀️

Baby: well to be honest WE big brothers always spare time to bother our younger sibling.

Me: yeah i know aaliyah told me horrible stories. And now thinking about it you and ian would get along very good in the matter.

Baby: really!? When did you see aaliyah?

Me: what mendes just because you're absent doesn't mean i can't interact with your family.

Baby: it's not what i meant. I just never knew you guys met while i was touring.

Me: your parents invited me several times for dinner. Aaliyah and i always hang out almost every week, either went to the movies or shopping.

Baby: seriously!? I'm jealous that they spent more time with you. I miss you😩

Me: aww baby i miss you too but it's only a few days and I'll be back.

Me: also I've got great news... I'm gonna be a grandma!

Baby: umm congrats?

Me: hahahaha milo's girlfriend is pregnant with his puppies and he's my baby so that makes me their grandma.

Baby: oh that makes more sense when you put it that way.

Me: oh no that means i can't bring him to Toronto with me.☹

I sighed staring sadly out the window. I was so happy about the news i didn't think it through. At first i didn't take him cause i wanted to adjust to the new life and he was supposed to accompany me the next time i go there. Now i can't separate him from his puppies.

Baby: oh honey I'm so sorry. But you can still visit him whenever you want.

Me: you never liked him. You always said that when he gets here he'll get more cuddles than you and take all the attention. So it's a win for you.😐

Baby: how can you say that? First I never said or showed any kind of hatred towards that dog and second no one is allowed to have more cuddles than me.

Baby: besides i always wanted to have a dog when i was young but because of my allergies.

Me: oh please we didn't believe it for a second. I mean 'I'm extremely allergic to dogs' then kissing one and every now and then we see you holding one.

Baby: just because i can't control myself around them doesn't mean i don't suffer the consequences later.

Me: oh my poor baby! I can't imagine the pain you've endured! No one should ever go through that torture! How did you manage to survive!?

Baby: i know you're making fun of me.

Me: take it the way you like it. Anyway how was your day?

Baby: well I'm touched that you're concerned. I woke up at noon alone in bed without you in my arms then i had breakfast with brian and drove to my parents house.


And aaliyah says hi by the way.

Me: ohh shawn you're so mean! Leave my poor baby girl alone.😠

Baby: yOur baBy GiRl!?

Me: hey don't get jelly of my new buddy. I still love you more.

Baby: hahahaha i love you too.

I quickly said goodbye once my dad parked the car outside the airport and tugged my phone into my pocket. I grabbed my bag and practically ran into the building ditching the others. The adrenaline already rushing through my veins.

The flight was basically spent with ian and i bickering about some stupid topic. The ride to my grandparents house was spent also with us arguing. My grandpa's car was so tiny, i wonder how the whole family fit in there every year.

"I never made you sit on my lap when you were a kid and I'm not gonna start now" ian growled trying to get me off his legs. My dad was sitting in the front seat while my mom, ian, amber and i were squeezed in the back.

I squealed as his hands grasped my waist
"Yeah I'm not happy about either. I really wanna pee!" I whined clutching my stomach.

I struggled to hide my mischievous smile as his eyes widened in panic. He started screaming to get off him while i kept pressing down harder on his andomen. He yelped punching me in the back which i returned in a kick on the knees. I wondered how insignificant amber and mom seemed as they talked about some recipes for tonight not caring about the battle going on next to them. As well dad and grandpa were discussing sports.

After a ride that took forever, my grandpa parked the car in their driveway. Ian first instinct was to open the door and literraly throw me out of thr car. Not expecting it, i fell face first on the snowy ground. Rage filled me as i heard his fainted laugh.

I lifted my head scraping the snow off my reddish face. I stood on my knees grasping a handful of snow and throwing it on the back of his head. He shuddered as the snow melted into his neck. He turned around sending me a death glare. Let the battle begin...

We didn't even greet grandma, they started loading our bags into the house,  continued the necessary decoration, prepared all the food while we didn't stop once to catch our breath. From our fight and snowman contest to us rolling around the thick layers of snow. My limbs felt numb by the time mom called us, and still after two hours of goofing around we still haven't had enough fun.

I took a hot bath and slid some warm clothes on before joining them for dinner. Ian and i literally devoured all the delicious food like hungry animals. I had my dad carry back to the couch cause i wasn't able to walk but it was worth the troubles.


