Lost in Albion 2 (Merlin )...

By Jelly_Legs

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(Sequel) Two years in Camelot has driven Elena to leave for reasons she won't admit to herself but a new frie... More



971 35 7
By Jelly_Legs

Chapter 42

Arthur's hand on my mouth wakes me, holding back a short scream. His other hand raises to his lips, signalling for me to be quiet. I nod, reaching for my sword which is lying to next to me. Arthur bends down at Merlin as well who is waking up and wraps his hand around from behind.

"Cenred's men," he whispers, and any sense of drowsiness leaves me, my heart pumping adrenaline through me. Balinor wakes as well, already readying himself.

Cenred's men find us, jumping out of the bushes and I hold my sword to block one of the men. A mix of his strength and the works of gravity against me send me own my back. I roll out of the way as a blade cuts through the air, slicing through the ground where I was moments ago.

I kick my feet out, hitting the side of his ankle at an angle that brings him to his knees. Pulling myself back up, I use his painful distraction to end him.


I spin, Balinor reaching towards an unarmed Merlin as a soldier aims to kill. I cry out as the sword cuts through flesh and Merlin's face morphs into pain, but he is not the one to drop. Balinor falls to his knees, Merlin's arm holding him steady as he lowers to the ground. The solider who dealt the blow flying backwards by a force belonging only to magic.

Another soldier comes at them, a dirty tactic to go for the unarmed boy but he's not taken me into consideration. Before he can blow his own strike, I stab him in the back.

I fall to my knees beside Balinor as he talks to Merlin, but I hold my hand over his wound, doing whatever I can to make him stop bleeding. It only takes seconds before my hands are drowned in blood and I hold them up, no longer able to see the colour of my flesh on them.

"No. Father. No"

Merlin cries out for his long-lost father as I stare in shock, blinking as I hold my hands out.

"NO!" My eyes find Arthur, stabbing his sword into the ground. "Camelot is doomed."

I stand, my legs feeling as though I'm on a ship sailing the rough sea through a storm. I don't get far before my knees find the ground as well and arms wrap around me, but I can't look away from my hands.

The blood of the last dragon lord. The blood of Merlin's father. Merlin's blood. The blood of all the dead and yet to die in Camelot.

The arms pull me back up after a time, but I barely notice. Cool water washes over my hands and my skin begins to show through again which finally breaks me from my trance. I follow the source of water back up to Arthur. His stony face concentrating on the water and my hands, washing away the blood.


My heart races against my chest, so much so that I can't believe it hasn't broken out of his cage and made its own way back to Camelot as we ride along the road. I barely spoke any word as we rode and neither men felt like sharing small talk either.

As the walls come into view, I can see Camelot's knights stationed on them, moving about with weapons in their hands and I yearn to run to them.

Guards take our horses and they must know from the looks on our faces and the lack of an extra person that we were unsuccessful. I trail behind them as Arthur heads straight to the War Room.

It is packed with Knights and Uther.

A silently sob escapes my lips as I lock eyes with Leon who stands to the King's right. My hand covers my mouth and the tears flow freely over my fingers at the relief. He watches me solemnly but offers a small smile.

"I'm sorry, Father. I failed you. The last dragon lord id dead," Arthur announces, and the atmosphere of the room drops even more than I thought it could. Merlin grips my hands tightly and my other falls to his arm, resting my cheek against it. He shakes and I glance up at him, already knowing what I'm going to see.

I rub his arm slowly, squeezing his hand with my other.

"There are many years where I might've wished for that news."

"All is not lost, Father. We have to fight the monster ourselves. So let us ride out and fight on our own terms; on open ground, on horseback, where we can manoeuvre better."

My heart drops but I always knew it would come to this. I tried to avoid the idea in my head but it kept pushing through on the ride back.

"There is no point," Uther replies.

"So what? We stand here, watch Camelot fall?"

Uther nods, leant over his table, stuck between a rock and a hard place. "You have my blessing."

"I need a dozen knights!" Arthur declares, turning around to address the room. "Those who do not wish to fight can do so without stain on their character. For those brave enough to volunteer should know, the chances of returning are slim."

I latch my eyes onto Leon's or is already staring at me. I shake my head, pleading with him not to go. I can't handle it. He breaks away, walking forward and my knees begin to collapse from under me again but my hold on Merlin keeps me upright.

More and more knights walk and I'm ever so grateful that Castor isn't here to volunteer himself as well.

