Konoha's Own Blue-Eyed Puppet...

By Animalover9

85.3K 2.5K 585

-COMPLETED- Everything is suppose to go smoothly in Akisha's life or at least that's what she wanted... But n... More

The Free Clouds
Graduation & A New Team
A Visit From The Sand Siblings
The Written Exam
The Forest Of Death
Passing The Forest Of Death
Akisha's Fight
A Day Off?
The Final Chunin Exam
Truth Revealed
Itachi and Kisame
Knowledge Of The Felines
Meeting Tsunade
The Three Legendary Ninja Reunion
Never A Normal Day
Choji's Decision
For A Comrade
Don't Cry
It's Decided
The Free Clouds

Preliminary Battles

3K 113 23
By Animalover9

I AM SOOO SORRY!! >-< It's been forever since I updated, but for a good reason! ^__^

I've been working on a drawing of Akisha! Look to the side and you'll see her :D I drew her, then scanned her and used an editing program to add paint and stuff. (Which..if you happen to be a blonde at heart like me it's much harder than it looks ._. )

So hope you all like the drawing!~ Even though I know it's not that good XD I'm a mediocre artist at that moment.

So, please enjoy this chapter! 

****Akisha's POV****

I groaned, rubbing my eyes. We have a preliminary battles before an actual battle? What bullshit... We just got out of the Forest of Death, and now we're going to be thrown in another life or death battle. I peeked at glance at Team 7 within this spacey room. I feel pretty bad for them. It looks like they only just got here and happen to be pretty beat up. Naruto looked destroyed, but in high spirits. Sasuke looked really messed up, even more so than Naruto. And Sakura, her hair was cut short and dirt clung to her clothes. It felt unnatural to see her like that, back in the academy, her and Ino fought over who had the clearest skin, softest hair, and all of that girly stuff.

I mean granted our team got a meal, sleep, and a shower. However we still have to wear our dirty clothes and most of our wounds haven't healed. Plus, one night's sleep isn't enough to rest us. All that and the cook here sucks...

"Now then." The old man Hokage's voice rang to us, breaking me from thought. "This is Gekkou Hayate, he will be your instructor for these preliminary rounds." A sickly looking man walked out in front of us, bags under his eyes and he wore a bandana to his head. He coughed into his hand before looking around at us. "Now then-" He took a moment to cough again. "There's something I'd like everyone to do..." 

He coughed heavily for a few seconds, then getting back to the point. "This is a preliminary for the third test as you all know. For this one, you can chose to quit. It will not affect your team at all. And... Um.. You can always try again in the next Chunin Exams.." He breathed in air as if it was going to be his last. Jeez. I almost feel bad for this guy... Although I am thankful I'm standing more or less in the back. I'd rather not get coughed on- "Umm.. I'm going to quit.."  I turned and saw the one gray haired guy with glasses from the beginning of the exams. He had a nervous closed eyed grin with one hand raised. Naruto took a step his way. "Huh!? Kabuto? You can't quit now!" Naruto seemed crushed and upset at the 'Kabuto' guy.

The examiner raised a clip board, checking it. "Yakushi Kabuto. From Konoha, right?" He coughed and checked something on the board. "Okay, you may leave now.." Naruto looked between the examiner Kabuto with an extremely upset face. The examiner scanned all of us before looking back to the clip board. "Does anyone else wish to retire-" Naruto jumped out in front of his team. "Wait! But Kabuto, why!? Why are you quitting!?"  Huh.. Why does Naruto care so much for this guy? Did they get close in the exam? Or..  Had Naruto always known this guy?  My eyebrow automatically raised in question, a devious smirk taking hold of my lips. First that kiss with Sasuke and now so much care over this guy? Naruto's starting to make me question his claimed love for Sakura. Hehe, maybe that's a cover up?

Kabuto sighed distracting me from my random thinking. "Sorry Naruto, I'm too beat up to continue. I actually haven't been able to hear out of my left ear from when the sound ninjas first attacked me. And now we have to risk our lives? I can't." I internally scoffed yet externally face palmed. We had to risk our lives ever since we first stepped into that damn forest. Kabuto gave a friendly wave goodbye to Naruto before walking out. Naruto still looked upset, an understanding look was on his face though.

At least Kabuto knows his limits, that I'll give him.. Unlike someone I know. I glanced at Kiba. I have faith in him but I am worried... What if he and Akamaru have to fight someone dangerous... What if he has to fight Gaara... What if any of my teammates have to fight the sand siblings... Or Choji? Or Shikamaru!? 

...Or me...

Okay, no that wouldn't happen...

'You don't know that, In fact there's a huge chance it might happen.' A little part of me sung.

Great, Now I'm panicking.

Maybe I really should quit though? It would upset everyone but at this rate... I looked down. I'm really am no where as near as strong as Kiba, Shino, or Hinata.... Or even Shikamaru and Choji. Even Akamaru would be stronger than me... I don't have the time to train and become stronger at the moment. All I have is the weak power I thought would get my through these exams. Never did I think it'd be this hard, or deadly. The look of stress became easy to see on my face as I keep digging at myself.