Baby: wow I'm not sure which is prettier the snowy view or you!😍

Me: shut up of course it's me. Hey you wanna hear some new jokes.

Baby: sure...

Me: What do snowmen eat for breakfast?

Baby: mhm maybe a carrot?

Me: Frosted Flakes!

Baby: the fuck!?🤦‍♂️

Me: What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?

Baby: I'm afraid to know!

Me: Frost bite. How does a snowman get to work?

Baby: please don't.

Me: By icicle.

Baby: I'm sorry honey we have to break up. It's not me it's you and your stupid jokes!

Me: hey first they're my brother's and second i thought they were funny!!

Baby: of course you did cause you're an idiot, my idiot😘

Me: and you're a jerk... i wish you weren't mine though🙍‍♀️

Baby: hahahaha yeah too bad. Btw mom and dad wish you a marry christmas and they thank you for the wonderful gifts. You shouldn't have to.

Me: ohh it was nothing, I'm gald they liked them.

Baby: hey cass can we face time i miss your cute face.

Me: i already tried calling but the wifi reception sucks here. How about you send me some pics and I'll send you mine. It'll be like we're spending Christmas together.


Me: ooh baby is getting stronger i see😉

Baby: well not bragging I've been working out lately😎

Baby: oh wait cass i want you to meet someone!!

Me: here? on the phone?


meet my new friend Penelope.

Me: awwww she's ao adorable!!

Me: how are you 'mister extremely allergic' holding her so close? It could be dangerous.

Baby: don't worry hon, i didn't get any negative reaction from her presence. I guess I'm not allergic to this breed.

Me: or maybe you're a liar!

Baby: no I'm not! You're so mean!

Me: hahahahaha anyway gotta go liar, time for dessert! Love you.❤

Baby: bye.

Me: wait you can't do that! Love me back!

Baby: take back what you said and I'll love you back!

Me: Meh it's not worth it. See you soon.😘
I peeked outside the tiny window as the land finally appeared underneath in all its shining glory. Energy took over me -even though i barely slept the entire flight- as i buckled my seatbelt like the pilot requested. Afer we landed, i quickly grabbed my belongings and hurried out of the plane. Thankfully it wasn't crowded, i mean what did i expect it's midnight, most flights are during daytime. I swiftly surpassed the short line and collected my suitcase before making my way outside.

I was met with the freezing wind of December. I slid my thick black coat on and tightened the scraf wrapped around my neck as i stood on the side of the road. After a few minutes i got bored waiting for a cab. The thing is shawn already suggested to pick me up but i refused to because I'm an idiot, instesd i told him to have a good night of sleep and I'll meet him tomorrow. Which i started to regret now as my limbs went numb from the cold weather.

So i decided to take a walk in the direction of my place to warm up and hopefully catch a cab on the way. I wasn't afraid to wonder down the street of Toronto at night cause it's always booming with people, actually it became a habit for me to jog down the streets before bed though shawn strictly forbidden me unless i was with him.

The ground was totally wet, i guess it was raining a while ago. I had to carry my suitcase each time i came across a huge puddle of water. I was getting really frustrated and no cab in sight so far. So i decided to cross over to the other side where the ground was less wet. Just when i took a step on the street a car came of nowhere splashing me from head to toe. The tiny warmth i reserved vanished as my cloth absorbed the cold dirty water.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs not caring if anyone hears me.

The car stopped but no one got out. So like any emotionally exhausted person would do, i kept cursing at the driver so he would face me and get kicked in the ass. What the fuck? Is this person deaf or a heartless prick? I took a deep breath as the front door opened and a tall man stepped out. Rage build up inside me as i clutched my bag walking toward him, but froze in place when i saw his face.

He chuckled quietly lowering the scarf hiding his mouth "i knew no candian would yell shamelessly at a stranger in the middle of the street" shawn taunted flashing me a smirk.

I stared at him bewildered barely processing his words. His laugh filled my ears as he took me in his arms, wrapping his arms tightly around me. I sighed happily clinging to his body for warmth. "How did you find me?" My voice muffled with my face stuffed into his chest.

