My Blessed Mistake(Completed✔)

By FairyLover782

403K 14.8K 293

"I am pregnant," I blurted. "What???" Harish and Kavya shouted in unison. "Hey kiddo, you gotta lose your v... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Not An Update
Chapter 35

Chapter 12

10.6K 458 4
By FairyLover782

~A single moment of misunderstanding is so poisonous, it makes us forget the hundred lovable moments spent together within minutes~

Siddharth POV

I should not have done that. I was too happy that Sandhya returned and I forgot to even ask her if she ate or not. I have been really selfish.

That night, I stayed with her and made sure she had all her vitamins. She behaved differently with me. I don't know why but I felt we have become distant, and I didn't like it.

I went to the living room after she sleep. I wanted to clear my mind. I felt really guilty for not taking care of her. For ruining her life. If that didn't happen that night, she would not have been stuck with me. She would have been happier with her brothers whom she loved very much. I switched on the TV but my concentration was elsewhere.

"This looks like the TV watching you, not you watching the TV," Sandhya said and I smiled at her.

"What is bothering you?" she asked me.

"I don't know. I just feel I made Ananya's life a living hell. The period of pregnancy should be the most happiest moment of a girl's life, but she is not happy. Our life is not the same anymore. She deserve the best in her life and I.... I am not good for her. If not for me, she would've gotten married to a man she loves and carry his baby. But now.... I can't even take care of her," I said and felt really bad about myself.

"Sid, why are you talking like this? You are the best one could get. You said she didn't love anyone before you, but now you are talking like this. I feel you both are perfect for each other," she said and I looked at her confused.

"What makes you tell that?" I laughed, running my hand through my hair, for the millionth time today.

"I am telling this because I saw your face when you heard she fainted. You looked like you needed some superpowers to immediately fly to her side. And she? She defended you when she went for check-ups. Didn't you hear the doctor said you couldn't come for the check-ups because you were busy. I am sure you wouldn't be so busy to the point you can't even accompany her to the check-ups right? Which means she didn't talk bad about you to the doctor," she said and I laughed again.

"Sandhya, that doesn't mean we are perfect for each other," I said.

"Sid, there is no thing as perfect in this world. You know, a relationship is built with time and love. You cannot expect you both turn from strangers to couples in just a month or two right? I should blame Abhi for this. How can you understand a person in just months time? You need more than that Siddharth. You both need to spend time together. You go to your office and she goes to hers. How can you both realize what you want like this?" she said.

"Sid, life don't always go as we expected. You might have your problems and she will have hers. No one in this world lives without problems. You will feel like everyone else except you is happy in their relationship, but you have to be in their shoes to understand them. From outside you might think their life is perfect while I am suffering like this. But, can you be sure that their life is as happy as they portray it to the outside world? No, you don't know what they are going through or what they went through to make their relationship perfect. Trust me, no one can have a perfect relationship. Because at the end of the day, the two person in the relationship is completely two different souls. They will, sure will have problems when they live together. Just like you and Ananya. All you have to do is continue to trust her and make it as close to perfect as possible," she continued when I was quiet.

"But...will we ever love each other?" I asked her.

"Yeah, of course you will. You just have to make her love you. Make her happy and feel protected. She will definitely fall for you. You are a gentleman yarr," she said. "And, whether you realize or not, you have already fell in love with her," she said, with a knowing smile.

"What are you telling? Nothing like that," I mumbled.

"Idiot, you are in love. If not you will not care about her life, her happiness and her feelings. If you didn't love her, you will only see your happiness instead of her. What you feel now is insecurities. You are afraid that you wouldn't be good for her, because you want her to accept you," she said.

"No, nothing like th..." she cut me off.

"Don't lie Siddharth. Okay now tell me, what do you feel like when you think about her living with another man?" she asked me and my widened at her question.

"What? How will she go with another man? I mean, she carries my child, so she wont go with another man. She can't go with another man," I said.

"Then, let's say you met her under different circumstances, like any other normal couple. If she was not tied with you because of this baby, would you have let her go with another man?" she asked.

Would I? Would I feel this attached to her if she didn't carry my baby? Is everything I feel towards her only because of the baby and not for her? Did I love her?

"I think you are right. Yeah, I think you are right. I do love her. She is like the perfect girl, I could ever get. She is the one for me. She is strong, calm, beautiful and most importantly, she is she. She didn't try to be someone else, so that she can impress someone. She is simple and have a pure heart. Yeah man, I do love her," I said and smiled.

"Are you blushing?" I heard her asking me. No way in hell I am blushing. I have never blushed in my entire life. Shit, after her coming in my life, weird stuff is happening to me.

"Thank you so much Sandhya!!!" I said and grinned like an idiot.