I think... Maybe I really should consider-  Someone rested their hand on my shoulder. I turned, expecting Kiba. To my surprise Shikamaru stood there. 

"I know what you're thinking... Don't do it. You'll regret it, I know you." He whispered quietly. The normal bored look on his face slowly fading away into a more concerned look. Granted, the bored look was still apparent but this is Shikamaru. I shrugged to him. "Thank you, but I don't think I'm strong enough. Honestly I don't think I can survive by myself." Shikamaru sighed looking away before looking back to me. "For what it's worth, I think you can... I uh.. I mean I believe you can. Er... I believe in you." His words got twisted and his face turned a light shade of pink. I smiled to him, an appreciative feeling washing over me from his support.

Truly considering my options, on one hand I could quit: Proving my father right but keeping myself safe. Or on the other hand: I could stay, risking my life but proving I'm not a coward. My eyes drifted over to team 7, team 8, and the rest if team 10. If they can all do this...

I sighed with a tiny smirk on my face. "Fine. But, after all this damn crap is over, we are going to watch some clouds together."  Shikamaru retrieved his hand and smiled a bit with a shake of his head. "Yeah... It's a deal." I turned back to the examiner as Shikamaru inched back to where ever he was standing before. I glanced over the rest of the crowd quickly. Since I'm here I could place some bets, with Gaara going against someone, I would definitely win that with the money placed on Gaara. Same goes for Temari and Kankuro.

A familiar cough was heard gathering everyone's attention. "Umm now.. We will begin the preliminary. Because we have 24 entrants, we will conduct 12 matches. The winners will advance to the first test." He coughed as he lifted his arm to point at some board above us on the wall. "This is an electronic score board and it will show the match ups for each battle." Oh please tell me it pits us against someone of equal strength.

"It matches you all randomly."

 I winced, ah damn... "This is sudden but let's announce the names of the first fight. I bit my lip and prayed to Kami that it wasn't me. No one wants to go up first. I would prefer not to go up at all.

Names flashed on the board before it suddenly stopped. 


I let out a breath of air that I didn't even know I was holding. "Thank you God." I whispered as I wiped my forehead in relief. "Now these two-" He coughed, again. "-Participants come forth." Sasuke and some other guy who's face was covered walked up. The examiner looked in between them. "You are both ready?" They both nodded. Sasuke had a cocky smirk despite his beat up looks.  The examiner pointed to some steps. "Everyone please move to the upper level now."  Slowly I followed my team up the stairs.  Kurenai joined us as all the Senseis were joining their teams. She stood with one arm on her hip. Shino stood in his normal pose. Kiba looking bored leaned against the railing as Hinata had both hands clinging to the railing. 

And then there was me. Sitting right behind the railing with my feet dangling. My hands gripped a bar that came down vertical in between my legs. I grinned and looked up at Kiba. "Hey Kiba, I betcha ten dollars Sasuke wins?" Kiba scoffed. "Yeah right. That other guy barely has any scratches." 

I shrugged, playing it off like Kiba was chickening out. "Bet or not?" 

Kiba smirked. "Bet!"


I laughed as Kiba begrudgingly handed me his money. It had been a pretty close fight, but that Uchiha fought on. Whether it was because his team cheering him on or me yelling at him for almost making me lose a bet. I'll never know.... Actually, it was probably the first choice.

Eventually everyone's faces faded back into a serious look as the electronic board ran through names. 


I worriedly looked up at Shino. I know he's the best out of our team, yet I can't help to fear for him. With guys like Gaara here, no doubt Shino could easily lose a battle, perhaps even his life. "Good luck." Shino nodded as he stepped away from us and walked down the steps. He stopped in front of his opponent who had his arms wrapped in bandages. Hinata looked down. "Do you think Shino will be alright?" Kiba grinned. "Definitely! " Akamaru barked in agreement. Kiba glanced at Shino with a respectful look in his eyes. "He's one guy even I don't want to fight." Really? I never would have guessed that saying Kiba starts fights all the time.

I turned to Shino's battle now, ignoring my team's conversation.


Shino looked at his opponent. "If you fight here, you will be finished. I suggest you forfeit." His voice even in battle monotone. Zaku, I think that's his name, moved one arm in a very shaky way, grinning. "This one moves a little. And that's all I need to defeat you!" He ran at Shino trying to hit him with his one arm. Shino easily blocked the attack though. "You can't beat me with one arm." Zaku grimaced as he flung out his arm. A tiny hole in the middle of his hand. "TAKE THIS!  ZAN-KUU!"

An explosion blasted from his arm sending Shino flying a few feet. I gripped the bar harder as the rest of my team gasped in surprise. Zaku gave Shino a wicked grin. "Hey come on! I'm not done yet! "  Shino got up at his own pace. Zaku's eyes widen seeing a cut on Shino's face filled with insects. 

