My Bully Jungkook 2 // A Bts...

By _ThePlushieJinThrew_

180 4 3

A second part of: My Bully Jungkook // A Bts FF | J.JK \\ You asked and you got it! WARNING: T H I S C O N... More

Part 1

180 4 3
By _ThePlushieJinThrew_

Hi! This is part 2 of My Bully Jungkook. It has been requested and I've been thinking about doing it so here I am now writing it! And like I said in the description this does contain triggering content so just keep that as a note please. Aside from that, this book will have longer chapters than the other one so that's the only difference but for now just enjoy and keep reading!


It had been 6 months since me and Jungkook had started dating and the two of us were the talk of the school. People couldn't believe it.

Most of the girls were jealous that they couldn't get a taste of what they wanted, which was Jeon Jungkook.

I mean I couldn't believe it either. He started off hating me and now we're dating? It's some fairy tail shit.

But it can't last forever...




It's a scary but fascinating thing.

But I was determined to go up to that stage and not make a fool of myself in front of the hundreds of faces that watched eager to get their diploma too.

I just focused on the one that was watching intently.

Jeon Jungkook.

I smiled to myself and walked with pride.

I spoke with confidence and eventually I was met with the roll of paper that I had spent 12 entire years to earn.

Next step college.


"12 years for a piece of paper. Can you believe that or what?" Jungkook giggled while holding the roll in his hand along with his graduation cap.

"I know it's crazy right? Now we can go to college and get a job and start living the fascinating life of adulthood." I stared intently at the piece of paper that held so many unique treasures.

"You're such a nerd. Go get out more. Enjoy life. Not everything is about school." Jungkook looked at me weirdly.

"It kind of is if you think about it. We spend most of our life in school anyways." I shrugged and focused my attention on all the kids that were talking with friends. All in the same green robe as I wore.

"You know what? We're gonna celebrate tonight. I heard someone is hosting a party a couples miles out. I think it'll be fun." His face lit up.

"I don't know..." I thought about the last party I went to and how bad spin the bottle sucked.

"Oh come on. It can't be that bad. Like I said life isn't all about school. So you're coming wether you like it our not." He smirked hitting my head with his diploma.

"Hey!" I placed my hand where he had hit me. "Fine, fine. I'll go." I rolled my eyes as a mischievous grin creeped on his face.

"I knew you'd give in!" He kissed me and pink painted my cheeks.

"Whatever. I have to go though Hoseok is probably wondering where the hell I am. Bye love you." I gave him a quick hug then walked off in search of my brothers black car.

When I found the car I got into the passenger seat and gave a worried grin at what lecture was going to come to me.

"Where were you?! I waited for you for 30 minutes!" I flinched as Hoseok yelled at me for making him wait to long.

"Sorry. I was just hanging with friends. It's exciting." My voice squeaked out the obvious lie.

Hoseok rolled his eyes and tried to start the car up.

"Piece of shit!" He yelled frustrated.

With one last go the car finally started up and he breathed out a sigh of relief.

When we got to the house I ran inside to my room. I started thinking of what to wear to the stupid party that I was being forced to go to.

Then I thought of the bigger problem.

How I was going to get there.

I paced around the room for several minutes as I tried to think of something. Eventually I had to just come to the conclusion that I was going to have to sneak out.

Well shit.

I sighed to myself and texted Jungkook that I would be going late.

There was a knock on my door and I jumped from the sudden noise.

"Come in!" I yelled setting my phone down. Making sure to flip it upside down so whoever it was couldn't see my texts.

Hoseok opened the door now dressed out of the shiny green graduate uniform.

"What's up?" I asked fidgeting with the tassels on my cap.

"I'm going out tonight." He said cracking the door open.

Perfect. Now I have an even better chance to sneak out with out him knowing.

If he found out I was going to a party that most likely has lot of underage drinking and sex he would freak out. He may be the same age as me but he tries to be the parent I never had. Which isn't all bad most of the time.

"Where to?" I asked.

"Probably a café with my friends." He said as he opened the door a little wider.

"Alright. What time will you be home?" I asked trying not to be suspicious.

"I don't know. Sometime late. Why?" He said annoyed.

"Just wondering." I looked away hoping he wasn't on to what I was trying to do.

"Okay." He searched his pockets for something.

"Here's $20. Order yourself a pizza or something I don't know." He held a $20 bill in his outstretched hand trying to give it to me but I refused.

"Don't worry I can pay for my own pizza. Take your own money your going to need it." I pushed his hand away and reached into my own pocket and held a 20 between my fingers.

"See?" I grinned.

"Alright. Well I'll be back. Stay safe and don't answer the door for strangers." He winked at me then closed the door and left.

When the door closed I breathed out the air that I didn't know I had been holding in.

I looked at my phone again and saw that Jungkook had replied saying it was okay.

After about an hour of getting ready I told Jungkook I was ready to go and he came to pick me up.

When he pulled up I got in and we began the journey to the party.

My stomach churned at the thought of how upset Hoseok would be if he found out I had snuck out without with permission.

I started to feel as if rebelling wasn't a good idea.

I guess Jungkook noticed that I wasn't feeling to good and asked if I wanted to go back.

"No it's fine. I just feel a little under the weather I guess. It'll most likely go away so don't worry to much." I gave him a fake smile and he seemed to take the answer I gave him.

"You look really good by the way." Jungkook said as he grabbed my hand pulling it close to him.

I blushed and thanked him feeling a little better with the compliment.


The ride was about 10 minutes so not to bad.

When we got there I could already hear the music from outside of the house and I knew that there was most likely a lot of people here from all the cars parked on the street.