The council breaks, finishing with Arthur's order to prepare for battle and I let go of Merlin, waiting for the knights to disperse. I wait in the corridor, and Leon is one of the last to leave.

He stops just outside the door and we stare at each other, not knowing what to say. I run forward, my arms flying around him and his own snake around me. I dig my head into his neck.

"Please don't go," I beg, my voice cracking. "I can't."

His arms tighten, fingers digging into my waist. "I have to. For Camelot. For you."

I don't know what else to say to him, but there doesn't seem to need any more words to exchange, our actions speaking louder than our voices. I don't move for a long time, scared to let go, not wanting him to see my face which is screwed tight and my lips are peeled back.

Three years. Three years of being one of the best people in my life and now I have to let him ride into a battle that I know he won't come out alive.

He finally pulls back, and I swallow, setting my face back to something I hope is neutral.

"I have to get ready," he mumbles. I nod, his hand cupping my cheek and I put my own hand over it.

"Come back."

He nods, walking away slowly. I watch him, my feet stuck in the same spot until he turns a corner out of my view, breaking me from my hold.

I sprint down the corridor, having another destination in mind. The air pushes my hair backwards and it flaps against my back, strands sticking to my damp cheeks.

I knock on the door but push it open before there's an answer. Merlin and Arthur are inside just as I thought. The Prince is fully strapped into his armour and Merlin stands by.

I walk up to Arthur, gripping his neck.

"I swear to the gods, if you don't come back-" I growl. Arthur closes his eyes, leaning forward and his forehead rests against mine.

"I'm not going to promise anything but just know that I'm going to do everything in my power to win this."

"I've already warned him that I won't let him mess his armour up," Merlin says from our side. I let out a choked laugh, leaning away from the Prince but it drops as I see the sword in the warlock hand.

"You're going too?"

Merlin nods and I bite my cheeks. I march up to him, my hands wrapping around his stomach. His free hand moulds around my shoulder.

Everybody is risking their lives today and I feel like I'm going to be left alone. Castor could be anywhere, I've yet to see him. Just like I was when I first arrived. Lost and alone.


I stand with Gaius on the battlements, watching the knights ride out. The only people I can make out are Arthur who is leading, and Merlin who wears no armour. I know Leon is amongst them but he's not on the horse that I gave him.

I feel light-headed, gripping the wall of the battlements.

"Are you alright dear?" Gaius asks, a hand patting my back.

I hunch over, facing the ground as I shake my head. My stomach feels like someone has taken it out, thrown it in a paint can mixer than chucked it back in me. My skin burns – an heat not like a fire but an intense cold burn crawling down my back.

"I...I can't watch...I can't wait for this."

"Come with me."

Gaius leads me back down to his chambers, handing me a cup. I peer into it but it is just ordinary water, so I take a large sip, very aware of it's odd taste.

"What did you put in this?"

"Morgana's sleeping draft," he answers. My eyes flicker up to him at the name but settle back down on the draft. Do I want to sleep through the battle?

Gaius takes the cup from my hands as I already begin to feel the effects. I lay down in the bed, feeling drowsier than ever and quite quickly, the sound of dreams takes me over.






A hand shaking my shoulder finally pulls me from the sleep. I sit up, rubbing my eyes as everything begins to flow back to me. My eyes snap open.

Merlin stands in front of me, as soft but welcome smile pulling at his cheeks. I gasp, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"The gift of the dragon lords," he says. "It's passed from father to son. I commanded the Great Dragon." I pull back, my face pulling in amazement. "He's alive but he won't ever attack Camelot again."

"Arthur? The Knights?" I ask, breathing out, my hands cupping his jaw.

"Arthur's in his room. The knights...."


"All except for Leon didn't make it."

"Leon survived?"

My chest caves in as Merlin nods and my head falls into my hands as I sob loudly, but this time in relief. Merlin rubs my back.

"Thank you," I cry out. "For living. Bringing them both back."

"You should go see Arthur. He was a little upset when you didn't meet him when we came back."

I sit back up, wiping my eyes as a small burst of laughter bubbles in my throat. "I will," I nod. "I should go see Leon too."

I run out of the physician's chambers, barely noticing Gaius working and run out into the main part of the castle. I feel terrible, being excited. Those other knights risked their lives but I'm grateful that the ones who have come back are important to me – no matter how selfish that may sound.

