New Hero Of Justice

By FizzyGaming

30.5K 272 80

The New Hero Of Justice More

Emiya Yuto
(OP and OC)Angelica Ainsworth
Emiya Yuto's Unlimited Blade Works Chant
(OP and OC)Angelica Ainsworth's Unlimited Blade Works Chant
Emiya Yuto's harem part 1
Emiya Yuto's guns
Emiya Yuto's bonds of his harem
Heroic Spirit Emiya(alternative future version of Emiya Yuto)
Heroic Spirit Emiya Yuto's Unlimited Blade Works
Erza Scarlet(Ruler)
Emiya Yuto's new servants
Demi Servant Emiya(Saber/Archer/Demi servant/alternative version of Emiya Yuto)
Demi Servant Emiya's Unlimited Blade Works Chant
Alternative Ageless/Immortal and Human Version of Venelana Gremory
Immoral/Human Version of Venelana Gremory's Unlimited Blade Works Chant
Emiya Yuto's harem part 2
Emiya Yuto's Harem Part 3
Half Divine Spirit and Half Human Version of Ikaros
Emiya Yuto's harem part 4
Emiya Yuto's Family
Emiya Yuto's harem part 5
Emiya Yuto's harem part 6
Emiya Yuto's Harem part 7
Mordred Pendragon(King Version)
Emiya Yuto's Harem Part 8
Emiya Yuto's Harem part 9
Emiya Yuto's harem part 10
Emiya Yuto's Harem part 11
Emiya Yuto's Harem Part 12
Emiya Yuto's Harem part 13
Emiya Yuto's Harem Part 14
Emiya Yuto's Harem part 15
Emiya Yuto's Harem Part 16
Emiya Yuto's Harem part 18

Arturia Pendragon(Master Version of Arturia Pendragon)

385 3 0
By FizzyGaming

Arturia Pendragon(Master Version)has same and similar mana abilities and combat abilities of her saber counterpart including she possessing her powerful weapons in her possession as well different abilities.she possessing Command Seal.


Magic Resistance Rank A/Rank EX

Riding Skill Rank A/Rank A+

Instant Rank A/Rank EX

Mana Burst Rank A/Rank EX

Regeneration Magic Rank A++/Rank EX

Dragon Core Rank EX

Magic Core(Magic Circuits)Rank EX

Magic Circuits Capacity Rank A++

Magic Circuits Qualities Rank EX

Territory Creation Rank EX

Charisma Rank B/Rank EX

Charisma of Hope Rank B/Rank EX

Protection of the Lake Rank A/Rank EX

Sword of Selection Rank EX

Independant Magic Rank B/Rank EX

Mana Rank A/Rank EX

Luck Rank A+

Enhanced Physical Abilities

Immense Strength Rank A/Rank A+

Immense Durability Rank A/Rank EX

Immense Stamina Rank A/Rank EX

Immense Endurance Rank A/Rank EX

Immense Speed Rank A/Rank A+

Immense Agility Rank A/Rank A+

Immense Reflexes Rank A/Rank A+

Arturia Pendragon(Master Version of Saber)'s Magecraft Abilites Rank EX


Reinforcement Magecraft Rank A/Rank A+

Mystic Code Healing Magecraft Rank EX

Master's Noble Phantom

Excalibur:Sword Promised of Victory Rank A++ and Excalibur Morgan:Sword Promised of Victory Rank A++

(Arturia must gather an high amount of her magical energy to covering Excalibur Morgan of her mana instead of Invisible Air[I worked so hard to find this image].)

Caliburn:The Goldren Sword of the Victorious Rank B/(unconditionally Rank A+)/Rank A++

Rhongomyniad Rank A++/Rank EX

Avalon:The Everdistant Utopia Rank EX

Excalibur Galatine:Sword of Revolving Victory Rank A+/Rank EX

Clarent:Radiant and Brillant Royal Sword Rank B/Rank EX

Clarent Blood Pendragon:My Hatred Against all of Wretched Witch Including My Half Sister Morgan Le Fay Rank A+++/EX

(Holy Version)Arondight:The Unfading Light of Lake Rank A/Rank EX and(Demonic Version)Arondight:The Unfading Light of Lake Rank A++/Rank EX