When I got of the car I adjusted my skirt and took Jungkook's hand walking up the steps to the door.

There was a lot of people there. Mostly drunken seniors and new graduates. But there was a few college students too. Definitely not my kind of party. Jungkook however, fit right in. He immediately took a liking to the beer that was sitting on the table in red solo cups.

He tried handing me one but I refused.

"Come on y/n you're no fun. You can't just come to a party and sit on the couch the whole time!" He pushed the beer towards me more but I pushed it away again.

"I can and I will." I sat on the couch insisting I could prove him wrong but was immediately moved as a drunk duo started making out right next to me.

Jungkook smirked and placed the cup in my hand.

"Just try it." He placed the cup to my mouth and I eventually gave in and tried a sip of the liquid. It burned going down and the taste was bitter but I persisted and finished it.

"See? I knew you had it in you!" He yelled over the music.

I stuck with Jungkook most of the night only leaving his side to grab a few more beers that I drank.

Before I knew it I was in a drunken haze and ended up on the couch with Jungkook.

We made out for a couple seconds and the cup of beer that Jungkook was holding in his hand dropped spilling all over the floor leaving a sticky residue on the ground.

Suddenly time slowed down and all was right in the world as he left hickies traveling all the way down to my chest.

But the paradise was abruptly shaken away as someone tapped on my shoulder.

I looked up and almost choked on my own saliva when I saw who it was.

"Hoseok! Hi! Ha ha ha it isn't what it looks like!" I nervously laughed.

Jungkook got up and sat next to me on the couch avoiding any form of eye contact with my over protective brother.

"Then what is it? Hm?!" His tone started to raise more and more.

"I- I. It's just- You see- Well..." I couldn't come up with anything and I turned into a stuttering mess.

"I don't want to hear it leave the excuses for when we get home. And you! Jeon Jungkook. Stay away from my sister or I will break bones in places you didn't even know had bones. Understood?" Hoseok glared at Jungkook with pure fury.

Jungkook shifted in his seat and gulped.

"Got it." Jungkook tried helping me up but was stopped as Hoseok did it instead. 


"Hoseok-" I tried to apologize but was cut off.

"All I've done is try and help you. And this is what you do? You sneak out, drink alcohol, and try and have sex with Jungkook! I don't know what has gotten into you but when your homeless on the street again I'm surely not helping you. So don't come crawling back to me." Tears well up in my eyes.

"Why do you care so much?! We haven't even known each other a year yet and you're trying to control my every move!" I yell as the frustration I didn't know I had comes boiling out.

"I'm not controlling you! I'm trying to save you!" His voice cracks as tears fall down his soft skin.

"Save me from what? The sky falling?" I ask.

"From becoming dad!" He yells.

"You think I'm going to turn into him? I'm nothing like him. How could you say that? And he's not my dad! He never will be!" I start sobbing as memories come flooding back. Memories I tried pushing away.

"That's not what I meant-" He tried to console me but I push him away and run out the door.

I hear him calling after me as I run away into the dark night.

I keep running until my legs can take me no further.

I start walking to a nearby curb and sit down and start sobbing with my head in my legs.

Just like the night I got kicked out.

I eventually stop and calm myself down. That's when I look up and observe my surroundings.


I almost lost breath as I looked to the house that I spent my whole life in. The house that many many beatings took place at. The place where I lost myself. The place where I lost all sense of reality. My parents home.

And the lights are on.

I get up and realize I made a huge mistake.

"Hey! You! Get over here!" A male voice says.

I try to sprint away but my body completely freezes and he comes to me.

"Y/n? I thought I told you never to come back here! And look where you are. You're here."He grabs me by my neck and brings me to the house as I gasp for a taste of fresh air.

This can't be happening again.

"Are those hickies?! You fucking slut." He spits on me and then drops me on the ground. I fall down holding my throat gasping for air.

I cough up blood as I take a blow to the ribs.

"Get up whore." He spits at me again.

I shakily obey his orders and I receive a punch to the face. He roughly grabs my chin and gets in my face.

"You want to go around being a hoe then come back to MY house? You think that's how this works?" He screams.

I groan in pain from his tight grip. "N-n-"

"Is that how this works?!" He repeats his question.

"No sir!" I manage to get out.

He starts to give my multiple blows to the face then burns my arm with his cigarette. I watch as he throws the burnt out bud on the ground.

He lets go of my face and I fall to the ground in agony. One last kick to the stomach and he stumbles away.

"Pathetic piece of shit."

I pull my self up and stumble out the door my vision going in and out of focus.

I make it half way down the steps then collapse to the ground.



Is what I feel.

I ask myself, is this how you want to live?

Being tortured by the people that are supposed to love you? Forever fighting the demons that haunt you?

And in that moment I wake up.

I'm in the same spot and it's still dark. But the darkness isn't peaceful anymore. It's filled hatred. So I push my self to get up and eventually make it to Jungkook's house.

I collapse again from working to hard and everything goes black again.

The same peacefulness washes over me.




My eyes flutter open and I'm not on the ground anymore. I'm in Jungkook's house and he's sitting by me.

"J-Jungkook?" I manage to get out.

"Don't talk baby. I'm going to beat his fucking ass! Hoseok will pay for hurting you." He gets up and leaves before I can tell him it wasn't Hoseok. And that it was my father instead. But I'm to late. I can't save Hoseok. Jungkook is already driving to his house in a steaming rage.

To be continued...

2.5k words

This took like three hours to write so I hope you enjoyed reading it! I really enjoyed writing it!

Sorry for any mistakes. I went over it just in case.

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