A group of knights are making their way through the corridor, one standing at their lead with a helmet in their hands.

"Leon!" I run up to him, jumping into his arms that are open and waiting for me. My legs latch around him. "You came back!"

"I almost didn't, but the dragon just missed me. Arthur dealt it a mortal blow."

"Are you unharmed?" I ask, leaning back but staying in his hold. Leon grimaces, rounding off his shoulder.

"Hurt my shoulder when I fell off the horse but nothing else," he admits.

"Oh! I'm sorry." I try to pull out of his hold, assuming I'm putting pressure on his shoulder, but he shakes his head.

"I'm fine."

I wait a moment, watching him for any sign of discomfort but he holds any sign back well. I dive back into him, this time a large smile staying on my mouth. He laughs softly in my ear before letting my back on the ground.

"Go see Gaius, he's down in his quarters," I instruct.

"It's fine, honestly-"

"I'm not asking."

"Alright," he agrees. He squeezes my hand as he walks past, and I continue my journey to Arthur's chambers.

I burst in unannounced and he nearly falls over a chair at the sound of his door slamming against the wall.

"Elena?" he gasps, righting himself. I don't answer and leap onto him just like I did with Leon. He stumbles back, unprepared but holds himself up, using his arms to support the new weight on him.

"You luck bastard!" I shriek, dropping back to the ground. "I've never been so worried in my life!"

I start smacking his chest, angry that he made me so worried to the point where Gaius had to knock me out. He grabs my hands, holding them in the air as I glare at him.

"You come meet us when we rode in?"

"No!" I exclaim. "I was knocked out because I was so worried that Gaius had to give me a sleeping potion."

"Well, there's no need to worry anymore. The dragon is dead." I nod, keeping the knowledge of the dragon's status to myself.

"And I was beginning to think I was going to have to find another training partner," I tease.

"Your lack of faith in my is insulting," he huffs in offence but the smile on his face says otherwise.

"If anybody could have pulled this off, it's you Arthur," I say, adding 'and Merlin' mentally but I'd let the Prince have this one.

"That's much better."

We stand there in silence for a few moments, Arthur still holding my hands out of the way. I bite my lip as I watch him, wanting nothing more than to lean in and I feel myself beginning to. I pull back though as I remember another person who I have to see.

"I'm glad you back," I say finally, straightening myself back out. "I have someone else I need to find as well though. I haven't seen Castor since we left."

"Of course," he coughs. "I saw him down near the armoury last."

"Thank you."

I walk out of the room but as soon as I close the door I run down to the armoury. All my worried of the past week flying out behind me as I do.

"Castooor!" I yell out, seeing the knight walk along the side of the training grounds.

"Eleeeena!" he calls back mockingly.

I tackle him as I reach him, and we skid along the ground.

"We did it," I exhale as we lie on our backs. We laugh, looking up at the sky as the smoke begins to thin out. "Merlin did it."


"Turns out he's a dragon lord as well. Balinor was his father and the gift passes from father to son."

A flash of memory passes through my mind. My hands covered in blood. I shake my head, ridding myself of the image.

"Crazy boy that Merlin is," he says. "What can get crazier than a dragon attacking Camelot?!"

"Don't even get me started," I say, shaking my head. "Arthur's not even King yet. He'll have enemies each and every way."

"You know... I saw you two at the training grounds." I look to him, not sure what time he was referring to since I'm at the training grounds often. "It was the middle of the night. It was just the two of you."

"Oh my god," I laugh, realising when he is referring to. "I saw you. I thought you were a woman!" A loud bellow of laughter follows as Castor gasps dramatically. "I swear I saw a dress!"

"I have never been so insulted. I'm the manliest of them all!" I can't answer, already struggling to breath from the constant stream of giggles passing my lips. "And you still didn't answer my question."

"Technically you didn't ask me anything," I point out.

"Yes. But I was insinuating something," he enunciates. I look at him, waiting for a further explanation. "Elena! You are oblivious! You and the Prince. Alooone?"

I shake my head. "No, he was just training me. Nothing happened. Besides, that was the night Leon and I ended things."

"Yes, but you've grown closer to him. Do you want anything to happen?"

"Can we not talk about this?"

"Oh, so you do?"

"I'm not answering."

"Can I tell him?"

"I will murder you."

"Yes, but he will know so mission accomplished."

"I will murder him as well then."

"That doesn't make sense."

"Does anything?'


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