Alpha's Candy (Chanbaek)

By baekhyunee_exoiloveu

73.6K 5.2K 1.2K

Chanyeol find his first one-sided love again who left during high school. In the society of 3 different clas... More

Alpha's Candy (Chanbaek)
Happening - 1
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Happening - 5th Side Chapter
Author Note!!

Happening - 10

1.3K 101 30
By baekhyunee_exoiloveu

Baekhyun's POV

"Mom, dad, I .. I passed..." me holding my phone telling my parents about the interview.

"Whoaaaa.. really? You did well son... you did very well" my mom comes and hugs me

"I'm so proud of you my son.. you never let us down" my dad also praises me

One thing I'm lucky?

Despite of being born as Omega, my parents have been treating me the best, cared me the most and think for me even for the smallest matters.

I need to stay away from him as much as I can and yeah... let me search up the heat control pills. I have heard of it before but...

Aww... they really sell those kind of pills then.

I should go and buy before I start my work.

In the pharmacy 😑

I.... how to buy....

Aish... I can't help..

"Can I have this one please?" I say as I show pills photo from my phone.

"Ah... this is heat control pill tho" the pharmacist says

Huuu... I know 😑

"Oh yeah.. it's .. for my girlfriend" I lied

"Aww. Okay. Please wait a while"

Finally.. I manage to buy...

Now... I'll go and start my first day at work.

First, I'll take my first pill too. Let's see if it works.

It's my first day and orientation will start sharply at 8:00 AM.

Normal working hour is from 9 but... we have orientation today so, 8 am huh..

It's now 7:45am... 14th floor huh?

I wonder which floor is CEO's... haha.. no no.. I don't need to know.

"Annyeonghaseyo.... this is Byun Baekhyun" I say and bow.

"Aww. Come and sit here"

Is that a supervisor? Or manager?

And I see another newbie like me so I go and sit beside him.

"Hello" he greets me as soon as i sit beside him. "My name is Zhang Yixing. I'm a Beta"

"Aw.. I'm Byun Baekhyun.. l'm... beta too" i lied

"Let's get along well" he says


"Yes but the whole family had moved here many years ago and you can call me Lay.. if my real name is a bit hard to pronounce or remember"

"Aw.. okay."

"Ok ok.. are you guys done introducing each other?"

"Yes" we answer in unison

"Okay. I'm the Department head of Marketing team and my name is Kim Jun Myeon.. but emmm.. forget my real name.. call me Suho nim... and I mostly handle Digital marketing sector since there is another team who are my juniors handling traditional marketing sector"

"You two are specialised in marketing sector so you might know the different between digital and traditional right?"

"Yes" we answer

"We will focus mainly on Social media marketing and for further, you will learn during work. And.. about the company...  you two had met our CEO nim right?"

"Yes. During final interview" Lay answer

"Right.. there are some news about him and he's indeed very hardworking and strict. One thing every of us should avoid is not to get into same elevator with him"

Ummm? I just did... I mean... we used to ...tooo

"So he usually come to work around 9am to 9:15 am... so make sure you arrive before that time. And if you see him inside the elevator, don't get in. That's the company's rule. Other than that, Aww... which identity are you two?I'm Alpha" suho nim says

"We ... are beta.." I answer... lies again

"Aww ok. Mating and having sex in the company compound is strictly restricted. You will get fired if someone see you"


"Because 2 employees got fired last 2 weeks? Because our CEO found them on spot.. so be careful with that"


"And.. Byun Baekhyun right?"


"Do you personally know with our CEO?"

"No" I lied again

"Oh.. really? Okay .. then.. there are your tables.. and I'll be right here. Come and ask me anytime if you have any inquiries.

Today is first day so just go through our Company's rules and regulations book. Or our company website. Try to know more about this company.

About our products, services, and also how many departments we have .. how many different industries we have... so who know how many industries we have?"

"We have this technology company, Park Engineering Company..." Lay says

"We have hotel and restaurant service Industry" I say

"Yes true and we have other trading and many others.  Our CEO nim mainly stays in this Company and handles others from here only. This is like main." Suho nim says


"So.. go and sit in your place. Try to get use to our company and environment" he says "oh and download this app..>he shows his phone<  log in with your employee number.. and check in at canteen. Our CEO had made free meals for everyone since last week. Food are great too... now go and sit"

Me and Lay take go to our tables and sit...

Suho nim seems to be a good guy and easy to approach too.

Thanks god.


Chanyeol's POV

Should I?

Should I go and take a look at him?

He would be doing fine right?

He is with Suho anyway.

Ahh.. I don't know

I get off at 14th floor.

"Aww. Good morning sir" Suho stands you and greets me

I also see him.. and another boy stand up and bow

"How's everything?" I ask Suho

"Its fine and newbies seem nice too"

"Imm... let's go for some drink after work today. You free right?"

"Aww. Yeah sure. Usual place?" Suho says

"Yes. Come to that bar"

"Ok. See you"


Oh yeah.. Suho and I been knowing each other since i started to run this company on my own. He's like a trusted co-worker? You can say friend too. He's the only one who can use horrific with me in this company..

That's why I assigned baekhyun under Suho.

Aish.. baekhyun is not making eye contact with me.

Does he remember me?

His face is so difficult to guess.

I even quickly made free meals system for employees. I don't want to feel like he's paying money to me for his meals.. and I upgraded the menus... I hope he eats well.
After office, I go to my usual bar.. actually I own it anyway.

"Aww.." I see Suho already there

"Late as always" he says

"Sorry, I was reading for monthly meeting next week"

"Yeah yeah.. I know. You are not a type to leave work sharply at 5pm."

"Thank you" I joke. "Aww and... how's he?"

"Who's he? Tell me first"

"Longlost friend"

"The truth Chanyeol"

"We met in middle school and he suddenly disappeared....."

"Had some feelings more than friend.. like that?" Suho asks

"Kinda ... I'm not sure since May be because he was my very first friend ... and did you know which one is he? Alpha? Beta? Or.. o.."

"He said he's Beta"

"Awww... is that so"

"What's wrong? You look disappointed."

"He always looks like Omega .. back in middle school and now too"

"Yeah. He does"

"Just take care of him for me.. teach him well. I'll trust you with that"

"I'll . Don't worry about that"

"He was a kid who didn't know what he wants to be ... he said he would find his own way.... and I hope he can find his passion in this job he chose"

"He seems to be hardworking."

"Indeed huh... he always was..."

"Why don't you talk to him?"

"I don't want him to disappear again.. just because I force him ... I am afraid he might run away again. I just want to keep him safe near me.. under my guard"

A place where I can always get to go and look at him.... if he's there.. I'm fine.

I won't ask for more.

Hello guys 👋🏻 here is an update 💛
It's already Episode 10 yayyyy 🥳
Don't forget to "Like" & "Comment" 😍💛

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