"That's what friends are for!!!" she said and hugged me. I thanked her once again before going to my room. I went inside and saw Ananya sleeping peacefully, with her hand on her tummy.

"I am sorry," I said and kissed her forehead. I felt really happy after talking to Sandhya. She made me understand that I love Ananya. Yes, I do. I want to spend time with her, I don't know why. I don't know when I fell for her, but I don't want to lose her in my life. I slept peacefully.

The next day when I woke up, I didn't find her. I called her but her number was switched off. I messaged her but she didn't reply either. I planned to pick her up from work as usual and I went to work after that.

Ananya POV

This is worse than I expected. When I saw them hugging each other, I was broken. I know they both are friends, but... I just cannot accept him hugging another girl. But, the question is WHY I feel hurt seeing that?

If I didn't went outside to drink water, I wouldn't have seen that. I wouldn't have felt hurt. But, why did he kiss my forehead? I have a lot of question going in my head. Am I misunderstanding things? Maybe she is just his friend. But why do I even care? I switched off my phone because I felt irritated. Irritated of everything!!! I don't want anyone to disturb me.

"Are you okay?" Kavya asked me.

"Yeah," I said and she gave me an are-you-serious look. "Okay fine, I am not!!!" I said and she hugged me tightly. "Don't worry, everything will be fine," she said.

I hugged her back and cried. I cried until everyone in the office turned to look at me.

"If you want to talk about it, I am here," she said.

"I don't know what is happening to me. Yesterday..." I got cut off by the voice that I didn't want to hear.

"Ananya, are you okay? Why are you crying?" Ratna came and asked me. That is it. That one question was enough for me to lose my cool.

"Enough of your drama Ratna!!! You don't have to act anymore. I know already. I know whatever you told Anand about me," I shouted and she flinched. Definitely she would never have expected her act to be caught like this.

"Ananya, what are you...." I cut her off in the middle

"I said enough. I don't have time for your nonsense. I will just think I never had a friend like you, so please... I am already in a lot of stress. Don't make me lose my cool," I said.

"Ratna, please. Whatever it is, now is not the time," Kavya said in a monotone. Ratna just humphed and left, storming out of the office.

"Ananya, what happen to you?" Kavya gave me a confused look. I explained everything to her, how she complained about things I did and I didn't.

"I told you. She was a b*tch. I knew she would do something like this behind our back. You should've seen the looks she's been.... Yeah whatever. Now tell me what you were thinking?" she asked me, back to business.

"Yesterday night, I saw.... Siddharth and Sandhya hugging in the living room. I mean I just saw for a few seconds before going back to the room. I wanted to drink water so, I came out. But, when I saw that, I felt bad. I really felt angry and hurt. But, they both are friends and I shouldn't feel bad right?" I stopped rambling when I saw Kavya giving me 'are you insane' look.

"Ananya, are you okay? Because last time I checked you had the highest IQ compared to us. I think you baby took away some of your IQ. That is why you are thinking like this!!!" she said.

"You mean, I am just overthinking?" I asked her.

"Idiot, you yourself said, they both are childhood friends. They have been friends since they've been wearing diapers. They are more like brother-sister compared to friends. Now tell me, have you and Harish never hugged?" she asked and I shook my head. Of course, I have hugged him. He is like a brother to me, so I didn't feel anything hugging him.

"Exactly, I don't know, why you are overthinking things and make it complicated for both of you. This is not how you work on a relationship Ananya," she said with a serious look. I placed my hand on my flat tummy and nodded.

"Looks like my baby, took most of my IQ. I don't even know when you became more smarter than me," I said and laughed at her face.

"Anyway, I think, I will be smarter than you for this nine months. So, whenever you feel complicated, you can contact me," she said with a sassy look.

"Enough of your nonsense. But, thank you. I guess, I am just making things complicated," I said. She hugged me and mumbled a 'Always'

The day went just like that. I need to go home early and talk to Siddharth. I have to make some things clear. Like how we are going to lead our lives and so on.

After that she went to her table and I continued with my work. The day went just like that. After work, I said bye to Kavya and went out. She is working overtime today, so she will go back later. When I went out, I saw Riddhant waiting for me.

"Riddhant!!!" I called, literally shouted and rushed towards him.

"Anu," he called me using my nickname. So, he is not angry with me.

"OMG, I missed you so much. How are you? How is bhai? Is he okay? Did he come to meet me?" I asked him, hugging him.

So, finally Ananya gets to meet one of her brother. But, when the other brother will meet her? When will her other brother realize, his sister is missing him dearly and waiting for him to forgive her? I guess you have to wait a little while.

So, tell me what you are thinking about the characters until now?

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