Excalibur Proto:Sword Promised of Victory Rank C(Rank EX)/Rank EX

Invisible Air Rank C/Rank EX

Around Caliburn:The Ray of Hope That Embraces You Rank A

Round of Avalon:The Promised Star Which Gathers The True Around Rank A

Arturia Pendragon's Master Alternative Evolution Form Noble Phantom

Alter Form Rank EX:Unlike all of her none alter counterparts,Artoria Pendragon is able to enter her Alter Form to granted her greater power even before she has in life as well disabled Invisible Air while she's in her alter form including it granting her an endless amount of magical energy and she can used nether Excalibur or Excalibur Proto or Excalibur Morgan or her another weapons without limits and her Regeneration Magic gains an almost endless amount of magical energy to completely heals and regenerates all of her wounds and injuries in matter of seconds without bleeding out which normally it takes matter of minutes due to Avalon:The Everdistant Utopia as well change ber armor's color and appearance including her clothing and appearance which it is same and similar to her heroic spirit counterpart Saber Class Saber Alter's armor,clothing and appearance which opposite to her normal clothes,armor and appearance.her Alter Form only to be activated in response an full amount of rage,stress and anger to transform into her Alter Form even Arturia Pendragon in her Alter Form she still cares all of her love ones including Emiya Yuto which it is completely called Alter Form Rank EX and her Alter Form also changed her personality which it is same and similar to Saber Alter even in her alter form state she still has royality towards her love ones and Emiya Yuto even her family afraid of Artoria Pendragon's Alter Form Rank EX.most of Artoria Pendragon's arsenal,magical and physical abilites have been rank up into their highest limits and it is able to completely remove all of the restraints and all of seals of the Excalibur Proto:Sword of Promised Victory and now it is Rank EX.

Requip:The Knight Magic Rank E~EX

Repairment Armor Rank EX:unlike all of welders and users of armor,her armor never permanently stayed damaged or destroyed or lost parts of armor which it is made of her magical energy.she is able to completely fully restore her armor which it is made from her magical energy and normally takes amount of time to restore her armor which will completely make her wide open to attack.however unlike all of her counterparts,Artoria Pendragon is able to restore damaged,destroyed and lost parts of her armor is completely restored in matter of seconds completely restored and repaired.


Name:Artuira Pendragon

Alignment:Lawful Good

Age:17 years old(currently physically 41 years old after being reincarnation)Alive.

Histroy:The Master version of Arturia Pendragon still follows the same path as her Saber counterpart and it is also different at same time.The Arturia Pendragon divorce Guinivere after Arturia Pendragon realized Guiniverse is unfaithful wife and lover as well never forgiving Tristan.Unlike her Saber counterpart,Arturia Pendragon spends time with Knights of Round Table excluding Tristan as well Mordred Pendragon(before Mordred revealed she is her and Morgan Le Fay's child)and Arturia Pendragon allows herself to feel the human emotions and understand heart of humanity which her Saber counterpart never did before in her life as king before Saber meet Emiya Shirou in Fate Route.Before she dies,after fall of Camelot,she realized it is her fault that Camelot fall because she never knoweldge Mordred if she kills Morgan Le Fay after Mordred is born and raised Mordred all by herself and she has admit it Mordred was her flesh and blood child and if her step mother is better mother figure and raise her better and things would of gone different while she sadly looking and holding at Mordred's dead body and she said:I'm sorry Mordred.:(meaning she has finally accepted and knoweldge Mordred as her father/mother.)and die together as true family.

Unlike her counterparts,she is able to reincarnated and reborn into distance future and she has no memories of her past and her death.she is first crush and childhood friend of Emiya Yuto(our main character)at age of 7 everytime they are together.Emiya Yuto is able to sees her distance past life and death which he crys in his sleep everytime they have sleep over night.Arturia Pendragon's weathly and rich Pendragon family and her have to move another country due to her family's job trip and Emiya Yuto missed her as they departed and he took a picture photo and art photos of Arturia to never forget about her and she is the first friend and first love interest he Emiya Yuto is 17 years old after he summons her saber self and her another counterparts including her summoning most of her counterparts' female children which is Mordred Pendragon(Lartoria's daughter)and Mordred Pendragon Alter(Saber's son)which he remembers and never forget his first crush,childhood friend and love interest to Arturia Pendragon which he missed her alot and he still have the photos and art photos of her in all of his perfect photo frame possessions and perfect art photos frame possessions all of his collections stored in his room and closet.she returns to Fuyuki City after 10 years,2 months and 2 days which her family's job trip is finally over at age of 17 and she is happy to see Emiya Yuto again and she too have romantic feelings for Emiya Yuto and she is shock to see her counterparts which they look like her and her distance past memories is slowly returning to her slowly at one of time.during her travels she gets gifts from the country(her former home country)she visited such as Excalibur:Sword of Promised Victory,Excalibur Morgan:Sword of Promised Victory,Avalon:The Everdistant Utopia,Excalibur Proto:Sword of Promised Victory,Caliburn:The Golden Sword of Victorious,Excalibur Galatine:Sword of Resolving Victory,Clarent:Radiant and Brilliant Royal Sword,Arondight:The Unfading Light of Lake(both of them are holy and demonic sword counterparts)and Rhongomyniad(both regular and alter holy lances counterparts.)including her Saber and Saber Alter's armor due to her status as Pendragon Family aswell Invisible Air,unlike all of her counterparts,Artoria Pendragon is able to improve her Invisible Air which it is originally Rank C now it is completely rank up into Rank EX and her nurmous amount of abilities fully compare to all of her alternative heroic spirit counterparts and gain more magic abilites as well.

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