"When it started raining, i thought you might find some trouble in catching a cab so i drove to the airport where i found out your plane landed earlier than expected. I was going back to my place and well you know the rest" he replied a bit guitly resting his chin on the top of my head.

"Well I'm glad it was you who splashed me cause i was determinate to commit a murder tonight!" I grinned as he apologized. I lifted my head meeting his soft gaze before bumping my lips against his, electricity sparked between us, the unpleasant cold no longer present.

I moaned softly enjoying his touch as he stroked my cheek. "Oh honey, you're freezing! Why didn't you wear heavier clothes? you're gonna get sick" he frowned as he pulled away wearing a concerned expression on his face.

He didn't wait for an answer as he shugged off his own jacket and laid it over my shoulder. "Don't worry shawn. I know a better way to warm up..." I flashed him an innocent smile before crashing my lips against his again.

This time the kiss seemed more heated and passionate leading to a full make out session. He shuddered slightly as my hand roamed down his chest and strong abs. In revange he sneaked his and squeezed my butt making me squeal in surprise. He smiled between kisses taking pride of his work.

Suddenly a honk echoed from behind made us pull apart. "Fuck you!Jerks! Annoying bastards!" I muttered under my breath while shawn has already apologized five times.

I sat in the passenger seat as shawn placed my bag in the trunk. He sent those couples a few more sorry infuriating me, but i wasnt going to ruin our first night back together -i can't blame him anyway for his excessive kindness toward people. He started the car telling me he'll drive us to his condo. He didn't ask cause he knew what my answer is gonna be, specially after this make out session we just had.

The ride was practically silent. I kept my hand lingering on his thighs the whole time delicately moving it up and down. I smirked wickedly when his face burned red while he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. I can't blame the guy since we hadn't had any physical contact in the past three months, the videos chats don't count.

As soon as he parked the car we were all over each other. I climbed on his lap before he carried me outside not breaking the kiss once til we got to his apartment -well he did pull away for a second to thank the delivery man who held the door open for us but let's not ruin the mood.

"Oh god i missed you..." i moaned softly as he trailed kisses down my neck. I threaded my fingers through his hair slightly tugging at it making him groan.

He kicked his bedroom's door closed before throwing me on the bed. He quickly shed his unbuttoned shirt off his shoulder exposing his glorious chest and took off his pants. I Iicked my lips eagerly as he hovered over me. It didn't take him much to rip of my clothes off and get me screaming at the top of my lungs.

"That was amazing..." shawn panted slumping on the bed next to me.

He streched his arm inviting me to snuggle closer to him which i gladly obliged. I rested my head on his chest quietly listening to his heartbeat. "You're welcome to splash me anytime you want! That was awsome!" I laughed as he kissed my temple. "But also I'm exhausted..." i whsipered closing my eyes.

"Would you say you're tired to, i don't know,
yell, punch or kick me?" He asked nervously.

At his question my eyes popped open. I lifted my head "why would i want to do any of those things?" I said suspiciously.

He tensed up a little sending me a innocent smile "it's not big deal, I'm throwing the new year's eve party here and i need your help in organizing food, drinks, decorations... pretty much everything!" He quickly rambled avoiding my intense gaze.

I gasped eyes widening as i instinctively hit his chest. "You're crazy shawn!? It's like two days away! We can't pull it off! I don't even have a proper outfit for the occasion!" i screamed. He grabbed my hands to stop my painful punches.

"I knew that would be your opinion but i already planned everything out. We can go shopping in the morning to get food, drinks and decorations, I'll handle everything financially so the next day we can easily arrange them. And about your outfit i think you should check my final Christmas present" he wiggled his eyebrows.

I sighed a bit relieved before leaning down to peck his lips. "Okay then let's go party!" I cheered clapping hands together.

"Well i see you've regained your energy..." He lowered his face as his lips against my ear makinh me shiver "how about a round two?" He kissed my sensitive spot causing a moam to escape my lips.

I pulled him back by the hair flashing him a seductive smile "i doubt you'll be getting anything before new year" i slapped his cheeks playfully before snuggling back under the sheets.

"What!? That's too long baby!" I heard him protest but i ignored him closing my eyes again. He grumbled before spooning me from behind.
I really hope you liked it🥰 don't forget to vote and share and comment your thoughts down below ly❤

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