"What the-" Zaku spun around to see a little wave of insect running at him. "These are called-" "Destruction Bugs." I murmured finishing his sentence. Not that anyone heard except for Shino, judging by that glance he gave me. I can't help I knew that though, Shino is very fond of sharing details about his insects, though Kiba normally zones out and Hinata always looks less than fond to hear it. Shino looked back to Zaku and continued his explanation. I looked at my team seeing Kiba grin at his rival and Hinata still looked worried but I don't think she was worried for Shino now.

"-you should always have a trump card!"  I turned back at the end of his explanation. Zaku seemed to think a bit before flinging out both his arms. "DON'T MESS WITH ME, DAMMIT!!" Kiba grabbed the railing. "What!? He can use his right arm too!?" Like that really matters for Shino though. He'll win this, I know it... There's no way he'd be defeated by someone like this..

Zaku grinned sadistically, ready to end the fight and win his glory. "TAKE THIS!" 

Surprise hit everyone's faces as Zaku's arms both blew up, blood spraying out around him.  "GAAAAAH!!" Zaku fell to his knees, tears of pain plunging off his twisted face. Shino explained how he head his insects fill up the holes in his hands then proceeded to jump forward and send Zaku flying with a punch. He landed on the floor groaning in pain, no longer screaming as shock must have taken over. The examiner looked over at Zaku while Shino stood there pushing up his glasses. The examiner straightened up. "It's over it seems." Some medics ran out and placed Zaku's body on a gurney. "WINNER: ABURAME SHINO!" 

Shino walked back to us at his pace. Hinata turned to him. "G-great job Shino."  Kiba nodded in agreement. "Yeah, good job." His tone was half between 'whatever-I-could-have-done-better' and true gratitude. I patted the only part of Shino I could reach from where I was sitting; his foot. "Yeah, you did awesomely."  Shino went to stand in his spot. "Yes, I'm counting on you guys as well." 

Kiba frowned, his fist balled up and he turned away. No doubt thinking about how Shino was acting like the leader again. 

I looked at my arm feeling a tiny tingle " Hm?"  A small spider crawled up. I internally sweat dropped. Even though I'm use to bugs, it doesn't mean I like them. "Um, Shino?" A little panic in my voice. He looked down, quickly spotting the spider. Shino must have sent a command since the spider jumped away to Shino. Regardless of whether of not he helped me, I smiled a small thanks to him.


My attention snapped back to the exam. There I saw Kankuro with some other guy.  I grinned and looked up at my team. "Hey I bet-" Kiba glared, cutting me off before I could finish. "NO!" I sighed at his refusal. Time to take my business else where then. I stood up. "I'll be back." I turned away hearing Akamaru huff and Kiba agreeing... 

I'll assume they're talking about my gambling problems.

Quickly, I made my way to Team 7.  Sakura looked to me with surprise. "Kisha? What are you doing here?" Naruto pointed an accusing finger at me. "Yeah! I'm trying to watch something here!"  I shrugged and leaned against the railing. "Oh nothing really... I think that Kuro-Senpa-Er.. Kankuro might win this, what about you?"  Naruto crossed his arms. "I don't know! How am I suppose to know?" I shrugged again. "Well I'm just saying. Hell, I'd even bet on it. " I grinned. "Whadd'ya say? Bet?" Sakura sweat dropped, not approving of me trying to take advantage of the blonde. "Naruto's not that stupid, you know?"  Naruto nodded in agreement with Sakura. "Yea-Hey, wait what?" I smirked again. "Oh okay, I get it. If you're that chicken-" Naruto jumped up, all he needed was to hear that word. "PSH! NO! I'LL TAKE THAT BET!" 

Mission successful.

Sakura face palmed as Naruto dug through his pockets.  "I bet TWO ramen coupons!!" I held back a laugh at his bet, but agreed anyway. I shook his hand. "Bet."


Naruto cried anime waterfalls as he fell to the floor. The winner of course came out Kankuro. I held out my hand expectantly as Naruto shakily lifted his arm towards me with the coupons. 

Eventually, I snatched it from him. "Thanks! Pleasure doing business!"  Naruto whimpered about his ramen and Sakura sighed. I ran back to my team in time for the fourth battle.  I looked up at the board Sakura vs. Ino. My arms drooped down. Who'd I pick? Probably Ino to win, she has her mind powers. Even then, I wouldn't want to bet on this anyway, who ever I don't pick to win would kill me for not picking them.

I sat down against the wall and closed my eyes. Sakura's and Ino's loud conversation amazingly lulling me off to sleep. 


"Hey Ki!" 

I opened my eyes with a yawn. That was a nice nap... "HEY! KI!"  I stood up as fast as I could, ready for something and anything. "What!? What happene-"  Kiba cut me off, pointing to the board. Okay, I admit it, this I was not ready for.


My eyes widen as a girl from the Mist jumped down. She had a large sword strapped to her back. A very, very large sword "YAY! IT'S MY TURN!" She clapped happily with one leg bent up, giggling with a closed eye smile. "SO! Where's the person I'm going to slaughter?"

Oh, this is so unfair.


Hah! Sorry for the random cut off >:3

Next chapter is her fight! And I'll post a pic of her opponent! Probably, just find some picture but I might draw it!

You all know the deal~



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